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The Leftovers S2 |OT| We're Going To Texas - [Renewed for 3rd and final season]


Excellent episode and excellent season thus far. The Patti scenes were terrific. Wet
Kevin and the audience got Rick Rolled lol. And another departure? Awesome. I still wonder what the whole naked running was about
Excellent episode and excellent season thus far. The Patti scenes were terrific. Wet
Kevin and the audience got Rick Rolled lol. And another departure? Awesome. I still wonder what the whole naked running was about

Freedom. Safety. No cares in the world. "It's Miracle, Texas."
So much energy to the show this season... It went from DVR triage last season to the first thing I watch on a packed Sunday night of TV. Please keep the momentum going!
I'm more than a little annoyed we won't be getting any more naked running through the woods.

Shit's not right. You don't do that and then not have it become a recurring theme. Fuck sake.

It's not even about the nudity, it was literally one of the few more interesting aspects of the pilot. The way they running through the woods, the ride home where they sat in silence. It was about the only thing this show has done that was remotely compelling.
The hallucinating shit has to go. Getting strong Lost vibes from it.

They kind of established that she might not be a hallucination this episode with the guy in the tower asking who his friend was.

Although I don't expect much to come of it. They seem to be throwing everything at the wall and going with whatever sticks right now. There doesn't seem to be any kind of plot beyond people have vanished again, oh no, now watch another group of people deal with it.

Oh and remember these guys who don't talk, their leader now likes to tie men up and have sex with them against their will.


They kind of established that she might not be a hallucination this episode with the guy in the tower asking who his friend was.
Yes, the crazy guy on the tower. Just like Kevin's dad who also 'sees' people and deemed crazy. It can still be made to go either way.

Patty usage is terrible as feared. Just spoon-feeding to viewers or lame attempt at humor. 'Looks like you have explaining to do'. 'Looks like you framed
someone without even trying.' And the bit about trying to kill himself - we all thought it was a possibility and they didn't need to spell it out with these ghost conversations.

Carrots continue to be dangled even though old ones are still swinging. So if we believe Patty, there now has been a second departure. Matt reports that his wife woke up and recovered from her medical situation in their first night at Miracle but nothing since. New mysteries, new questions. Add them to the heap.


Show goes from strength to strength. Really enjoyed the last one. I kind of dug it where Kevin finally acknowledges Patti. I think that it makes sense that it is a manifestation of her that has come to him to attempt to open his eyes to truth that the world is far from OK or normal post departure, and that the things going on around them are not simply emotional fallout, but reflections of something larger.
I fucking love Carrie Coon on this show, she carries such a presence in every scene she's in. And Theroux does crazy so very well. Love this show, even if I have no idea what is going on.

Edit: I apologize for the pun, it was unintended.
Yes, the crazy guy on the tower. Just like Kevin's dad who also 'sees' people and deemed crazy. It can still be made to go either way.

Patty usage is terrible as feared. Just spoon-feeding to viewers or lame attempt at humor. 'Looks like you have explaining to do'. 'Looks like you framed
someone without even trying.' And the bit about trying to kill himself - we all thought it was a possibility and they didn't need to spell it out with these ghost conversations.

Carrots continue to be dangled even though old ones are still swinging. So if we believe Patty, there now has been a second departure. Matt reports that his wife woke up and recovered from her medical situation in their first night at Miracle but nothing since. New mysteries, new questions. Add them to the heap.

I don't disagree, but that would surely be such lazy writing to make the guy in the tower just another kook who is basically filling in for Kevin's dad.


Hunky Nostradamus
That piano theme is nice but they're using it far too often for it to really be effective.

At the end in the pool. You could see just as much of it (if not more) in that episode as in this episode. He likes to tease us.

Watch that scene again. There was no penis in that shot.


What a drastic improvement this season is!

The level of confidence and focus this show is achieving has catapulted it to one of the best shows of the year IMO.

Last season was interesting, but this one is just outstanding. Just binge watched the first 4 episodes and there is some really powerful stuff here, and they have ironed out some of last seasons kinks and lack of focus, making the shows tremendous potential an actuality. I really hope ratings improve.
Dude, we get that you don't like the show. Good for you.


I'm taking each episode as it comes. I like some aspects, dislike others. Doesn't mean I don't like the show, it's just incredibly uneven right now. Not to mention having yet another departure to set up drama is lazy.

And let's not even mention bringing back the weakest aspect of the first season and giving them so much attention. The GR were garbage, should have left them in season 1.


New episode this week:
Season 2: episode 5 "No Room at the Inn"

Rev. Matt Jamison takes his vegetative wife, Mary, outside Miracle to seek answers about her condition, but their lives take a dangerous detour when he is barred from returning to town. Racing to get her back into Miracle, he struggles to keep Mary safe from desperate tourists squatting just outside the town's gates.


Series low - 519K

That's sad. The show deserves a bigger fan base and more appreciation. They should be applauded for taking some risks and changing up a lot of the show, yet still keeping it thematically consistent and interesting. Season 2 of the LO is giving me a lot of The Wire season 2 vibes in that sense.
such a cliched Lindork Plot Device

this guy is fucking John Locke all over again.

Does not make sense.

After 3 good to great episodes, comes back down to earth with something completely nonsensical.
Another Matt-centric episode. Another winner. 2/2 in the department.
A Mary is pregnant in a mysterious manner. Reza, is that your work? Maybe Matt is being tested, maybe he's looking for validation in the all wrong places too. The last bit be his attempt at redemption for all his sins, though I wonder who will offer themselves up to save him so the he can go back into the town.

Odd coincidence that both this and The League featured plot points about sex with a wife who's "asleep."

We're having quite a special season here.


Holy contrived drama, Batman.
I mean, I tried counting the levels of contrivance, but lost track after 20 minutes or so.
And of course, everybody's still an asshole. Even the Island the Town.


Just finished episode 3. This season has been really consistent thus far.
Also, who wants a hug?
In my head-canon it's a given that this show and LOST take place in the same universe.

I wouldn't be surprised if in the series bible, Walt had something to do with the Departures.


That was a tough watch. I liked that Matt wasn't prepared to kowtow to John no matter the consequences. Hopefully he gets back into the town soon though.


loved the episode except for the song at the end. basically purports that everyone needs some god for them to deal with life. pretty offensive. also, im laughing at what i perceive to be the ridiculousness of such ideas and, not with. tsk.

no offense to the religious of course.

anyway, yeah amazing episode.


This has to be one of the strangest TV anomalies ive seen. This season has been phenomenal. Lots of great, emotional and challenging aspects to it and its completely shitting the bed in ratings. At the very least anyone reading this who is at all interested in good drama s needs to give this a chance. Probably will only get the rest of the season. I just cant see it getting renewed with the ratings its pulling.


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
Miracle needs to step it up and implement a simple computerized photo ID system. C'mon now. Theme parks were doing that for annual passes like 20 years ago. I think this paranoid town can figure it out.


Miracle needs to step it up and implement a simple computerized photo ID system. C'mon now. Theme parks were doing that for annual passes like 20 years ago. I think this paranoid town can figure it out.
B-but drama!
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