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Mr Diggs just got a 30 chain during a dig :eek: I'd never seen him get above a 3 chain before.

I forgot to mention, one thing that I feel would improve this game a whole lot is a bestiary. It was one of my favorite things about FFXII, as it made the world feel that much more alive, and it made me interested in searching out everything and making sure it was complete. With the huge amount of rare monsters, different swaps and all that, it would make this game well and truly epic. Including some additional stuff like known loot drops, locations, numbers defeated, etc. would be awesome.

I know it won't, but if the PS3 version had this, I would absolutely rebuy it
never mind I'll probably be rebuying it anyway.


Llyranor said:
Anyone finished the game? Does the game retain its quality, or even get better as it progresses?

Lots of people probably gave up at the Boss fights where I am now...I have tons of herbs and what not to heal but the options just doen't come up,the Boss entrhalls everyone and there's nothing i can do about it...I'll try forming 4 Unions instead of the 3 I have now but this part is very annoying and I'm about to move on from this game.


Ricker said:
Lots of people probably gave up at the Boss fights where I am now...I have tons of herbs and what not to heal but the options just doen't come up,the Boss entrhalls everyone and there's nothing i can do about it...I'll try forming 4 Unions instead of the 3 I have now but this part is very annoying and I'm about to move on from this game.
Which boss? What part of the main quest is that. The 2 bosses that I encounter using enthralls I just select "Heal them even if it kills them." Your kill the union (1-2 hits), but someone should resurrect them right afterward with high or full health Don't remember them being hard.


Ricker said:
Lots of people probably gave up at the Boss fights where I am now...I have tons of herbs and what not to heal but the options just doen't come up,the Boss entrhalls everyone and there's nothing i can do about it...I'll try forming 4 Unions instead of the 3 I have now but this part is very annoying and I'm about to move on from this game.

Make sure you can use vivification herbs. Vivification herbs require 2 relaxing herbs, and 1 restoleaf. If you do not have these, you can not use it. It also helps to make sure most, if not all of your unions can use this art. I had an extremely hard time on the Gates of Hell as I didn't have the appropriate herbs for it (tried it nine fucking times), but I found it remarkably easy when I was able to heal (if time-consuming).


Well for me story goes I got into this on 27th when my usual crap health plummeted so I couldnt basically do much apart from grunt and eat pain killers and lay in bed so no voicecoms since and L4D so I needed something to sit back with and this was it.

I dont understand the typical western reviews of this. I bought this shoved it on my xmas pille made the mistake of reading a few of em and they where so bad I dug it out (swapped it with Mirrors edge for the pile) in the intrest of trying it for a day then sending family out to trade it if it was that bad before the prices plummeted. Since then Ive spent nearly 60hours on it in one save and another 20+ on a broken save :lol

Im just totally hooked on it and if you install it theirs nowt wrong with it no problems with loading and little slowdown. Its a great solid JPRPG its not that taxing either once you become familiar with it and so far it aint been that hard (I havent died in over 20hours now). Low point was on 8th at 2am when for first time ever my 360 profile corrupted and I lost every save for every game. I thought I was only 16hours in (was infact 26) but I instantly started again till 5am that night and now up to the nearly 60hour mark on a new save and Im still on disc one. I think Ive only done 4 main quests as Ive been doing loads of pub ones which alot of them are seriously well done for sub quests. - Tip keep checking the pubs over and over as the pop up loads after you level some more.

Only points I can understand western review hate is early on its very difficult if you dont know what your doing and you will die alot if you run in tagging multiple groups. I do think though some of em aint played past 4hours as you learn very quickly how to do group unions and how the whole system works. I think the invaluable thing I learnt on my second start was to get Emma in the group from as early as possilbe (dual weapon lass) and always have her in a union as she learns healing stuff really quickly same with Pagus (the frog bloke if thats his right name) then I use the other dual wielder with 4hands Torgal as he seems to be the most powerfull for melee arts and then David/Blocter I rotate. I always make sure David is in my group for boss fights as he has the Gae Bole weapon. I did make everyone go both arts when I got asked but now Im nearly level 60 Ive let some of em go a set way.

Regarding spells by what I gather on battle screen alot of this is to do with the moral at the top of when you can use the arts if its more in your favour then you get to use more. Also certain spells are dependant on who your attacking and where you are in the union ie say Pagus is 3 in the union and he cant use caustic (nice AOE spell) to the guy infront if you target 2 to the right he might be able to. You can also learn debuff later on which puts the moral in your favour (Torgal learnt it on mine first going both arts and Im sure I learnt it with Rush from a pub quest).

