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Wtf this game is good. And not in a "hey the new sonic is bad but I want to like it so it's good guys" way.
I'd like to thank people in this thread for convincing me, that was worth it. I'm not very far in the game yet but it's so much fun :D I stopped playing Lost Odyssey because of TLR :(

Yet I believed the game to be shit since the very first screens.


tehbear said:
This was true for me in early part of the game, but after awhile everything has so much hp that only my grounds of double heavy axe guys can hope to take out in one turn. Again if I could find more I would stack my whole squad with them, but I think they purposely don't give me ones with the skillsets / stats I want lol.

Also my lance guys are useless, they are like double axe guys, same everything, but half the mys defense. The weapons still confound me.

If you do even just half of the side quests the game becomes a bit too easy I think. Though at first I didn't know where to recruit soldiers so I was getting killed with my two solo hero unions lol.

Umm well if you're a min/max type player then you'll find that best weapon type in every game. I mean, if you want to cheese the game with just axes, then by all means do it. I just choose whatever units look cool, try to have themes in my unions (strong, female, characters FTW), and then just grind the shit out of them to up their stats.


Did anyone do the "After a Day's Work" quest in the Catacombs?...I have to get some white flower seeds from monsters in there but I killed everything,explored the complete map and in the last room,there's a final door but I can't go in,it says it's locked shut...my only option is to warp out,cancelling/suspending the quest.Battle rank 48 so far,still on disk 1,trying to do as many of these quests before I do a battle that I think will finish the first disk(tried it once and almost won).


OK this game would have been so much easier if I HADN'T grinded.
In the catacombs and the difficulty seems to have ten folded :/
Having alot of fun with this game. Much better than I expected. So grinding isn't a good idea? I've been doing alot of side quests and the catacombs was pretty easy for me.


Ricker said:
Did anyone do the "After a Day's Work" quest in the Catacombs?...I have to get some white flower seeds from monsters in there but I killed everything,explored the complete map and in the last room,there's a final door but I can't go in,it says it's locked shut...my only option is to warp out,cancelling/suspending the quest.Battle rank 48 so far,still on disk 1,trying to do as many of these quests before I do a battle that I think will finish the first disk(tried it once and almost won).

My fiancee had a hard time doing this for some reason, but I don't see what the problem is... simply kill all the qsiti, make sure you don't miss any, and it'll automatically give you the seeds.


batbeg said:
My fiancee had a hard time doing this for some reason, but I don't see what the problem is... simply kill all the qsiti, make sure you don't miss any, and it'll automatically give you the seeds.

I didn't even have to move beyond the first room to complete the quest. Killed the 4 mobs in there and the item was automatically dropped.

Frankly, I'm getting bored with the game. Story-wise I'm only a couple of hours into the 2nd disc. I've done all the sidequests available up to this point, so I've never really needed to grind (Hell's Gate was relatively easy). In fact, I now avoid a lot of the encounters when I could. It's really too bad that TLR was front-loaded with so much stuff but has an endgame that's painfully repetitive. There is very little you can do to micromanage your leader/soldier and unions. Item creation is pretty much useless. Nothing you can tinker with to keep up interest as you plod on towards the end.


batbeg said:
My fiancee had a hard time doing this for some reason, but I don't see what the problem is... simply kill all the qsiti, make sure you don't miss any, and it'll automatically give you the seeds.

Umm,well it never dropped for me and I killed every single one of them,I even ran through all the map twice to make sure I didn't miss anything...no Qsiti's left at all...don't tell me I'm not picking up loot the right way all this time?...I just hit ok,unless I want to split a captured monster...

Also couldn't finish a quest,forgot the name right now,but it's with a Guest Union,Glenys I think she's called,I have to find a great hero she calls him...I get to the bottom floor and there's a big squared area with tons of those big Caterpillar type ennemies(there's got to be about 30) and she says it might be one of them and to look for something suspicious...I killed a whole bunch but nothing else seems to happen.


picked this up for $30 on CYBERSPACE MONDAYYYY

the question is, what it be a poor choice to start this game up during exams week? I'd like not to fail if possible. Is this going to be a 5 hour segments kinda deal? Cuz that might not fly.
Ricker said:
Also couldn't finish a quest,forgot the name right now,but it's with a Guest Union,Glenys I think she's called,I have to find a great hero she calls him...I get to the bottom floor and there's a big squared area with tons of those big Caterpillar type ennemies(there's got to be about 30) and she says it might be one of them and to look for something suspicious...I killed a whole bunch but nothing else seems to happen.

