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The Last of Us: Remastered |OT| Game of the Years


Unconfirmed Member
Ending Spoilers

I think the worst thing Joel did was killing the three doctors (possibly 1 who knew what he was doing and two assistants). New doctors can't be made easily in this world now if at all. I assume that people could learn a bit by spending years studying medical books left behind in med school. You would have to clear it of infected and form a community there though. So not likely and the ability of the new doctors wouldn't be as good. Ellie could always go back and have the surgery done once shes lived a full life and is ready to die. I also assume that she can't be the only immune person. I'm sure that someone else who is immune will be born eventually. Just kinda hard to know if your immune or not without getting bitten and surviving the encounter with the infected.

A doctor loyal to a warring faction that ended many lives by stirring up shit in and stealing resources from the few remaining relatively safe havens, just because they want to be in power; a doctor that was willing to kill a 14-year old kid for the highly improbable chance of discovering a cure that would solve nothing even in the best case scenario. As far as Joel was concerned, this doctor was just another hunter, killing others for his own gain; just another soldier, fighting in a pointless power struggle that would only lead to more death and destruction and suffering.

When he waved his scalpel at Joel, he sealed his own fate.

There is no black and white here, only grey.
Well I finished the game.

Wow that ending. I can't even.

Joel had a tough choice to make at the end, but I constantly found myself saying through the entire game "What the fuck Joel?". He treats Ellie like shit through most of the game and at the end gives into his selfish desire to save the only person he has left rather than give humanity a chance for survival.

Alhough Joel's Character is not my favorite, his actions as the protagonist of the game are what make me like it so much. In a real zombie outbreak it would be unlikely that there would be this true wholesome hero who wants to save the day. At the end of the day only your loved ones matter because you don't want to be alone in the world. Plus I suppose Joel had a special circumstance with his daughter dying and he didn't want to go through that again.

But I can't believe he lied to poor Ellie like that :(


Beat the game yesterday. Was fun and the story was good. Great voice acting and Ellie's personality was great.

Just started Left Behind today and...
I got to the part where Ellie and that girl kissed. Well, that was unexpected.
Again I did the basement section without encountering the

Where does it even spawn? Why don't you already have the key card before you start the generator? When has shit not gone down after starting a generator? Name one instance.


Again I did the basement section without encountering the

Where does it even spawn? Why don't you already have the key card before you start the generator? When has shit not gone down after starting a generator? Name one instance.

It starts right next to the exit door I think.


Again I did the basement section without encountering the

Where does it even spawn? Why don't you already have the key card before you start the generator? When has shit not gone down after starting a generator? Name one instance.

it spawns
by the door you need to exit through, if you start the generator and run straight there you will see him. if you start the generator and wait a little bit before running for it you will miss him completely as he's making his way to the basement. I don't understand your keycard question, you can grab it before you start the generator
it spawns
by the door you need to exit through, if you start the generator and run straight there you will see him. if you start the generator and wait a little bit before running for it you will miss him completely as he's making his way to the basement. I don't understand your keycard question, you can grab it before you start the generator

Exactly what I did. Saw one regular zombie on the way, opened the door and I was out lol

I figured it must appear if you start the generator first then go for the card. I dunno, I must be lucky... for the third time now
I did both holsters, the rifle scope, increased range on the bow and clip rate on the pistol (Bill's safehouse upgrade)

I gotta say, maybe I got better at these types of game by playing Tomb Raider DE and Uncharted 2 right before this but Hard is not nearly as tough as Normal was for me last year lol

I have had the same experience. I have still died quite a few times in certain areas but overall some of the areas that I struggled with on normal with listen mode on have been easier for me on hard with listen mode off.

As far as weapon upgrades go I think it is mostly personal preference. I have upgraded the weapons that I like best. For example I love the revolver and hate the pistol so I upgraded that first. Shotty and bow over hunting rifle.

Just got to
fall and Tommy's and can't wait for more!
Such good, most fun!


All this talk about the ending makes me wonder if people don't realize that
Joel is the villain of The Last of Us.

I don't get this opinion at all. It's been stated many times; there are no villains or heroes in this game. It's just a bunch of people trying to survive the best way they can.


Hey does New Game+ count towards completion Trophies or do I need to make a brand new game save?

yes new game+ counts, you can't get all the upgrades on a single playthrough

For those who finished the game on grounded difficulty, does it unlocks the lesser difficulty trophies or not ?

grounded should unlock the lower difficulty trophies

All this talk about the ending makes me wonder if people don't realize that
Joel is the villain of The Last of Us.

there are no
in the last of us, only
and uh..
non survivors


I don't understand why people are having trouble with the load times? Besides the initial first boot load (the one where it actually gives you a %, which was about 5 minutes or so), the load times are fine by me.