I cannot say Ive ever had any issue of reviving thru vivication or healing any group at any point since I learnt it and Im using the arrowhead with mains at one (Emma, protagonist and Pagul all in 1 what are the main healers in each group) then I choose one backup what goes in slot 3 to heal. I make sure I have one soldier what can use herbs to heal as they learn as they go so eventually they learn vivication as well.

Ive found Arrowhead to be the best group and Ive used 4x3 as soon as I could instead of 3x4. Reason being is you come up against some heavy health mobs and you need to heal alot. Ive been using protagoinst in 1 Rush then Dave in 2 (at the front), 3&4 soldiers (have a backup healer in 3 soldier to learn and level up). Rush can heal seriously well now, revive and suck poison away, Dave can just heal great.

Group 2 is my power group of Emma in 1 with learning both arts so she branched to vivication, major healing and getting rid of stuff like poisons and then became very powerfull with dual wield then 2 the best fighter Torgal using both arts (on hindsight would have been better letting him go for fighting from the off as his mystics are crap its very low damage arrows or slightly better flash arrows only good one was debuffs hes now on melee path) again in 3 I have a backup healer soldier and 4 just fodder soldier (I tend to go for in 4 on every formation a hex user for poision and silence arts).

Group 3 is my mystic group with lower health (always getting targetted first) but great at the AOE and hex stuff. Pagus is my main healer he does the lot the quickest, getting rid of poisons and reviver so hes always the one I protect the most. Then I fill him up with soldiers as their isnt anymore leaders allowed on my point. 2 I have a good solid melee guy 3 again a backup healer and 4 a HEX dealer. This works well as it ends up that Pagus uses Caustic blast loads for AOE which can take out 2-3 groups if your lucky at IV and then the soldier can silence a caster or poison em.

I have tried 4x3 and I used that on my 1st save before it corrupted and it just ate 10hours of dying alot (compared to how quick I got to same point with 3x4 on the new save) because a group can get wiped out really quick at the start if your luck is against you. It is good for a area what you want to level grind in if their a few levels at the very least below you as each leader gets to use their arts to level em (wheras if your grinding a low level with 2 leaders in each group the second leader wont get chance to use theirs) apart from that though I found it more of a headache. Id just rather have that extra 300hp + earlier on in one group as it makes tagging 2-3mobs for extra goodies easier to handle.

I cannot stress enough to do every pub quest you can handle as you learn alot of arts from this from healing to potion arts to explosive arts, hex and so on. The main way the game works is if you use it you learn it so if you use alot of early herbs to heal they get stronger and then they branch and you end up with the much needed vivication revive spell. If you use dual wield you go from attack to eventually a specific dual wield melee art and the same happens for 2handed and 1handed (1handed shares traits with dual of course as they both use knee splitter). Ive found 2handed to be a waste of time I used it alot on my first save for about 10levels and then switched to 1h and shield it was just cumbersome and slow for little benifit of damage and the arts with it wasnt much cop.

I switched at level 50 from 1h shield to dual wield and not looked back since as I found 2 lovely swords and used items found to get them up to 60+ damage each. When you learn that its just thru repetition then its quite easy to learn the level system. The game also does have a basic level system of growth as if you check top right after a battle you have a battle rank and thats just your level rank, your players AP/HP etc.. grow as you level and by looks of it so do the rest of the people you have with you even if you dont use them.

You can grind on LR Ive done it quite happily as the general areas you grind in wont go up with your level; examples of this early on are the blackwell area and later on the big desert. They only seem to alter when you then get a pub quest to go back to that area example the desert changed from an area of beatles and occasional flying talon (the evil things with the curse) to full of birds with only 2beatles (as it was a beatle quest).

Also regarding the maps explore like crazy as alot of the maps (like say desert) their is two exits what open up of course 2 more areas not just one. You quickly by doing this open up a load of citys which of course give a load of pub quests. Id also check the citys wandering about now and again as you do get quests (red bubble) off of members in the streets.

