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The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword |OT| Home of Punkin' Chunkin' Champion 2011

Ohh man, seriously?

I've once noticed how Zelda and One Piece are very similar in their willingness to make certain characters absolutely crazy looking; Them being friends pretty much adds extra confirmation to the parallels I've noticed.

I don't know where I read it but I'm 100% sure I did. The characters in TP suddenly made sense after that.


Fantastic game, but near the end I really am feeling like it's starting to drag.
The environments, even though they've mixed them up, are starting to get boring. I've been to the volcano a million times; I don't want to stealth through it. And I still have the tadpole quest or whatever it is to do. =(
Finished the third dungeon and had to stop because the wii mote batteries died...

My problem with the dungeons is that they are linear. You have to focus on the small individual puzzles that are in your way. There is no sense of exploration in them.
Another reason for this is their decision to use a few huge rooms instead of many small ones.

The pre dungeon areas so far have a dungeonish feel (much more light) but this results in exhausting the player. When I entered the third dungeon I took a break because I had to relax. The game needs some mindless gameplay sections badly.

They do that out in the field now


Just got done playing about 2 hrs. Opening was about a 8/10...first thirty minutes got worse and hit like 6/10...but then it picked up again to about 7/10 at 45 minutes. 30 minutes later, game definitely picked up and I hit a 9/10! It stayed around there pretty consistently until I got to the first dungeon.

Actual early impressions (no spoilers):

Visually this game is really damn pretty. At first I was kind of ehhhh about it, but I fiddled a little with my tv's settings and eventually I got accustomed to the art style. The game is, in my opinion, a noticeable step up from TP. Characters (well...some characters) are definitely higher poly than TP models. Shading can look really good on link/zekda/fi, and while there are some unimpressive textures, the early parts of the game tend to swing between alright to very visually pleasing, though wouldn't I call the game too impressive. Parts of it look better than any previous zelda, but overall I'd still give the edge to wind waker. WW is visually timeless. But who knows, I'm only 2 hours in so opinions will likely change.

Controls are pretty damn solid No problems whatsoever so far. Everything seems to work as it's intended.

Stamina is pretty cool. I'm for it, if only because it lets you climb vines/ivy really damn fast. That crap was one of my nitpicky annoyances with TP.

The bird controls well, though it took me a bit to get used to. No complaints there. The overworld/hubworld does seem a bit empty, but hey I'm very early in the game, so maybe things will open up a bit more.

The opening segments were pretty good, though the dialogue feels a bit winded. Could have been cut down a bit. It really only lasts for about an hour though, not the tortuously long opener I was suspecting. I enjoyed them mostly for cementing Link and Zelda's relationship, which is adorable.

My favorite part so far is
tossing bat-cats off the edge of skyloft...^_^

Overall, having fun, looks good, can't wait to play more.


This is GAF so I know I'm probably #10000 to mention this, but there's a
Tingle doll in Zelda's room!
. I only started playing yesterday becasue of work and a birthday, but so far it's looking pretty damn good. The overworld sucks though, so barren and very few places to actually land.


Junior Member
Damnit. Now i'm really excited for the third dungeon. EVERYONE that's played it, even those not really feeling the game have said good things about it.

I hope it's a Water Temple.


The third dungeon is probably one of the best in Zelda history. Seriously.

It would have been if it had a better boss fight,
dungeons have always had cool bosses.
Twinrova, Twinmold, Molgera and Stallord
were all crazy fun but SS just had...ehh....


This is GAF so I know I'm probably #10000 to mention this, but there's a
Tingle doll in Zelda's room!
. I only started playing yesterday becasue of work and a birthday, but so far it's looking pretty damn good. The overworld sucks though, so barren and very few places to actually land.

And open her cupboard!


this game sort of feels like minish cap in 3D. same director, i know. it's very odd, but invigorating. it really is a massive change.

Fujibayashi is an awesome director. I have loved every single one of his games to date. It's really neat seeing things from the portable titles making it here.
Is this game playable on a small SDTV?

The Skyward Sword bundle is 70 euros, but I can get a 15 euro discount, so 55 euros.

The controls looks like fun, and Link having stamina is awesome.

Agh, I don't know.
I got stuck a couple of times in the first dungeon and needed help. Another time I thought the controls were fucking up, but it was just me trying to do the complete wrong thing. I think I'm fully acclimatised to what it expects from me now.

