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The Last of Us: Remastered |OT| Game of the Years

I am going to use Easy mode to get the rest of my trophies after my Grounded play through. You just can't visit every nook and cranny on Grounded mode like you can on Easy.

After Grounded mode, hard is a piece of cake. I unlocked all the collectibles on hard after my Survival + playthrough on the PS3 because normal was too boring.


Finally finished TLOU and Left Behind both on grounded mode.

It feels so much better to play with no HUD and listen mode off. The game is so much tense and realistic on grounded, one of the toughest game modes I played in a while.


I'd be in the dick
Guys, I did it. I beat Grounded.


A fond farewell to a great game, that I enjoyed even more because of this fantastic difficulty. Truly the way TLOU was meant to be played. Anyone who's doubting to start in this mode, do it. Great fun.

171 deaths

I win
Hey guys. Beat the game on normal on PS3 and now playing it through PS4 on Survivor.

I'm having trouble with
Ellie and David's stand in the shed (the one with the bloater at the end).

Any tips here. Or is it a little bit of luck and timing?


Hey guys. Beat the game on normal on PS3 and now playing it through PS4 on Survivor.

I'm having trouble with
Ellie and David's stand in the shed (the one with the bloater at the end).

Any tips here. Or is it a little bit of luck and timing?

What I did on grounded was I used bricks and bottles to knock out the runners early on, for clickers use the rifle. Use the bow when you're in trouble against runners. Sometimes when David gets into a fist fight with a runner/clicker you can actually run up to them and press triangle to knife them. Molotov/Bomb the bloater and 1-2 headshots with the rifle will take him out. Essentially only use bullets when necessary.

I recommend staying in the back corner on the top level as you can see enemies coming in from early angle. I thought this part was much easier than the first part since you have more room to run and more supplies around.

I had 0 deaths in grounded mode. ;)
Hey guys. Beat the game on normal on PS3 and now playing it through PS4 on Survivor.

I'm having trouble with
Ellie and David's stand in the shed (the one with the bloater at the end).

Any tips here. Or is it a little bit of luck and timing?

Few things I picked up on.

1. If you see David struggling with an infected you can stab it for an instant kill with triangle. It also works on the staggering state that they fall into after he pushes them away.

2. You're going to have to use the bow maybe 50/50 with the rifle. Maybe more. Try not to miss and hope that they don't break. I think the game balances it out if you break too many and more rifle ammo drops. I only ran out of ammo if I missed a couple shots.

3. Brick + stab is also a good combo when you're out of ammo. Try to use the bricks during the encounter to conserve on ammo. Be careful that you don't get ambushed though.

4. For the Bloater drop the nail bomb in front of the elevator thing where he drops down. He'll trigger it. Throw a molotov (pretty sure you get both of these there) and then to kill it you should have to fire just one shot from your rifle.

Probably the most nightmarish area from my Grounded run. Beating it felt damn good though. Of the 122 deaths I finished on I'm pretty sure at least a quarter were from there lol


I'm sure it's been asked, but I'm on NG+ and just missed a shiv door. Can I go back to it through Chapter select and carry on, or would that ruin my NG+ run?

Grounded run starting this weekend. ;)


So I am at the part
after reaching the bridge then Joel and Elie jumps down the bridge

At what % am I into the game?
The worst thing so far is actually the enemies. I'm playing on Normal right now and it feels way too easy. There's no tension in any of the encounters.

Even though it's echoing what others have said... normal is basically easy mode. My GF, who is terrible at any non-RPG, is playing through it on normal and she's died like 5 times. Turn up the difficulty now so you appreciate the gameplay more.


There should be more tampons in gaming
A cure is way more important to their values than a war. Assuming their desire for a cure just vanished is convenient, but makes zero sense.
A cure would not matter at their present time. Look at society, would the military and hunters willingly cooperate with them? They wouldn't even have a viable means of reproducing nor distributing a cure. It was an achievement that Tommy and his group were even able to get their hydroelectric dam up and running again and producing electricity. Realistically the people needed to replicate the vaccine that Ellie has (no one has even considered that maybe Ellie's incubation period is just drastically longer, yet it's possible) are in short order, either infected, with the fireflies and being wiped out or not willing to risk their lives and are living in a quarantine zone. Sure they may want a cure but the risks far outweigh the rewards. Marlene damn near "lost everything" getting to that hospital, Joel mentions the fireflies aren't doing well "in or outside the quarantine zone", those quotes should speak volumes about the state of the fireflies and exactly why they should not journey cross country again in search of what may be a fool's errand. Like Marlene said again, "how long until one of those things gets her or worse?" They have no reason to assume Ellie is still alive and they are better off assuming just that.
I don't have a picture but when you enter the area you will see
some monkeys running to your left
right across from you is a large building...on the other side of that is another large building. The second large building is the one you need to go into
there are 4 clickers and 1 bloater in this building
To the left of where you enter is the symbol you need for the conversation. On that same building but all the way to the right is another symbol that you can talk about but this one does not count. Also on the right side of the first building is another symbol that does not count. I know that is confusing, but I don't have a video or picture of it.
Well, shoot. I've always done the one on the right, including my current Survivor+ run where I am trying to get all of the collectibles. And I literally just got past the
last night.

