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The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power - Season 1


Gold Member
Hobbits are considered men or closely related so they definitely existed well before the third age. In "recorded" history they seem to appear around the third age but they are quite mysterious and secluded. It's not too crazy that they were around in the 2nd or 1st age.
Yep, entirely possible I would agree. I also like the depiction of them better than I thought I would at first. Very rustic, not really savage but raw, nomadic, uncivilized. You can draw a few lines to the later hobbits with their character traits but these are not a settled society at all. I think it's pretty well done. And as they're called Harfoots I wonder if later we'll come across Stoors too.

I guess the meteor man really could only be an Istari. What else could it be? And I think if you tracked the path of the meteor in terms of the sequence of scenes, it seems to me to have come from West to East.


Ultimate DQ Fan
Yep, entirely possible I would agree. I also like the depiction of them better than I thought I would at first. Very rustic, not really savage but raw, nomadic, uncivilized. You can draw a few lines to the later hobbits with their character traits but these are not a settled society at all. I think it's pretty well done. And as they're called Harfoots I wonder if later we'll come across Stoors too.

I guess the meteor man really could only be an Istari. What else could it be? And I think if you tracked the path of the meteor in terms of the sequence of scenes, it seems to me to have come from West to East.
The only reason I don't think it's the Istari is because.

It'd be a pretty big thematic break from the Lore. Not that it matters too much, since there is already pretty big departures, but thematically it would hurt things a bit. At this point in the story, the Valar still interact with the Children of Illuvatar, though they're learning that they shouldn't be. The final straw is the Downfall of Numenor, which will happen later. After that, the Valar pretty much leave Middle Earth to its own devices. However, they send the Istari in the Third Age because they don't want to FULLY abandon them, just teach them to take care of themselves. So yeah, besides having them come 2000+ years too soon, it hurts the theme. Plus lore wise, the Istari arrived by boat. They took the form of old men to be non-descript.
It was glorious. Honestly surpassed my expectations, I'm loving the show so far. Can't wait for more.

And the hate boner crowd are either trolling, or they've convinced themselves they are going to hate it no matter what, so they are grasping for any straw they can like dialogue or choreography. It's really quite sad. Just pathetic losers who are internet only type of people, spewing nonsense while the rest of the real world is enjoying a pretty damn cool TV show.
Agreed, I talked mad shit on this show since the first trailer. I'll admit I was wrong, can't wait for episode 3.


I think it's the opposite, the show is not terrible, but to truly enjoy it, you have to be a Marvel fan or Call of Duty player, it's not for Tolkien fans or people who enjoy TV. It's for people who can't pick up on clues, or people who don't notice cliches or sarcasm. People who enjoy anything they can find with explosions. The sort of people who never cut their lawn because it's just grass either way.

The show is made for people who you can feed hamburgers, steak, and eggs, and they don't notice the difference.

Nothing wrong with that, but you really really have to be a dofus to overlook the weird parts of this show. That doesn't mean you can't enjoy it.
This show is an excellent intro to the fantasy genre for people that loved the Transformers movies.

Melon Husk

Question for watchers: are all the portrait shots - countershots in super shallow focus? That's a red line I can't cross.


I can't tell if you are serious.

It didn't look bad, but nothing special. It might just be that the whole sequence was comical looking.




Legolas must be rolling in his grave he didn't pull off this stunt.

Also is there a reason they made all the elves short haired? Did that have the potential to offend someone?


Just watched. It's cool to watch, enjoyable and pretty, but the dialogue is not really flowing with me.
I like the harfoots. The Stranger is probably an Istari/Wizard.
After two episodes the story is still meandering way too much for, it's giving me blue balls. Hope it pays off.


Gold Member
They went past opinions and on to trolling many pages ago ITT. Perhaps if their opinions were intelligible and nuanced and not condensed hyperbole then I could agree with you. But unfortunately, you're wrong here bud.
Agree to disagree, some people just have a trolling\brush way to say things.

Btw i'm gonna watch the first episode in about 5 minutes, bought 45 euros of sushi and chinese fried shit for the occasion.


Had to switch from the xbox app to the LG TV one cause I wanted the DV goodness.

That was a good first episode, I really want a uhd copy of the series I think.


After watching the first two episodes, this is what I sit back with.