Id also check the maps/dungeons again and again as you get rare elite mob pops that give some great XP. Regarding the talons and the dreaded curse if you can (as its dependant on moral and where the units are ie position 3 in fight) you can give the option to wait and standby if you can do this with 2-3 unions (if are using max 4) and then send one in as the locking fighter group for slaughter then do so as they only seem to curse on the first round. If they do get cursed and other groups are safe and you have vivication to revive in the other groups then leave the cursed group dont heal them. Eventually if its a long fight the whole group will go down and when it does you can revive them. If you revive them part group they still are cursed but if their all down they come back minty fresh :) Also remember to go visit the guild and check quests as you can hand quests in for money and get rewards like new arts and formations.

Regarding the guild Ive found apart from very early on buying more leaders pointless so I wouldnt go spending it on more apart from the early ones save your cash for items for healing instead.

You must remember with vivication that you need the ingredients from the town though. I think Elysion is one of the best ones to get pretty much everything for this and just check with the herb vendor what you need by going to arts and the ingredients required. I personally make sure I have 100 of everything I need, yep its pricey but as you find the weapons and items you need for ages and only need the dosh to upgrade them its better to spend it on keeping alive.

Also remember you can only carry 100 of each item then you loose it if you find it in the wild so always make sure to go to a vendor and sell your talon legs and captured beasts regulary. You can split a captured beast with A for rare items on occasion (ie a rare mob) just check if you have more than 3 if you do then dont do it and sell it for loads of money. Only ones you seem to need alot of are the medals and the weapon scrolls for item modifictation/creation.


Dazzyman said:
Also remember you can only carry 100 of each item then you loose it if you find it in the wild so always make sure to go to a vendor and sell your talon legs and captured beasts regulary. You can split a captured beast with A for rare items on occasion (ie a rare mob) just check if you have more than 3 if you do then dont do it and sell it for loads of money. Only ones you seem to need alot of are the medals and the weapon scrolls for item modifictation/creation.

Holy...that's probably why the Quest for the flower seeds didn't work for me...I'm probably full and the game tossed it without even warning me about this...thanks for the advices Dazzyman,Batbeg,I guess I'll head back to Elysion and make sure I have enough of the stuff to revive and heal before I try this fight a few more times.


Thats 100 total of that item m8 for every item so you can have 10s of k of baggage around :lol

If the quest is the same one Im thinking of (I remember the quest just not if its the same dungeon) then thats a repeatable dungeon you go into a few times with different pub quests. Im sure thats the one I had difficulty on that when you start the dungeon you can go both left or right and I went right got right to the end killed the 4 mobs just after the teleporter and got nothing so I had to go all the way back to the left option as its a whole dead end the other side and I got the drop from their. Its just abit of a time drain as theirs fog down their to slow you down at certain points so if you have to go all the way back around its a pain.

You do constantly get told when you kill mobs that their is a scent closer by or futher along etc.. but it just seems abit of a red herring when it reality its a mob what drops it right at the end. You know when you get it as it tells you on screen.

One of the other quests Ive heard metioned is the one in I think is a repeatable dungeon where you get a key to go further down (right side of a outdoor map) and you use lifts to go lower down and it ends up with a load of beatles in the centre (you have a guest join thru the quest). You just have to kill a load of beatles and move around until you pop the rare boss (its a big bloated thing) it just seems to be random when it pops maybe dependant on how many beatles you kill? I killed about 50 as I was dragging groups of 8+ and ganking em got sick of it moved around with em all chasing me and then it popped right centre near the stairs and instant boss battle :lol

I have had only one borked quest in all the ones Ive done and that was a race same as Blocter and it was some incorrent broken english speaking quest that he wanted 6 items collected from a dungeon. I found 5 right to the end and their wasnt anymore so I had to walk back out of dungeon part 2 and back in again and it popped right near end of the dungeon wheras before it was missing.

Basically regarding all the pub quests and quests in general dont use the teleporter if your stuck you just have missed the quest items/s needed; as soon as you find the goal you get taken back to the pub/quest giver, its the reason ive really enjoyed it as you dont spend ages faffing about looking or have to teleport in and out.