Am I right in saying that I can go back after beating the game and do a Chapter select, change the difficulty to "Easy," and then get this last conversation to unlock the trophy?
Wee! Finally got my pre-ordered copy of TLOU:R, just 2 weeks late!
First time playing, have only gotten to
, but jeez this is gonna be awesome. What a beginning, the control feels great, spectacular graphics and that voice acting! And the best is yet to come!
Wish me good luck!
Hard, listen mode off.


On Grounded, I just got to
The part where you meet Sam and his brother.The Hotel basement was a pain the ass the first few attempts, but eventually I was able to brick, bottle and melee my way to victory. The part where Ellie is sniping felt somewhat cheap to me, because I was able to stealth kill everyone on the map, and then out of nowhere a ton more enemies spawned and I had to waste resources killing them. Oh well, still loving my Grounded run, as tough as it is.


Beat the game for the first time on PS4 two days ago on hard as per GAF's recommendation, currently going through Left Behind on Survivor.
I knew nothing about the plot beforehand, somehow I managed to stay spoiler free all this time, except for the fact that it had parallelisms with Children of Men.
Man, the story hit me hard not like any other game I've played.
An amazing experience all around, but damn I wouldn't suggest it for anyone feeling down, it gives a very crude and bleak vision of the world...


On the college campus, I went to the bottom floor and sneaked past every clicker, including the bloater. I don't remember the game being this easy. I'm definitely playing Left Behind on Hard.


Beat left behind yesterday.

Enjoeyd it but it's more of a character driven dlc.

From the start i noticed the bond between the girls seemed to be more than just friendship. But it felt very natural. I loved the kiss scene. Very touching. Specially knowing what would happen next. I was expecting to see how Riley died though.

Oh, i beat the main game days ago. Played on hard and abused listening mode. Very easy and i was overflowing with resources. Bullets, shivs, molotovs, etc. Last time i played on ps3 i did it on survivor. So hard felt like very easy this time.


I'm probably going to start on mp tonight, wondering if anyone has some tips for loadouts or tactics, etc? I was OK at Uncharted 2 and Uncharted 3 mp.

I watched a couple people on twitch and it looked pretty fun to me. Other than the basics of stick together, avoid molotovs, revive teammates, use listen mode, etc, I'm not sure would be important to focus on. (specific weapons, etc)

Have enjoyed the game, just finished the part in sp
where ellie was captured and tells the guy "Ellie......tell them, Ellie...is the little girl.....THAT BROKE YOUR FUCKING FINGER!!"
Beat left behind yesterday.

Enjoeyd it but it's more of a character driven dlc.

From the start i noticed the bond between the girls seemed to be more than just friendship. But it felt very natural. I loved the kiss scene. Very touching. Specially knowing what would happen next. I was expecting to see how Riley died though.

Oh, i beat the main game days ago. Played on hard and abused listening mode. Very easy and i was overflowing with resources. Bullets, shivs, molotovs, etc. Last time i played on ps3 i did it on survivor. So hard felt like very easy this time.

I agree with your spoiler tagged part.
It did not feel out of place or shocking, but when it happened I simply felt like "that makes sense". It was a very powerful experience
Is anyone else annoyed by the lack of check points in Grounded mode? I think it's pretty lame that I have to redo a 30 minute session after clearing out the area...
starting the generator in the hotel basement and the effing random clicker by the keycard door gets me.
I could have swore they all chased me and only came from behind me! Dammit!!!!


On the college campus, I went to the bottom floor and sneaked past every clicker, including the bloater. I don't remember the game being this easy. I'm definitely playing Left Behind on Hard.

But you definitely need to defeat the bloater with your next playthrough.


Just got through the base game. The gameplay was even better than what I remembered. Freaking masterpiece of a game. It's incredible how ND made each scene and encounter meaningful. Not one wasted moment.
And I still can't get myself to blame Joel for what he did, even though it's politically incorrect.

I never got to play Left Behind on PS3, so I'm excited to get started on that now.


A cure would not matter at their present time. Look at society, would the military and hunters willingly cooperate with them?

Vaccinating just themselves to start with so they were immune to bites like Ellie would massively increase their chances of survival.


Vaccinating just themselves to start with so they were immune to bites like Ellie would massively increase their chances of survival.

Wouldn't really help if a clicker rips out your neck vein, but yeah for smaller bites.

I like to think that the
cure would have worked and been a new start for humanity, but the end of Joel's. He was the one who escorted her through hell and back though, so it was his call to make. Selfish or not. No one else could have done it.