Just met one of the best ever peripheral characters to feature in a Zelda game in Skyloft. :)


On a diff note, the Skyward Sword LE guide is so small compared to the other ones XD TPs was much bigger page count wise... XD Oh well to the collection it does.


Is this game playable on a small SDTV?

The Skyward Sword bundle is 70 euros, but I can get a 15 euro discount, so 55 euros.

The controls looks like fun, and Link having stamina is awesome.

Agh, I don't know.

Nintendo games take years to go down in price, so if you wait until next June to buy it you probably wouldn't have saved any money.

Just something to keep in mind...


but but but.... zelda room is locked :( how do i get in!?

hookshot target in the chimney of the academy. What's awesome is that you'll come across the bath on your way to Zelda's room, and at night, you can see her father bathing :p

Also, four things you have to in her room. 1) check the cupboard 2) get the gratitude crystal 3) admire the tingle doll 4) read the diary

I'm at the part where I
just learned the first part of the song of heroes. yup.. Faron woods is my favorite area


EFF YEAH! Just got the last Heart Piece!
Now off to the remaining Gratitude Crystals.

Ok, now I have to ask this

are the life medals included in the whole heart piece count? meaning that I have to keep both in my pouch if I ever want to see my 20 hearts lined up?


The third dungeon is probably one of the best in Zelda history. Seriously.

Just finished the third myself, everything about it (the characters and the area before hand, the dungeon itself, the sequence after) just reeked of awesomness. I had no idea that there were freakin
in this game that and
moving beamos
really blew my mind in terms of character/enemy design that I had not seen or heard anything about.

Love it.


I was struggling with the controls at the beginning, even with easier enemies.

I almost dropped the game to start SR3 but fortunately when I tried a few techniques, everything becomes more engaging.

- Stabbing is easy with just a horizontal flick forward instead of big stabbing motion (take that skulltula!)
- Some enemies are quicker to be offed with counters (plants)
- Time the swing and don't swing like an electrocuted demon
- Calibrating is easy took less than a second to press down on the remote d-pad. make a habit out of it.

I can understand why some people dislike the game for the controls. Most of the game nowadays drop you with a set of fixed moves which activates flawlessly with a press of a button. But in SS there are variances on how people execute a move so the result wont be the same across the board.

M+ definitely works but I think lots of people just doesn't aware that they have adapt to it / don't have the patience to do it. If the game doesn't work for the first 10-30 minutes they just drop it and play something else more familiar. (which I almost did)

I really hate the swimming section though.... but SR3 still have to wait until I finish this.


btw, i just know that some of you super zelda nerds will cry during the ending sequence, especially with that beautifully sad piano piece accompanying it.


lol Fi is so fucking funny, she says the most obvious shit when it's clearly right in front of you and she says it with this hilarious robotic emotionless voice.

It's like Nintendo's making fun of their game.

And yes, the third dungeon is one of my favorite in the series- no, the entire area leading up to the dungeon is freaking gorgeous.

I'm now on the
Silent Realm, and it's one of my favorite parts of the game.


What is the best choice in the toilet quest? It seems to affect more people if I give the letter to Grida. Will I see the thing closed in the toilet again after she disappear?


lol Fi is so fucking funny, she says the most obvious shit when it's clearly right in front of you and she says it with this hilarious robotic emotionless voice.

It's like Nintendo's making fun of their game.

And yes, the third dungeon is one of my favorite in the series- no, the entire area leading up to the dungeon is freaking gorgeous.

I'm now on the
Silent Realm, and it's one of my favorite parts of the game.

I'm not the only one who loves the Silent Realm


Walruses, camels, bears, rabbits, tigers and badgers.
Oh myyyyy two hours away...... Im soooooo ready!! Glad that mostly everyone is enjoying the game once you get pass the tutorial area.

Anybody hate the controls yet?


What is the best choice in the toilet quest? It seems to affect more people if I give the letter to Grida. Will I see the thing closed in the toilet again after she disappear?

What are the requirements to get this quest available? I've done teh first three dungeons and side quest wise i've done
lost child, missing sister and about to finish the "crush" one and Fledges workout


I don't know, talking to the cook saying she hear a voice in the toilet at night and during the next day Arbo should be next to the toilet wanting to give a letter to someone.
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