That quest was kind of weird. All I did was run all over the place killing bugs until they started popping up as non aggressive. Then I ran up to the stairs and when I turned around the boss enemy appeared near the blocked off set of stairs on the other side of the area.
Please excuse the noobishness.

All the bits and bobs that you get from killing monsters, or get when you "break down" a captured one.

To whom do you sell them?

Is it like FF XII in that you sell all these things and new items eventually become available?

Thanks to all of you for this thread...I'm really, REALLY enjoying this game.
^ No, don't sell them! You need to wait till the customization/item creation shop opens then you can use the materials to create/ modify stuff.


Schopenhauer said:
^ No, don't sell them! You need to wait till the customization/item creation shop opens then you can use the materials to create/ modify stuff.
You can sell some of the more easily obtainable ones, if you want, since you'll pretty much always have about 50-100 of them anyway...

Unfortunately, they only sell for, like, 2 gold.
Schopenhauer said:
^ No, don't sell them! You need to wait till the customization/item creation shop opens then you can use the materials to create/ modify stuff.


Thanks for the heads up.

Hopefully I don't hit the 100 item cap before then. :)


So, anyone able to summarise why I should buy this game? I was all set to until the reviews came in, and the thread title has me interested.


After the first battle, I swore I was going to break the disc, but my stubbornness got the better of me and I beat Hell Gate after three tries.

The battle wasn't "hard," it just seemed like all the game mechanics broke down (first and second battle).
- Mage group did not have the option to Heal Others once.
- Kill/Cure only came up once even though at least three union deaths went down throughout the fight.
- During a kill/cure, my first guy wiffed and a QTE came up. By instinct, I hit the X. Um yeah, that was for the reanimated group to counterattack. The one hit did around 2000dmg.
- The
missed at least 90% of his attacks.
- Hell Gate blocked an Ex Machina which I don't think should be possible/allowed.

I thought
the game let you go back and screw around before moving to disc 2. So am I completely fucked with finishing the few remaining quests I had?


I've put about 3-5 hours into the game (not much time to play right now) and I have to agree with the general sentiment. This game is really good. The technical issues are annoying, but they never impact the gameplay. I really like the visual design, and the soundtrack is fantastic.


I think whoever thought randomzing command types is assssssy. Screw them for not putting standby/wait in when I need it. >=|


kagete said:
You don't have to kill the birds. If you don't feel like grinding, just distract them with one or 2 unions and focus on killing the giant

I'm limited to 9 members, 4 leaders. So if I seperate into 3 unions, they get DESTROYED. I'm battle rank 12 if that means anything?


Junior Member
Even if I finished around 20 quests from the first disc, defeating several bosses in the process and obtaining Battle Rank 43, I'm totally confused by the combat system.

- Why sometimes my unions don't display the option to heal themselves? I'm sure I have the components needed, I have action points to spare, but many times, after several turns, the option to heal is not present.

- Is the positioning of the unions totally random? I've tried to deadlock one enemy unit, letting the others stay back for a couple of turns. Then, I've tried to attack with them from the flanks, but the unions just frontally deadlock the enemy. I'm given the option to attack from the flanks only when one of my units happen to be well positioned after a previous combat. But that is something totally random, not something that has any thinking behind.

- Why I'm not always able to attack from afar with my unions? Sometimes I let my "magic union" stay behind, while others unions deadlock the enemy. Sometimes, I'm given the option to attack from afar, but next turn, this option is not given anymore. How does it work?

- If I let ony "magic union" behind, why does it have to close to the enemy to heal other units? I wanted to let one stay behind, in order to heal the deadlocked units from afar, but as soon as I issue the command, they close in and usually die after a couple of turns.


Tabris said:
I'm limited to 9 members, 4 leaders. So if I seperate into 3 unions, they get DESTROYED. I'm battle rank 12 if that means anything?
I beat it with the same battle rank. Set groups 2 and 3 as anti-bird formation, have them cover the birds, and have your main hit the giant. Make sure each group has at least one decent healer, keep your health up, and it should be fairly easy. I got it on my first try and only lost one group, which I could have saved if I had planned better.

Witchfinder General

punched Wheelchair Mike
Question: Grinding & scaling

Alright, I really want to get this but I've read about the supposed enemy scaling.

I love to grind in RPGs to the point where I obliterate all and sundry. Can I still do this in LR?


