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The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword |OT| Home of Punkin' Chunkin' Champion 2011


Ok guys, this blew my mind. Did you know that you can
draw rupees on the skyward sword things in the dungeons instead of hearts?
Sorry is this was widely known, I just tried it on a whim and it worked.
What else can you draw?

The first time I drew rupees and I got hearts... the second time I drew rupees and I got bombs ;_;


What else can you draw?

The first time I drew rupees and I got hearts... the second time I drew rupees and I got bombs ;_;
I drew rupees and I got bombs. I drew an arrow and I got hearts. I drew a circle and I got hearts.
I drew a shitty Triforce and I got fairies.
It is definitely not fun drawing anything that isn't a basic geometric shape.
Okay just finished at around the 43 hour mark. I did all the sidequests with the exception of a few pieces of heart here and there.

Overall I think the game was very good, but the whole experience was a bipolar one. Things were done either extremely well, or were extremely frustrating.

So onto my review:

In the past, I've made posts about the direction that I'd like to see the Zelda series go from a gameplay standpoint. Nintendo has made a point to say the focus and game highlights of the Zelda series is the dungeons, and I've never felt that way. I loved exploring the Overworlds, and I want Nintendo to go back to an Open World much like the first one was (and Zelda II.) I want to get my ass kicked by Lynels when I wander into an area that I'm not supposed to be yet. I want to accidentally stumble onto a dungeon. Those are the things I'd like to see. I'm not saying it has to be Skyrim or anything, but having some sense of exploration and trepidation when you set foot into the world would be nice.

Skyward Sword is NOT that game. In fact, this is probably the most linear of the Zelda series thus far. The "Overworld" itself is almost an afterthought; a means to get to the ground and areas for mini-games and a few treasures here and there. This was disappointing but not entirely unexpected for me, and so I played it for the game it was.

Once you get to the ground though, the design is top-notch. Though the areas themselves are smaller and tighter, I loved how it was bustling with enemies and treasures. I loved seeing paths that were just out of reach. Nintendo is the master of throwing you into a confusing setting, and then having the player intuitively, slowly start to understand until the whole area makes sense. This game did this on several moments and there were some definite epiphanies in puzzle solving... as long as you didn't have your hand held (more later.)

The dungeons carry on the smart design. Each one felt unique, and varied from the next, although I WOULD like Nintendo to maybe just ditch the "Fire/Water/Desert/Forest"-esque motif and just allow for more creativity as have been seen in the later SS and TP dungeons. I also think that while the "Enter Dungeon: find map: find treasure: find big key (or equivalent): fight boss" formula works, I'd like to see Nintendo shake it up too. Having said that I did like most of the items, and I appreciated that they were not abandoned shortly after they were found. By the end, I was still using all of them with the exception of maybe one.

The upgrade system was a neat idea, though the fact that you could lose your shield at an inopportune time was frustrating. What I LOVED though was the feeling of the sword itself. As the game progresses, you DEFINITELY notice a difference and do feel that it is doing more damage... which was more noticeable in this game then the others because of the deliberate attacks that you have to do yourself.

This was also the first Zelda game which had characters that seemed a little more fleshed out then before. NPC's were really well done and memorable and the side quests for the most part were varied and fun. In terms of the main characters and plot, it's not going to win awards, but there were some developments that had me a least somewhat emotional affected. Notably, the stuff leading up to the end game (maybe the last 5-6 hours) was well done, especially for a Nintendo game.

So then what are the things that didn't work then? I've already talked about some of the bigger points that I would've liked to see (exploration, etc.) so here's basically the rest of the grab bag things that didn't work for me.

The hand holding was too much. Solutions to puzzles were told, and Fi didn't shut up to let you figure stuff out. Also she told you too much stuff in general. You don't have to paraphrase what somebody else just told me with the Goddamn keywords highlighted for me. I don't get why Nintendo does this, especially with their whole Gossip-Stone "here's how to do it" hint system. They should just add that and leave everyone else the hell alone.

The resetting bug/treasure thing each time you load up. So when I was playing today I was towards the last parts of the game. There's a segment where you're racing to your destination... taking down slews of enemies and your adrenaline is pumping and then the game stops, Link holds up a a Monster Horn and then it GOES TO THE DAMN INVENTORY SCREEN. It's like Nintendo heard the complaints of this happening with TP and then in the most passively-aggressive way said "ok, we fixed it! Now go screw yourself." It's beyond annoying.

