The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild - Preview Thread

Those red barrels set in camps are real lazy level design and yet I see them everywhere :/ Even Ubisoft doesn't put them everywhere in camps so that you can kill everyone in one shot from a distance with no consequence to what you did and a true outcome for minimal risk
Sometimes you gotta let a game be a game and enjoy the fireworks.



Oh Fire Chuchu, you so dumb.


Neo Member
Those red barrels set in camps are real lazy level design and yet I see them everywhere :/ Even Ubisoft doesn't put them everywhere in camps so that you can kill everyone in one shot from a distance with no consequence to what you did and a true outcome for minimal risk

I see it more as the enemy hoarding the gunpowder barrel for their camps. And they do attack you with it, so...


Yeah and do you remember how some people scored Tropical Freeze because of that? :(

I'm hoping since reviewers went in with New Super Mario Bros as their point of reference they were harder on Tropical Freeze. I imagine more reviewers will be likely to compare Zelda with Elder Scrolls, The Witcher, and Souls games where Zelda still seems easy in comparison.
I see it more as the enemy hoarding the gunpowder barrel for their camps. And they do attack you with it, so...

Whenever I look at the barrels, for me it becomes "what's the most fun/funny thing I can do with this setup" and just see how... whatever I do plays out. For instance I doubt the person knew the arrow was going to draw the enemies over there. Or maybe they did. It would've been a cool little moment of experimentation.

As someone said on Twitter earlier, one of the best things about the game is the level of experimentation the game design allows for, and that it's a true holy shit moment when something you think to do actually works, and that it actually works most of the time. The barrels are just a tool at your disposal. If you don't want to cheese through camps, march your ass down there.
Looks pretty damn good. I just hope it's actually good, not "good" like Skyward Sword or Twilight Princess. I want it to be Windwaker good. Or even better!
Looks pretty damn good. I just hope it's actually good, not "good" like Skyward Sword or Twilight Princess. I want it to be Windwaker good. Or even better!

That's just gonna vary depending on the person. I like both of those a lot more than Wind Waker for example. You'll just have to see for yourself! Zelda is incredibly divisive a lot of the time.


Looks pretty damn good. I just hope it's actually good, not "good" like Skyward Sword or Twilight Princess. I want it to be Windwaker good. Or even better!

People say Skyward Sword was universally praised before release, which is why it got the 93 MC score, but that's not even true. I saw a lot of negative comments about the game before release. I'm not seeing them this time. Some framerate dips and the weapons breaking are about as much as I noticed so far. (I like the weapon breaking system personally.)
Those red barrels set in camps are real lazy level design and yet I see them everywhere :/ Even Ubisoft doesn't put them everywhere in camps so that you can kill everyone in one shot from a distance with no consequence to what you did and a true outcome for minimal risk

On the contrary I think it's great level design because enemies use them. Lizalfos in particular can throw objects really fast at Link. In addition, fire arrows are limited so you may want to conserve them if you can. Thus a scenario is saying don't rushing blindly and think creatively. Not to mention this scenario rewards understanding the sound mechanics and enemy mechanics. Also there's still some enemies around so you still have to kill them for the reward in the end.

Also RE4 loves Explosive barrels for good reason. A well placed Barrel is very satisfying to use.


All of the previewers talking about the difficulty and how many times they died has me excited. I remember Tropical Freeze getting the same rap.

I don't think I'll die too often.

I think someone maps out a proper speedrun route on Day 1 using the Guardian amiibo, just going off the gifs and the information we have about the amiibo.
People say Skyward Sword was universally praised before release, which is why it got the 93 MC score, but that's not even true. I saw a lot of negative comments about the game before release. I'm not seeing them this time. Some framerate dips and the weapons breaking are about as much as I noticed so far. (I like the weapon breaking system personally.)

Everything gets negative comments, I'm sure this game will eventually end up with its own. I think it'll be received better by the masses, but Skyward Sword was a critic darling (and I happen to also agree with them) like this game will end up being if the previews are any indication.


Man, I read some of the previews (
I used an extension to hide images lol
). I am so incredibly hyped. Unless there is something drastically different about the game +50 hours in vs +20 hours in, this is poised to be a classic. No wonder Nintendo is so tight lipped about the rest of the game outside of the Great Plateau!!


These impressions and gifs have reaffirmed for me that the second time I buy a console at launch will be WELL worth it.


I don't think I'll die too often.

I think someone maps out a proper speedrun route on Day 1 using the Guardian amiibo, just going off the gifs and the information we have about the amiibo.

I'm sure most of it is just going the wrong way like someone playing Dark Souls and going to New Londo Ruins first. Even that has me excited though because it means the "intended" route isn't clear.


For sure! But bad scores can still turn people off that are on the fence and it's worse when the cause of them was so silly.

yeah the Tropical Freeze reviews were silly. people were still knee deep in the "it's a good game, but is it a good Wii U game???" nonsense. plus 2D platformers were looked at with a certain stigma which is also nonsense.


Sometimes people just can't let their anti-Nintendo biases go.
I think some people see Zelda as some kind of threat to their console of choice. I would remind them that nether Mario 64 nor Ocarina of Time managed to kill Playstation, and neither will Breath of the Wild. They can sleep at night again now and instead appreciate the wonder of Zelda.
so glad I finished nioh. I think I am ready for the zelda.

Haha...been avoiding nioh for a while lol. Marathon DS2, BB and DS3 so Im good on getting my ass handed to me for a while.

Prolly will pick it back up after zelda. Got to the beach level and stopped playing.

But yeah. This time next week we will be knee deep in zelda. Cant wait. Took the day off too.
Man, I read some of the previews (
I used an extension to hide images lol
). I am so incredibly hyped. Unless there is something drastically different about the game +50 hours in vs +20 hours in, this is poised to be a classic. No wonder Nintendo is so tight lipped about the rest of the game outside of the Great Plateau!!

This is what happenes when you have a team of genius, passionate devs who arent beholden to a bottom line.

Just imagine how much better gaming would be in general if all devs were like this.
Other than a couple spoilers and a little trolling this thread has been an absolute joy to read. I'm so excited to be playing Zelda this time next week.


"A Mario 64 launch quality game" is fucking high praise.

We're talking about a game, SM64, that changed the entire industry, a game whose core design is still copied to this day.

However, the physics and world interaction on display in Zelda BotW were, as many of us said during E3, next-level stuff. It's not inconceivable it could be the new high watermark for open world game design.
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