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It's not actually trolling if you don't admit it
Uhh, just got to Numor Mines and uh, yeah.

Having only 2 people in your entire party means you should not go and take on multiple enemies.

Got raped.


Finally got the game today! I just finished Dillmor before dinner, will play more in a bit. The game is really fun and the combat is awesome. The designs are pretty good, but man the pop-up hell is real. It's pretty funny that sometimes even during cutscenes parts of the background shimmer and flicker between two texture types. None of it really bothers me, except I shake my head when even the World Map has pop-in, which is pretty ridiculous honestly. Loading is lightning fast with the game installed though, so I don't see any problems there.


Oh my, play-asia says the Asian English language version is compatible with U.S. consoles... I'm sooo tempted to get this
batbeg said:
Difficult for me to say about the leveling, as I'm honestly even at this point fairly uncertain how it works. I can say I have found it nearly impossible to do any sort of meaningful "grinding" (not that I've tried) - ten or so hours after leaving the dungeon Dilmoor, and a huge amount of side quests and story progression later, there were still enemies there that were able to offer me a very hefty challenge (especially fucking imps :mad: ). As to how it works, it's meant to be something like this:

The stats you implement increase more often, for example, using attacks more may boost your strength and attack, or using mystic artes may increase your intelligence (I have some qualms with this idea, as it does not necessarily seem true).

The more enemies you have defeated consecutively in a dungeon ("chains" which apply to all enemies you've killed, so long as you have not been ambushed), the swifter the status progression.

Weapons and the like are upgraded automatically by your teammates who will request certain items after battles, so that they can apply them to their weapons.

The battle system is definitely something I approve of, though I hadn't bothered commenting on it since it's what most people here are gushing about :p But I'll give it a go.

I love the strategic elements of not just forming a union, and finding out which units work best in which unions, but finding that you can never have 100% control over them. It's easy enough to know which of your moves will be used from a general command (indeed, pressing "X" shows you which moves they'll use), but at the same time, you are like a general giving out commands to separate groups instead of instructing every single soldier under your lead. The move "Keep your HP up!" will generally have someone using restorative artes, and the others attack with normal attacks or combat artes, depending on your AP at that time.

There is also a huge deal of freedom involved, but the AI is consistently top-notch. My units have consistently been able to reassess a situation and change their move, mid-turn, for the better. For example, with one person using Restore III (heals 800ish HP), the next character realized they did not need to use Life Powder (heals 1200ish HP), and thus reassessed and changed to using Restore III. Or finding that a unit will change from a normal attack to a combat arte if they've been granted more AP during that move.

Of course, the speed is something worth mentioning. For a game with such emphasis on strategy, and huge battles with a large amount of characters, they can be damn near instantaneous. In a good fight, I can end it in one or two turns, though the tougher ones will genuinely try my abilities, and push me as hard as possible. Of course, if you are finding an area too easy, it's incredibly easy to run from enemies - the game tells you when you are targeted, and if you are, all you need to do is freeze time momentarily, and run.

I don't know how much splurging I can do on this game, just hope I'm helping some people with my detailed, incoherent love letters to it :D I realize as well that everything I said has sounded overwhelmingly positive, and I would say there are definitely problems I have with the game, but they are mostly to do with the superficial and so don't stick out to me so much (technically ugly, main story poorly told, and er... not much else actually). I can see this as not for everyone, but I implore anyone who finds it interesting to try it for themselves, as almost all people who have played it have been positive.

Edit: Double post, sorry.

Well thank you very much for taking the time to responding to my post. I am definitely interested in the battle system, but I am really unsure about the levelling system. I will definitely at least rent this one, but I am debating between this and Infinite Undiscovery as a purchase. I am not a fan of animu storylines, so any further insight you can offer would be greatly appreciated.


The Inside Track
chespace said:
I've been tearin' it up with only 2 unions.

Right now I have 4 union leaders, and a total of 9 units.

I have them split between 5 and 4 between my 2 unions, with 2 leaders in each union.

I'm scared to go 3 unions because it leaves them more vulnerable in terms of HP.
I went to 3*3 as soon as I was allowed to, and so far I didn't have much problems. I'm at battle rank 32.


Anyone beat the sidequest with Emma that runs you through the Ruins?...I'm battle rank 15 and can't quite make 3 good Unions yet and I can't beat the Boss room(like some said,freakin Curse is annoying,I tried the trick someone posted here earlier but there's 2 of them so it doesn't really work).

