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The Legend of Zelda Community Thread: Timelines, Retreads and Colors Oh My


EatChildren said:

Seriously though, I just replayed it in Dolphin. TP's biggest issues are, in my opinion, that the first 1/3rd of the game has abysmal pacing, mostly due to the abundance of tutorials, cut scenes and tears of light treasure hunts, and that the overworld as a whole is barren and lifeless, too big for its own good. That and TP is just way too easy.

Otherwise I genuinely believe Twilight Princess is home to some of the best dungeons in the entire series. They're long, beautifully paced, and chock full of creative puzzles and ideas. Each has at least one non-item related gimmick, and each also makes great use of their home item. Having a guaranteed sub and final boss battle means you get two solid fights (though too easy), and most require more than just arena based battling, mixing puzzles and different ideas into the battles themselves.

In terms of dungeons, boss battles and interesting items, Twilight Princess is well and truly a high standard for the series in my opinion. Its all the shit that surrounds them that drags the game quality down.
I don't think much of the first 3 dungeons in it either. Especially the fire one, Iron Boots ftl!


Boney said:
I don't think much!

uh huh

Green Mamba said:
The City in the Sky is crap. Boring to look at, annoying to listen to, with only one puzzle worth noting.

By and large I wasn't impressed by TP's dungeons. There were a few standouts, but for the most part I just felt like I was on autopilot the whole time.

annoying to listen to? OPINION INVALIDATED.


BY2K said:
It has some of the best, but it also has some of the worst.

Snowpeak and Arbiter's Ground are amazing. Lakebed Temple is also nice.

City in the Sky (aside from having the best item in the series ever, the Double Clawshot) and the Temple of Time are crap. (The Temple of Time's dungeon doesn't even have anything to do with the Temple itself, it was just some underground part of it that was probably there before the Temple was built.)

Best dungeon in the game there bud. Certainly no further down than third best dungeon in the game.


I had no issue with TP's pacing to be honest. I liked the opening with seeing a bit of Link before turning on the hero mode and the tears didn't bother me. Wind Waker has the worst pacing by far for me. It had the same problem that Alone in the Dark did. The game is moving at good clip the whole time and when you get close to the end and everything is coming to a head, the whole game comes to a complete stop.

I played the original Zelda but I never really cared for it. I got much more into the series with AoL. Every week my friend Ram and I would try and beat it but we would always get to the caves before the final dungeon and just couldn't make it over the hump. It would be much later before I beat AoL.

The first zelda game I was truly hyped for was ALttP and it still stands as the greatest Zelda game of all time. OoT soured me on the series entirely and I wouldn't play a main Zelda title until TP which stands as my second favorite Zelda game.

Skyward Sword is looking to smoke every game in the series though. I really hope it turns out as good as it looks and sounds.


kunonabi said:
I had no issue with TP's pacing to be honest. I liked the opening with seeing a bit of Link before turning on the hero mode and the tears didn't bother me. Wind Waker has the worst pacing by far for me. It had the same problem that Alone in the Dark did. The game is moving at good clip the whole time and when you get close to the end and everything is coming to a head, the whole game comes to a complete stop.

I played the original Zelda but I never really cared for it. I got much more into the series with AoL. Every week my friend Ram and I would try and beat it but we would always get to the caves before the final dungeon and just couldn't make it over the hump. It would be much later before I beat AoL.

The first zelda game I was truly hyped for was ALttP and it still stands as the greatest Zelda game of all time. OoT soured me on the series entirely and I wouldn't play a main Zelda title until TP which stands as my second favorite Zelda game.

Skyward Sword is looking to smoke every game in the series though. I really hope it turns out as good as it looks and sounds.

have you played majora's mask yet?


Will QA for food.
I prefer to have Wind Waker's 'pacing issues', which are near the end, than the issues Twilight Princess (and many other games) suffer in the beginning. It's much tougher to convince myself to pick up Twilight Princess for another playthrough, when I know there are at least a few hours of very linear tutorials to go through.

