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The Leftovers S2 |OT| We're Going To Texas - [Renewed for 3rd and final season]


Are they really going to take the show in that direction? Virgil and Kevin navigating the afterlife like Bill and Ted's Bogus Journey? Kinda leaning towards not and he'll be resuscitated somehow, but it would be hilariously amazing if they did.
Are they really going to take the show in that direction? Virgil and Kevin navigating the afterlife like Bill and Ted's Bogus Journey? Kinda leaning towards not and he'll be resuscitated somehow, but it would be hilariously amazing if they did.

I think whether or not it comes off as ridiculous would depend on how it was shot and how it was written. It would certainly be taking a point-of-no-return dive into definitely being a supernatural show though.

Hyun Sai

Do you disagree?

I disagree. With what happened to Nora on the last episode and her state of mind after the Erika confrontation, I can totally see this to be too much on top of everything else.

Each week I think the following episode will not top the previous, each week I'm wrong. Incredible.
I disagree. With what happened to Nora on the last episode and her state of mind after the Erika confrontaton, I can totally see this be too much on top of everything else.

Each week I think the following episode will not top the previous, each week I'm wrong. Incredible.

Excellent point. That factored in too.
So that happened.

Wouldn't be too much of a stretch to say that was a good episode, would have preferred the ending be left a little more vague though, but still...


Hunky Nostradamus
I'm guessing Michael is going to bury Kevin (and Virgil...?) and they'll both come back 3 days later like the birds?

Yeah, I mean, people like twists but absent that this show is still just emotion porn backed up by that sad piano theme they keep using. lol

They really need to stop using that piano theme so often. It's a good song, but it loses its impact when it plays in every other scene.
Virgil killed himself so he can now guide Kevin to where he needs to go in the afterlife. This is why the epinephrine is never used. Because Virgil knows if he told him what he really had to do, fight his own demons, he would not agree to take the poison without a definitive way back. The reason for this lies in the The Divine Comedy. Virgil is Dante's guide through the 7 levels of hell. He guides him through these to reach heaven, but Virgil is also a torchered soul, who can not enter the gates, but only guide him to where he needs be. In killing himself he atoned for his sins but ultimately sacrifices himself to help Kevin find his path. Truly brilliant.

Whether, this actually happens in the show realistically or symbolically, great analysis regardless. Man, I haven't really posted in this thread, but I must say as someone who dipped out early of Season 1 and never went back, Season 2 has kept me glued to my seat. This & Fargo are the two best things on television now. The acting is just absolutely phenomenal.

Last five minutes had my jaw on the floor lol, I couldn't believe what had just happened.
I"m still trying to figure out how the cave lady at the opening episode has to do with what's going on.

I did enjoy the episode a good amount though. I like the Kevin / Patty duo.
Are they really going to take the show in that direction? Virgil and Kevin navigating the afterlife like Bill and Ted's Bogus Journey? Kinda leaning towards not and he'll be resuscitated somehow, but it would be hilariously amazing if they did.

Don't be surprised, remember Lindelof had time traveling and teleported an entire island.

I"m still trying to figure out how the cave lady at the opening episode has to do with what's going on.

I did enjoy the episode a good amount though. I like the Kevin / Patty duo.

I thought that was just a reference to "departures" throughout time and maybe not always being supernatural. Or maybe the rock slide was supernatural. I don't know.

Yeah, I mean, people like twists but absent that this show is still just emotion porn backed up by that sad piano theme they keep using. lol

That's why I keep watching. This season is a whole new mystery box of questions. I just like the way some scenes are shot and captured.

Max Ritcher's music also goes a long way for me. Check out the movie "Perfect Sense" if you get a chance.

I'm guessing Michael is going to bury Kevin (and Virgil...?) and they'll both come back 3 days later like the birds?

They really need to stop using that piano theme so often. It's a good song, but it loses its impact when it plays in every other scene.

Yeah, they did the same thing with the LOST theme.

Baron Aloha

A Shining Example
Are they really going to take the show in that direction? Virgil and Kevin navigating the afterlife like Bill and Ted's Bogus Journey? Kinda leaning towards not and he'll be resuscitated somehow, but it would be hilariously amazing if they did.

I don't think they will show much, if anything, of the afterlife. Maybe a few seconds of a dreamlike sequence or flashes...but nothing concrete. I think he will just spring back to life.
please continue this next week.. i get the feeling it's going to be about Tommy or something..

what the hell just happened?

surely he's not dead.. for good?


