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The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild - Preview Thread

Kotaku put this image up by accident earlier in a FFXV article. Doesn't sound too bad. :p


Prepare yourselves for a way of saltiness when other reviews are similarly positive. It's funny, it almost sounds like they struggled to find things to fault the game for (although framerate drops are a legit fault, even if they're sporadic)


the piano man
once reviews start appearing, there's one thing I will pay attention to:

How many reviews will contain the word "Ocarina" in it?

and every time it appears, I think I'll instantly think "dude, get over it already" lol

Witcher III is supposed to not be empty because monster nests and bandit camps?
How empty are the games that are supposed to be bad?

for me, empty boring overworld = Twilight Princess

it's the first game to come to mind. Yes, we had bugs and a chest here and there but holy crap, once you had collected those, it was the definition of a barren, empty wasteland


I completely agree with what you've said, and not every bad review is clickbait obviously, but you are in denial if you think that there aren't any clickbait reviews.

Clickbait reviews do exist but they are the exception rather than the rule. So rather than generalise a outlier review preemptively as clickbait you should see it as a personal opinion first and foremost. Like every other review in existence.


Clickbait reviews do exist but they are the exception rather than the rule. So rather than generalise a outlier review preemptively as clickbait you should see it as a personal opinion first and foremost. Like every other review in existence.
I do. I think you're too serious.


I don't even know what to expect from reviews, but I'll be in the thread for the impressions because of Zelda thirst and then the people gloating at or highlighting the singular importance of every negative review will get on my nerves. So will the "this reviewer is shit" stuff.


In the end, you'll want to read reviews from people with a similar taste in video games.

Not really, I think it's even more interesting to read reviews that are in complete disagrement with you. It gives interesting perspective on how to view the game, and how could something minor to you can be a dealbreaker to someone else.


If a game like Uncharted 4 got the meta it did then I'll go with 95 meta for Zelda. Looks like its going to be right up there with the best open world games Witcher 3 and GTAV.

Brandon F

Well congratulations! You got yourself caught!
Is the "the open world is empty" the new "there are no dungeons?"

Only for those that have literally paid zero attention to reviews or criticism for every open-world game in the last 15 years.

Either these games are too bloated with useless tasks that cause less savvy players to suffer from overwhelming anxiety, or most players to find them nothing but mundane busywork. Or they lack sufficient quality content to justify the scale and size of the game leading to the feeling that marketing was prioritized ahead of design.


Not really, I think it's even more interesting to read reviews that are in complete disagrement with you. It gives interesting perspective on how to view the game, and how could something minor to you can be a dealbreaker to someone else.
You're right. I'm in hype mode and let out hyperbole more often than not right now, sorry.
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