That's a cool dungeon. If that's the weakest point.... WHEW what a game.
Indeed. There's a reason why so many consider it the GOAT.
That's a cool dungeon. If that's the weakest point.... WHEW what a game.
As stated above I was talking about Switch hardware haha.
Zelda reviews are coming tomorrow.
When are we getting the reviews?
I found getting Makaar around in the Wind Temple more cumbersome than Ruto. Ruto was basically a stationary object. You have to actively control Makaar at times. It's slow as shit, and he basically only exists to set up hook shot points a lot of the time so it feels like the dungeon would function without him.
Granted, Makaar is out of commission for the first half.
Yep. My fiancé, who plays a lot of games like The Sims and Animal Crossing, has been playing OOT 3D, and had been having a good time up until that dungeon. The Ruto mechanic is one of the most outdated things in the game, and drove her crazy, almost causing her to bounce off the game.
How much of the open world in the game just ends up being empty? As I have been watching some of the reviews and let's plays people have been posting on youtube ive noticed that alot of the world is just barren. I hope that doesnt end up being the case, or rather there is still stuff to do in these wide open areas other than just exploring.
Games like MGSV, FFXV, and Horizon were able to solve this issue by having a ton of side stuff to do while traveling form mission to mission, like collecting resources, crafting, and random events/bosses.
How much of the open world in the game just ends up being empty? As I have been watching some of the reviews and let's plays people have been posting on youtube ive noticed that alot of the world is just barren. I hope that doesnt end up being the case, or rather there is still stuff to do in these wide open areas other than just exploring.
Games like MGSV, FFXV, and Horizon were able to solve this issue by having a ton of side stuff to do while traveling form mission to mission, like collecting resources, crafting, and random events/bosses.
How much of the open world in the game just ends up being empty? As I have been watching some of the reviews and let's plays people have been posting on youtube ive noticed that alot of the world is just barren. I hope that doesnt end up being the case, or rather there is still stuff to do in these wide open areas other than just exploring.
Games like MGSV, FFXV, and Horizon were able to solve this issue by having a ton of side stuff to do while traveling form mission to mission, like collecting resources, crafting, and random events/bosses.
How much of the open world in the game just ends up being empty? As I have been watching some of the reviews and let's plays people have been posting on youtube ive noticed that alot of the world is just barren. I hope that doesnt end up being the case, or rather there is still stuff to do in these wide open areas other than just exploring.
Games like MGSV, FFXV, and Horizon were able to solve this issue by having a ton of side stuff to do while traveling form mission to mission, like collecting resources, crafting, and random events/bosses.
How much of the open world in the game just ends up being empty? As I have been watching some of the reviews and let's plays people have been posting on youtube ive noticed that alot of the world is just barren. I hope that doesnt end up being the case, or rather there is still stuff to do in these wide open areas other than just exploring.
Games like MGSV, FFXV, and Horizon were able to solve this issue by having a ton of side stuff to do while traveling form mission to mission, like collecting resources, crafting, and random events/bosses.
The ball in Season's isn't dragged through the entire dungeon yes, but getting it from its point A to B to C to D to its final destination requires a solid knowledge of the dungeon's layout and how to manipulate the ball successfully. It's that element of design that isn't really prevalent in modern Zelda dungeons.
The Ruto example is a bit rudimentary yes, but Majora's Mask is basically brimming with stuff like this. They went all out in the dungeons in that game, possibly, because of how few they were.
Lies. The use of the boomerang is fantastic. It is also a more interesting dungeon style thematically than the previous ones and introduced the multi-room puzzle style of some later dungeons in more detail. It looked fantastic in the 3DS version.
The enemies were super annoying, and the mini-boss, ugh, but the boss itself was really cool. It's probably my favourite of the kid Link dungeons.
How much of the open world in the game just ends up being empty? As I have been watching some of the reviews and let's plays people have been posting on youtube ive noticed that alot of the world is just barren. I hope that doesnt end up being the case, or rather there is still stuff to do in these wide open areas other than just exploring.
Games like MGSV, FFXV, and Horizon were able to solve this issue by having a ton of side stuff to do while traveling form mission to mission, like collecting resources, crafting, and random events/bosses.