Junior Member
Witchfinder General said:
Question: Grinding & scaling
I love to grind in RPGs to the point where I obliterate all and sundry. Can I still do this in LR?

Not in my experience. Just to give you an example, I was able to defeat a particular boss at level 20. In a second replay a tried the same boss at level 43 and I'm having lots of trouble. So far, I've not been able to defeat it.

Witchfinder General

punched Wheelchair Mike
aries_71 said:
Not in my experience. Just to give you an example, I was able to defeat a particular boss at level 20. In a second replay a tried the same boss at level 43 and I'm having lots of trouble. So far, I've not been able to defeat it.

Well, there goes my enthusiasm for the game.


Ricker said:
Also couldn't finish a quest,forgot the name right now,but it's with a Guest Union,Glenys I think she's called,I have to find a great hero she calls him...I get to the bottom floor and there's a big squared area with tons of those big Caterpillar type ennemies(there's got to be about 30) and she says it might be one of them and to look for something suspicious...I killed a whole bunch but nothing else seems to happen.

It's called Wisdom's Echo. There's a ghost in the form of those vicious plants that you need to fight. It appears in front of the broken staircase. I don't know the exact trigger for it. You either have to wait a while or maybe run up to that area and hit the RT without aggroing any bugs around it, but after a while it will start to materialize. You need to run into it to start the boss fight. Honestly, I don't know if killing the bugs have anything to do with it.

Shouta said:
I think whoever thought randomzing command types is assssssy. Screw them for not putting standby/wait in when I need it. >=|

I agree. Just like many things in TLR, when and why certain commands are available make no sense. Why do I get "get your HP up" at the start of a fight when they are at full health and why don't I get it when I actually do need to heal? Stupid!

Witchfinder General said:
Question: Grinding & scaling

Alright, I really want to get this but I've read about the supposed enemy scaling.

I love to grind in RPGs to the point where I obliterate all and sundry. Can I still do this in LR?

Well, you can kind of do it. I think your battle ranks determine how tough the enemies will be when you enter into a zone, and their "level" stays the same for the duration until you exit. However, stuff in the earlier dungeons only scale to a certain point, because I can definitely one shot them after a while.


Zalasta said:
I agree. Just like many things in TLR, when and why certain commands are available make no sense. Why do I get "get your HP up" at the start of a fight when they are at full health and why don't I get it when I actually do need to heal? Stupid!
This bugs me too. It helps to have multiple healers in your party, but even then it doesn't seem to be a sure thing. I had a union on death's door, and the only group that got any healing option was my slowest group. 90% of the time though it's there when I need it.


Witchfinder General said:
Well, there goes my enthusiasm for the game.

Equipment plays a vital role in damage-dealing and gathering the items to upgrade your weaponry requires grinding.

It's not all bad, though I wish I could equip my party members as well, not have them steal my loot all the time.


Cool, I didn't know you can complete 2 sidequests at the same time. I was doing the The War of a Thousand Years quest where you have to kill the Absolute Queen but I suspended it and decided to start the Hero quest where you kill the Mantroskylo. Both bosses are in the same location, so I went to the boss place and then I got a cutscene where both of the bosses appeared and then I had to fight against both of them at the same time. After I did beat them I got the rewards from both quests.


bigdaddygamebot said:
Please excuse the noobishness.

All the bits and bobs that you get from killing monsters, or get when you "break down" a captured one.

To whom do you sell them?

Is it like FF XII in that you sell all these things and new items eventually become available?

Thanks to all of you for this thread...I'm really, REALLY enjoying this game.

Only the captured monsters will unlock new items at the stores when you sell them. As for the components, while many of them say they are needed for item creation, that is simply not true. I have like hundreds of unique stuff, but I would say a good majority of them have never been used to create weapons/gears. Actually, I have no clue what they are for, seriously.


aries_71 said:
Even if I finished around 20 quests from the first disc, defeating several bosses in the process and obtaining Battle Rank 43, I'm totally confused by the combat system.

- Why sometimes my unions don't display the option to heal themselves? I'm sure I have the components needed, I have action points to spare, but many times, after several turns, the option to heal is not present.

That I don't know. About 95% of the time, when I need to heal, I have the heal commands up...

aries_71 said:
- Is the positioning of the unions totally random? I've tried to deadlock one enemy unit, letting the others stay back for a couple of turns. Then, I've tried to attack with them from the flanks, but the unions just frontally deadlock the enemy. I'm given the option to attack from the flanks only when one of my units happen to be well positioned after a previous combat. But that is something totally random, not something that has any thinking behind.

