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The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword |OT| Home of Punkin' Chunkin' Champion 2011


The more I turn this game over in my mind, the more I think that future Zelda games (and games directly from Nintendo) will adopt a similar design philosophy to Skyward Sword. Not so much that the game will constantly hold the player's hand; that was a goof on Nintendo's part, and one that I doubt they'll repeat, especially considering the almost-universal despise directed at Fi. What I mean is that future Zelda titles will keep the open world of the original games at arm's length, opting instead for the sort of dense, inter-connected playgrounds of Skyward Sword.

It seems as though Nintendo has lost the confidence that they once had that the player can craft a meaningful experience without constant direction. That isn't to say that a more linear approach is a bad one--I thoroughly enjoyed Skyward Sword, and it's definitely one of my favorite games in the series. But nothing about the experience felt organic. I didn't feel like I contributed anything to the experience, beyond resolving the many puzzles and obstacles the designers placed before me. Many great games have been structured in this fashion (Portal, in particular, comes to mind), but when I recall the spirit of the original, I feel that other games have taken up the torch, and that Zelda is now something else entirely.

I bring this up only because I feel as though this is a trend that extends into nearly all of Nintendo's "hardcore" games. Mario, Metroid, Zelda...these series have taken reins from the player with the intention of providing a more directed experience. And it worries me! Nintendo games have always been technically sound and well-designed, but what makes them loved, what makes them remembered, is the fact that they let us create our own stories. When we share these stories, then we build the legend of the game in our minds, making it far larger than the sum of its parts. I'd like to see Nintendo return to that in the future, though I don't think they will.


The more I turn this game over in my mind, the more I think that future Zelda games (and games directly from Nintendo) will adopt a similar design philosophy to Skyward Sword. Not so much that the game will constantly hold the player's hand; that was a goof on Nintendo's part, and one that I doubt they'll repeat, especially considering the almost-universal despise directed at Fi. What I mean is that future Zelda titles will keep the open world of the original games at arm's length, opting instead for the sort of dense, inter-connected playgrounds of Skyward Sword.

I, for one, appreciated the awe that only an open world Zelda can deliver as opposed to the rather excessive density of Skyward Sword. I certainly hope Nintendo doesn't restrict themselves to that philosophy. The notion of a dense Zelda is a bit overrated by fans IMO.

leroidys said:
The fact that there are seemingly illegitimate complaints does not negate the legitimate ones.
Definitely, but I do feel like the latter was sort of drowned out by the former with games like TWW even as far as a few years after it was released. It seems more accepted now because the fans who genuinely liked the title currently have an opportunity to be more vocal about it; the whiners are too busy crying about a more recently released game.

Kai Dracon

Writing a dinosaur space opera symphony
The Zelda cycle doesn't exist. People who like Wind Waker now didn't hate it when it came out. A lot of people were upset by it's visual style upon announcement, but that's a different thing. People just use the Zelda Cycle as a way to dismiss opinions.

By this framework the Sonic Cycle doesn't exist either. Most people who hated a given Sonic game don't turn around and say they love it when the next Sonic game comes out.

But the supposed Zelda Cycle isn't supposed to be the same thing as Sonic's cycle. The Sonic Cycle is about fans pumping themselves up hoping the next Sonic game will actually be good, being disappointed, then hoping blindly for the next game.

But as to whether there's a "Zelda cycle" I'd submit that what happens with Zelda doesn't really happen with most other game franchises.

Every game in a franchise has people who like it and people who hate it.

When an entry in a franchise comes out that people don't like, they may say they're disappointed, and will wait for the next one or either go back to playing the previous one.

The difference between the average game and something like Zelda though... and what creates a "cycle"... is that there's too much drama invested in a series like Zelda (or Sonic). Fans pin too much of, evidently, their hopes and dreams on a single video game.

So when a game in such a storied franchise comes out, the negative reactions tend to spiral up and into the heavens. Fans don't just rationally criticize a single game, they launch into tirades about how the developer has lost it, it's an insult to everyone who every played a game in the franchise, etc etc etc. And on places like message boards they invade every thread about it to make sure everyone knows it's the worst game of all time.