At least by the time you reach the collect-o-thon in Wind Waker, you're free to continue to explore the rest of the world, without being forced to one single task.


Roto13 said:
I loved hunting Triforce shards because I wanted to explore the entire map at that point anyway. (And I did.)
yep yep

explore that vast ocean, nothing has come close to that


Gravijah said:
have you played majora's mask yet?

yeah, I got 3/4 of the way through it and my data got erased. I intend on starting over and finishing it at some point

I certainly like it better than OoT since I like the story, dungeons, atmosphere, and time travel mechanic more than anything in OoT. Doesn't hurt that it has the Zelda theme and Beam Sword as well.

The problem is I really don't care for the side quests in most Zelda games which is where MM is supposed to shine. I generally play Zelda for the dungeons and the N64 games are just pitiful in that regard aside from Master Quest.

I wouldn't have minded the Triforce quest in WW as much if they weren't so many unnecessary steps involving Tingle and having to collect so many rupees to pay for it. I still had the default wallet when it I got to that point and the whole thing just irritated the hell out of me since I was really excited about getting to the final dungeon.

To this point my favorite Zelda games are still Alttp, TP, 4 Swords Adventures, and Spirit Tracks and AoL in that order.

Big One

I wish someone would scan this:

Gravijah said:
who's that guy in the green tunic?
That's Zelda.

kunonabi said:
yeah, I got 3/4 of the way through it and my data got erased. I intend on starting over and finishing it at some point

I certainly like it better than OoT since I like the story, dungeons, atmosphere, and time travel mechanic more than anything in OoT. Doesn't hurt that it has the Zelda theme and Beam Sword as well.

The problem is I really don't care for the side quests in most Zelda games which is where MM is supposed to shine. I generally play Zelda for the dungeons and the N64 games are just pitiful in that regard aside from Master Quest.

I wouldn't have minded the Triforce quest in WW as much if they weren't so many unnecessary steps involving Tingle and having to collect so many rupees to pay for it. I still had the default wallet when it I got to that point and the whole thing just irritated the hell out of me since I was really excited about getting to the final dungeon.

To this point my favorite Zelda games are still Alttp, TP, 4 Swords Adventures, and Spirit Tracks and AoL in that order.
How's life under the Terran Empire treating you?


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
BY2K said:
It has some of the best, but it also has some of the worst.

Snowpeak and Arbiter's Ground are amazing. Lakebed Temple is also nice.

City in the Sky (aside from having the best item in the series ever, the Double Clawshot) and the Temple of Time are crap. (The Temple of Time's dungeon doesn't even have anything to do with the Temple itself, it was just some underground part of it that was probably there before the Temple was built.)

Those two are my least favourite dungeons in Twilight Princess, but worst among the series? I think not. Wind Waker easily takes the cake for having the most boring and bland dungeons out of all the 3D games. Compared to Twilight Princess, they're like an afterthought.

Ya'll crazy hatin' on TP yo.
EatChildren said:
Those two are my least favourite dungeons in Twilight Princess, but worst among the series? I think not. Wind Waker easily takes the cake for having the most boring and bland dungeons out of all the 3D games. Compared to Twilight Princess, they're like an afterthought.

Ya'll crazy hatin' on TP yo.
You may have a point, but man, there's a lot of downtime in these TP dungeons. They may have well-designed puzzles, but their layouts are uninteresting (central room with 3-4 branches) and they just feel really empty. That's my problem with WW, too -- the emptiness. Ocarina and Majora's Mask have dungeons that are very tight and have tiny little corridors, and the enemy spawns are placed so you have a good mix of action and puzzles. You're always on your toes.

There are a lot of things that TP does right, but it ultimately just feels sort of hollow, both literally and figuratively.

And replaying TP just reminds me of how much I dislike inventory management in the 3D Zeldas. So many buttons to manage!


I was going to reply a bit earlier and say what my first Zelda was but I just kinda ended up writing and writing and writing... so be warned; long, overly sentimental, nostalgia-filled post incoming!