- Great sets, the dwarfen, human, and elven cities generally look really good, it's fun to watch the giant expensive sets.
- Nori, the comet guy, Dorin, the black elf guy, I think they do a good job and fit their role.
- The Elrond actor is good but his head shape is fucking weird.
- The comet storyline is interesting, even if it turns out to be Gandalf.
- There are tons of stories they can build on, it feels like things are just starting to turn.
- The ork "horror" scenes towards the end of the second episode were pretty good, even if orks are sort of ruined by LOTR where human heroes can kill 10.000 of them easily.

- Unfortunately, I find the main arching story of Galadriel looking for Sauron to be strange, she's supposed to do it alone? because of her brother dying? they needed to spend some time building reasons for why she is so extreme in her goal, the tiny scenes with her brother don't do it justice. I feel I still don't get her resolve or why she thinks she can fight Sauron and his orks alone.
- I disliked how all the Hobbits in the LOTR trilogy were these cartoon idiots, only Frodo and Bilbo seemed "normal". It's the same here with the harfoots, Nori is normal, but the village people seem cartoonish and idiotic.
- They sometimes overdo the "fly-by" nature shots, half of the transitions are flying by drone shots.
- The show starts with Galadriel getting picked on by elf kids, and told to turn back over and over by her crew when they climb the mountain, the show is too desperate to show how desperate and extreme Galadrien is to find Sauron, they overdo it, feels forced.
- The troll fight was weird looking, you could see the wires, and all her crew was bashed against rocks by the troll and was completely fine 3 seconds later with no marks
- Galadriel planned to swim back over the ocean after she jumped from the elf boat? isn't that...stupid? she was tired when she came to the raft, so she likely would have drowned not for that.
- The raft getting utterly destroyed by the big fish only for the guy to conveniently sail around on this little part of it.
- The guy swam 300000 miles straight down to save Galadriel without getting tired.
- The black elf was fine, but his relationship with the women (and I expect that kid to be their child from earlier) was kinda lame, not much chemistry, I hope they don't do too much with it. That kid was annoying too.
- That kid randomly breaking the floor because of "mice".
- All these weird-ass haircuts look completely weird. Elron would be cooler with long hair. You can smell the hair products through the screen.
- Elrond and Calembrimbor casually walking 8389393893834 miles to the dwarf kingdom with no hint of how.
- Some of the dwarfs in the background looked weird. Especially the ones who "collected" Elron at the gates.
- The Galadriel actor is fine, she does an ok job, but not great, she can't carry the show.


Watched 20 minutes so far, apart from cringe boat scene at the beginning the opening exposition was really good, I cannot believe they actually managed to make the lore easy to understand.

Galadriel is great, the actress is inhumanly beautiful.

Did I get it right - they went north when they were supposed to be going south?
I guess the meteor man really could only be an Istari. What else could it be? And I think if you tracked the path of the meteor in terms of the sequence of scenes, it seems to me to have come from West to East.

The first part of the 4chan leak was spot on, so he's another lore rape:
They're not gonna tease a wizard for 7 episodes in a post-GOT world. It's all engineered for a bIg sUrPrIsE at the end to milk social media reactions and rope in viewers for future tricks, chasing the same high. It's very cynical IMO.


Cool Smoke Luke
So watched first episode of Rings of Power.... its really really pretty....not 50mill an episode pretty, but pretty none the less.
Willow was better at "almost hobbits" (Hoping the new shows good, trailer looks great.)
GOT shits all over the writing in this, its wheel of time tv show writing level eh..
The elfs generally are horrible, Elrond, Galadriel, they don't seem like Tolkiens interpretations of elfs at all, Witcher elfs maybe.. Galadriels motivations are soo petty and human its bad.. like really this is a revenge story now?Galadriel is Ishmael and Saurons her white whale thru the centuries..horrible.
Galadriel just jumping into the ocean I swear it was right out of the Everquests Boat to freeport when ya lag out zoning.
I think Sam Raime did better in the 90's for fantasy tv.. at least he knew it needed humor to get it over..
I'm not sure I wouldn't like it more if it was just a generic fantasy show tho.. so might just not like the changes and being resistant ..and need to let them settle in few more episodes. but 1 episode in I'm more looking forward to the next episode of House of Dragons
maybe it picks up..
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I think it's the opposite, the show is not terrible, but to truly enjoy it, you have to be a Marvel fan or Call of Duty player, it's not for Tolkien fans or people who enjoy TV. It's for people who can't pick up on clues, or people who don't notice cliches or sarcasm. People who enjoy anything they can find with explosions. The sort of people who never cut their lawn because it's just grass either way.