The illegitimate complaints get played up spectacularly and it has nothing to do with each individual person claiming to suddenly love a previous game that they hated. However, it sure seems that many people will suddenly stop characterizing previous games they disliked as horribly as they did at the time - because there's a new Prime Evil in town. Thus the past gets tinted more rosily than than the bickering made it seem.

And as a result of this, you can't have general conversations that are rational about a given game that has fans surrounding it in such a way, for years. You have to come back in 3-4 years and even the people who didn't like it often don't try to paint it as pure evil.

It's a bit of a straw man to claim that saying people are too overwrought to have a good conversation is dismissing opinions. And naive. This is gaming. (And NeoGAF dude, lol.)


Finally finished the game today.

One good thing I will say about it is that it had a surprisingly good story for a Zelda game. Usually they're so light and flat I kind of tune them out, but I loved how they set up the entire mythology here, and gave the characters a nice bit of personality. I kind of figured out where they were going with it the second time I faced the Imprisoned, but to see it play out like that was really neat. Some good storytelling there.

Content-wise though, still felt the game lacking right up until the end. It's probably the longest Zelda game, but with the most monotonous quest. Even the final dungeon was a blatant hodgepodge of the same small handful of areas I'd visited and re-visited time and time again. Gameplay was good, but the repetitious nature of the scenarios it was applied to made me feel fatigued before I'd even reached the half-way point.

Miyamoto said Twlight Princess was the last Zelda of its kind. If this is indicative of their new direction I'll be sorely disappointed. Here's hoping they're still working out the kinks.


the piano man
Months after playing and completing SS I really don´t know what to think of it.

speaking exclusively as a video game leaving nostalgia, charm, etc. out of the equation, this game is more succesful than Wind waker and Twilight princess, it has very few real weaknesses, you can´t say it lacks overworld quests and you can´t say it lacks dungeons.

somethimes, some activities feel like a chore, somethings it is magic. The desert part was very nice and the time shifting thing was very good implemented, some dungeons are downright awesome.

it´s just.. it´s like you are caged in the overworld, exploring is very odd and not thrilling.
I'm playing Skyward Sword and Majora's Mask (for the 5th time or so) right now. Almost through with SS and I have to say it's the best Zelda since MM for me. It can't compare to the scope of MM, both in story and execution...but there are many highpoints in this game.

Wind Waker had some of the best epic shit going on but overall was too bloated. Twilight Princess was beautiful as well but felt bloated and empty. Skyward Sword really does a good job of offering a more compact experience again. The story is kind of all over the place with all the stuff you have to do, from always being too late for Zelda and...I don't even remember why I had to learn all those songs and search for the flames. It really is a beautiful game, though and gameplay-wise easily one of the best ever in the series, imo. <3


Haven't read the thread because I haven't finished the game.

But just wanted to chime in to say WOW HOLY SHIT @ THE BOSS FIGHT in the temple for the first flame!

Wasn't the hardest, though he was tough, but that was one of the most creative bosses I have ever seen.

I am really really enjoying this game. At first to me the world both on the ground and in the sky seemed rather empty but there has been a quite bit of opening up of the world and characters. And the temple designs have been brilliant. To me its def better than TP and I haven't even finished it yet.

Still wish the NPC interaction and story lines were closer to Majora's Mask, which to me was the best Zelda game ever.

BTW how much of the game is left for me? I just picked up the first flame and am on my way to the Isle of Songs for the next clue.


That's because there is no why.

Does it make sense at the end?

I am on the journey for the 2nd flame right now, just got the claw-shot and at times I have to pause and think why I am doing the things I am doings especially since I started my file back in Dec and only now got around to finishing it (grad degree got in the way).

This is what I remember and or pieced together

-goddess sealed up away evil
-goddess ascended those who helped her/pure people into the sky: skyloft
-since I started in Dec I don't even remember how Zelda got trapped but she is missing
-Link is the chosen hero
-Link must rescue Zelda which means follow her to wherever she is
-Zelda is a part of some master plan to destroy the evil that is back to threaten the peace the goddess left- no clue who or what Ghirgham(sp) is
-Zelda, to escape with some weird creature man lady, travels to a diff realm which Link can't access
-Dying creature man lady offers Link a harp. Wait did the creature accompanying Zelda die or am I imagining this?
-Link must earn the sacred flames to open up a portal to the secret realm

Story isn't the greatest but I assume its because the gaps between my playing time have been so great that I just forgot key stuff.

