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The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D |OT| of |OoT|

Amir0x said:
I was like "Do you have Ocarina of Time 3DS? It was supposed to release this past Tuesday!" And he's all "hm, I am sure I saw it. It's in the locked security box we were supposed to put it out today or something... I...I think so." And I replied "oh yeah, totally, it should definitely be out. Wal-Mart had them out but I totally prefer K-mart!"

Then he wobbled his fat ass off and grabbed it out of the security cage from the back room and he sold it to me alongside Alice and inFAMOUS 2. :D

I'm not sure if you're mocking me. :p
Amir0x said:
I was like "Do you have Ocarina of Time 3DS? It was supposed to release this past Tuesday!" And he's all "hm, I am sure I saw it. It's in the locked security box we were supposed to put it out today or something... I...I think so." And I replied "oh yeah, totally, it should definitely be out. Wal-Mart had them out but I totally prefer K-mart!"

Then he wobbled his fat ass off and grabbed it out of the security cage from the back room and he sold it to me alongside Alice and inFAMOUS 2. :D

-slow clap- bravo sir bravo!


Permanent Junior Member
So this is real good. Yeah, the 3D effect adds serious aliasing at times, but I'll power through with it on for now.
Amir0x said:
I was like "Do you have Ocarina of Time 3DS? It was supposed to release this past Tuesday!" And he's all "hm, I am sure I saw it. It's in the locked security box we were supposed to put it out today or something... I...I think so." And I replied "oh yeah, totally, it should definitely be out. Wal-Mart had them out but I totally prefer K-mart!"

Then he wobbled his fat ass off and grabbed it out of the security cage from the back room and he sold it to me alongside Alice and inFAMOUS 2. :D

I lol'd and felt bad simultaneously


first impression is that it is so WEIRD playing the game with a relatively smooth framerate. And that it is also lovely those grotesque pre-rendered background...blur...things were removed that were in the first game. Other than that it's Ocarina of Time alright. Gonna be nice to be able to switch the boots quickly once I get to water temple.


Nintendo's Pro Bono PR Firm
Amir0x said:
first impression is that it is so WEIRD playing the game with a relatively smooth framerate. And that it is also lovely those grotesque pre-rendered background...blur...things were removed that were in the first game. Other than that it's Ocarina of Time alright. Gonna be nice to be able to switch the boots quickly once I get to water temple.
I'm at the water temple, 6 hours spent on it already. Sometimes I get flashes, things I remember, but overall it feels new enough for me. Ami, what do you think of the gyro sensor in this game: do you think it's a gimmick or do you like it?
Loved the first flight around the village as Navi. Gave me goosebumps and I've never actually played the game before.

Very smooth. 3D looks fantastic as well.
crisdecuba said:
You're not going to at least... I dunno... try it a couple of times to see if it works well?

rookie mistake.. Amir0x does what Amir0x wants.. end of debate trust me.

I am debating hitting the local K-mart on the way home and trying my luck.
This game ist fantastic. 3D-effect is awesome...but...in 2D...it looks a lot better (imo), don't know why but it looks very crisp...it looks....like a Wii-Game. Stunning.
Played it thirteen years ago but don't remember much of it so it feels almost like a new game to me.

edit: don't know if my english is okay...i'm from germany....so....:p
Amir0x said:
no i don't want to swing my system around to look so I won't be using gyro. that's too dumb for me.

You don't need to swing it around, that's the beauty of it. You can use the circle pad to aim towards the general direction of whatever you're trying to aim at, then adjust with subtle movements / gyro... it played very well when I played it at a preview event. Better than I expected for that sort of thing.


radioheadrule83 said:
You don't need to swing it around, that's the beauty of it. You can use the circle pad to aim towards the general direction of whatever you're trying to aim at, then adjust with subtle movements / gyro... it played very well when I played it at a preview event. Better than I expected for that sort of thing.

that's awesome. For someone who isn't me.

Anyway, the graphical upgrade is definitely mediocre but the framerate at least makes this version acceptable in its own way. I don't like the color scheme/atmosphere as much as the original, but everything else is an improvement. Also the interface options being down below help speed things up which is nice.


