Being a humongous Zelda fan you probably finished It, but If not, make sure you do A Link Between Worlds. This is a nice game but it's kind of like four swords, Zelda without the magic sauce.
You still get the meat of it, a bunch of really clever dungeons with battle arenas and spacial puzzles, both in singe and mulit-player. I've played mostly online multi but the single player is probably more consistently fun--the totem machanic figures into just about every room and working things out on your own is less frantic, and you avoid all the lows of premature disconnection. Also, it's just faster and really slick in single player, you learn to juggle the dudes really quickly and become more efficient than anything possible with online strangers.
There is no epic story magic sauce that sends your imagination running, but there is more flavor than four swords. You have the yes-it's-good-enough-to-base-a-game-around totem mechanic with a magic sprinkling of equipment progression, chance, and humor. I would put at least a couple hours into the online becuase when you have the right team and you overcome a level you've all been attempting six or seven times, that's more exhilirating than saving the princess all alone, and it works long distance just as well.