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The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel |OT| Class Warfare

I liked Towa's chemistry with Rean more than with Alisa

and every other pairing besides those two is just wish fulfillment I feel

Too polite

The tension was more annoying than natural

Half of their conversations where them exchanging compliments on how great they are

Give me some REAL drama man

Crow could never be a lead. The pervy and (somewhat) characters never are.

Yeah they took that stuff a bit too far. You can be a fun charismatic womanizer without coming off as a creep. I think Kevin Graham towed that line much better than Crow but hey these guys ARE young
Rean x Laura, though never that upfront.

Laura just has a light crush she'll get over it

She can do better. Like Fie for example

Too polite

The tension was more annoying than natural

Half of their conversations where them exchanging compliments on how great they are

Give me some REAL drama man

I liked how their relationship was based on mutual support. They'd both offer help and advice and encouragement to each other in their interactions in Bond Events and the main story.

It's not traditional fiction romance by any means, but I just thought they really complimented each other as a pair.

I was a little disappointed by how platonic their dance scene was though...
Half of all of the conversations in the game was just needless amounts of compliments and humility all around lol


you only had a few characters with a enough personality to break shit up

Sharon, Sara, Jusis, Fie, Crow, Angelica

Those are the best characters man.

Emma, Towa, Elliot and Gaius where pretty much nice characters and had decent personalities but overall didnt add much flare.

I know you need straight arrow characters that are positive, nice and happy all the time but cmon

Alisa never followed through on the hints of fiery personality so she basically just became a monologer about here personal issues.

Laura.... I love her, love her design. My knight but also is hopelessly restrained but at least not offensive in any way.... except for the whole lame conflict with Fie but i blame the writers there


I can't help but think if Rean was a GAF member, he would be labeled as a Nice Guy(tm).

I haven't finished it of course, but I had the same thought initially. From what I've seen though, I think they do a good job counterbalancing that by having characters (Laura and Sara in particular) call him on that. Dude is nice, but overcompensating a teensy bit. And he wants everyone to think his hands are squeaky clean with no callouses. Laura knows though.
I haven't finished it of course, but I had the same thought initially. From what I've seen though, I think they do a good job counterbalancing that by having characters (Laura and Sara in particular) call him on that. Dude is nice, but overcompensating a teensy bit. And he wants everyone to think his hands are squeaky clean with no callouses. Laura knows though.

It would be nice if his drop out had an interesting story behind it

some conflict

Maybe even something crazy. That way his sister could have had a more tangible foil to work with instead of what they gave her

Missed narrative opportunities all around... from the guys that gave us Trails in the Sky. A game where the characters and writing were able to surprise me in quite a few ways

They pandered hard and played it safe with this game


Played for the first time in a few months, 3 trophies away from the platinum. I forgot how I built my characters Orbments. Oops.

Nyoro SF

Laura just has a light crush she'll get over it

She can do better. Like Fie for example

I like the way you think. lol

But yeah, romance in this game was not very well handled due to all the options. You obviously cannot have a story scene where Rean fully commits to Alisa, for example... because what if the player only interacted with Laura instead? And a sequel cannot continue an "official" romance for the same reason. So the romantic interactions are half-baked at best and don't have any emotional pull. You can't have Laura make any passes at Fie as part of the main storyline because what if Fie is, uh, fully linked with Rean?

In fact this same problem is the cornerstone of the problems with Social Links in general and why Class VII feels like linear nonentities (and why the school and older NPCs have way better lines and funny conversations since they're on their own tack). I hope that there's no more compartmentalized social interactions in Kiseki games from here on out... :< (yes I've played CS2).
I like the way you think. lol

But yeah, romance in this game was not very well handled due to all the options. You obviously cannot have a story scene where Rean fully commits to Alisa, for example... because what if the player only interacted with Laura instead? And a sequel cannot continue an "official" romance for the same reason. So the romantic interactions are half-baked at best and don't have any emotional pull. You can't have Laura make any passes at Fie as part of the main storyline because what if Fie is, uh, fully linked with Rean?