The controls were a mixed bag. For the most part, they worked pretty well. But for a game that relies on precision "for the most part" didn't seem good enough. I applaud Nintendo with what they did in terms of (most) of the sword controls, control of the items, etc. It really does immerse you in the game and adds new game play strategies. However, I don't really feel more immersed shaking my remote up and down to make my bird go higher. Nintendo needs to realize that while we understand that they want to push motion control for immersion sake, they shouldn't push for the sake of doing so. As for the specific motion controls that i had trouble with, the stabbing motion in general was waaaay too spotty. It always feels like there's a delay, and a lot of times it will register a different movement. It wouldn't be so bad except that the stab itself plays a big part in some key moments.

The music. Okay. Before SS, I was one of the ones that really wanted Nintendo to go with full orchestration. For that, I'm thrilled that SS featured a lot of orchestrated music. In fact, they almost embraced it giving us the Symphony CD to boot (I've long said that TP had a very underappreciated score that simply lacked the orchestrated fidelity that it deserved and I think the medley on the CD makes that point clearly.) Unfortunately, orchestration does not guarantee stunning composition and I thought the music in the game itself was only okay. While there were some standouts (Fi's theme, and some of the boss themes) a lot of it was simply forgettable. Despite Nintendo going with orchestrations for the first time in a Zelda game, they seemed almost... reserved and conservative as opposed to the full embrace of the Galaxy games.

Somebody earlier said that the quality of the music of the 3D Zeldas has veered from what Nintendo did in the earlier NES/SNES/GB games, and I'd have to agree. Ever since OoT Nintendo has been relying more on creating ambiance and atmosphere rather then melodic themes and I would like to see them go back to that.

Padding. Towards the end of the game, there's some definite padding in the length that I think was NOT necessary. I think everyone that beat the game knows what I'm talking about.

Overall, I thought the game was really good but I think I've outlined some of the areas that I found extremely frustrating. Oh well. Here's to the next one...


I'm saving myself(Link) for Zelda. But I feel terrible for turning down


To IamtheFman:

I thought twilight princess had some fan-fucking tastic music. if only THAT was orchestrated
I'm saving myself(Link) for Zelda. But I feel terrible for turning down


To IamtheFman:

I thought twilight princess had some fan-fucking tastic music. if only THAT was orchestrated

Yep, totally agree but if you look at a lot of impressions afterwards and in the official thread 5 years back, a lot of people bitched and said it was lackluster. It would've been amazing if that were orchestrated.


All right so I know there's a side quest involving
some kind of relationship stuff with peatrice. However I've played through it two times and all she ever says to me is to not make a habit out of checking her out.
Is it possible to miss this sidequest?


Forget Zelda, the Item Check girl, and the girl on Pumpkin Landing.

It is all about Pipit's mom. I slept in her bed last night.

link is like a hobo sometimes in this game
wandering around, sleeping in any bed he finds, wearing the same clothing every day


Yep, totally agree but if you look at a lot of impressions afterwards and in the official thread 5 years back, a lot of people bitched and said it was lackluster. It would've been amazing if that were orchestrated.

I trust you've heard of Twilight Symphony then? Going to blow minds

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
My god the Water dragon is an asshole. Everyone else just gives you stuff

Also, is
getting the three song parts
the bit everyone was complaining about? Because I'm having a lot of fun.


My god the Water dragon is an asshole. Everyone else just gives you stuff

Also, is
getting the three song parts
the bit everyone was complaining about? Because I'm having a lot of fun.

Yes, and I agree.

people are specifically bitching about the tadtones quest. I loved it personally


Yes, and I agree.

people are specifically bitching about the tadtones quest. I loved it personally
I don't know if I'd say I loved it, but I thought it was a good bit of slow relaxing fun.

Can someone do me a favor and reverse the theme for
? Upload it to YouTube or let me know if it resembles
the ballad of the wind fish?
. Because I reversed the older song a few days ago and it bears more than a paying resemblance to the newer one.

Sorry if this has already been discussed.


Yes, and I agree.

people are specifically bitching about the tadtones quest. I loved it personally
I just did that one, too. I liked it. Even if it was one of the closest times I came to dying in the game.
Friendly tip, if you're low on air, you want the BLUE bubbles, not the purple ones. They're anti-air. But hey, the only heart that really counts is the last one, and I had a few to spare... out of 15... when I got to the surface again. I'll admit, when I saw how many I needed to find, I was a little shocked. But it wasn't so bad, and halfway, you can get the remaining as dowsing targets, making things much easier. Even if you have to surface to use it. The onlt one that gave me trouble, really, was the one caught in the roots of that lily pad. Had to figure out how to flip that.
Overall, I think it was pretty fun, but it could easily have been terrible. But Nintendo were smart enough to not put a time limit on it.