At the start of a fight, yes.

This is how it goes as far as flanking and rear attacks:
Whenever an unengaged union comes into contact with another unengaged union, a deadlock happens. In a deadlock, both unions are pretty much stuck with each other until one of those unions dies.

Whenever an unengaged union comes into contact with a union that is currently in deadlock state with another union, a flanking attack occurs. The flanking union will not be in a deadlock state at the end of the combat turn and is still free to engage other units without getting the bad stuff from breaking a deadlock.

Whenever an unengaged union comes into contact with a union that is currently in deadlock AND that received a flanking attack this combat turn, a rear attack occurs. As with flanking, a unit that performs a rear attack will not be deadlocked with its target union.

This ONLY applies to standard fights. I'd say 99% of boss fights (I think I've seen ONE that didn't do that) and all of the unique monsters cannot be flanked - instead you get into Multi-Deadlock state when it is engaged by more than one union. In a Multi Deadlock, the boss union will always counterattack (as opposed to a flanking or rear attack, where no counterattack is possible).

Then there's Interference and Intercepted. Interference is positive, and occurs when you come into deadlock with a union who's order was to deadlock a different union. You get the upper hand in the fight this way. Intercepted is negative, and occurs when you gave an order to go into deadlock with a unit but a different union deadlocks you first (It's the opposite of Interference). This is ALWAYS done due to positioning and distance - you have a much higher chance of being Intercepted if you try to attack a union that is very far from you while there's another enemy union in the middle.

It's kind weird, but after a while I finally got it.

aries_71 said:
- Why I'm not always able to attack from afar with my unions? Sometimes I let my "magic union" stay behind, while others unions deadlock the enemy. Sometimes, I'm given the option to attack from afar, but next turn, this option is not given anymore. How does it work?

I wish I knew that. My guess is that it's due to a combination of the randomness of the orders + positioning/distance. It seems that the further I am from an enemy union, the higher the chance I have to being able to do a Attack from afar command.

aries_71 said:
- If I let ony "magic union" behind, why does it have to close to the enemy to heal other units? I wanted to let one stay behind, in order to heal the deadlocked units from afar, but as soon as I issue the command, they close in and usually die after a couple of turns.

To heal another unit, you have to go into the deadlock (as a flanking or rear, usually) to heal them. It's kinda sucky, but it's how it works, sadly. This problem only rears its head when you're in a boss fight, where you don't go into flanking but multi-deadlock and the boss counterattacks :(


relies on auto-aim
Witchfinder General said:
Question: Grinding & scaling

Alright, I really want to get this but I've read about the supposed enemy scaling.

I love to grind in RPGs to the point where I obliterate all and sundry. Can I still do this in LR?

I thought this was discussed a few pages back.

Something along the lines of, kinda pre-set, then scale a little, but let you feel powerful at the end.

While the bosses always scale to be difficult?

It would be nice to get this kinda of clarified.

*Thanks TimeKillr for answering those questions. I'm sure I'll have lots when I actually pick it up.


I don't think you CAN grind in this game, because the monsters level up with you. Therefore you don't really gain anything from it as the challenge remains the same, if not greater. I've learnt that the hard way :(


Damn...so i get to the Hellsgate part,after the first Boss fight I died at Hellsgate and now I read that there's another Boss fight after that,without the possibility of saving between all those? why do they still do this,especially in a game that let's you save anywhere,jesus...i'm going to give this a few more shots(i'm battle rank 54) but i'm not going to waste 1 hour of fighting everytime i try this and die...


Junior Member
TimeKillr said:
This ONLY applies to standard fights. I'd say 99% of boss fights (I think I've seen ONE that didn't do that) and all of the unique monsters cannot be flanked - instead you get into Multi-Deadlock state when it is engaged by more than one union. In a Multi Deadlock, the boss union will always counterattack (as opposed to a flanking or rear attack, where no counterattack is possible).

I think I didn't explain myself clearly. What you describe is correct, but it applies to the concept of deadlocking and flanking. What I'm tallking about is of a specific command that you can issue to your units: "Attack from the flank".

I have had several occasions, fighting bosses, when one or two of my units where multi-deadlocked, but one was not and I could issue such command to it. It reacted attacking from the flank, causing additional damage, but not deadlocking in the process. It did not receive a counterattack in the process.