Saying that I have noticed 2 of the main quests that they seem abit wtf to do next to pop the story along very first time you go near them to how they work and for some reason you have to leave the first part of the city. Say for example market area is where you arrive in Ahthlum (it isnt but thats the only one I can remember) and you get its cutscene so you go to the rest and you can do anything; if you then go back to that market area for the second time it pops a cutscene. I spent 4hours on the 2nd major quest on my first corrupted save out in the field grinding and leveling as I didnt know what to do next (I thought I needed to be higher level) only to mistakingly go back to the area in a town for the second time for it to pop. It does do this again on another major quest so I knew what to do. The other characters will also shout at you not to leave the city map when you try. Its the only time Ive got a sense of not knowing what to do next apart from that its all very simple :)
Finally got around to playing it for a few hours. Thoroughly enjoying it. However, seeing all those texture delays and framerate drops in some of the early battles must be jarring to those who didn't know about it. But I have left the game uninstalled and gotten used to some of the slowdown issues (most of the time it doesn't approach the slowdown at the intro with the
Gae Bolg
firing off). I appreciate that the unfortunate slowdown comes from all that splendid detail on every character in battle, and also generally nail the critical button presses as is.

I will install when I know I'll be playing it and only it and not switching with several other games. These optional at-will installs are a boon.

Art style and world design reminds me (not uniquely) of FFXII, a very good thing. Only one thing so far I didn't like in that regard, King "Dave" sometimes looks like a jaundiced-orange Tidus-wannabe. Bah.

Gameplay of course is what had me going for a few hours even though I planned on only an intro hour or so. Love the customizable union structure, and the pre-order variant "Scatterswarm" seems effective. But then I'm using it for now simply because it is a "special" formation regardless of effectiveness.

Hope to get back to it soon.


After several tries on those Bosses at the end of disk 1,I finally made it...cut-scene was pretty awesome after all that...damn that was kinda hard.One guy I switched in one of the Union,turned out having a revitalise item or mystic art spell so that helped me a lot...installing disk 2 now.


Finished the game last night. It was a fun long ride. Story and combat kept it interesting the whole way.

Didn't like the little loot drops, the crafting system and monsters having way too many HP in later part of the game. Battles ended up being 2-3 unions bashing on a group until it died then moving onto the next group. Repeat a thousand times. It ended up not worth pulling more than one since it just made the battle much longer. I only crafted 2 items with only a shield worthwhile. As for best crafted weapon, didn't even get the last 2 sets of components needed and you need 40 & 50 of each.

Now, onto Prince of Persia.


I finished it yesterday too, and even though I really wanted to smash the controller through the window in some of the harder boss fights, base 5 especifically, I have to say it was a very enjoyable experience. Man, that was the first time I felt such a big satisfaction every time I beat a boss.


Damn Sirrush Rare mob in the fourth path by teleporter was batshit insane for my parties. Got him on an epic third try though. :)

Actually it's first path


Say it with me people: fuuuuuuuck. Quests disappear in the second disc, such as Mantroskylo. Hopefully the Royotian bird one still works :( :(
I just started up the 2nd disc without installing.

Holy shit I couldn't take more than 2 minutes of that. Going to install now and maybe come back later.

Seriously, it is buggy as hell running off the disc.
knitoe said:
Did anyone get more than 6 leaders & 18 total in your party? It limited me to party of 5, 5, 4 and 4.

I have beat the game and unless I missed something really big, you never get more than that for the rest of the game.

batbeg said:
Say it with me people: fuuuuuuuck. Quests disappear in the second disc, such as Mantroskylo. Hopefully the Royotian bird one still works :( :(

This pissed me off as well. Evidently there are quite a few quests on disk two that you can't do unless you did the preliminary quest on the first disk.


I picked the game up yesterday and have really been enjoying. I liked the battle system a lot more than I thought I would after reading the description. So far the only things that bug me are the texture pop in and the way the characters move their chest while talking, but those are minor annoyances. I do have one question: Is there any way to turn of that information bar?


Is there any problem with achievements in this game ? I've been playing this for at least 10 hours and I still haven't got one. I checked them in the dashboard and the description is just totally unclear (french version)
Keikoku said:
Is there any problem with achievements in this game ? I've been playing this for at least 10 hours and I still haven't got one. I checked them in the dashboard and the description is just totally unclear (french version)

The descriptions are just about what you need to get them...Unless your game is borked.

Some of the achievements I've got in 15hrs are:

- Create a chain of 200 dead enemies (completed @ the Heroic Ramparts)
- Use Timeshift 100 times
- Fight in 100 battles
- Kill 1000 Monsters (or something like that).


batbeg said:
Say it with me people: fuuuuuuuck. Quests disappear in the second disc, such as Mantroskylo. Hopefully the Royotian bird one still works :( :(

Le'ts say another FUCK, apparently the two secret achievements are unlockable only if you did complete all the quests in the game.
There is then a final one with the two achievments as reward.

