is the MP still fairly active? I only managed to stick with it for a couple weeks after launch and then Destiny ;__; but all this new DLC looks so gewd but I'm a bit apprehensive about dipping my toes in again when everyone is probably level 200+
This is on your end. Check your connection.What the FUCK happened to this game?! The lag is absolutely ridiculous!
I've only been away from this game for a couple of months and come back to this bullshit? White plug of death all over the place for the last two days. I'm fucking done with this trash.
And it always happens when I'm about to get some easy as fuck kills. LIKE CLOCKWORK. Every time. :|
This is one of my favorite MP games ever too. This sucks.
1. Never had this problem before. Never. Not on PS3 not on PS4 until now.This is on your end. Check your connection.
Possibly dumb question: What movement makes me visible on the radar/listen mode?
1) Stop using WiFi.What the FUCK happened to this game?! The lag is absolutely ridiculous!
I've only been away from this game for a couple of months and come back to this bullshit? White plug of death all over the place for the last two days. I'm fucking done with this trash.
And it always happens when I'm about to get some easy as fuck kills. LIKE CLOCKWORK. Every time. :|
This is one of my favorite MP games ever too. This sucks.
1. Never had this problem before. Never. Not on PS3 not on PS4 until now.
2. None of my other online games have lag issues like this. None.
3. I've checked my connections. Nothings out of the ordinary.
4. I Google searched this problem and it does't seem to be that rare. Just uncommon.
Everything, with 2 conditions. If you have covert training 2 or 3 you won't be seen when crouch walking. And without covert training you won't be seen in listen mode, but only if you stay still and don't move at all.
Are you visible when crouch aiming with covert 2 and 3 or in the back pack with Covert 2 and 3?
If it does go F2P (which IMO won't happen too soon as it was just released on PS4 a few months ago). What happens to users who bought the game? Do we get free stuff? Anyone know what happened in Uncharted 3 when it went F2P ?
This is on your end. Check your connection.
Do you stream factions even if you don't post a link here?
Aww didn't get to see samurai helmet in action.
Aww didn't get to see samurai helmet in action.
Here was the best moment from my stream
It works best with the frontier weaponNice.
Clearly I have to work on my weapon switching.
That level 2 upgrade seems OP. PAAAAAAAY TO WIIIIIIIIIIIN!Here was the best moment from my stream
Are you guys sure that the DLC special executions are not faster?
I swear I got special executed a lot faster, but maybe I'm imagining it. That's a really big advantage if not.
Also, the tactical shotgun instantly executing any downed player in one shot: That's not different than the HR, right? These are the only two weapons that instantly execute in one shot?
The new lethal efficiency perk offers a faster execution, yes, but the new weapon-specific executions are not any shorter.
The HR and bow will execute in one shot, as well as the tactical and I think the frontier too.
I played only one match yesterday after months of not touching the game. Took me a while to get used to the control scheme again (I've been playing The Evil Within, so I pressed R1 to crouch a lot in the first few minutes), but once I did, man, this is so fun. I don't know why I stopped playing.
The Hunting Rifle might be my favorite weapon on any TPS ever, the feedback on that weapon is incredible.
my man.....HR is the best weapon in the game. The sound and reload animation just make it that much better.
Best purchasable is still Shotgun.
Haven't played this since it first releases on PS3. Any drastic changes in the last year and generation leap?
So, the tactical shotgun is the bestof the DLC weapons?most overpowered
Daddy wants a new gun.
Quite proud of this one. I went 16-3 and ended up being the last man standing against the whole enemy team to grab the win. (Last teammate dies at ~12:30) Also, no listen mode. That and the paid for skills are the only real issues I have with the multiplayer.
Burst pistol is OP.
So disappointed in ND or the person who though this was okay. Do you honestly think having a pistol, which outdoes the flipping burst rifle and has less recoil is any way fair? Like how does one even reach to the conclusion that it is fair.
Burst pistol is not OP.
I don't know how you came to that conclusion. The enforcer, shorty, and revolver are all better than it.
Duuuude. Duuuuuuuuuuuuuuuude.
Everyone got booted.
Good half-game lol
We just pushed out a live update to Matchmaking on PS3 (version 1.11.020) and PS4 (version 1.06.020) which enables KDR filtering in matchmaking.
Before the latest patch, the first few stages of matchmaking would look for hosts who met a variety of criteria (latency, region, language). One of these criteria was the host having a similar experience level as the player searching for a match (based on the number of weeks played - the number next to your name in the lobby). Since this rarely worked effectively (as many of you here have noted), and experience doesn't always equate to skill, we're trying an experiment to see if using a Kill to Death Ratio (KDR) filter will result in more even matches.
Now instead of using the experience level criteria the first few stages of matchmaking will look for hosts who meet the core criteria of latency / region / language and have a KDR within a similar range to the player searching (+/- 0.6). If a player cannot find a host within a similar KDR range they will continue to look for hosts that match the core criteria, so even if KDR filtering fails players will still be searching for low-latency matches.
And on the topic of latency, we have another change to matchmaking coming which we hope will improve latency, but we need to roll these changes out in stages so we can examine the stats and your feedback to see how they're performing.
Let us know in this thread if you are finding: A) matches are more evenly matched, B) matches are less evenly matched, or C) no perceived change. Note that there will still be matches where KDR filtering does not succeed (as mentioned above) so this isn't something that will likely be noticeable after just a few matches, but more of something that should help over longer play periods. It should also be noted that KDR of course isn't a perfect measure of player skill and even if players are evenly matched it doesn't mean they will be playing at the same level as their historic performance. So basically it's not perfect but it should help over the long term.
Also note that this change is independent of the team-balancing that occurs between matches. That also uses KDR and tries to allocate players so that both teams have a combined KDR that is as equal as possible.
We'll also be monitoring various stats so if we see a jump in average latency or matchmaking times we can make changes to this experimental feature. Since matchmaking changes require testing in a real-world environment to propery evaluate we appreciate your patience and feedback as we try this out.
Playing at 1080p 60 FPS is glorious. And there's also a new array of weapons, skills and cosmetic items.