I remember the day I first played Zelda vividly; it was the holidays. I had just biked over to my friends house. He was, for some strange reason, hanging out in his parents garage. After making my way back there I noticed an old cardboard box completely filled with SNES carts. It was hidden behind a rusting bike.

Since he didn't seem all that bothered about them, I asked if I could have them. He told me he wanted a fiver for each, which I agreed to... despite being a huge amount of money for me and only being able to afford one.

Anyway, after rummaging through a bunch of licensed crap and games I already owned, I found a cart emblazoned in bold, bright red letters with the word "ZELDA".

I had no idea what that word meant.

But it had a sword.

I liked swords.

So I bought it (and later got Super Star Wars and Return of the Jedi for very similiar reasons). I was eager to see exactly what it was that I'd bought so, after cycling home, I ran straight into the front room. Sitting on a very uncomfortable green carpet I hooked up the SNES to this tiny, little black CRT set that sat lathargically on the ground.

Then I turned it on.

Watching that Nintendo logo pop up for the first time (with that rupee ding! sound) and seeing the triforce fly into the middle of the screen... hearing the music kick in and seeing the logo emblazened across an image of a sprawling lake just before flowing into the prologue... Seemingly ancient images of mountains, mystics and warriors. Talk of kingdoms and forests and a magical Golden Power...


I know this word is horribly abused but it's the only word to describe how that moment felt for me:


And that was before I even started playing.

But when I did... holy crap! There was an ENTIRE WORLD in that little cart! I was so damn amazed by it all! Even by the fact that it was raining... because it was just like real life!

The first section was so intense; the plea from Zelda, the music, the constant downpour, the combat filled castle, the darkness of the catacombs underneath... and the fact that I'd basically never played a game that wasn't a sidescroller meant just having to move in all four directions was a grueling task for my kid self.

And then after saving Zelda and getting out of the Sanctuary to the real exploration... I was so completely and utterly lost. Yet I was also so damn astounded by the amount of freedom I was given; astounded at the huge, living, breathing world that I could explore and discover.

I sat infront of that little TV for the entire day playing it. I didn't move at all. And then the next day I did exactly the same thing. And the next.

Took me forever to get to Agahnim and many, many deaths to figure out how to kill him. And at the time I was utterly convinced that he was the final boss, so when I was first dragged into the Dark World and saw Death Mountain silhouetted by the sun... and THEN finding out there was an entire other world to explore? That was literally jaw dropping for me.

The stupid thing was I never even knew it was part of a series. It was 4 more years until I was able to recapture that feeling again when I stumbled across a cart of Ocarina of Time in a friend-of-a-friends house.

Before Zelda I had played quite a few games on various consoles/PC and flirted with more than a few great games, but to me every other game had been just that: a game. The kind of distraction that I'd take part in when I was bored and didn't want to go out or watch TV.

But A Link to the Past was so much more than that; it was the first ever game that not only grabbed me with it's mechanics but got me with it's world too. Zelda made me feel like my TV was a window into a complete different land.

Even though it's no longer my favourite game, nor even my favourite Zelda, it's still a very important game to me. I've seen a lot of people I know who used to play games grow away from the hobby, but for me the Legend of Zelda, and the promise of living worlds to explore, is what has kept me playing games.


The Legend of Zelda is what made me fall in love with gaming.


ὁ αἴσχιστος παῖς εἶ
Hypatia said:
The Legend of Zelda is what made me fall in love with gaming.

Great story, it's a bit like mine too.

It's weird to me how LttP specifically has a different "flavor" now than when I played it as a kid. Now, I'm obsessed with the Triforce, Ganon, Zelda, Dark World aspect. But as a kid, I associated it more with generic European fantasy. Knights of the Round Table, King Arthur, etc. That may have been mostly because I rarely even got as far as the Master Sword.
I think TPs intro could've been cut a bit but I don't think it's that horrible. I haven't picked up the game since 2007 and just finished the intro/tutorial section in 45 minutes(counting when I enter the twilight realm). 10 minutes of those was spent minning for rupees because I thought it costed 80 rupees to get the slingshot.
Hypatia said:
So you're saying Zelda needs more chainsaws?
There were saws in ALttP and OoT, but they sadly lacked chains.