I love the game play though. The level/temple design is phenomenal. Of course it doesn't touch, so far since I haven't finished, the level of story and character interaction that MM executed flawlessly.

Really enjoying it. Might play TP again after this one. I just love Zelda games. Even when you guys nitpick and tear them apart, all of them, are fucking amazing. Yeah minor gripes here and there but that is the bar being set so high.

I would kill for a HD Majora's Mask on the WiiU to hold us over until the next console Zelda which I am sure is 3 years away.
I've put three hours into this so far and I am not really enjoying myself.

The motion controls during combat are OK, but so far they don't really add too much to the game. Maybe they will with later enemies and bosses, but for now its vertical or horizontal weaknesses on plants etc. The motion controls during flying are FUCKING SHIT, and trying to fly back to Skyloft is nigh on impossible, I clearly must be doing something wrong, but I simply cannot get high enough to fly up to it, incredibly annoying. I have to deliver hot soup to someone on Skyloft (after causing damage in the pub), and the soup gets cold in 5 minutes. I got to Skyloft after about 25 minutes.

The surface area before what I assume is the first dungeon is just a fetch quest and kinda feels like every Zelda before it in some ways.

I'll play for a bit longer, but for me 3 hours is a decent amount of time to put into a game, but its not grabbing me so far, and those flight controls are terrible. I thought the boat in Wind Waker had its moments of being annoying, but this is much worse!
I just updated my code .txt file for SS, last time I checked there wasn't so much cool stuff. Now I can try a 3-heart run. Next playthrough is gonna be so much fun.


I remember also thinking that the flight controls sucked..but then around 6 hours in I thought they were really really (really) easy, relaxing, and intuitive...I was actually flabbergasted at why I was having suck a hard time before..I can't explain what changed..
I've put three hours into this so far and I am not really enjoying myself.

The motion controls during combat are OK, but so far they don't really add too much to the game. Maybe they will with later enemies and bosses, but for now its vertical or horizontal weaknesses on plants etc. The motion controls during flying are FUCKING SHIT, and trying to fly back to Skyloft is nigh on impossible, I clearly must be doing something wrong, but I simply cannot get high enough to fly up to it, incredibly annoying. I have to deliver hot soup to someone on Skyloft (after causing damage in the pub), and the soup gets cold in 5 minutes. I got to Skyloft after about 25 minutes.

The surface area before what I assume is the first dungeon is just a fetch quest and kinda feels like every Zelda before it in some ways.

I'll play for a bit longer, but for me 3 hours is a decent amount of time to put into a game, but its not grabbing me so far, and those flight controls are terrible. I thought the boat in Wind Waker had its moments of being annoying, but this is much worse!
Are you able to flap the Loftwing's wings correctly? It's more about flicking your wrist forward than it is about large, exaggerated motions (like all the other motion controls in the game). It's not terribly difficult to gain height after a few successful flaps.


I've put three hours into this so far and I am not really enjoying myself.

The motion controls during combat are OK, but so far they don't really add too much to the game. Maybe they will with later enemies and bosses, but for now its vertical or horizontal weaknesses on plants etc. The motion controls during flying are FUCKING SHIT, and trying to fly back to Skyloft is nigh on impossible, I clearly must be doing something wrong, but I simply cannot get high enough to fly up to it, incredibly annoying. I have to deliver hot soup to someone on Skyloft (after causing damage in the pub), and the soup gets cold in 5 minutes. I got to Skyloft after about 25 minutes.

The surface area before what I assume is the first dungeon is just a fetch quest and kinda feels like every Zelda before it in some ways.

I'll play for a bit longer, but for me 3 hours is a decent amount of time to put into a game, but its not grabbing me so far, and those flight controls are terrible. I thought the boat in Wind Waker had its moments of being annoying, but this is much worse!

faron woods in this game is kinda the low point throughout. they must have had retro design it.


I've put three hours into this so far and I am not really enjoying myself.

