Chapter 6 quest question
In the "Can You Hear Me Now?" quest (the one where you use an orbal wave detector to check the signal strength), what is the max number of buildings with a signal strength of 1?
I think it's five?
(Church, that basement bar, in front of the ??? door, the orbment research place and that one dude's store that fixes orbment stuff, might want to check the skyscraper too in case I forget one and it's actually six places, though I think the characters might comment after the last one, something like "I think we've checked all the places possible", so you'll know you've done the quest then)
The Second playthrough is much, MUCH quicker if you just fast forward through all the discussions you've seen already and most of the battles before maybe Chapter 4 or 5. It took me 90 hours for the first playthrough, the second was probably under 20. You do need to finish 40 quests in the second playthrough as well, but they are really fast to do when you don't have to watch some of the lengthy discussions.About to start chapter 5, so far really liking the game but wondering if it worth doing an all quests run? So far used a guide make sure I find all quests however hate using a guide 1st playthrough. My problem is that the game is too long for me to do a 2nd playthrough (major time constraints). Does anything transfer to Cs2 and is it worth it?
Neither Rean nor anyone else in Class VII heard what happened over in Crossbell either."Say, did you hear that that thing that happened over in Crossbell?"
No I did not![]()
See my earlier post.About to start chapter 5, so far really liking the game but wondering if it worth doing an all quests run? So far used a guide make sure I find all quests however hate using a guide 1st playthrough. My problem is that the game is too long for me to do a 2nd playthrough (major time constraints). Does anything transfer to Cs2 and is it worth it?
About to start chapter 5, so far really liking the game but wondering if it worth doing an all quests run? So far used a guide make sure I find all quests however hate using a guide 1st playthrough. My problem is that the game is too long for me to do a 2nd playthrough (major time constraints). Does anything transfer to Cs2 and is it worth it?
You get 5 usable points when you finish Cold Steel for the first time for use to carrying over things to the second playthrough. If you play through Cold Steel twice, you get 10p for the next playthrough and three times gives you 15p (and that's the max amount of points you can get).Some stuff transfers, not sure what. I'm using a guide myself after missing a few hidden quests.
From what I've read, there ischapters in the game? So might as well just do all the quests since you're this far into it now anyway.7
Also while I don't plan on doing a second playthrough (for now, maybe if we ever get Trails of Cold Steel 3, I'll do a run through from game 1 to game 3 XD), a second playthrough will probably be shorter since (AFAIK) you can transfer levels and just skip most dialogue you've seen. Dialogue skipping would probably cut down the time it takes to beat it by a significant amount I'd imagine.
Those do not count. If you check your notebook, they don't show up at all.Recently started the game but only read some things about the trophies halfway through the first actual dungeon, the. I didn't scan any of the enemies in the very first part of the game, theOld Schoolhouse. Will I encounter them and the boss from that bit again? Or will it have to wait until NG+?flashback
Those do not count. If you check your notebook, they don't show up at all.
Neither Rean nor anyone else in Class VII heard what happened over in Crossbell either.
Okay, good to know. I did check but figured they weren't there since I didn't scan them. Thanks!
Think I might've run into a glitch or something in chapter 6
I'm on a second playthrough on nightmare andchose the Fire & Ice guns for Crow for the kill 10 owls quest and I've killed at least 40 and the quest never finished. I made sure to change MQ and everything to make sure it wasn't deathblow kills and even killed them with a regular attack and no dice.
For the people outside of spoilers, make sure you make a separate save slot as soon as you hit the second day of the field study just in case it really is an actual glitch (though I think this is a glitch only on the second playthrough). Saw someone on Gamefaqs run into it, but there's no confirmation.
Are you sure you have the right weapons equipped, the game auto-equips them so if you switched you might have taken them off. This happened to me.
Yup.It's the fire and ice guns. I checked after I reloaded an older save just to make sure.
Edit: Just redid the quest withchoosing Fie's weapons and the quest finished after I killed the 10th. That was super weird that it didn't work for Crow.
Sometimes, yes, sometimes it's a way for translators to add some flair to the translation when it makes sense for the English translation to not actually be English since the original Japanese word used might've implied a foreign origin (so sometimes the Japanese original name might've been in English/Engrish, so when translating it makes sense if the name is something foreign to English as English item names are to Japanese). Or something like that. So instead of something being, like, Fire Sword, if the point is for the weapon to have foreign origin or maybe based on some ancient mythology, they might call it Feuerschwert. Just as a bad example. ;PCould someone explain to me the use of the German language in this game? Is it just something Japanese developer use to make it sound different or more interesting?
30 hours, still on the first day of the second field trip. I expected to like this game, but nowhere near this much.
The only really negative I can sling at it so far is that it's already magnifying pain of not getting the Crossbell games way beyond levels I'm capable of withstanding.
"Say, did you hear that that thing that happened over in Crossbell?"