I got all the dungeon items as well as all the hearts and magic containers in AoL last night and made a start on mopping up the bosses. I have to say, Horsehead doesn't seem nearly as intimidating when you can downthrust on his head and kill him in three hits.


Andrex said:
Great story, it's a bit like mine too.

It's weird to me how LttP specifically has a different "flavor" now than when I played it as a kid. Now, I'm obsessed with the Triforce, Ganon, Zelda, Dark World aspect. But as a kid, I associated it more with generic European fantasy. Knights of the Round Table, King Arthur, etc. That may have been mostly because I rarely even got as far as the Master Sword.

Hmm, I dont really feel like how I view the mythology of LTTP has changed much at all. I did kinda associate it with your standard fantasty fare and, in some ways, I still do... Even though now I know all about the Triforce and Ganon (and enjoy how those improve my understanding of LTTP) in my mind it still feels only marginally connected to the overall Zelda mythos. Especially compared to the far more overt connections that OoT/MM/WW etc. have. The only one that feels less connected to me would be LA.

If anything it's the gameplay that has a new 'flavour'. Whenever I play it now I'm far more aware of the brilliant mechanics and world/dungeon design than any sense of discovery, since exploration has become rather rote. That's probably my fault though for always playing it the same way :p


Anth0ny said:
It takes me that long to finish the tutorials at the beginning of the game!

I'm guessing there's some major sequence breaking at some point? 3 hours in insane.

At the beginning he skipped just about everything except the last goat herding session. I just skipped to around the 25 minute mark and he just got the master sword so there's some major sequence breaking going on.


Kard8p3 said:

I just found this segmented speed run of Twilight Princess. The guy beats the game with a time of 3:09:54. It's crazy to think the game can be beaten that quick.
Whoa what? Is this non-tool assisted, just in-game glitches? Not counting save states.
It seems like he somehow plays during the title screen at one point haha. I wish I knew how all of these tricks worked.


Mistle said:
Whoa what? Is this non-tool assisted, just in-game glitches? Not counting save states.
It seems like he somehow plays during the title screen at one point haha. I wish I knew how all of these tricks worked.

Yeah it's just in-game glitches. It's incredible how quickly he's doing this.


Ὁ μεμβερος -ου
Green Scar said:
That speed-run is weird... getting the iron boots before meeting Midna? o_O
Also getting the Master Sword before the Forest Temple... and the ball and chain before the Arbiter's Grounds (
love how he uses it against the miniboss

The boomerang + jumping attack trick is amazing.

Gravijah said:
...did he just land on the title screen?
He did.
Gravijah said:
...did he just land on the title screen?

That was the oddest glitch I've ever seen. How does that even work? Does that mean that the game treats the title sequence as an in game event? I'm intrigued.

Also, I worked on a little something in my spare time today. I used the official SS art to make a wallpaper.

I feel like something is missing, so I'll play around with it some more.

Big One

That looks good but needs to be bigger. I love the style of it however.

Make one bigger and with just Link. Fi doesn't need to be there.


Rikkun said:
So there it goes the name.

I'm fine with that, it doesn't affect my blackout.

*smashes chairs against the wall*
EXACTLY what I was thinking. It doesn't matter that I know her name... IT DOESN'T MATTER!


Rikkun said:
So there it goes the name.

I'm fine with that, it doesn't affect my blackout.

*smashes chairs against the wall*
Wait, you consider her name a spoiler? I get the media blackout thing and all, as I'm trying to do so also, but knowing her name changes absolutely nothing :/


Will QA for food.
I'll be really pressed for time to play Twilight Princess for a second time before Skyward Sword, but that's my goal. Xenoblade is my main obstacle to starting another lengthy game (I'm 'just over' half way finished with the main game), but I have a sizable backlog just from this year.. and I'll have three Kirby games to play through by the end of the month. ;_;
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