So, fuck.

Also, I have only missed one, apparently. I'd like to add another fuck.


Mr Killemgood said:
The descriptions are just about what you need to get them...Unless your game is borked.

Some of the achievements I've got in 15hrs are:

- Create a chain of 200 dead enemies (completed @ the Heroic Ramparts)
- Use Timeshift 100 times
- Fight in 100 battles
- Kill 1000 Monsters (or something like that).

It's nothing like that in the french version :( It's very unclear about what you have to do to unlock the achievement. Just like (i translate it to you) :

Master of fight
You like to fight ? Participate to the fights and you'll be fixed !

I've been fighting a lot, and I haven't unlocked this.


Keikoku said:
Master of fight
You like to fight ? Participate to the fights and you'll be fixed !

I've been fighting a lot, and I haven't unlocked this.

It's the same in english XD
Just keep playing, most are unlocked during your playthrough. It's just a bit longer than what you'd expect.

Et pourquoi je me casse le cul a te repondre en anglais moi.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Well the game finally beat me!

I got pretty close to the end of the game (I think). I was at the part where I had to go to each of 6 different points, fight a huge battle and then have a boss fight with one of the Conqueror's generals. I got to the third fight before I finally gave up. The fight consisted of the boss and like 4 enemy units consisting entirely of casters that constantly used high level AE damage spells and high level AE healing spells if they took any damage. The boss also used highly damaging AE magic as well as curse! Curse!! Not only that but if you ever kill off any of the non-boss units, the boss has a very high chance of "calling for help" in which case he gets reinforced by another enemy union of casters who promptly come in and start silencing / poisoning / paralyzing your unions or heal any of the enemy unions. It isn't only the boss who had this "call for help" ability, and the first time I tried the fight I ended up spending like 45 minutes just trying to kill the non-boss unions but they kept healing themselves or calling for help and bringing in entirely new unions. All the while I have to cure status effects and revive unions that got smoked by AE magics or simply died from curse.

I tried the fight four times at battle rank 62 with various different setups and strategies every time having to do a 20 minute battle before even being allowed to fight the boss. I don't even think I came close to winning once. After wasting about 5 hours on that fight over the course of two days I pretty much decided I was done with the game. I didn't want to go do random quests and grind up until around battle rank 75 or so which I assume would make the fight a lot easier.

The game was a lot of fun, but it definitely gets hardcore near the end. It definitely isn't good for people who only have a couple of hours they can spend playing games per day. I had a lot of fun with the game, but when it takes over an hour for one fight and there is a very high chance of death... I just don't have time for that anymore. Luckily I was able to sell it for a decent price. The story was just getting interesting so I kind of regret selling the game, but I just got sick of feeling like I wasted an evening without making any progress by spending hours to die to a boss that seems way overpowered. There are too many other games to play right now and I don't have that kind of time unfortunately.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Shouta said:
I just started that section of the game myself. I'll see how tough that third fight is =O

I found the first boss really easy. I died once to the second boss, but he wasn't too hard.

Please let me know how you beat the third boss once you do. I'll probably pick up the game again in a few months when it will have surely dropped down to around 1500 Yen or so and resume my saved game.


Zefah: Finished the fight, but wow, that was pure luck. I died the first time but won by a hair the second time.

I went in with 4 Unions all set in Vanguard Formation. Aimed for the secondary squads first to make it easier to take on the boss. The first time, I summoned a monster to help but that worked against me. The second time, I didn't and it proved a bit better. Try to avoid facing the boss head on until the other enemies are dispatched. He seems to only use his powerful alll-hitting Mystic Art when you're engaged with him. Take out the weak enemies and heal as you do so. Then pound the boss. However, make sure at least two or three squads that can Vivify so you can bring back Unions in case he pops the magic. He did that to me right near the end and I was down to one Union when I beat him. :lol


I'm kind of expecting those last Boss fights to be frustrating,after the ones at the end of disk 1 hehe...but for now,i'm still enjoying the game,doing all the quests.I'm almost battle rank 60 now,just finished up the long quest chain with Charlotte and Paris,which made me unlock another city on the map...there's this huge Dragon i saw also in the sea desert type place that didn't attack that I want to fight at some point.

What Battle rank where you Shouta when did those fights?


Hm, seeing the Battle Ranks of you guys makes me wonder if I didn't level up too much. I'm Battle Rank 68 and I just beat The Gates of Hell. Didn't pose much of a problem.