In fact, attacking one dragon-boss, having such a unit was very good, since it could attack every turn, but it was not exposed to it "breath" attack, that seriously damaged the multi-deadlocked units it had in front.

I'm trying to understand how to obtain such command, but so far it looks to be tied to unit positions, wich after a couple turns its totally random.


aries_71 said:
I think I didn't explain myself clearly. What you describe is correct, but it applies to the concept of deadlocking and flanking. What I'm tallking about is of a specific command that you can issue to your units: "Attack from the flank".

I have had several occasions, fighting bosses, when one or two of my units where multi-deadlocked, but one was not and I could issue such command to it. It reacted attacking from the flank, causing additional damage, but not deadlocking in the process. It did not receive a counterattack in the process.

In fact, attacking one dragon-boss, having such a unit was very good, since it could attack every turn, but it was not exposed to it "breath" attack, that seriously damaged the multi-deadlocked units it had in front.

I'm trying to understand how to obtain such command, but so far it looks to be tied to unit positions, wich after a couple turns its totally random.

I've only had "Attack from the flank" options when I was actually doing flanking attacks... I don't recall ever having it when fighting dragons. Normally I would think that whenever you're doing a fight where you can multi-deadlock, you can ONLY multi-deadlock and not do flanking. In any case I highly doubt it has to do with positioning. Maybe when you have many unions in multi-deadlock eventually one can do flanking?

But you're right in that it would be insanely useful in boss fights where, in a multi-deadlock situation, you wouldn't get a counterattack...


TimeKillr said:
I've only had "Attack from the flank" options when I was actually doing flanking attacks... I don't recall ever having it when fighting dragons. Normally I would think that whenever you're doing a fight where you can multi-deadlock, you can ONLY multi-deadlock and not do flanking. In any case I highly doubt it has to do with positioning. Maybe when you have many unions in multi-deadlock eventually one can do flanking?

But you're right in that it would be insanely useful in boss fights where, in a multi-deadlock situation, you wouldn't get a counterattack...
That seems to be the case. I was doing this one quest (Violet's second one) and was fighting a wyvern. Rush and David's unisons both multi-deadlocked it, but then Violet flanked it.


Some enemies seem to have a specific number of unions they can deadlock before they can be flanked, imagine it as them having x amount of turns per round of combat. Once that number is up, if you have more unions to go, they will 'flank' the enemy :)


Ricker said:
Damn...so i get to the Hellsgate part,after the first Boss fight I died at Hellsgate and now I read that there's another Boss fight after that,without the possibility of saving between all those? why do they still do this,especially in a game that let's you save anywhere,jesus...i'm going to give this a few more shots(i'm battle rank 54) but i'm not going to waste 1 hour of fighting everytime i try this and die...

You can save after the Gates of Hell boss, though make sure you save it in a different slot (this really shouldn't even need to be said for RPGs, but there you go). You will not have any smaller enemies in the "dungeon" after that fight, just a few empty hallways, then another boss fight.

I've noticed a lot of complaints about the system lately, especially considering the positioning and given commands. I have to say I've still not noticed this problem at all, but there is one thing I hate, especially considering the boss mentioned above, and the one following him.

I hate that some special bosses and enemies are able to dynamically reassess a situation depending on what's happened during that same turn. A good example is Gates of Hell, as you can clearly see his attacks are listed as ???? before it happens. Or how he enchants KOd unions in the same turn as having killed them (honestly, there's a great deal I hated about this fight - healers have always gone first in a round if they're healing themselves, but here, he gets to attack first, no matter what).

But then in the following fight,
will attack a union, taking off half their HP, and only if he is successful in doing this, the other thing will disengage from it's current deadlock, and move to the weakened union to finish them off.

I didn't have a particularly hard time with this last fight, beat it on my first time, but I hate that they were made an exception to the rules of the game that had been presented to me thus far. A load of bullshit, really :-\

Anyway, still having fun fun fun. Except finding rare quest monsters. That's also kind of assy due to the randomness.


Loving this game. Amount of side quest are insane and do I try to finish each one even though it takes long time to complete. Unfortunately, the payoff sux.

Just finish Dark Forest main quest (
Irina was boss
). So far, Young is hardest boss in the game because after each turn he'll kill a union instantly no matter how much life they have.

Have to agree. Still don't understand exactly how the battle system works, ie when group gets healing, AOE and able to resurrect. My unions consist of 5, 5, 4 and 4. The only formation I have ever used is Arrow of Athlum II.
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