Ok so I'm about halfway through the third dungeon and I've turned it off for the night. I have to say, the concept of this whole area was awesome, though I did find the build-up area dragged a little bit. I haven't really given any impressions yet so I'll just make some now. I should probably clarify that I am enjoying it, because otherwise this is going to sound really negative.
The biggest bummer for me in this game is the overworld, or rather the lack of. Simply, it feels like Skyloft is just kinda there, and then I'm exploring 3 separate levels down below. Good levels, but it doesn't feel like a world, an actual location, like Hyrule or Termina or The Great Sea. I miss that more than I thought I would. It wouldn't be so bad if the sky was any good, but it isn't. It's Wind Waker with the great atmosphere and sense of discovery stripped out, while Skyloft itself is mundane. There's the occasional sidequest in Skyloft, which seems to be progression triggered, but otherwise there's very little to do there. Worse, at night Skyloft is inhabited by low-level monsters like bats, which means everyone is in their house. This really sucks because I love exploring Zelda towns at night; they usually have a very different atmosphere, with different people out and about doing different things, but you don't get that here, just a load of crappy monsters. You can still go and talk to people in their house but it's not the same as exploring Windfall/Clock Town/Kakariko Village at night. As the only town in the game, Skyloft has seriously disappointed me. Even Twilight Princess was better in this regard.
The dungeons so far have been enjoyable. I understand the third dungeon is where the game really starts to take off so I'll refrain from commenting too much on them. So far they've been easy but solid. The pre-dungeon areas are interesting but not quite as evolutionary as I expected. I got the impression the dungeons and the overworld were going to be more fluidly intertwined but they aren't really. The dungeon is still a very obviously separate entity. It's just that now you have a long, linear path up to the dungeon which has some puzzles in it, though these puzzles don't seem as good as the one's in the dungeon. It's not really what I was anticipating, as I expected something more along the lines of the ice mansion from TP, or just, say, the woods themselves being the dungeon, rather than a prelude. For all the talk of making it hard to tell whether you're in a dungeon or not, the game does actually feel very rigidly segmented to me - you have the sky, the pre-dungeon path, and then the dungeon.
I'm generally happy with the controls. I occasionally have to recalibrate but it's nothing major, it usually works well for me. The graphics in dungeon 2 were lovely, the painting effect really came alive there. Other than that the game has looked ok. The painting effect doesn't work as well in other locations. The music is quite lush but not catchy. Nothing has stood out to me as thematic, but then I've considered the music in Zelda to be on a downward spiral since OOT and MM. It is better than TP's music though so far.
So far Fi is not only bland, but highly intrusive. No, I do not need to be told that my health is low, I'm already getting that beeping noise, and can see that the bar is low. Please stop patronising me and constantly reiterating what other NPC's have just this minute told me. Ugh. They really need to start asking whether you've ever played a Zelda game before so you can play without this bullshit.
Overall, as I said before, I am enjoying it, but the lack of any good towns and the disjointed feel of the world has put me on a bit of a downer. This feels like it's going to be incredibly dungeon and puzzle orientated, which I'm sure many will love, but I'm one of those people who tends to look back more fondly on the characters, the towns, the locations. The last 6 hours before the moon falls in MM, pulling up to a random island in the middle of the night in WW, infiltrating Hyrule Castle in OOT, just running around Clock Town or Kakariko Village at night, the graveyard in OOT in the rain. These kind of moments have been almost entirely absent so far, it really feels like 'do pre-dungeon area, do dungeon, return to Skyloft to upgrade/buy stuff, go to pre-dungeon area, do dungeon, return to Skyloft to buy stuff, go to pre-dungeon area etc...' I really miss the kind of things you would do inbetween dungeons in TP or WW as part of the story. The story post Zelda being kidnapped has been non-existent to be honest.
Some of my complaints may no doubt become void as I get further into the game, some I think will not be rectified. As it stands right now, this is shaping up to be my least favourite 3D Zelda. But that's still an enjoyable game. It's all relative.