I forget, what's Polygon's stance on P's and frames these days? Will the Remastered score be higher or lower because of the increase in both?
In all seriousness, I can't fucking wait for this to finally hit. I wanted this shit TWO MONTHS AGO. I'm READY. GIVE IT!
TLOU was my most played game in 2013 by far. I sold my PS3 copy when the Remaster was announced and I've been itching and jonesing to play it ever since. I should have just hung onto it and had two copies, but I wanted Wolfenstein and Target had that triple trade value deal at the time.
I'm going to play the shit out of this. I already did Survivor + on PS3, so I'll definitely do a Grounded and Grounded + run this time, plus I want a commentary run as well, so I might kick down to Hard so its a bit less intense. Plus, there's that multiplayer. Man oh man. I was straight up HOOKED on that last summer. I obsessed over it for like 3 months straight. Really enjoyed trying to get my clan population up to record levels too. My best was about 121 I think. Can't wait to get back into this again. It makes me feel like I won't need to buy any other games until the end of Fall. I sure didn't need any last year when I was playing it.