Now the stealth in Eldin, on the other hand... I hate stealth in non-stealth games. The Silent Realms are stealthy enough for Zelda, we really didn't need this. Although I did laugh at the message for getting the bombs back. "Now go blow something up!"

Well, two down, one to go, and this one looks difficult since all I can find in
Lanyaru is a weathered dragon skeleton. Those don't sing very well...

This means I dodged the glitch, by the way, doesn't it?


Ugh.. In between the 3rd and 4th dungeons right now. It's starting to feel like I'm doing side quests within side quests.
Ugh.. In between the 3rd and 4th dungeons right now. It's starting to feel like I'm doing side quests within side quests.

that's where i'm at now, haha at "the legend of zelda" fetch quest sword" my friend came up with today, haha shes random.

i struggle so hard with the harp :( jeez i got no rhythm


Just beat it tonight. Endgame was really great; loved the fights with
, and
. Also, thought it was neat how
they made a contrast between them and Fi/Link—if they threw any hints down about Ghirahim being a weapon, I didn't catch 'em.

he fucking runs out of breath after 5 seconds of running
Thought sure there would be a way to increase Link's stamina over time... Without using potions, I mean. It's odd how he goes through all of this supposed growth, yet retains those small lungs. :p


I played a bit more today. I'm just about to start the 2nd area. I finally got a good feel of the flying now and it feels so great. I'll need to learn to use the shield next. I'm not very far but so far, the more I play this game the more I'm falling in love with it.

I have a question. Is there any easy way to see who has side quests and stuff? I don't want to have to run all around Skyloft and go into every house every time I visit to check for quests.


I'm 28 hours in and finished exploring the inside of the
Great Tree in Faron Woods.

- The
Silent Realm
is creepy and fairly challenging. Lost two times.

- So many things to buy with rupees!

- Got the second upgrade for the
gadget. Is it possible for SS to introduce a better gadget later on? Cause this one is tough to beat.

- Is the
best purple shield
the last one in the game besides the apparently optional
Hylian shield

- Is the
curse medal worth getting
? I didn't open the chest yet.

- I never thought the slingshot would be cool but the upgraded version makes me want to use it all the time.

- Still not much in the way of memorable music.


Were any of you guys hoping that the
gate of time could take you to the future when you first learned of it?
. That would have been interesting.
Were any of you guys hoping that the
gate of time could take you to the future when you first learned of it?
. That would have been interesting.

That was actually my first thought about where
Zelda and Impa might go. I was mildly let down by their actual destination.


It's weird how this game seems to eat up our battery power so quickly. I just put in new ones two days ago and now their depleted.


Sure is crazy. I wonder if it makes any difference if you're using the motionplus Wii remote controller or the peripheral version.
What really annoys me is the face she makes when she is
singing. At least I think that's what she was doing.

God, it's awful. Worst animation in the game, I think. How did they drop the ball there?

I also don't appreciate how
they reuse the same dance sequence more than a couple of times.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
How about the (fourthish dungeon spoiler)
lips flapping on the goddess statue in the thunderhead? holy shit its like the canadians on south park


What else can you draw?

The first time I drew rupees and I got hearts... the second time I drew rupees and I got bombs ;_;

Some of the sheikah stones around the world tell you about the other things you can draw. If I take the time to draw them very carefully it usually works out. I always go for rupees though.


Yeah, I was usually like:



I just figured out that drawing the rupee horizontally works...

Anyway, HOLY SHIT at the dungeon 5 boss. Not only was the whole dungeon awesome, but the boss is incredible.
Running through the ship as it's falling apart and sinking was crazy, and then actually fighting the thing out in a storm was brilliant. And hard! I haven't even defeated it yet. I got to the 3rd stage of it but died as I was running towards a heart lol. But I'm not sad, as this is the first time in many years that I've actually died on a Zelda boss. So good to see difficulty in a Zelda game, especially within such cool circumstances also lol.
The actual monster though loses a but of it's threat just because it looks so... cartoony. It fits the artstyle perfectly but maybe they could have made it look a bit more scary haha.

Regardless, this whole game just keeps getting better and better.
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