In fact this same problem is the cornerstone of the problems with Social Links in general and why Class VII feels like linear nonentities (and why the school and older NPCs have way better lines and funny conversations since they're on their own tack). I hope that there's no more compartmentalized social interactions in Kiseki games from here on out... :< (yes I've played CS2).

It was weird

I felt like the Laura/Fie think was kind of heavily implied in a weird way. It was cool but I wanted Laura for myself

Even if i was stuck with Shitstain Rean as my avatar


As if they didnt throw enough tropes at us

His ties to the Eight Leaves school that they built up in the world already was enough of a compelling angle

Instead they decide to give him the lamest quirk ever..... add it to the "Rean is legit horrible" list

I have to agree and considering the ending biggun'.....,(Late Game)
which was cool enough in its own right
, I've so far found it to be a poor addition to the story. I wonder what CS2 will make of it.


So when's the prequel game before Class VII is established where I can play as Towa, Crow, Angelica and George going on Field Studies all around Erebonia?

And man, what *did* happen to Class VI? They just went and skipped it to get to VII. That point was raised in the early game and then completely dropped and never brought up again.


Wait people think Laura x Fie is a thing?
If it is it'd probably feel as forced as their unnecessary squabbling. Machias is a bit of a naive brat and dragged Jusis down with him. Laura and Fie are too level headed to get into the mess they did.
If it is it'd probably feel as forced as their unnecessary squabbling. Machias is a bit of a brat and dragged Jusis down with him. Laura and Fie are too headed to get into the mess they did.

Yeah the whole Laura/Fie conflict was a whole lot of nothing and their duel even lamer

what a let down

I could write a better setup for them to clash in my head in five minutes


Well not explicitly

I think it was the combination of the girls that knew Laura at home and a few of their scenes

Seems like it was subtlely hinted at that they could have an attraction lol

I don't see how the people from Laura's home thinking no man is good enough for Laura means her and Fie have a thing.


What's the phrase? Laura is an Ojou or soemthing or other.

Yeah the whole Laura/Fie conflict was a whole lot of nothing and their duel even lamer

what a let down

I could write a better setup for them to clash in my head in five minutes
The only people of Class VII I could see getting into arguments are Machias and Alisa. The rest are too mature, relaxed or tame for that to happem, hemce why Laura and Fie doing so just didn't feel right. I suppose
as well maybe, but it would be one sided towards that character and not reciprocated


I like the way you think. lol

But yeah, romance in this game was not very well handled due to all the options. You obviously cannot have a story scene where Rean fully commits to Alisa, for example... because what if the player only interacted with Laura instead? And a sequel cannot continue an "official" romance for the same reason. So the romantic interactions are half-baked at best and don't have any emotional pull. You can't have Laura make any passes at Fie as part of the main storyline because what if Fie is, uh, fully linked with Rean?

In fact this same problem is the cornerstone of the problems with Social Links in general and why Class VII feels like linear nonentities (and why the school and older NPCs have way better lines and funny conversations since they're on their own tack). I hope that there's no more compartmentalized social interactions in Kiseki games from here on out... :< (yes I've played CS2).

I was totally prepared to have an Alisa forced pairing from the game. Her character simply screams "Main Girl! Main Girl!". While I'm impressed that it didn't happen to an everlasting extent, I wish the various Bonding Events were stronger on a whole. It's a(nother) similarity to the Modern Persona formula I didn't find was executed well. I still really liked some of the characters, but the relational weight wasn't there for a lot of them.

Additionally RIP CS2! (jk)
I would have preferred not having the persona setup for exactly that reason

On the flipside i dunno if i would have liked a locked in story surrounding Rean any better.

Oh well. Game is still great and im happy to get CS2 soon.
I actually like the bonding events in Cold Steel. I think calling them "bonding" though is a bit misleading

What I prefer to social links is that these characters stories progress throughout the year whether you're watching or not, vs in Persona where NOTHING happens without you being there to help. Rean seems a lot less involved than a Persona protagonist would be at the core of most these scenes.