I think you are confusing posters here because I only said that about Skyward Sword and Between Worlds, I think Twilight Princess is fine.
Yeah the Sky Keep concept was brilliant, but the execution was severely lacking because of how simple and straight forward the solution was. Also that one moment you had to use the bow cleverly in sandship was spoiled for me by Fi. I thought "okay, that was awesome" but sadly I didn't get a chance to make the realization myself so it kind of defeats the purpose of having them there. I don't know, it feels like Nintendo is just too afraid of people getting stuck it seems.
Games like MGSV, FFXV, and Horizon were able to solve this issue by having a ton of side stuff to do while traveling form mission to mission, like collecting resources, crafting, and random events/bosses.
I played 30 minutes so far. And died 4 times. There is a blue boboklin enemy which can kill you in one hit and they have no trouble letting you fight him.
That game is fucking awesome.
Yeah Jabu Jabu's Belly is probably the weakest dungeon in OoT.
Yep. Jabu-Jabu's Belly is the only bad dungeon in OoT IMO.
That was always my least favorite part when replaying that game.
I have not played a Zelda game in many years so I have no opinion...
My current save slot on OoT 3DS - my first time playing the game ever - is halted on that very dungeon and has been for months.
It's not bad... It's just not great
That sounds awesome. What happens when you die? You just respawn somewhere with all your things or something?
Now I have to stop checking this thread. Good night sweet prince
The fi issue on the Sandship is a player mistake. I had the same complaint when I played it the first time but every time I've played since she's never given me the solution unprompted.
Is the "the open world is empty" the new "there are no dungeons?"
Is the "the open world is empty" the new "there are no dungeons?"
I played 30 minutes so far. And died 4 times. There is a blue boboklin enemy which can kill you in one hit and they have no trouble letting you fight him.
That game is fucking awesome.
No, it's been a complaint from people for a long time now. It's an incredibly stupid criticism, mind you. The Witcher III isn't a great game because it has monster nests and bandit camps every 10 feet.
I'm going with 98. It could actually be the highest rated game on MC of all time if the previews are any indication. That said, there will be a few click-baiters to pull down the score no doubt.So, time for the final round of predictions, since the reviews are less than 18hours away.
I'm betting on a 95 Metascore.
No, it's been a complaint from people for a long time now. It's an incredibly stupid criticism, mind you. The Witcher III isn't a great game because it has monster nests and bandit camps every 10 feet.
No, it's been a complaint from people for a long time now. It's an incredibly stupid criticism, mind you. The Witcher III isn't a great game because it has monster nests and bandit camps every 10 feet.
I'm going with 98. It could actually be the highest rated game on MC of all time if the previews are any indication. That said, there will be a few click-baiters to pull down the score no doubt.
So, time for the final round of predictions, since the reviews are less than 18hours away.
I'm betting on a 95 Metascore.
98 is too high. It can get a 95 though. But I wouldn't go higher than that.I'm going with 98. It could actually be the highest rated game on MC of all time if the previews are any indication. That said, there will be a few click-baiters to pull down the score no doubt.
I completely agree with what you've said, and not every bad review is clickbait obviously, but you are in denial if you think that there aren't any clickbait reviews. The internet is flooded with clickbait in every orifice.No, these people aren't called click-baiters - they are called people who don't like a game as much as other people do for personal reasons.
No game is perfect for everyone, even if it does the things it does almost perfectly for another. Reviewers are individuals and individuals all have different preferences.
Ok. If we aim higher with our predictions though, then it makes the concern trolling easier tomorrow98 is too high. It can get a 95 though. But I wouldn't go higher than that.
How have you got it early?I played 30 minutes so far. And died 4 times. There is a blue boboklin enemy which can kill you in one hit and they have no trouble letting you fight him.
That game is fucking awesome.
Based on what I saw so far, anyone giving the game less than a 8/10 is fucking insane and will be ignored by me going forward.
OOPSKotaku put this image up by accident earlier in a FFXV article. Doesn't sound too bad.
Kotaku put this image up by accident earlier in a FFXV article. Doesn't sound too bad.