G4 did a feedback episode with Skyward Sword as the game of the week. I haven't watched it yet but I was told the zelda discussion starts a little over 40 minutes in.
They were really disappointed:
Felt the game was held back by hardware.
Didn't feel like they were exploring. (Mention OoT "letting you do the temples in any order", which is only a half truth).
Didn't like the story;
wanted Link and Zelda to bang.
The beginning could not be slower.
They couldn't figure out how to put their sword away?
Controls were not great,
why can't I stab these eyes in the first temple?
5th dungeon."
the scorpion boss.
Dungeons are well done.
Like that the world is full of puzzles but that took too long. Hated
the Lanayru Mines pre dungeon...
Good game. Beautiful. Orchestrated music.
WM+ kinda works.
It's a must buy.
Not going to be the next Ocarina. Twilight Princess was closer.
Favorite dungeons: Forest Temple (OoT), Ganon's Castle (OoT), Water Temple (OoT), Spirit Temple (OoT), Shadow Temple (OoT), "The fire one from Twilight Princess with the spinner."