So I don't really look at them the same as social links, because I think alot of them don't really develop or deepen Rean's relationships with the characters. It's more him spending time and witnessing their stories that would play out whether he was there or not. Game just allows you to pick your favorites and see their stories firsthand


Chapter 4 spoilers for those who haven't seen it but a question I have on a replay.

Is it ever explained why the door on the 4th floor of the schoolhouse opens for Elise? I know Emma shoots Celine a glare but I assumed it was for leading her down there, not that she was the one to open it. I just don't get why the door "speaks" to Rean but opens for Elise when they aren't blood related. If it is something that gets explained in CS2 then I don't want to know but if there's anything from this one, I'm down.


Finally started digging in and finished up the prologue this afternoon and I never realized how similar this game is to P4g (which is a good thing) and I can't wait to dig into it more. The only draw back to that is I will have to play with a guide handy because I'Lloyd cry if I mess up my ships...
Yeah the whole Laura/Fie conflict was a whole lot of nothing and their duel even lamer

what a let down

I could write a better setup for them to clash in my head in five minutes

I thought the general idea of it was fine but I didn't think they executed it all that well. I think they should have touched more on the idea that Laura was a bit vain because she understands just how strong and capable Fie really is but she is a slacker and she can't understand her because of that since she has always lived her life with constant disciple and training where as Fie who she finds to be a rival in many ways just doesn't care about any of that. It's a clashing of two very different personalities and it frustrates Laura more then anything else that she can't get through to her.

In the end it came off very forced and in a way to provide Rean another way to interact with his group as the 'leader' but I do think there is something there that really would have caused a real conflict between Laura and Fie they just screwed it up in the end.

I really think they should have shown a bit more personality in Laura shes very stoic and I'm surpised shes liked as much as she is since I generally found her fairly boring compared to much of the other female cast. Shes a hugely OP character in battle but if you asked me to describe all of the female characters to a friend I wouldn't have a problem doing that except for Laura, shes just basically the high class 'Lady' character. Shes honorable and strong but she never really shows any emotion or personality. It's one of the few things I do hope improves with her in CS2 because as much as I liked having her on my party she certainly is the least interesting character of the CS1 cast.


Also on a replay (my third) and just left Legram. Lots of mysteries peek themselves out from hiding in Chapter 5, and I've mused about
the giant door inside Lohengrin Castle
and what might be behind it before. Now I'm thinking about something else:
Emma says that Legram (or perhaps more specifically, the castle) is not "their jurisdiction". Which of course makes me wonder whose it is. Obviously it would be someone with the same abilities as her. This of course ties in with what may be hidden beneath the castle.

Now, the one thing Legram is also most famous for is its Lake Ebel and the fog that covers the area on frequent occasions. One of the characters mentions on Day 2 or 3 that the town is getting misty again... and I couldn't help but focus on the word 'misty'.

Anybody who's played the game to completion once is well aware
of another character who Emma seems intimately knowledgeable of: Vita Clotilde a.k.a. the Azure Abyss but more importantly, goes under cover as Radio Trista's voice of Abend Time. The alias she goes by?

Am I thinking too hard on this or is there a connection between
Legram and Vita?

I realize I might be grasping at straws. Don't need the whole thing spoiled, just let me know if I'm on the right track with my thinking here. It's fun trying to put two and two together but sometimes you need to make sure you're not being led astray by some red herring.


I realize I might be grasping at straws. Don't need the whole thing spoiled, just let me know if I'm on the right track with my thinking here. It's fun trying to put two and two together but sometimes you need to make sure you're not being led astray by some red herring.
No one can spoil anything for you since we don't know yet. Your critical thinking, however, is what this series expects from you and you are at least on to something.

Personally, I think (pure speculative, Cold Steel spoilers)
neither Emma nor Vita has jurisdiction over Legram. Rather a third person.


I can't help but think if Rean was a GAF member, he would be labeled as a Nice Guy(tm).
Eh? Rean is more of a coolguystevememe type who just does nice things to people without expecting much in return because that's his nature than a nice guy who does nice things to women with the expection they'll be rewarded with a relationship/sex. It's not the most exciting character type from a narrative point of view, but no need to make him into some douche when he's not.