The motion controls during combat are OK, but so far they don't really add too much to the game. Maybe they will with later enemies and bosses, but for now its vertical or horizontal weaknesses on plants etc. The motion controls during flying are FUCKING SHIT, and trying to fly back to Skyloft is nigh on impossible, I clearly must be doing something wrong, but I simply cannot get high enough to fly up to it, incredibly annoying. I have to deliver hot soup to someone on Skyloft (after causing damage in the pub), and the soup gets cold in 5 minutes. I got to Skyloft after about 25 minutes.

The surface area before what I assume is the first dungeon is just a fetch quest and kinda feels like every Zelda before it in some ways.

I'll play for a bit longer, but for me 3 hours is a decent amount of time to put into a game, but its not grabbing me so far, and those flight controls are terrible. I thought the boat in Wind Waker had its moments of being annoying, but this is much worse!

If you are not flying high enough its because you are not flapping the wings of your bird. Use the wiimote, wave up and down with it, and the bird should pick up height/air.
Cheers guys.

I got the hang of it in the end. I've just finished the first dungeon and have opened up the next gap in the clouds. There is a kid missing on Skyloft but I can't be bothered to look for him (or should I?)


Cheers guys.

I got the hang of it in the end. I've just finished the first dungeon and have opened up the next gap in the clouds. There is a kid missing on Skyloft but I can't be bothered to look for him (or should I?)

That's part of a sidequest...not missable so there's no urgency.
In a game that CONSTANTLY reminds you about the stupid motion controls or how to throw a fucking bomb, it doesn't help you when you're stuck.

I am at Eldin Volcano, and well I am stuck. I can see a wall I need to blow up, but I can't get a bomb up there. I have no bomb bag. There is a rocky lava crossing I have to get across and some ledges, and there was a guy who popped out the ground to warn me about the plug holding the lava in.

Any advice?
In a game that CONSTANTLY reminds you about the stupid motion controls or how to throw a fucking bomb, it doesn't help you when you're stuck.

I am at Eldin Volcano, and well I am stuck. I can see a wall I need to blow up, but I can't get a bomb up there. I have no bomb bag. There is a rocky lava crossing I have to get across and some ledges, and there was a guy who popped out the ground to warn me about the plug holding the lava in.

Any advice?

It would actually. Bowl a bomb across the rock crossing.


With ya there. I still can't justify in my head why I decided to do it; like I was trying to impress some imaginary person with a game complete file.

You people need to learn to just make back ups of your saves every now and then. This would have happend to me also but I just copied my save file every few 6-8 hours or so just to back it up. I don't like the idea that 50+ hours is all in just one little file that could easily become corrupt or deleted or lost or something.


More impressions.

I am going super slow due to time limitations but loving every minute of it. Just beat the ship temple (for the 2nd flame). Again amazing design, puzzles, and boss fight. This is the 2nd boss in a row that I thought was one of the best in the whole series.

Onto the 3rd temple.

Quick question and this is probably a dumb one. I started my file way back in Dec and then played periodically. I know they explained it in game, but what do those rocks/cubes do that I have to strike with my Skyward sword action? They ascend into the clouds but I forget what they do or open up? Do they allow me to open up some of the treasure chests in the sky which I can access but can't open?

Also I get the feeling I will have to read up on the story again. The long breaks and periods in between have left me only understanding the current objectives, I have to rescue Zelda who is trapped in some other realm doing official goddess business, and stop Lord Ghirhim (sp?). More than that I am completely lost now on the story or why and how it all started.


NeoGAF's Chief Barrister
Quick question and this is probably a dumb one. I started my file way back in Dec and then played periodically. I know they explained it in game, but what do those rocks/cubes do that I have to strike with my Skyward sword action? They ascend into the clouds but I forget what they do or open up? Do they allow me to open up some of the treasure chests in the sky which I can access but can't open?

That's exactly what they do. They show up on your map when they are activated.


Okay, so I just recently got back into playing this game after 6 months of ignoring it. I'm at the point where I'm looking for the water for Faron, and I ended up in the first temple again. I literally just said fuck it and turned off my Wii. Is this game seriously going to recycle dungeons? I was kind of bored by playing the game as is, but if it's just going to recycle content I've already played I'm not even going to bother finishing it.


Okay, so I just recently got back into playing this game after 6 months of ignoring it. I'm at the point where I'm looking for the water for Faron, and I ended up in the first temple again. I literally just said fuck it and turned off my Wii. Is this game seriously going to recycle dungeons? I was kind of bored by playing the game as is, but if it's just going to recycle content I've already played I'm not even going to bother finishing it.

