Well, now that the series is over I would like to hear Satch's final thoughts on Asami and/or Korra as characters.
the same as i did way back when i made those posts.
They're just what the story needs them to be at any given time. They're lists, not characters. The story doesn't necessarily respect their role in the story outside of... like... pragmatic use? Like they're not really written as people. The story needs them to do a thing, and then they do it, and then they sit out of the way until they need to do a thing again. The writers try to humanize them in some ways (Asami's woes with her father), but with Korra specifically it feels like her stresses don't really matter. They don't seem sincere because the way it's resolved is very abrupt. Toph helps her, suddenly she's cured. Then she fights Kuvira. She's not cured. Then we don't see or hear anything about her mental health problem until she meets Zaheer, and it's taken care of in a moment. And from that point forward, it's gone. Like... okay I guess? And then Raava is back or whatever, but I don't really care about Raava being gone because it's not like she had meaningful discussion with Raava in the first place. It's the same thing they did with Korra's connection to the past Avatars. Who gives a shit about them being gone outside of a meta standpoint? She didn't talk to them like Aang talked to Roku, so I have no emotional investment in her personal connection to the past Avatars because
she didn't have an emotional investment in her personal connection to the past Avatars outside of how it related to her duty. And the writers force her to have a shallow understanding of her duty anyway so I'm also not invested in her duty.
Korra spent book 3 being this passive "thing" waiting to be collected, like a piece of the Triforce in Legend of Zelda. And Asami was like... that fast sail that you get in the auction in Windwaker. Like getting that sail is completely optional but you can get to the Triforce pieces faster if you have it. But you don't really need it, you know? You can beat the game without it. It's nice to have though.
It's these two """""characters""""" with this immense potential that's just been wasted over and over and over again, but I'm still a little invested in them because I have an idea of that potential and would like to see it realized in some form. I like the idea of Korra and I like the idea of Asami even more because I love that entire "women leading in tech fields" thing in stories these days and she scratches that itch.
God, that moment in book 4 when Asami held up the blueprints for the hummingbird mech and was ready to present them to Raiko and then fucking Varrick started talking over her had me HEATED. I WAS READY TO HEAR HER TALK ABOUT HER MACHINE!!!!!!!!!!! but at least we get varrick oh my god so good character

)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) so funneh xDDDDDD lel xdddddd best character in the show TeheHEHEhHEHEHe abuse my assistant then propose to her when she drags me omg such good hcaracter development :')))))))))))))))))
and i love Korra and Asami to death as a couple... i been rooting for them to be together for 3 years and it'll be a cold day in hell before anyone snatches that from my hands bitchezzzzz