I am not understanding this initial load thing. I didn't have a percentage bar and it took about 30secs - 1min for me.


Is anyone else having problems with going out of stealth for no good reason when strangling people? It happened to me
in Pittsburgh
outside the bookstore when strangling the hunter who begins walking towards the bus and on the second floor of the first hotel encounter when strangling the hunter walking around the balcony area. I am quite sure that no enemy was close by when I did the takedowns and it was definitely the strangling animations playing out. I restarted the encounter outside the bookstore several times to try different points of attack, but I was detected by the other hunters every time I tried to strangle the specific hunter ... Although for some reason it was possible to take him out stealthily with the bow. The second encounter was not practical to restart, so I just proceeded with the game.


I am not understanding this initial load thing. I didn't have a percentage bar and it took about 30secs - 1min for me.

The very first time you put the disc in, and boot up, the loading screen with the spores flying around had a numbered %, and it took a few minutes to complete. Never had it again after that.
Grounded sure is crazy, Runners have become the most dangerous enemy in the entire game.

Just got outta the Hotel Basement with the

Took me about 100 tries. Everyone saying "just get the keycard first" isn't playing on Grounded. When you grab the keycard, 4 super lethal runners spawn, which on Grounded are pretty much Clickers that can see.

Then after the generator is on, 4 more Super-Runners and the Bloater spawn. You can't really go hand to hand with Runners anymore, because they kill you in 1-2 hits.

Really happy to be past that part, I was dreading it.

Now I'm only worried about
The Sewers
The Big Finale
Heh. Yay people talking bout the ending.

Ending spoilers:
I just knew they were going to kill her. I just didn't anticipate that Joel would kill everyone including the doctors to get Ellie back alive. I reluctantly played that section and was gutted when he killed Marlene. I didn't realize that I was playing as a selfish, psychopathic old man until the final 30 mins. He doomed humanity so that he could live out his years with someone that could replace his daughter. It's not that I don't understand why he couldn't let her go, I just angry that he didn't for the sake of humanity. Ellie definitely wanted her death to mean something and Joel stole it from her.

I see another angle to it. Ellie saved Joel's life physically and at times mentally throughout their journey and he returned the favor. As others have said the Fireflys were not necessarily a trustworthy group as hinted throughout the game. Even though Ellie was ready to sacrifice her life (It can't be for nothing), she was robbed of her choice in the end by both the Fireflys and Joel because she was unconscious. The way Marlene says "she would have wanted this" implies they never asked her about it either.

Joel is still an asshole for massacring all those people. >_> Mainly that 'innocent' surgeon.


GerAlt-Right. Ciriously.
Ending Spoilers

I think the worst thing Joel did was killing the three doctors (possibly 1 who knew what he was doing and two assistants). New doctors can't be made easily in this world now if at all. I assume that people could learn a bit by spending years studying medical books left behind in med school. You would have to clear it of infected and form a community there though. So not likely and the ability of the new doctors wouldn't be as good. Ellie could always go back and have the surgery done once shes lived a full life and is ready to die. I also assume that she can't be the only immune person. I'm sure that someone else who is immune will be born eventually. Just kinda hard to know if your immune or not without getting bitten and surviving the encounter with the infected.

killing of the doctors is the one thing that I agree with that Joel did that was completely unnecessary and I didn't like it.


Took me about 100 tries. Everyone saying "just get the keycard first" isn't playing on Grounded. When you grab the keycard, 4 super lethal runners spawn, which on Grounded are pretty much Clickers that can see.

Then after the generator is on, 4 more Super-Runners and the Bloater spawn. You can't really go hand to hand with Runners anymore, because they kill you in 1-2 hits.

Really happy to be past that part, I was dreading it.

even on grounded its not hard, get the keycard, hang out in the security room with your shotgun pointing out the door, wait for the 4 of them to come to you, start the generator, wait a bit, run for it, you'll encounter maybe one more runner on the way to the door. you don't have to kill the bloater or any of the rest


The game auto saves pretty regularly, which is nice.

I don't understand why people are having trouble with the load times? Besides the initial first boot load (the one where it actually gives you a %, which was about 5 minutes or so), the load times are fine by me.