You do go back to previous areas but new sections of those areas keep opening up though. There is only one dungeon I think you redo to a degree and that might have been it but not sure. It's also possible you went to the wrong place.

I need to get back to this. I'm on the last dungeon I believe,
Sky Keep
, but once I realized what it was I turned the game off after doing one section. I got to that point after a session that last a few hours so I needed a break. Never went back to it for various reasons but it wasn't because of a lack of enjoyment. Now I loved what I was experiencing. I think I'll try to get to it this weekend and finally finish the game.


Okay, so I just recently got back into playing this game after 6 months of ignoring it. I'm at the point where I'm looking for the water for Faron, and I ended up in the first temple again. I literally just said fuck it and turned off my Wii. Is this game seriously going to recycle dungeons? I was kind of bored by playing the game as is, but if it's just going to recycle content I've already played I'm not even going to bother finishing it.

It wasn't a big deal for me but yeah if it bothered you that much don't even bother. There will only be pain from here on out.


Okay, so I just recently got back into playing this game after 6 months of ignoring it. I'm at the point where I'm looking for the water for Faron, and I ended up in the first temple again. I literally just said fuck it and turned off my Wii. Is this game seriously going to recycle dungeons? I was kind of bored by playing the game as is, but if it's just going to recycle content I've already played I'm not even going to bother finishing it.

Yeah the game recycles areas, it tries to change something about the area so it feels fresh though one of the worst examples is the first temple.


I kind of want to keep on playing because I heard the ending and boss fights are incredible, but everything is so boring. Twilight Princess was like this for me too. Modern 3D Zelda games are kind of boring and padded out with fetch quests and pointless shit. I just finished OoT on 3DS for the first time ever, so it's not nostalgia talking. That game had perfect pacing and never became boring.

I probably sound whiny as fuck but I really wanted to enjoy this game. Such a disappointment.


NeoGAF's Chief Barrister
Okay, so I just recently got back into playing this game after 6 months of ignoring it. I'm at the point where I'm looking for the water for Faron, and I ended up in the first temple again. I literally just said fuck it and turned off my Wii. Is this game seriously going to recycle dungeons? I was kind of bored by playing the game as is, but if it's just going to recycle content I've already played I'm not even going to bother finishing it.

Well, it does recycle areas. But that first dungeon is by far the worst. The rest, there's some interesting stuff happening in (especially at the volcano). Worth battling past this first one.


First dungeon is the worst but even then you don't have to do the whole dungeon over again.

The two boss fights that come after getting Faron the water, the two dungeons for the flames, are amazing.


I hated the first dungeon recycling.

The first time you were in there, if you'd played Zelda games before you could tell that there was a bunch of stuff you just couldn't do until you got other items, so there was no sense of "oh wow, now I can go here!" when you can access certain areas. Instead, it just feels like "finally I can move on with this shit".


Just finished the third trial in the secret realm before accessing the 3rd dungeon for the third flame.

These trials scared the shit out of me. Character design for the guardians is amazing.


Just finished the third trial in the secret realm before accessing the 3rd dungeon for the third flame.

These trials scared the shit out of me. Character design for the guardians is amazing.

Yeah the trials are awesome, but then again I'm not one who hates stealth in non stealth games for any reason.

The first time I was doing it, I didn't realize that the timer stops once you get all the tears. It was way more intense that way.


Yeah the trials are awesome, but then again I'm not one who hates stealth in non stealth games for any reason.

The first time I was doing it, I didn't realize that the timer stops once you get all the tears. It was way more intense that way.

To me its a great way to add some depth in between dungeons. I love the towns/villages and NPCs in Zelda games. I love side quests and solving the towns people's problems. Its why Majora's Mask is my fave Zelda and fave game of all time. Its the perfect mix.

While SS isn't on that level, in terms of NPCs and things to do, it offers a nice break from finish dungeon a. go to dungeon b. And its pretty intense.


NeoGAF's Chief Barrister
Yeah the trials are awesome, but then again I'm not one who hates stealth in non stealth games for any reason.

The first time I was doing it, I didn't realize that the timer stops once you get all the tears. It was way more intense that way.