The show is made for people who you can feed hamburgers, steak, and eggs, and they don't notice the difference.

Nothing wrong with that, but you really really have to be a dofus to overlook the weird parts of this show. That doesn't mean you can't enjoy it.
season 7 violet GIF by RuPaul's Drag Race

I’m guessing you think your own farts don’t smell, right? Come on, man.

Kev Kev

the story is still meandering way too much
Yeah unfortunately I have to agree with this.

I thought about it halfway through episode 2. I was hoping it'd feel a little more directed by the end but it didn't quite get there. Hopefully it focuses in over the next couple episodes. Perhaps it'll feel a little more cohesive once we have a better idea of where/who Sauron is. But at the same time, I absolutely love how mysterious and ominous they are keeping him, so I don't want to know too much...

Everything feels really well done so far, and I'm happier with it than I expected to be, so I'm confident they'll pull it together for the rest of season 1. Either way I'm pretty damn excited to see where they are going with some of these storylines.
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I think it's the opposite, the show is not terrible, but to truly enjoy it, you have to be a Marvel fan or Call of Duty player, it's not for Tolkien fans or people who enjoy TV. It's for people who can't pick up on clues, or people who don't notice cliches or sarcasm. People who enjoy anything they can find with explosions. The sort of people who never cut their lawn because it's just grass either way.

The show is made for people who you can feed hamburgers, steak, and eggs, and they don't notice the difference.

Nothing wrong with that, but you really really have to be a dofus to overlook the weird parts of this show. That doesn't mean you can't enjoy it.
This is the dumbest post I’ve read in a while. Seriously.


Do you like the new Marvel movies?
Not really tbh but they are ok.

Duder just reread what you wrote. It’s as if you are giving yourself a massive pat on the back for being so much better than others

I see your name is Bragr so If it’s a meme or something that I don’t know about, then disregard.


Many “Whelps”! Handle It!
The writing is CW superhero show tier at times—characters exchange grandstanding monologues at each other to explain their motivations. No subtlety. Stark contrast to the new GoT.

That was one of my takeaways during ep1. Like did we really need to see people be bullies to Galadriel as a child and then her tackle a boy elf? Lazy writing and CW tier.


Cool Smoke Luke
The writing is CW superhero show tier at times—characters exchange grandstanding monologues at each other to explain their motivations. No subtlety. Stark contrast to the new GoT.
was watching film threats review of this and the 4 of them have a great discussion and one brought this up as well, modern shows writers don't seem to understand subtext at all.. its hurting story telling.


Not really tbh but they are ok.

Duder just reread what you wrote. It’s as if you are giving yourself a massive pat on the back for being so much better than others

I see your name is Bragr so If it’s a meme or something that I don’t know about, then disregard.
This is the dumbest post I’ve read in a while. Seriously.
It's fine, not everyone has to care about quality, we need casuals too. That's what this show is for after all.


Watched episode one.

Well, the whole thing looks lovely, but by christ, does it feel aimless in terms of story at the moment. I do hope things start to actually happen in episode 2.

Also, the bizarre Irish/Somerset accent they’ve given the harfoots is awful.

Also, also, I‘m even more convinced they should have done a show about Morgoth. This entire series is going to end with the bad guy not being killed, and the last shot will be Deagol’s hand closing over the ring. Bank on it.
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Gold Member
Only watched the first episode and kinda liked it or at least i wasn't bored during the vision and it looks gorgeous for the most part, but holy fuck the galadriel chick can't act for shit :lollipop_squinting: , it's gonna be hard to follow any dramatic scene with her in it, hopefully she is gonna improve rapidly...

I like the elrond dude and the black archer dude (again not exactly a great actor, very stoic\wooden)

Pretty indifferent towards the hobbit child for now, but she is the most white skinned black person i ever seen if we put MJ and black albinos aside.

I like where the story is going, kinda reminds me of that korean zombie show on netflix where stuff slowly go down in the shitter and people slowly realize that they're fucked.

P.s. writing is a bit "too much" sometimes...in italy we say "parla come mangi" (just speak in the way you eat\chew, simple and concise.)
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So... Eh. I dunno.

I didn't hate it. I just found it very mediocre and pretty boring. First episode was the best, the second slowed down to an almost painful crawl at times.

However, the best part was undoubtedly Elrond's visit to the dwarfs.