I just timed it with a stopwatch. Loading my save, which is in a hotel lobby in Pittsburgh, took exactly 2 minutes and 43 seconds. And I have the 1TB SSHD which is typically very quick. Oh well.


Just finished my grounded run. I beat the game 3 times on ps3 but I was just as blown away on this play through. I think Last of Us is a legitimate possibility for best game of all time. It's a great story with fantastic characters and tense, enjoyable gameplay. If it's not the greatest, it will definitely end up in the top ten. Naughty Gods indeed.
Grounded sure is crazy, Runners have become the most dangerous enemy in the entire game.

Just got outta the Hotel Basement with the

Took me about 100 tries. Everyone saying "just get the keycard first" isn't playing on Grounded. When you grab the keycard, 4 super lethal runners spawn, which on Grounded are pretty much Clickers that can see.

Then after the generator is on, 4 more Super-Runners and the Bloater spawn. You can't really go hand to hand with Runners anymore, because they kill you in 1-2 hits.

Really happy to be past that part, I was dreading it.

Now I'm only worried about
The Sewers
The Big Finale

Key card first was better for me on Grounded. Runners are easy to kill. Brick/Bottle+2 punches=dead runner. Start running laps around the given area and take me out one at a time. Piece-o-Cake.


Grounded sure is crazy, Runners have become the most dangerous enemy in the entire game.

Just got outta the Hotel Basement with the

Took me about 100 tries. Everyone saying "just get the keycard first" isn't playing on Grounded. When you grab the keycard, 4 super lethal runners spawn, which on Grounded are pretty much Clickers that can see.

Then after the generator is on, 4 more Super-Runners and the Bloater spawn. You can't really go hand to hand with Runners anymore, because they kill you in 1-2 hits.

Really happy to be past that part, I was dreading it.

Now I'm only worried about
The Sewers
The Big Finale

Surprised you had a difficult time. All I did was as soon as I started the generator I ran to the door. Only 1 runner was near the door so I bricked him and opened the door before the bloater/other runners could get me. Yes this was on grounded.
So I've played it for a couple hours now, and what I've really noticed about the benefits of 60fps is that, for me at least, it immerses you more.

I guess that goes without saying, but that for me is my favorite benefit of having 60fps. I think, with perhaps the exception of say a very slow moving game like a golf game, 60fps should probably be default from now on.
So far I'm not really seeing what the hype is about. I'm only a couple of hours in, but so far it's just tedious stealth with questionable A.I.


Being the first time I'm playing this game I'm liking it a lot. The game looks so sharp, it's a great looking game. I love the 60fps also, game benefits a lot from the framerate (as most games do). I played around with the settings and locked it to 30fps and woah... I played all the Uncharted games and they all felt fine at 30fps and since TLoU is similar I said let me try the game at 30.

That lasted all of maybe a minute and I slapped that baby back to 60fps fast. Naughty Dog are right. With their games there's no going back to 30.

One thing though I'm not enjoying too much is Joel's movement. As far as proper aiming it's fine. I raised the sensitivity to 90% and with the weapon sway upgrade it feels fine. It's the turning that feels so heavy to me. Uncharted was a bit like this also. I just wish Joel felt a little more nimble to move. Something more like MGS5 or Tomb Raider DE.

Maybe have a separate sensitivity setting for the third person camera. Besides that though I like the game a lot. Just got to
a section where I have to get to a bridge, after having dropped off Bill.
Do I have a lot to go?
Hard..and that's a problem.

You don't have any DLC installed? The glitches seem to be the same as they were in PS3. So if you pre-ordered and are using the health boost, that might be a reason, one way to try is to delete the game and start again. (hopefully you've got a save from the last playthrough. )

But first, just try again. I remember something similar happening to me on PS3 but I don't remember what I did to fix it. I do know that there was a solution that worked.

If worse comes to worse, you can try the new game plus glitch. I'll explain if need be.


I wanted to dominate the living room. Then I took an ESRAM in the knee.
Can't play the first half of TLoU's Winter
without Syrio Forel's voice in my head. "If you pierce them, the water runs out, and they die…". Arya vs Ellie, who would win? :p


Does anyone know if in the lower difficulty modes there are more pills/parts around? I know there's more alcohol/rags/scissors/etc. in lower difficulties. I'm trying to get the max upgrade weapon/supplement trophies on my new game plus. Can't decide if it'll be worth it to run through on easy just so I can grab everything.