I'm watching some footage on youtube and I have a small question. I'm assuming that the video is of the game in 2D (3D slider off), but when I pause it I'm seeing what looks like interlacing artifacts. Also there appears to be some ghosting around Link's arms occasionally. I don't think these things are a big deal, but I thought the 3DS displayed a progressive image when 3D was turned off. Is this actually not the case? Just curious.


Walruses, camels, bears, rabbits, tigers and badgers.
A lot of people say the Gyro is more accurate for aiming. Going by Faceraiders/Steel Diver, it's about like pointer controls except you have to physically move around to aim. I see your point with Kinect controls (laggy), 3D (hold-steady zone) and MotionPlus (re-calibration issues) but Gyro has none of those issues.

So it might make you look "dumb" ( doesn't most of gaming do that anyways?), but it is fun and just as accurate/intuitive, if not more than a thumbpad. I know you're not going to try it, but you might actually like this innovation Amir0x if you did give it a try. You just might.

Foxix Von

Just got home and put a solid hour and a half into this beast. Holy crap this game is amazing.

Put me in the camp that loves the motion controls. I was doubtful at first but man, it's really quick and accurate compared to using the pad. I'm really surprised by how quickly I can bullseye targets O_O

Also there's something sort of cool about looking around using the gyro.. sort of feels like I'm looking through this tiny magical window into another world haha.


ah, this first dungeon always brings back fond memories. First time I ever played it was on some kiosk in SEARS of all places. What a crazy day that was. Blown away. "Goddamn they did it...they somehow transferred the Zelda experience into 3D!"

Foxix Von

radioheadrule83 said:
You don't need to swing it around, that's the beauty of it. You can use the circle pad to aim towards the general direction of whatever you're trying to aim at, then adjust with subtle movements / gyro... it played very well when I played it at a preview event. Better than I expected for that sort of thing.

Yup no need to throw your back out doing 3DS OoT yoga, the two control methods work really well in conjunction with one another.

Personally I haven't been doing it that way but it works well enough. I've got a nifty little office swivel chair that I sit and can just swing around in. Fantastic for face raiders haha.


Crunched said:
I'm watching some footage on youtube and I have a small question. I'm assuming that the video is of the game in 2D (3D slider off), but when I pause it I'm seeing what looks like interlacing artifacts. Also there appears to be some ghosting around Link's arms occasionally. I don't think these things are a big deal, but I thought the 3DS displayed a progressive image when 3D was turned off. Is this actually not the case? Just curious.

I am pretty sure what you are seeing is artifacts caused by the filming of the LCD panel by a camera. The refresh rate of the LCD panel, and the frame rate of the camera are out of sync, leading to some artifacting.

An LCD panel can't be interlaced anyway, though it could display interlaced source material, this would be a software issue, not a hardware issue. I can't see any reason why any game for 3ds would be programmed to output interlaced frames.

EDIT: I should clarify, that with 3D on, the 3DS screen is interlaced, vertically, so that every second column of pixels can be directed to one eye or the other. This however should never cause the combing artifacts of horizontal interlacing, as in effect each eye sees a totally separate progressive image, and both images are in sync, unlike in with regular interlacing in which each only half the lines are ever rendered at one time, and our eyes have to blend them together.


Walruses, camels, bears, rabbits, tigers and badgers.
Foxix said:
Just got home and put a solid hour and a half into this beast. Holy crap this game is amazing.

Put me in the camp that loves the motion controls. I was doubtful at first but man, it's really quick and accurate compared to using the pad. I'm really surprised by how quickly I can bullseye targets O_O

Also there's something sort of cool about looking around using the gyro.. sort of feels like I'm looking through this tiny magical window into another world haha.

Honestly it's the only reason I am willing to plop $40 down to play Star Fox 64 3D (again). The technology seems perfectly fit for that series. I'm really excited to try it out in OOT too.
Amir0x said:
god no i'm not. i'm playing it, that's what matters

You actually don't have to swing it around all that much. It's surprisingly accurate. I didn't think I would use it either but it is there if I need it. Both controls can work simultaneously and gyro controls don't distract me if I just want to aim with the numb. Very good controls.


why do you guys care so much how I play something? Seriously? I answered I won't do it, it's dumb. I don't do dumb things in games if there is another faster and less dumb way to do it.