Hopefully,I'm just to low still to beat it,I decided to warp out of the quest after 3 tries of getting slaughtered ;P


Ricker said:
Anyone beat the sidequest with Emma that runs you through the Ruins?...I'm battle rank 15 and can't quite make 3 good Unions yet and I can't beat the Boss room(like some said,freakin Curse is annoying,I tried the trick someone posted here earlier but there's 2 of them so it doesn't really work).

Hopefully,I'm just to low still to beat it,I decided to warp out of the quest after 3 tries of getting slaughtered ;P

It's not that hard. Just create one suicide union that has only 1 leader and no other units and then attack one of the birds with him. He will keep the bird busy while your two main unions attack the boss group. The other bird will curse one of your main unions but your other main union will be fine. Then just use your most powerful attacks and after you kill the boss group, you win. I was like battle rank 12 when I beat it.


Ricker said:
Anyone beat the sidequest with Emma that runs you through the Ruins?...I'm battle rank 15 and can't quite make 3 good Unions yet and I can't beat the Boss room(like some said,freakin Curse is annoying,I tried the trick someone posted here earlier but there's 2 of them so it doesn't really work).

Hopefully,I'm just to low still to beat it,I decided to warp out of the quest after 3 tries of getting slaughtered ;P

I JUST BEAT THAT BOSS! OMG THAT FELT SO FUCKING GOOD. I'm only like battle rank 9 I think. It was impossible to beat the boss with the two unions I was using, so insteade I swapped up the second union. I was actually training a second Mystic Arts focused union but it totally wasn't working for the boss. I used Emma as a leader instead and turned in into an melee union.

On the first turn my plan was to attack one of the Blackbirds with Emma, and then flank it with Rush. But alas the OTHER Blackbird intercepted Rush. Rush's entire union was cursed, but Emma managed to RESIST IT YESSSSSSSSSSS! The next turn I finished off both Blackbirds, but Rush was left with 3 men. Rush was healing with items every turn after that while Emma joined in to deadlock the boss. Finally when it was just Rush and ONE OTHER GUY IN HIS UNION (FUCKKKKKKK), I got OMNISTRIKE. But Rush wouldn't have pulled it off in time if I didn't successfully pull off a critical trigger RIGHT before that when the other guy in the union attacked.

Man, that was insanely fun. :D


Ah ok i'll try again and switch Emma as main Union I guess...those frigging triggers though,if it's an X or Y i always miss it,especially if it's a fast one.


Neo Member
I had 3 unions of 3 for that fight in Emma's sidequest. My strongest union with two leaders went to the middle and my other two each faced-off against a bird. Both curses were fully resisted (I got really lucky it sounds like, I still haven't had a curse hit me yet), and I had no problem wiping the birds out and then flanking the boss.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
Ricker said:
Anyone beat the sidequest with Emma that runs you through the Ruins?...I'm battle rank 15 and can't quite make 3 good Unions yet and I can't beat the Boss room(like some said,freakin Curse is annoying,I tried the trick someone posted here earlier but there's 2 of them so it doesn't really work).

Hopefully,I'm just to low still to beat it,I decided to warp out of the quest after 3 tries of getting slaughtered ;P
I was at a lower battle rank than that and I did it. I just engaged every minion with a union so I couldn't get flanked. I think I got flanked once (4 unions vs. 3 friendly?). You should be able to do it easily.


Okay so I got to Elysion a few hours ago, and I figured I would explore around the city and then save and quit for the day. Here's what happened instead:
I wander into the pub and lo, there's a guy who wants a SECRET LETTER delivered to a town I haven't been to yet, and it's just across the "southwestern road". Sounds easy enough! So I do that and end up there completing the quest. I figure I'll check out the rest of the town before heading back to Elysion.... I never made it out of the pub. I did the abandoned castle quest, then I did the Sandsea quest..... and now there's another quest in the Great Subterraean. So instead I'm going to save here and continue tomorrow.

It's fucking addictive. >_< :lol :lol :lol


duckroll said:
Okay so I got to Elysion a few hours ago, and I figured I would explore around the city and then save and quit for the day. Here's what happened instead:
I wander into the pub and lo, there's a guy who wants a SECRET LETTER delivered to a town I haven't been to yet, and it's just across the "southwestern road". Sounds easy enough! So I do that and end up there completing the quest. I figure I'll check out the rest of the town before heading back to Elysion.... I never made it out of the pub. I did the abandoned castle quest, then I did the Sandsea quest..... and now there's another quest in the Great Subterraean. So instead I'm going to save here and continue tomorrow.