Junior Member
Krelian said:
Hm, seeing the Battle Ranks of you guys makes me wonder if I didn't level up too much. I'm Battle Rank 68 and I just beat The Gates of Hell. Didn't pose much of a problem.

Yes... I think you may have grinded too much. I did all the quests in disc 1, and I mean all of them, and I finished the Gates of Hell at battle rank 50.


aries_71 said:
Yes... I think you may have grinded too much. I did all the quests in disc 1, and I mean all of them, and I finished the Gates of Hell at battle rank 50.

How? I didn't do all of them, ran from most monsters in most dungeons, and was at about BR 60 or 62 when I finished the first disc :eek:


Junior Member
Now that I finished the first disk, I think I understand a little more the combat system. Under my point of view, the system is broken since it depends too much on random events and luck. The fact that commands are random, and in the same situation different commands can be given was a bad idea.

Just to give an example. At the end of disk 1, just after beating the
Gates of Hell, you have to fight Jager and the Lob Omen. The first time I fought these guys I had lots of trouble, having to revive my unions constantly. The second time, I was given the choice to issue the "Talisman Gift" command, that made my union basically invulnerable to physical attacks. Since it was deadlocked with Jager, every one of his attacks made 0 points of damage. I could finish it easyly without reviving any of my unions.

The problem is that you cannot plan the combat on using it. You are given such commands in a random way, and they can make a tough boss a very easy one. I wonder if the developers thought that the game looked too easy, or too scripted, without random commands, and added them as a way to spice things up.

In addition to that, I still don't undestand some of the details of the game. For example, what the hell are this advanced "formations" I keep uncovering in remnant chests? The do not seem to be formations, since they are not given as choices in the formation options of the unions board. Even the entire formation concept seem to be underdeveloped. It's not like they make any real impact on combat.

Also, what are this skills that grow after every command? Things like "alpha male" increased, "love" increased, "fraternity" increased are displayed, but there's no way to check them or undenstand how they impact the game.


Junior Member
batbeg said:
How? I didn't do all of them, ran from most monsters in most dungeons, and was at about BR 60 or 62 when I finished the first disc :eek:

Don't know. It may also be one additional random thing in the game. I did 42 quests in Disk1, didn't run from most encounters, and I beat the Gates of Hell at 50.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Shouta said:
dunno, how do I check?

Edit: Nevermind. Figured out. I'm at Battle Rank 52.

Wow... this really makes me wonder if Battle Rank reflects your characters' power. I was battle rank 62 using 4 unions and the Vanguard formation, so I had a similar setup as you. I also made sure that every union had at least one character that could revive and at least one other character that could heal so I could get dead unions up to full health when I revived them. The health of my unions was around 2600 for my strongest team to 2200 for my weakest, but there were many times when a union would get smoked before the next turn from AE magics.

During one fight I even got the chance to use Blackout with Rush and I took out three enemy unions at once, but the next round the boss and the remaining enemy union just called for help and in came 2 new enemy unions with full health.

Maybe I just suck or kept getting bad luck, but I am really surprised that you were able to beat that fight 10 battle ranks lower than me using the same setup (assuming that battle ranks accurately represent the characters' strength). Maybe I just wasn't using a good strategy.


Junior Member
Zefah said:
Maybe I just suck or kept getting bad luck, but I am really surprised that you were able to beat that fight 10 battle ranks lower than me using the same setup (assuming that battle ranks accurately represent the characters' strength). Maybe I just wasn't using a good strategy.

It doesn't surprise me the least. The game is very random. You may have replayed the same combat one more time, and finished it without problem. It also a problem of enemies leveling as you do. As I mentioned previously, I was able to kill the Ancient Dragon in Disk1 at around level 20 without problem. When I tried again, I was around level 40 and it proved very hard. The enemy your are mentioning may be much harder at rank 70 than at rank 60.


Zefah said:
Wow... this really makes me wonder if Battle Rank reflects your characters' power. I was battle rank 62 using 4 unions and the Vanguard formation, so I had a similar setup as you. I also made sure that every union had at least one character that could revive and at least one other character that could heal so I could get dead unions up to full health when I revived them. The health of my unions was around 2600 for my strongest team to 2200 for my weakest, but there were many times when a union would get smoked before the next turn from AE magics.