Jeez season 2 is good. Loved season 1 but get some bad reception for some reason.
Then i heard they were gonna change up season 2 abit and was scared. But damn its even better then season 1 even it has abit less to do with "leftovers"


Damn that was tough to watch.

Virgil killed himself so he can now guide Kevin to where he needs to go in the afterlife. This is why the epinephrine is never used. Because Virgil knows if he told him what he really had to do, fight his own demons, he would not agree to take the poison without a definitive way back. The reason for this lies in the The Divine Comedy. Virgil is Dante's guide through the 7 levels of hell. He guides him through these to reach heaven, but Virgil is also a torchered soul, who can not enter the gates, but only guide him to where he needs be. In killing himself he atoned for his sins but ultimately sacrifices himself to help Kevin find his path. Truly brilliant.

Wow i wish this is how it goes down.


Something bothers me about the "Virgil is Kevin's guide" theory. I'm not sure if it's because I've been bitten one too many times by Lindelof, but I get an odd feeling that this is all a red herring.

The whole episode felt like a red herring. The entire episode, we are lead to believe that what Kevin is seeing is real. This is similar to other episodes, where we are lead to believe that something supernatural is real, only to be smacked in the face with reality. In season 1, there is the episode of Nora going to a convention where here ID badge is missing. The episode was structured around the idea that Nora might be delusional, only to find out that, yes, in fact, there was someone impersonating her.

Also in season 1, the episode with Revered Matt and the casino. The entire episode, we are lead to believe that divine intervention is guiding Matt to procuring the funds needed to buy back his church, only to be slapped in the face by reality when he stops to help a member of the Guilty Remnant, only to be hit in the head by a rock and put in a coma for a few days.

This seems to be a reoccurring theme in The Leftovers; show events that make the audience think "oh, maybe something supernatural really is happening to these people," only to be rudely awakened to the fact that, no, nothing is supernatural; it's all just perception and willingness to believe.

It would be incredibly odd for the show to suddenly acknowledge that there are indeed mystical forces at hand. The whole "Virgil is Kevin's guide" theory would not only confirm that idea, but it would take the show to a completely zany place. The amount of times they said "do battle" this episode was ridiculous; and if they actually showed Kevin "doing battle," I feel like the show would lose a certain something. The audiences' imagination will always, always, be better than whatever explanation is given to us. Let us think, wonder, theorize; because the minute you show us the truth, we become bored of it.

Kind of like Star Wars and The Force. The Force was this amazing concept that consumed the imagination of everyone, young and old alike. Then the prequels came out and began explaining "midichlorians;" essentially ruining the concept of The Force. The minute it became something tangible, it became boring. I feel the same will happen to The Leftovers if the theory is proven correct next week.

Wrote way more than I thought I would. Can't wait for next week.
We have to remember that in the Leftovers universe, the supernatural is already confirmed. Remember, 2% of the world's population simply disappeared, so we already know that shit is afoot.

Edit: Oh I see what you're saying and agree. I like how there's no certainty to the supernatural events, even though their impact is undeniable.


Wouldn't Kevin's palm prints be readily available from his cop days? Since they are gathering samples, the police didn't get hits from the print they pulled from the car? Weird.

Yeah, it was a captivating episodes overall but it's going to sink or swim based on whether Kevin is dead for good or if he's going to be brought back somehow.


Wouldn't Kevin's palm prints be readily available from his cop days? Since they are gathering samples, the police didn't get hits from the print they pulled from the car? Weird.

Yeah, it was a captivating episodes overall but it's going to sink or swim based on whether Kevin is dead for good or if he's going to be brought back somehow.

I'm pretty sure he's not dead for good. It'd be a ballsy move to have Justin Theroux killed off completely, but I guess these days anything is possible. To me I think it's not a matter of if he comes back, but the execution and context of how he comes back.

Besides, we have no guarantee that the poison is truly fatal. We only have the word of the character who made the concoction, and he showed in this episode that he himself has a lot of grey to him, and is just kind of shady in general.


Something bothers me about the "Virgil is Kevin's guide" theory. I'm not sure if it's because I've been bitten one too many times by Lindelof, but I get an odd feeling that this is all a red herring.