Does anyone know if in the lower difficulty modes there are more pills/parts around? I know there's more alcohol/rags/scissors/etc. lower difficulties. I'm trying to get the max upgrade weapon/supplement trophies on my new game plus. Can't decide if it'll be worth it to run through on easy just so I can grab everything.

i dont know if there are more but it'll certainly be easier to explore every corner of the map without having to worry about difficult enemies, you can work on the collectible trophies too
Hard..and that's a problem.

Also, did you reload any previous saves before starting a new game? because that will also do it from what I remember. So you have to go directly to new game plus. If you have a save file from your other playthrough near the end, just finish the game again and then go directly to NG+.


i dont know if there are more but it'll certainly be easier to explore every corner of the map without having to worry about difficult enemies, you can work on the collectible trophies too

Yeah I got all the collectibles on my first play through on hard and I just beat it on grounded so I have grounded + available. I would do new game + on grounded but I'm afraid I won't have enough to fully max out my weaps and supplements :(


Ending Spoilers

I think the worst thing Joel did was killing the three doctors (possibly 1 who knew what he was doing and two assistants).

Good point, but FWIW,
I don't think you have to kill all three doctors. I only shot one of them (the guy who shouts at you) after he pulled out a weapon (A knife or scalpel, iirc)


Unconfirmed Member
All this talk about the ending makes me wonder if people don't realize that
Joel is the villain of The Last of Us.

There are no heroes or villains in The Last of Us, only survivors.

Heh. Yay people talking bout the ending.

I see another angle to it. Ellie saved Joel's life physically and at times mentally throughout their journey and he returned the favor. As others have said the Fireflys were not necessarily a trustworthy group as hinted throughout the game. Even though Ellie was ready to sacrifice her life (It can't be for nothing), she was robbed of her choice in the end by both the Fireflys and Joel because she was unconscious. The way Marlene says "she would have wanted this" implies they never asked her about it either.

Joel is still an asshole for massacring all those people. >_> Mainly that 'innocent' surgeon.

killing of the doctors is the one thing that I agree with that Joel did that was completely unnecessary and I didn't like it.


What do you guys think of the point I made on this?

Maybe have a separate sensitivity setting for the third person camera. Besides that though I like the game a lot. Just got to
a section where I have to get to a bridge, after having dropped off Bill.
Do I have a lot to go?
You still have plenty of the game to go. ;-)
Does anyone know if in the lower difficulty modes there are more pills/parts around? I know there's more alcohol/rags/scissors/etc. in lower difficulties. I'm trying to get the max upgrade weapon/supplement trophies on my new game plus. Can't decide if it'll be worth it to run through on easy just so I can grab everything.

I'm pretty sure parts and pills stay the same, regardless of difficulty.


Did I just encounter a weird glitch?

Spoilers for last part of the game

In the underground tunnel just before you reach the hospital, there's this section where you walk over a bunch of vehicles because there's a current below. It's where eventually Joel slips and you wake up in the hospital.

I just accidently fell down a bus into the water and I was dragged by the current against another bus. I can't swim back because of the water force and there is no way to climb on this bus I'm pushed against. Seems like an odd glitch and I'll probably have to restart the encounter... I'm on grounded though and I'm really scared that restarting will put me back to the place with all the bloaters :(


You don't have any DLC installed? The glitches seem to be the same as they were in PS3. So if you pre-ordered and are using the health boost, that might be a reason, one way to try is to delete the game and start again. (hopefully you've got a save from the last playthrough. )

But first, just try again. I remember something similar happening to me on PS3 but I don't remember what I did to fix it. I do know that there was a solution that worked.

If worse comes to worse, you can try the new game plus glitch. I'll explain if need be.
That solution from your link helped, thx! I just loaded last chapter, skip credits, then started a ng+ and all fine.
Well, I said it so many times :smileytongue: But maybe it will help you too. If you went to any of the previous chapters, through chapter select, your skills/upgrades progress in new game plus will be equal to the last chapter you've been to, since that's the last save game you made, I sure hope you kept you 100% completion survivor save, because to have all your stuff the way you had when you finished the game, you have to load the 100% save from survivor and then go to new game plus. It was the reason for me and for few other people, so try that and lemme know if it worked (you can check the moment you get yout backpack)


I'd be in the dick
So I've played it for a couple hours now, and what I've really noticed about the benefits of 60fps is that, for me at least, it immerses you more.

I guess that goes without saying, but that for me is my favorite benefit of having 60fps. I think, with perhaps the exception of say a very slow moving game like a golf game, 60fps should probably be default from now on.

Same here. The added depth and clarity immerse me more in the world.
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