Nyoro SF

I wonder if importing a clear save file from the US version of CS1 is possible with a PAL CS2. If the releases are close enough, I'd still rather buy the PAL version of the game.

You can use a program to remove region restrictions from saves. Then it will work on your copy. Brute Force Save Editor.


Glad to hear about NISA. They're doing good work in Europe and now their Atlus deal has fallen through I'm glad to have more things to pick up from them. Unfortunately I'm not really much of a fan of NIS stuff.


Eh? Rean is more of a coolguystevememe type who just does nice things to people without expecting much in return because that's his nature than a nice guy who does nice things to women with the expection they'll be rewarded with a relationship/sex. It's not the most exciting character type from a narrative point of view, but no need to make him into some douche when he's not.

Society sure did a number on Nice Guy™.


Junior Member
Eh? Rean is more of a coolguystevememe type who just does nice things to people without expecting much in return because that's his nature than a nice guy who does nice things to women with the expection they'll be rewarded with a relationship/sex. It's not the most exciting character type from a narrative point of view, but no need to make him into some douche when he's not.

Maybe, but people viewing from the outside rather than his POV might not think that.


Eh? Rean is more of a coolguystevememe type who just does nice things to people without expecting much in return because that's his nature than a nice guy who does nice things to women with the expection they'll be rewarded with a relationship/sex. It's not the most exciting character type from a narrative point of view, but no need to make him into some douche when he's not.

That's true, yeah.

Society sure did a number on Nice Guy™.


Maybe, but people viewing from the outside rather than his POV might not think that.

Yeah. I mean, I took your original post as pointing out that Rean is so nice and outwardly selfless that in a real-life scenario it could easily come off as disengenuos/driven by some hidden agenda, which I still think is a fair assessment that the game itself acknowledges.


Junior Member
I need 3 more fish before I can catch the last one, but I can't get them at all in Trista. I'm using the right rods but the chances seem really low...

Edit: I think I'm just fishing at the wrong spot.
This final dungeon theme is bumping.

Yeah, that dungeon theme was seriously epic.

That said, I kind of feel everything after the end of Chapter 6 is really weird narratively. I don't really know why, but it felt incredibly... odd. Both times I played through it.

I think part of it is (chapter 6/7 spoilers)
how after you beat C you get a long string of 'epilogue-style' cutscenes, regarding meeting with the emperor and what happened with Angelica, etc. It reminded me a lot of the 'and this is what happened next' epilogue slides you get in BioWare games.

Then the game carries on but has a completely different structure to the rest of the game (no field trip/practical exam/etc.)


Probably as a result of having to meet a deadline to get the game out and the final chapter(s) getting ridiculous with the amount of content they'd have to stuff in 'em that they felt the need to trim some of it out, which resulted in a Drama CD and a sequel that encompasses all of the stuff they wanted to fit in the tail-end of Cold Steel, and then some.

That was, indeed, on the drama CD that shipped with Sen no Kiseki's limited edition.

Good job at, eh, recognising patterns that are really quite obvious. As for plausible explanations behind them: for FC and SC Falcom were very much looking for a new format, largely sticking to what had worked in previous Legend of Heroes games (e.g. White Witch was also one nation per chapter). They already started drafting Zero by the time they worked on The 3rd, allowing Zero and Ao to become this meticulously crafted RPG that ended up exactly as they had initially planned over the course of four years. With Sen -- merely two years later already -- they had to make the transition to 3D, and decided to stick to FC/SC's systematic approach in order to introduce the enormous empire to the player. In the end, they ran into development problems and cut the final chapter, shipping Sen with an awkward ending and padding Sen II as the final chapter with additional content, and did a great job on that.

So yes, Cold Steel got Sonic & Knuckle'd, lol.

Perhaps one day Falcom will be willing to "lock on" both parts back together again and restore the game in its original form. But probably not, they seem pretty okay with how it turned out.
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