It's fucking addictive. >_< :lol :lol :lol

So this game is more open-ended than the conventional linear JRPG? If so, interest rising...may have to go and pick this one up.


Kyoufu said:
So this game is more open-ended than the conventional linear JRPG? If so, interest rising...may have to go and pick this one up.

It's not really open-ended. There's always only one single progression point for the main story. There's just a bunch of optional quests and stuff to do on the way. It's a lot like mob hunts in FFXII where you can get totally sidetracked for hours, except the side quests in TLR actually have stories to them.


That was insanely hard for such an early stage in the game, and you didn't even get an acheivement!!

I'm battle rank 25 'cos I've been grinding a lot (I don't know what the battle ranks mean though?) and I had 3 equal unions. Sent 2 to one bird, and one to the other.

By the time I beat the damn birds, I had one union left standing, but they did some move which KO'd one of my officers, so I was left with David and a random soldier.

The fight consisted of David doing something like spark III/Knee splitter whilst the soldier used a herb. Lasted forever. But I did it in the end :)


I'm pretty far into the game, and if it weren't for the graphical glitches this would be my number 2 jrpg of the year {twewy is still number one, ToV has a far higher level of polish to it}.

The game is very streamlined, save anywhere is a godsend, the fact that you heal after battle yet the game still remains a decent challenge is something that makes it awesome. Having a great battle system is a huge plus as well.

The game is incredibly fun.


No sir, I'm not liking it....

Decided to rent it to see if I would buy, but ....umm no...not happening

I can see why some would like it, but it reeks of saga/kawazu (and that's usually not a good thing).

Played for 8 hours, combat is too automated, dungeons too linear, no leveling up, not always clear how to trigger an event, framerate during combat. Heck, no world map to traverse,but that's the norm in rpg's these days :(

There is some innovation here, so at least give it a try...I can see this game being another you love it/you don't type of situations
Aeana said:
This is getting tiring. I don't like going out of my way to defend games, but the treatment of this game in particular by the media contrasts so greatly with not only my own personal feelings about it, but my observations of others'. I'm genuinely flabbergasted by what reviewers are saying about the game. Not only that, though, I'm saddened to see people decide that the game isn't worth their time based on these high-profile reviewers' opinions, completely ignoring the opinions of anyone else.

Too Human says, "Hi."
Kyoufu said:
So this game is more open-ended than the conventional linear JRPG? If so, interest rising...may have to go and pick this one up.

The interesting thing about TLR is that fairly early in the game you can open up paths to new towns, dungeons and field maps through simple conversation with NPC's and traveling to these locations has nothing to do with main storyline (although it is always connected in an overarching sense).

It is all totally optional and there is a shit load of stuff to discover.


While just messing around and showing my sister the game, I ran into a quest in Baaluk to kill a really huge enemy in Vale of the Gods called Validus. What was simply messing around became pretty serious pretty quickly. That guy is ridiculously tough. The battle lasted a good 30 minutes, and I made great use of vivification herb and life powder, and Rush even learned vivification herb during the battle! After the battle was over, just about everybody in my group was upgraded significantly.

Definitely the longest, closest, most fun battle I've had in this game so far.


I'm battle rank 21 and haven't hit Elysion yet. Grinding out new skill upgrades has had me fall asleep on the couch twice since getting the game. :lol


Crystal Bearer
Looks like there will be new information on the PS3 version of this in the January 2009 issue of Famitsu PS3... which is out on 11/29.


This is good? Huh, I was avoiding it because of all of the bad press. Interesting... I wonder where all of this disconnect comes from.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
ivysaur12 said:
This is good? Huh, I was avoiding it because of all of the bad press. Interesting... I wonder where all of this disconnect comes from.

The game is very confusing for the first couple of hours, and the technical issues are pretty bad if you don't install the game. I assume most reviewers just ran the game off the disc and only put in a couple of hours before writing their impressions. Sure this isn't the case for everyone, but I highly doubt many of the super-negative reviews came from people who played through the entire game.
Yeah I am tempted to just wait and see about the PS3 one as going through the trouble of making room on my 360 HDD just doesn't seem worth it....


I feel like I'm playing FFXI, trying to get the notorious monsters. I've been zoning in and out of Ivory Peaks trying to find that named mob the guild wanted. I've killed 6 rare ones so far and none of them are it, I even got a secret achievement out of it. I've also figured out how to determine whether a rare spawn is up or not. This is driving me crazy!