No I did not![]()
Neither Rean nor anyone else in Class VII heard what happened over in Crossbell either.
There's the "ultimate" bonding event near the end of the game that you can only have if you have high enough link with them (I think it's 3500exp/lvl 4 for those two late additions) + fulfill one of the other requirements. So if you're going for Platinum, you can't ignore them completely.Thanks for the advice will carry on doing all the quests. Currently on the free day - kinda weird to introduceany point investing time in them?2 new party membersout of the blue.
Meant to ask this the other day. Is Trails of Cold Steal louder (both dialogue wise and just in general) than many other games?
Normally the volume on my TV is a lot louder but with Trails, I actually need to put it down compared to what I do with other games.
Not complaining though. (especially since the dialogue is easy to hear even over the music which makes me happy)
It took me two years to get through FC; it took me one year to get through the six games that followed. The moment FC 'sticked' for me was, just like Famassu said, during Chapter 2, which has some highly memorable scenes.Ive actually started Trails in the Sky: FC for the second time, now. Ive had the same issue as some others have mentioned on the slow start of the game. I just really need to power through. I mean its not bad by any means, but I dont have that I have to play right now feeling when I really get into a game. I know it can be different for each person, but in most peoples experience, when would you say the game really starts to pick up (chapter-wise)?
I know its been said you can play Cold Steel, first, but I do want to get through FC and SC before I do that.
I am not that far into FC right now at all, only just completed theso I know I have a long ways to go and wont be getting to Cold Steel for quite a while yet.Perzel Farm,
I'm up to chapter 3 now. Awesome stuff so far, but I was a little bit disappointed to find out that there are missable quests :/
Ive actually started Trails in the Sky: FC for the second time, now. Ive had the same issue as some others have mentioned on the slow start of the game. I just really need to power through. I mean its not bad by any means, but I dont have that I have to play right now feeling when I really get into a game. I know it can be different for each person, but in most peoples experience, when would you say the game really starts to pick up (chapter-wise)?
I know its been said you can play Cold Steel, first, but I do want to get through FC and SC before I do that.
I am not that far into FC right now at all, only just completed theso I know I have a long ways to go and wont be getting to Cold Steel for quite a while yet.Perzel Farm,
Could someone explain to me the use of the German language in this game? Is it just something Japanese developer use to make it sound different or more interesting?
Founder of the German Empire, Otto von Bismarck, gained the nickname "Iron Chancellor" through realpolitik, operated under emperor Wilhelm I, juggled with international relations to expand his empire, gave a speech titled "Blood and Iron" about the unification of German territories in 1862, and pushed for a railway system in Germany afterwards. Yes, Falcom's source of inspiration for Erebonia is quite evident.Actually, yes. It's quite often used in anime and video games, at least when they have a fantasy setting. There is no specific reason and it mostly depends on the preferences of the director. Maybe here it's used to accentuate the fact that the world has nothing to do with Japan and is rather based on Europe.
German seems to be the official language in the Erebonian Empire. Most of the names are German and on the radio the moderator says something like "I call it 'Abend Time' after the word for 'evening'." So imagine everyone is actually speaking German and it is only translated into Japanese/English for the convenience of the players.
Founder of the German Empire, Otto von Bismarck, gained the nickname "Iron Chancellor" through realpolitik, operated under emperor Wilhelm I, juggled with international relations to expand his empire, gave a speech titled "Blood and Iron" about the unification of German territories in 1862, and pushed for a railway system in Germany afterwards. Yes, Falcom's source of inspiration for Erebonia is quite evident.
They did a much better job on concealing Liberl's source of inspiration, which was modelled after Thailand, officially known as the Kingdom of Thailand, the only southeast Asian nation that never got colonised by Europe thanks to its able monarchs and served as a buffer state between those colonial powers.I wasn't aware any of that. That's awesome.
Damn , chapter 6 final boss...
28 minutes , 4.8 bonus xp ... 1 retry .. you can't let your guard down ... what an intense boss fight ..
This game's magnificent .
And claire and sharon dialog at the end was superb...
Should I get the Lionheart edition or the standard?
I may only want the former as it may go up in price in the future. Then again I recall getting burnt by FFXII way back when.
Founder of the German Empire, Otto von Bismarck, gained the nickname "Iron Chancellor" through realpolitik, operated under emperor Wilhelm I, juggled with international relations to expand his empire, gave a speech titled "Blood and Iron" about the unification of German territories in 1862, and pushed for a railway system in Germany afterwards. Yes, Falcom's source of inspiration for Erebonia is quite evident.
Question about Link Points and conversations: Is it possible to max out links in one playthrough? The first free day gives 2 link points and 3 possible link conversations during the day, so you have to choose.
Just curious how aggressive I'll need to be with prioritizing links.
OK cool, good to know.You can't max all of them in one playthrough. People usually get 4-6 maxed, and then the rest on their second playthrough.
If you want to know as much as what Rean and co. does on Crossbell...
Read the newspapers.