Dammit! Never noticed that.
I can't really describe my feelings towards this game. You see, I really loved OOT, MM, WW and TP and I really wanted to love this game too. But it's just not happening.
I'm currently searching for the second flame and I really hope it gets better, because other Zeldas had me sold within the first hours.
It's not the art style I have a problem with, since I liked WW, although I prefer the dark tone of MM and TP. Controls are alright, they work good for me.

What probably annoys me the most is FI. Constantly stating the obvious, acting like the player is an idiot to the point it's almost offensive and the probability 'jokes' were funny the first time, but got old really fast. The first 3 temples I seriously believed this was a joke from Nintendo and you would get your real sidekick later in the game.
It's just such a enormous step down from Midna and even the red lion king, what was Nintendo thinking there.

The dungeons are hit or miss so far. I really liked the desert temple with the time warp feature (awesome idea) or the water temple. But the second temple was a joke. The first time ever in a Zelda game I said "Wait! That's it!?"

Gameplay and difficulty is good, but I expected it to be harder from what people are saying. I only died once so far fighting Ghirahim for the first time and this is my very first game on the Wii.

I'm also missing the feeling of epicness. TP felt a lot more epic, mainly because of Epona.

I really don't want to say this, but the music is also not as good as the previous Zeldas. It's not bad by any means and it's great that they finally use an orchestra. But compared against TP and WW it doesn't have that many memorable pieces and most of the time the music is too much in the background to be effective. I get goosebumps all the time from almost any Zelda music, but not from SS so far. It's also unforgivable that no music is playing during night time.

Speaking about night time, I miss the day/night cycle too and then there is no title sequence. I was almost sold on TP just because of the opening alone.

I don't know, there is so much that rubs me the wrong way about this game. Maybe I'm getting too old or something.
been playing this for some time now. I am in dessert( ly something something) . I do not enjoy flying. Miss horse. Game is not epic' story feels ok. Combat is good. Puzzles seem average so far- lacks side quests and secrets and fun things to do'


I just got the third piece of the song of the hero for the triforce. I don't know if there was any prescribed order but just out of the order of their appearance in the game I did

1. Faron Woods
2. Eldin Volcano
3. Lanyuru Desert

Now after the third dragon I have the option to do all the trials and boss battles again as a challenge. I started the boss fights but only made it to the 2nd Imprisoned fight before dying. How difficult is this? I was really tense and didn't feel like doing it over again (I had beaten 5 bosses and was on my 6th).

I think I will try again tonight but it took a lot out of me. Wondering if I should just go ahead to the next part of the game.

But yeah loving all these in between dungeons challenges and fights. Would prefer more NPC side stories but the chase for gratitude crystals is providing some of them.


I only played and beat one boss but didn't feel like going back again...I was so close in beating the game that I just wanted to be done with it lol.
Is the prize any good for beating all them bosses?


Now after the third dragon I have the option to do all the trials and boss battles again as a challenge. I started the boss fights but only made it to the 2nd Imprisoned fight before dying. How difficult is this? I was really tense and didn't feel like doing it over again (I had beaten 5 bosses and was on my 6th).

IIRC, the bosses are the same difficulty as they were in the dungeons. I suggest to finish the trial, there is nice surprise in the end.

olimpia84 said:
I only played and beat one boss but didn't feel like going back again...I was so close in beating the game that I just wanted to be done with it lol.
Is the prize any good for beating all them bosses?

Yes, although some might disagree.


The reward for beating Boss Rush is pretty sweet and might prove helpful in the final boss, but it's in no way essential to the game.
^ i have no idea about this. I am currently in layaru temple. How far along i am in the game? Those song of time thing will be instructed to do it or is it a secret?


lol I played the for the first time in like 6 months I quit after the 3rd dungeon and I remember one thing I realllllllly hate about this game. is the fact that before every dungeon there's like 3 or 4 areas you have to get through... by the time I get to the dungeon I'm tried of playing. I like TP more, and I like okami better than that. I really want Nintendo to do a 3d MM at this point... also an awesome 2d/3d original for the 3ds. Basically the opposite of what they did for the DS Zelda games some of the worse in the series history. Until I see if the Wiiu version of the next Zelda games is different I'm not buyin..
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