I hope everyone plans on watching the TLoU GAF tournament.
Yeah, it is going great and when we get to round 2 it is going to become crazy [INFECTUS VS Hot Schadenfreude is a must watch]
I hope everyone plans on watching the TLoU GAF tournament.
I hope everyone plans on watching the TLoU GAF tournament.
I hit the last optional conversation and no trophy. Goddamnit. I'm sure I hit them all.
Did you stick to the left side for that? That area was a pain until I realized you could go left right at the start. No clue how I missed those stairs.
Yeah left side stairs, I missed them too lol.
For those that don't know try this.
Head for the stairs to your left, sprint over the bins in front of you, head slightly left and jump down from the wall and approach the doorway straight in front. Immediately turn back and climb the wall, hide and wait for the men to go past. Then sneak all the way up to the fence and go over it.
Then just sprint to the snipers house and all the way up to his room.
Did it first try, best way.
Even on survivor you can cheese this part and just run straight up this route and into the house.
Even on survivor you can cheese this part and just run straight up this route and into the house.
So, Left Behind:Using clickers/zombies vs David's men was fun, but I really wish the flashback didn't end before Riley had turned. Also found the whole lesbian angle to be unnecessary and borderline exploitative.
The book of puns and the photo booth were really sweet moments, however.
Man, matchmaking takes forever.
did they remove focus/6.sense-mode from suvivor or am i just unable to find the right button?
wasn't turned of on ps3 on survivor.
it was
maybe after some update? im pretty sure i used this and still got my survivor trophy after my first and only playthrough.
well maybe my memory is just playing tricks.
Memory is tricking you. Survivor was locked on ps3. Hardest difficulty from the start was hard. Survivor was available on a second playthrough.maybe after some update? im pretty sure i used this and still got my survivor trophy after my first and only playthrough.
well maybe my memory is just playing tricks.
So, Left Behind:Using clickers/zombies vs David's men was fun, but I really wish the flashback didn't end before Riley had turned. Also found the whole lesbian angle to be unnecessary and borderline exploitative.
What mode is everyone playing on their first run through? I started on Hard and I must say the difficulty seems perfectly balanced. Challenging but not frustrating. I am even thinking I can handle Survivor for a second play trough
Holy shit at the sewers.
The note from Kyle, the bodies of the children and the writing on the floor 'They didn't suffer'
Also,The part where Ellie gives the robot to Henry's brother. Amazing that if you watch her carefully, earlier on she hangs around the robot in the toy store, looking suspicious, when you turn away she walks off and the robot has gone. Brilliant attention to detail.
What mode is everyone playing on their first run through? I started on Hard and I must say the difficulty seems perfectly balanced. Challenging but not frustrating. I am even thinking I can handle Survivor for a second play trough
What mode is everyone playing on their first run through? I started on Hard and I must say the difficulty seems perfectly balanced. Challenging but not frustrating. I am even thinking I can handle Survivor for a second play trough
Hunter runs towards Ellie, she runs off and I pop him in the head.
Love how the hunter reflects the pick up's taillight.
I seriously think they nerfed the difficulty in survivor. I had so many supplies and ammo at the end it was almost disappointing.
For a mode that I thought was supposed to be made only for the most hardcore of players grounded mode was way easier than I was expecting even. I didn't reach a point where I wished food poisoning on whoever made the mode and not once did I feel like an area was impossible. That's good though, it meant it was enjoyable lol. I came in thinking it'd crush my soul though.Grounded is the way to go
Mine was the same. I thought I was supposed to get a pre-order bonus code or something but I guess not.My case had no codes/coupons/booklet. Just the game disc. Is it supposed to be this way? Strange...
My case had no codes/coupons/booklet. Just the game disc. Is it supposed to be this way? Strange...
My case had no codes/coupons/booklet. Just the game disc. Is it supposed to be this way? Strange...
For a mode that I thought was supposed to be made only for the most hardcore of players grounded mode was way easier than I was expecting even. I didn't reach a point where I wished food poisoning on whoever made the mode and not once did I feel like an area was impossible. That's good though, it meant it was enjoyable lol. I came in thinking it'd crush my soul though.
Mine was the same. I thought I was supposed to get a pre-order bonus code or something but I guess not.
Yeah it's actually very enjoyable. At first I was looking at the times between checkpoints like, "Are you kidding me?" After plugging away at it though, it's all pretty doable. You really have to focus on optimizing.
The bookstore in Pittsburgh, eventually I figured out away to sneak through it in about a minute. The mode kind of opens your eyes up. It's cool
Nope but I pre-ordered the Sunday before it came out. Did I get shafted?On the front of the box, does it say 'day 1 edition'?
[Ending]Having to shoot the doctor and then get called a fucking monster is one of the more brutal things I've seen in a video game.
Nope but I pre-ordered the Sunday before it came out. Did I get shafted?
Guess I'll have to look into it then.That day 1 edition is a UK thing I think.
I preorder when it was announced and got an empty case to. Amazon emailed me a code though.
I seriously think they nerfed the difficulty in survivor. I had so many supplies and ammo at the end it was almost disappointing.
also noticed Ellie stops for split second before Joel shoots.
I burned them all with the flame thrower on PS3 on my first playthrough. They were the monsters!