During one fight I even got the chance to use Blackout with Rush and I took out three enemy unions at once, but the next round the boss and the remaining enemy union just called for help and in came 2 new enemy unions with full health.

Maybe I just suck or kept getting bad luck, but I am really surprised that you were able to beat that fight 10 battle ranks lower than me using the same setup (assuming that battle ranks accurately represent the characters' strength). Maybe I just wasn't using a good strategy.

It seriously is really random. The best AOE damage the regular squads could do to me were Smoke Canister so the only thing that I had to worry about was Galaxy. I didn't summon either which seemed to help a little bit, however that works.

The game seems to scale so going higher in rank = more powerful enemies. However, it seems that it's limited. So either you have to be underleveled but done so properly or grossly over-leveled. If you're in the middle, it makes it ridiculously difficult. Then the random nature of the game (grrr, Saga team as always) compounds it.


Heh, I just unlocked the bases in the main storyline this past weekend and my battle rank has been in the 80's (it's currently sitting at 86) for several days now. I guess that's what I get for doing all of the sidequests first.

I hate how everything takes forever in this game. Took me like 5 hours to get through the tower in the desert. The battles were fun at first, but now it's just a drag which I avoid whenever possible.

I also think it's stupid how they limit the number of leaders you can recruit and have in the union. I've got more special characters you can hire from the quests than slots available. I even had to dismiss a couple of high "level" non-story ones to make room. I was quite surprised that one of the person you can get comes with an unique arts though, especially since he has nothing to do with the main plot.


The Inside Track
PC version in spring
PR said:
London (15th December 2008) – Square Enix Ltd., the publisher of Square Enix® interactive entertainment products in Europe and other PAL territories, today announces that the forthcoming Games for Windows® version of THE LAST REMNANT™ will be released across all PAL territories in Spring 2009.

From the makers of the FINAL FANTASY® series comes a brand new epic adventure. THE LAST REMNANT is a completely original adventure title, benefiting from the finest creative talent to build a lush, real-time fantasy world. The game's battle system has been carefully crafted to deliver a brand-new experience for gamers, as they control forces in massive cinematic battles.

John Yamamoto, president and chief executive officer of Square Enix Ltd. comments, “THE LAST REMNANT represents a significant step in bringing our titles to a global audience and to all fans regardless of the platforms that they own. Following the Xbox 360® release, we hope to reach a new audience with the Games for Windows version of THE LAST REMNANT and I hope that fans enjoy this exciting new adventure.”

For more information about THE LAST REMNANT please visit the official website at www.lastremnant-game.com



In ancient times, mysterious artefacts referred to as Remnants were discovered all over the world. Offering incredible power, they soon came into the hands of the covetous few, and thus was the world’s delicate equilibrium shattered. The people were divided into those who ruled and those who were ruled over. War was inevitable. Our story begins a thousand years later…

Rush lives with his sister Irina on the secluded Eulam Island, a place far removed from the ceaseless battle for control over the Remnants which rages on the mainland. However, his peaceful life is shattered one day when he witnesses his sister’s abduction by a mysterious group of soldiers. He immediately sets off after them, ill-prepared for the evils of the outside world but determined to find his sister at any cost.


• A cutting-edge new adventure from Square Enix and the creators of the FINAL FANTASY series
• Innovative new battle system that allows for large scale battles delivered with an unrivalled cinematic intensity
• Selective Encounter System allows you to engage the enemy your way, eliminating random battles
• Unreal® Engine 3 takes Square Enix’s legendary production values to the next level
• Fully localised for PAL territories with French, German, Spanish and Italian subtitles and menu screens
• New features not included in the original Xbox 360 release version

Not a word about PS3...
Really digging the game, so decided to install. Mainly removes a good bit of the chunkiness while accessing/loading up heavier attack animations. Still, if the install is not an option, the game is certainly good enough to put up with some of the imperfections running off disc.

Up to something like battle rank 32, locating and doing quests. 4 unions/5 leaders/12 fighters is what I'm at IIRC. I'm impressed with all the territories that are opening up to explore.

I often experiment with the system, so no formation goes untouched. Most recently, Vampire and Goblet have proven pretty useful. I go out of my way to use some oddball leaders too, such as
, who works well with
when I want enemies pounded flat. :lol

Last note is on the cutscenes and voices. Both excellent. I especially like the in-engine cutscene style that keeps the world consistent. And UE shininess aside, the detail and animation in these scenes is excellent.
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