I put in a few more hours today. I cleared the Catacombs, then I went back in right after to check 2 dig points I missed because I ran out of Digs Points. I also did the Trade Route quest. I think I'm going to go back to the desert city to do the remaining quests in the pub before going on with the story. So much funnnnnn!


Reading this thread, I cannot wait to get home and start playing this!

By the way, can someone explain the digging minigame and what the potential loots from that are?
Damn you all! I just ordered the game from Amazon for $40. All the comparisons to SaGa/FFXI/FFXII are too much for me to pass up.


So Emma and Caedmon are asking me which arts they should focus on. I can't decide whether I should reinforce their strengths or balance their abilities by having them focus on their weaker skills. I'm concerned that if I pick the wrong option I'll stunt their growth. What's working for you other players? Do these characters seem to benefit more from specializing in one type of art? Is all-rounder a good way to go?


Ninja99 said:
So Emma and Caedmon are asking me which arts they should focus on. I can't decide whether I should reinforce their strengths or balance their abilities by having them focus on their weaker skills. I'm concerned that if I pick the wrong option I'll stunt their growth. What's working for you other players? Do these characters seem to benefit more from specializing in one type of art? Is all-rounder a good way to go?

The choices are less about the characters themselves, than the overall build of your Unions. That's the most interesting thing about the game's battle system imo. Whether it's a good thing for a certain leader to focus on certain skills or learn new ones depends entirely on who else is in the Unions that they're in and what sort of play style you're using that Union for. For example, if Emma is thinking of learning new spells, but the only things you use her Union for are Comat Arts and healing, then it would be pointless anyway. Since you can't give direct orders to a single character, always think about the Union as a whole. :)


It's not actually trolling if you don't admit it
Holy shit, has anyone beaten the Balterossa quest where you have to fight Mantrasyklo (this huge black dragon) in the canyon?

I tried it back when I was weaker and got completely raped, so I decided to come back after I've gotten more party members and feel a bit more badass (at battle rank 30 now).

Uhhh, no. I was doing fine for a while, and then the dragon pulls out "Vulcan Breath" and kills MY ENTIRE PARTY in one shot after I spent the last 20 minutes whittling him down to 3/4ths of his health. :lol

^ Yes, it is looking like most dragon type enemies get a free breath attack at the beginning of each turn once its hp reaches a certain level. Although maybe that only starts once your battle rank gets a bit higher.


Shahadan said:
If any Euro Gaffer is interested, play.com now sells this game for 25€49 (free delivery)

And so I ordered it. If it's bad, I'll kill kittens because of you Duckroll !

I was going to wait for the PS3 version but at this price I gotta pick it up.

One thing though: a 60% price cut after exactly one week of sales??? It looks like LR is bombing even harder than IU.


chespace said:
Holy shit, has anyone beaten the Balterossa quest where you have to fight Mantrasyklo (this huge black dragon) in the canyon?

I tried it back when I was weaker and got completely raped, so I decided to come back after I've gotten more party members and feel a bit more badass (at battle rank 30 now).

Uhhh, no. I was doing fine for a while, and then the dragon pulls out "Vulcan Breath" and kills MY ENTIRE PARTY in one shot after I spent the last 20 minutes whittling him down to 3/4ths of his health. :lol


I just got done clearing him at rank 28, it was a fun fight once you realize he does the breathe attack after every other turn. I was really dissapointed with the reward though.


Anyone know what the text is like on an SDTV? I am REALLY liking what I hear about this game, but I have a small-ish SDTV, and so this is always a concern for me.

For reference, I also own Fable 2, Infinite Undiscovery, Tales of Vesperia, Blue Dragon, Lost Odyssey, and Eternal Sonata, and had no major problem with them, although certain things in them could be hard to make out.


I've heard from a few people that some of the menu text is illegible on an SDTV, but I haven't checked myself. I got tired of barely being able to read text in some 360 games and just got a VGA cable, which will work until I manage to get myself an HDTV.


Aeana said:
I've heard from a few people that some of the menu text is illegible on an SDTV, but I haven't checked myself. I got tired of barely being able to read text in some 360 games and just got a VGA cable, which will work until I manage to get myself an HDTV.

Okay, so, assume I am completely tech-retarded. How difficult is this VGA stuff?


Blackjack said:

Okay, so, assume I am completely tech-retarded. How difficult is this VGA stuff?

If you have a computer monitor with VGA input, then you can use it with the 360 via a VGA cable. It's very simple.
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