I played the subway portion last night that is infested with spores. My TV color didn't seem to be able to do it right. Joel's character model was some plain hew. I've had to customize my color settings to get the dark areas lighter but it seems like some dark areas are still way too dark. Does anyone else have this problem. I have a Sharp Aquos TV and most of the game looks absolutely gorgeous but some areas aren't colored right it seems.
finished with the game the other day, 100% trophies across all areas, took a looooong time and I admit online was starting to drag near the end, too many matches with poor teammattes too, Don't even want to know my W/L ratio. Played Interrogation most, followed by Supply Run, i didn't like Survivor.


GerAlt-Right. Ciriously.
I am going to use Easy mode to get the rest of my trophies after my Grounded play through. You just can't visit every nook and cranny on Grounded mode like you can on Easy.
Grounded mode is not intended to be that mode. Most of the supplies you need are easily obtainable.

My first run was survivor followed by survivor+ then followed by Grounded+. On Grounded + I found myself skipping a ton of collectibles and just focusing on getting through the game.
my favourite weapon online was a silenced burst rifle, it only has one issue imo a lack of bullrt when its in its initial stage once its upgraded it can rip opponents to shreds. Also not sure how it would work but I really missed the runners and clickers online.


I finished my second playthru about 200 parts shy of upgrading all the weapons. So I'll have to play a third time, all the way till I get the shorty and El Diablo.


Wouldn't really help if a clicker rips out your neck vein, but yeah for smaller bites.

It'd also be good for preventing infection from spores, which probably would account for a lot of infections since like you said, a lot of people who get bitten probably just die.


On my Grounded run I'm getting slaughtered over and over again during the first confrontation of the Fall chapter. Any tips?

I had it down to 2 guys left and then Joel literally burst into flames out of nowhere.


Finished my Survivor playthrough, kinda have the urge to try Grounded+. We'll see though.

I also finished the Left Behind DLC for the first time which was unbelievably good. The writing quality and attention to detail was even higher than the main game if you can believe that, and it had a surprising amount of variety for a 3 hour chapter. The only thing that I didn't think was up to par was the sub plot you find in the notes/environment this time around. Felt pretty cliche, wasn't as interesting as the Ish/sewer ordeal in the main game.


So why did they fight to the death to keep Ellie?

I've posted before, in this thread and answered you. You can listen to the audio recorders/read the notes in the last area. And I said their desire was vanishing not "it is completely gone".

They were about to give up before Joel/Ellie got there. Also they lost most of their members making the journey across the country. How many are going to want to do that again? Besides, Joel didn't kill all of them no matter what you do in the game. He never kills (at least we don't see it) the people chasing you to the elevator. Many doctors in this world had already given up on finding a cure. The breaking point of this group could very well be the death of their leader + a doctor + that other guy. Everyone else gave up on finding a cure in that world, the shaky remnants of the Fireflies probably wasn't going to last much longer.

Assuming they have a car to chase after Joel/Ellie they'd have to make a choice to send either some of their group and risk that group dying or send everyone and risk all of their equipment/supplies being destroyed or taken. Isn't as easy as knowing how to track. And from what we saw of the garage there didn't seem to be any other cars.

So Joel got away, at least a Firefly + a doctor + their leader are dead. They have no idea if Ellie is alive, not alive, or even if they'll find her.


Junior Member
So why did they fight to the death to keep Ellie?

They were willing to kill Joel, but that's about it. Everything after the initial shots were fired may easily be attributed to the fact that there was a fucker in the middle of their base killing them off. Raising your arms in surrender and saying 'ok fine whatever just don't kill more of my friends' is not how one survives in that world, and if it wasn't The Protagonist their reaction would have been the reasonable choice.


Dudes on the previous page a few of you suggested some conversations I may have missed. Appreciate the help and will double check all of the ones you said.

I definitely got the one at the dam with the girl. But the firefly graffiti thing at the university, I didn't realise there were 3 and only one triggered it. Will try this first thing tomorrow


In terms of the ending scenes:

I would have done exactly the same as Joel. He's just helped get Ellie from Colorado to Salt Lake City and what do they do? Stick a gun to his head, stop him from seeing Ellie and pretty much treat him like a prisoner. For all Joel did for them, they treated him terribly and then after Joel finds out they'll kill Ellie, I agree with him, fuck them.


In terms of the ending scenes:

I would have done exactly the same as Joel. He's just helped get Ellie from Colorado to Salt Lake City and what do they do? Stick a gun to his head, stop him from seeing Ellie and pretty much treat him like a prisoner. For all Joel did for them, they treated him terribly and then after Joel finds out they'll kill Ellie, I agree with him, fuck them.

They essentially were going to kill him. They were going to throw him out without giving him his stuff, let alone any other supplies.
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