The whole episode felt like a red herring. The entire episode, we are lead to believe that what Kevin is seeing is real. This is similar to other episodes, where we are lead to believe that something supernatural is real, only to be smacked in the face with reality. In season 1, there is the episode of Nora going to a convention where here ID badge is missing. The episode was structured around the idea that Nora might be delusional, only to find out that, yes, in fact, there was someone impersonating her.

Also in season 1, the episode with Revered Matt and the casino. The entire episode, we are lead to believe that divine intervention is guiding Matt to procuring the funds needed to buy back his church, only to be slapped in the face by reality when he stops to help a member of the Guilty Remnant, only to be hit in the head by a rock and put in a coma for a few days.

This seems to be a reoccurring theme in The Leftovers; show events that make the audience think "oh, maybe something supernatural really is happening to these people," only to be rudely awakened to the fact that, no, nothing is supernatural; it's all just perception and willingness to believe.

It would be incredibly odd for the show to suddenly acknowledge that there are indeed mystical forces at hand. The whole "Virgil is Kevin's guide" theory would not only confirm that idea, but it would take the show to a completely zany place. The amount of times they said "do battle" this episode was ridiculous; and if they actually showed Kevin "doing battle," I feel like the show would lose a certain something. The audiences' imagination will always, always, be better than whatever explanation is given to us. Let us think, wonder, theorize; because the minute you show us the truth, we become bored of it.

Kind of like Star Wars and The Force. The Force was this amazing concept that consumed the imagination of everyone, young and old alike. Then the prequels came out and began explaining "midichlorians;" essentially ruining the concept of The Force. The minute it became something tangible, it became boring. I feel the same will happen to The Leftovers if the theory is proven correct next week.

Wrote way more than I thought I would. Can't wait for next week.

They do not need to actually SHOW it. They could just allude to it just by Kevin believing it. Even IF they show that, it could all be in Kevins mind.


I know some people can't stand the way the musical themes get played over and over in the show... doesn't bother me generally, though today "Where Is My Mind" is burned into my head so badly, and I totally blame The Leftovers.
I know some people can't stand the way the musical themes get played over and over in the show... doesn't bother me generally, though today "Where Is My Mind" is burned into my head so badly, and I totally blame The Leftovers.

What if it's the songs repeating that are making people disappear.


I wouldn't be surprised at all if he ends up dead for real, but still in the show as some sort of ghost like Patti....to maybe tommy?


I know some people can't stand the way the musical themes get played over and over in the show... doesn't bother me generally, though today "Where Is My Mind" is burned into my head so badly, and I totally blame The Leftovers.

I think the song repetition is great, the piano theme is haunting and whenever it comes on I know someone is about to lose their shit.
just watched the episode where christopher eccleston wife is revealed to be pregnant

jesus lindelof is really mining the john locke angle on this character huh

still trying to catch up

still find this show one of the more weirdly watchable shows on tv.. nothing else quite like it
Fantastic episode, in what has been an upwards trajectory for the Leftovers.

Also, I think Justin Theroux is my first legitimate man-crush. And he was involved in writing Tropic Thunder and Zoolander 2? Head over heels I tell ya!


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
Still have some catching up to do on Season 2, but I binged all of Season 1 earlier this week. Season 2 premiere was really strong, and absolutely hooked on this show. There really isn't anything like it on TV right now.
Is tomorrow's episode going to be about the son? Do we know that? It'd be like modern TV to bait us with Kevin's storyline, then switch to something else with its next episode ala TWD.


New episode today:
Season 2: episode 8 "International Assassin"

In the wake of Kevin's desperate decision to vanquish Patti, questions and answers emerge as the world adjusts to the repercussions of what comes next.
Counting tonight's?

Yeah, there's ten episodes in the season. Tonight is number eight.


Haven't really posted in here cause I've been one or two episodes behind airing, but I'm caught up now. I think season 2 has been really great, impressive improvement over season 1, which I thought played with a lot of interesting ideas, but execution was pretty hit or miss. Excited for tonight's episode.
Yeah, there's ten episodes in the season. Tonight is number eight.


Haven't really posted in here cause I've been one or two episodes behind airing, but I'm caught up now. I think season 2 has been really great, impressive improvement over season 1, which I thought played with a lot of interesting ideas, but execution was pretty hit or miss. Excited for tonight's episode.


Season 2 has been great, but Season 1 was really good too. Hoping for a third!

I tried recommending it to friends. This, Mr. Robot and Fargo.
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