I always get blamed for derailing threads but it clearly is you guys who won't let things go :p


AndrewDean84xX said:
Anyone know if the game is selling well in Japan so far?
Considering Nintendo is only shipping 150,000 copies in Japan theres going to be a demand. I also expect to see many copies on Yahoo Auctions for 2x the price.
AndrewDean84xX said:
Anyone know if the game is selling well in Japan so far?

At best it'll sell 150k since it's getting a limited shipment. Unless something changed...

Unrelated to you, I told you not to disturb the bees nest!

EDIT: Beaten, in more ways than one.


You should probably just quit saying that you're playing stuff with 3D off...

edit: oh lol, it was the gyro stuff now. My bad. Gyro controls are awful and conflict with 3D anyways. Pass.

The Lamp

Amir0x said:
why do you guys care so much how I play something? Seriously? I answered I won't do it, it's dumb. I don't do dumb things in games if there is another faster and less dumb way to do it.

I always get blamed for derailing threads but it clearly is you guys who won't let things go :p

I dunno, maybe its because you're calling it dumb without giving it a fair chance.
I don't care though, I don't even have a 3DS lol


Blah... Tried my local Kmart (well, near my work) and either they haven't put it out yet or sold out. They had the slot and sticker on the shelf, but it was empty. I tried playing dumb and asking a sales clerk about it. No dice. He checked the shelf, saw the empty slot and said they must be out and to check back tomorrow since today's a shipment day. *sigh*

The worst part is my friend is the manager at the GameStop I have it preordered at, and he won't hook me up early. What good is a friend in power when they won't abuse it? Pfft.


The Lamp said:
I dunno, maybe its because you're calling it dumb without giving it a fair chance.
I don't care though, I don't even have a 3DS lol

I don't need to play it. I've seen the way it functions. It's dumb and clearly not something I'd want to do. For me.

Can we move on or are we going to just waste another page while simultaneously formulating ways to try to blame it on me?


Membero Americo
How's the framerate in 3D? Different? The same?

What about the AA? Is there any in 2D mode or 3D mode?


bummyhead said:
I am pretty sure what you are seeing is artifacts caused by the filming of the LCD panel by a camera. The refresh rate of the LCD panel, and the frame rate of the camera are out of sync, leading to some artifacting.

An LCD panel can't be interlaced anyway, though it could display interlaced source material, this would be a software issue, not a hardware issue. I can't see any reason why any game for 3ds would be programmed to output interlaced frames.

EDIT: I should clarify, that with 3D on, the 3DS screen is interlaced, vertically, so that every second column of pixels can be directed to one eye or the other. This however should never cause the combing artifacts of horizontal interlacing, as in effect each eye sees a totally separate progressive image, and both images are in sync, unlike in with regular interlacing in which each only half the lines are ever rendered at one time, and our eyes have to blend them together.
Strange then that the video is showing artifacts. Pause it during movement to see what I mean. It's a comb effect, exactly as you mention. It doesn't seem to be caused by the camera from what I can tell, and it's definitely horizontal. It could be nothing at all, just a quirk of an offscreen video streaming from youtube. But it appears to me that the artifacts are occurring on the 3DS screen.


Walruses, camels, bears, rabbits, tigers and badgers.
Amir0x said:
why do you guys care so much how I play something? Seriously? I answered I won't do it, it's dumb. I don't do dumb things in games if there is another faster and less dumb way to do it.

I'm moving on after this post but what you're doing is basically the same as me saying:

Paper Mario is dumb, I'm skipping it.
Pikmin is dumb, I'm skipping it.

It's frustrating because you're looking past something/casting it in a negative light without even giving a valid reason. With Kinect, Motion+, and 3D you have valid reasons; so I take your criticisms seriously and understand why someone might not use those devices/additions. But as someone who loves motion control, I had to at least address this one because I really do think it is a worthwhile addition to OOT worthy of at least one try.

Honestly though I don't even care if you try it out or not, it's just that calling it dumb for no real reason seems silly to me.

Actually I love Paper Mario, Pikimin.... I like the multi-player.


Haziqonfire said:
I'm really excited to play Ocarina of Time 3D. Considering I've never actually played the original release (I know, shame on me) this will be an entirely new game for me.
I wish I were in your shoes right now. You're in for a treat.
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