Worst is Galadriel. Fucking hate her. They made her so unlikeable it's impressive.

Liked Arondil though, but kinda wish they gone all in with the diversity instead of this "it's manhattan 2022 only it's middel earth" nonsense. Why not make all the elves dark skinned? Would have made them stand out and differentiate them from other races.

But instead we have Nori who is super fair with visible eyeliner and has a dark skinned mum. Just nonsense.

But the thing that pulls me out the most is all the nonsensical 2022 haircuts.

I mean, what the fuck. That angry kid in the tavern? A poor dirty farmer, but his haircut was super expensive and fresh. Ridiculous.

There are som insane barbers in the second age, that's for sure.

This is the kind of small details that just breaks immersion for me. Hated the elves. Truly hated them. Elves look better with long hair. If anything, Rings of Power have confirmed that.

Meh. I'm just very disappointed in the production side of this. The attention to detail is very poor at times, and many things just don't seem like they were thought through.

Those hunters in the beginning for example. Walking around with giant antlers on their backs? Who the fuck does that.

Also lol at Elrond and his dad walking miles to get to the dwarves but not having any travel gear, yet still looking fresh as the day they left upon arrival.

Another thing. That prologue, am I the only one who wish they’d made a show out of that instead of whatever they are making the shoe about?

Edit: Sorry for the rant, lol. Didn't reaøize it got that long.
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Lol, ok then.
Brandon Scott Jones Comedy GIF by CBS
I'm kidding.

But. People who enjoy the new marvel movies and love star wars and star trek and everything they see without being able to see any of the problems, are like people who spend 3k a month on microtransactions. It's that casual wing of gamers who don't follow any news or know anything about games, they just get madden ever year and buy digital cardpacks.

That's the audience this show goes for, which is fine, but there are so many of these casual marvel fans like that on this forum that I live in a constant trigger state.


Gold Member
I think the main thing is that it's watchable, but anyone who has read the Silmarillion would realize that this could have been so much better


It's fine, not everyone has to care about quality, we need casuals too. That's what this show is for after all.
I haven’t even seen the show yet because I’ve been busy. But what a way to generalize tons of people. Its a really dumb post


Gold Member
The show is SO good that there are no 1 star, 2 star, 3 star, 4 star or even 5 star imdb reviews. Check it out!

Congrats Amazon! In totally unrelated news, did you know that amazon owns imdb?
If only someone could have seen this coming after the massive backlash from the very first trailer.


But the thing that pulls me out the most is all the nonsensical 2022 haircuts.

I mean, what the fuck. That angry kid in the tavern? A poor dirty farmer, but his haircut was super expensive and fresh. Ridiculous.

There are som insane barbers in the second age, that's for sure.
Yeah same here. There are some slick haircuts in this show. Everything is super tidy and carefully curated which just throws me out. Arondil’s fade is sharp for a 2022 city boy, but a middle Earth elf? I’m not so sure.

My other irritation is the lame faux Shakespeare dialogue. It’s overused and not written well enough to pull it off. Very eye rolling.

Overall it’s okay. I’ll probably keep watching mostly for the visuals but it really isn’t a triumph as some shills have attempted to suggest.


What do you mean? didn't you see the scenes when Galadriel had flashbacks to her wall-street yuppie-looking brother? Maybe it was the acting, but there are some scenes here and there that should never have made it to the show proper. That's one of the reasons why it's so strange to watch it, it's so weirdly uneven.

The kids acting was fairly poor but I was fine with the brothers acting.


I was thinking maybe Radagast, but they aren't supposed to appear until the Third Age. I know Amazon is taking some liberties but that seems like too much of a stretch...
I dunno it would be kind of dumb to introduce a character with so many similarities and hints that he could be Gandalf, and then have him not actually be Gandalf. What have u accomplished except piss off ur audience.


Ultimate DQ Fan
My other irritation is the lame faux Shakespeare dialogue. It’s overused and not written well enough to pull it off. Very eye rolling.
I've been hearing this a lot from a lot of people that don't know what "Shakespeare dialogue" is.

RoP's lines like "Nothing is evil in the Beginning. And there was a time when the world was so young, there had not yet been a sunrise. But even then there was light." is nothing like "That flesh is heir to 'tis a consumption devoutly to be wish'd. To die, to sleep; for in that sleep of death what dreams may come, when we have shuffled off this mortal coil, must give us pause."
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