Bros, I just watched these first 2 episodes and this show is HILARIOUS.
Every single line of dialogue is delivered with the gravitas of a Shakespeare play. Every single thing that happens is the most serious thing ever. Everyone looks super serious at all times about how serious everything is. Despite this, the dialogue is some of the most generic banal shit I've ever watched hammy actors look very serious while saying.
If there is going to be a story, it's hard to tell at this point. Almost nothing has actually happened after 2 episodes, other than recycling every fantasy trope that can be thought of. The script writers must be gamers, because I saw the snow troll mini-boss fight and the rock breaking main quest during these 2 episodes.
There is almost nothing actually Lord of the Rings about this. It's just a bunch of fan fiction in a generic fantasy setting starring people who have the same names as Tolkien's characters but they have nothing to do with Tolkien's characters or his world. Considering they spent $250 million on these rights, it could just as easily have been World of Warcraft and nobody would have noticed the difference.
They spent $1 billion and so far it feels like I just watched a bunch of really high budget Final Fantasy cutscenes strung end to end starring some generic elf warrior princess who for some reason is named Galadriel, some generic pretty boy who for some reason is named Elrond, some black elf and his human waifu, and some curiously filthy proto hobbits because apparently the future hobbits won't invent bathing for another few centuries. Also the Archangel Tyrael appears in this for some reason, and yes he even falls out of the sky just like at the beginning of Diablo III.
Seriously though, what the fuck did I just watch?