The perfect Dark
Why does Joel give such a weird response when Ellie asks him if he just ordered coffee at coffee shops?
Why does Joel give such a weird response when Ellie asks him if he just ordered coffee at coffee shops?
That part looks fine. It must just be a glitch.I don't get why it's just that spore section that's fucked.
The rest so far look as they should.
Anyone seen whatlooks like?Uni
cool. I've been watching off and on but might be able to catch the last section.It was. And since my friend and I are in no hurry at the moment I'm going all the way to the credits.
Doesn't seem to be a glitch, it's most likely designed that way. You have to either throw a brick, or wait a couple seconds to aim your gun at a begging enemy. This guy's brick tutorial actually mentions that little quirk near the end.Also has anybody noticed a few weird glitches here and there? This has happened a few times but when you have a human enemy on the ground in the "beg for mercy" position I always mash the melee button but it doesn't do anything... Joel just stands there and the enemy gets up and attacks me. Am I doing something wrong in these situations?
My jaw dropped the first time I got taken all the way back. Fuckin brutal.cant believe you have to play that entire last area with one life on grounded mode - so awesome
anyway next up grounded+ run, now that i know the intricacies of the difficulty im going for less than 10 deaths, wish me luck
Sheeeeeeeeeit.cant believe you have to play that entire last area with one life on grounded mode - so awesome
anyway next up grounded+ run, now that i know the intricacies of the difficulty im going for less than 10 deaths, wish me luck
It was like a victory dance. Took out all my frustration on the innocent people. Now a little stroll through the park and @ giancarloYOU FUCKING ANIMAL!
Honestly the only thing that pisses me off about Grounded and Survival is the lack of supplies for Shivs. I cleared every area in this game of enemies every time, scoured seemingly every corner, and I still didn't have enough parts for 3-4 out of the 13 shiv doors. Fucking bullshit.
There was nothing quit like getting to a shiv door and realizing you are only one scissor and/or tape part away from a full shiv. uggggggh
I've come to the startling realization that shiv doors are a goddamn waste on Survival and up.
You just don't get enough back for it to be worth it, seriously.
I'm trying to play the tlou on a difficulty that's not too unreasonable but isn't too easy. Is hard the right difficulty to start with or normal?
I'm trying to play the tlou on a difficulty that's not too unreasonable but isn't too easy. Is hard the right difficulty to start with or normal?
Yes and turn off Listen Mode
I did my first playthrough on Hard and enjoyed it. Wouldn't call it unreasonable by any stretch. I was strapped to the gills like Rambo before long, but it was still more engaging than what I imagine a lower difficulty setting would be. My Remastered playthrough will be Survivor, so I'll see about that next.
I'm trying to play the tlou on a difficulty that's not too unreasonable but isn't too easy. Is hard the right difficulty to start with or normal?
I am about half way through my very first play-through and I chose Hard based on recommendations from this very forum. It has been excellent s far, a few challenging bits but not so challenging as to completely break you and rip you out of the narrative. Listening is something people recommended playing with it off but I have enjoyed being able to see enemy movement and understand what the AI Is doing behind the scenes. Already looking forward to my Grounded playthrough.I'm trying to play the tlou on a difficulty that's not too unreasonable but isn't too easy. Is hard the right difficulty to start with or normal?
I noticed that too so far on my hard playthrough, and I also only played Normal on the PS3 version. Think it's just because I'm more used to the mechanics and what to expect as well. That and the game feels much better control wise with the 60FPS and DS4 of course.Am I the only one that thinks hard difficulty is easy? I remember my playthrough on normal being more difficult on the PS3. Maybe I just know what to expect now though.
Mine looked like that too. Awful.
For reference here is the PS3 version
Finished going throughand a bit beyond. Blah, finally. One of my least favorite areas of the game. It's not all bad, but there are some really annoying parts to it. Like right before you getthe "Bill" section of the gameJesus what a pain.into the Gymnasium, going through the school halls.
Where in the menu is the Grounded documentary?
EDIT: Found it.
I do love the documentary and that it's included from the get-go, but one thing that pains me is that there's no way to pause or rewind it. I could just go online and watch it on youtube, but without subs.
Honestly the only thing that pisses me off about Grounded and Survival is the lack of supplies for Shivs. I cleared every area in this game of enemies every time, scoured seemingly every corner, and I still didn't have enough parts for 3-4 out of the 13 shiv doors. Fucking bullshit.
There was nothing quit like getting to a shiv door and realizing you are only one scissor and/or tape part away from a full shiv. uggggggh
Friend of mine is having an issue currently. He said he having an issue while moving his character (whether it be in single player or multi-player) in which they will take a few steps, stutter step, few steps, stutter step, etc. This will happen when he is running or walking.
Anyone having a similar issue? I saw a couple posts on reddit mention this, but there doesn't seem to be a fix. I thought maybe it was a bad install but idk.
Friend of mine is having an issue currently. He said he having an issue while moving his character (whether it be in single player or multi-player) in which they will take a few steps, stutter step, few steps, stutter step, etc. This will happen when he is running or walking.
Anyone having a similar issue? I saw a couple posts on reddit mention this, but there doesn't seem to be a fix. I thought maybe it was a bad install but idk.
Odd glitch in the hotel:
So glad I waited for the Remaster to play through Left Behind. I can't help but smile at these scenes, and everything looks so goddamn amazing and sharp.
Friend of mine is having an issue currently. He said he having an issue while moving his character (whether it be in single player or multi-player) in which they will take a few steps, stutter step, few steps, stutter step, etc. This will happen when he is running or walking.
Anyone having a similar issue? I saw a couple posts on reddit mention this, but there doesn't seem to be a fix. I thought maybe it was a bad install but idk.
Wow, the end of Left Behind is straight up bullshit on grounded. The enemies are omniscient for the most part. I killed one dude in a room off to the side with a stealth takedown and 2 dudes come running straight to me.
Yeah, I hate when the game pulls that shit. I'll stealth kill a bunch of guys but somehow dudes across the room, completely out of sight, know exactly where I am and then they rush me. The fuck out of here with that crap.Wow, the end of Left Behind is straight up bullshit on grounded. The enemies are omniscient for the most part. I killed one dude in a room off to the side with a stealth takedown and 2 dudes come running straight to me.
Odd glitch in the hotel:
You can play left behind on grounded now? I know you couldn't on the PS3, nice that they added the option for PS4.
I couldn't believe they threw inIt kind of ruins the experience. I loved it until the end but it's frustrating as fuck. I was lining up an arrow shot on an enemy a hundred yards to a guy's left with him looking 90 degrees away. I fire the shot, he immediately dashes backwards to matrix dodge the arrow, then spins and headshots me immediately.