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The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power - Season 1

I don’t know anything about the lore outside of LotR so no clue if this is accurate or not but I thought the first two episodes were like a 6 out of 10. Looked great most of the time but a bit green screeny at times, good acting for the most part but I was bored for 95% of the run-time.

I will watch a few more as I did end up enjoying Boba Fett and I thought the first few episodes of that were laughably bad and way way worse than this. The production value is there so there is potential if the story actually takes off.

I’m sure if I could be objective the score is ok but I couldn’t help but compare it to the Howard Shore score from the movies and if that score is a 10 this one is a 5.


I've been hearing this a lot from a lot of people that don't know what "Shakespeare dialogue" is.

RoP's lines like "Nothing is evil in the Beginning. And there was a time when the world was so young, there had not yet been a sunrise. But even then there was light." is nothing like "That flesh is heir to 'tis a consumption devoutly to be wish'd. To die, to sleep; for in that sleep of death what dreams may come, when we have shuffled off this mortal coil, must give us pause."
Yeah, it's not Shakespearian. It's just.. Trying to sound poetic, intellectual and full of wisdom.

Problem is the writers are clearly not on par with what they're trying to convey, so it all ends up sounding rather silly.


Cheeks Spread for Digital Only Future
I love how we have evidence of Amazon deleting reviews en masse and certain people still whine that poor helpless amazon is getting review-bombed aka receiving negative reviews from people who don't like what the show is going for which is what the fucking reviews are for.
0 out of 10
"Indulging the interests of minorities, blacks and other creatures. #NoTolerance"

Shit like this isn't a negative review.


Gold Member
Watched episode 1.

Never been a major LOTR fan, but I liked this one. Galandriel seems like a solid character and the production value in this is insane for a show.

In comparison with the wheel of time, which was the last fantasy show I watched, this feels way more watchable.


Gold Member
are there any woke asian elf or dwarf in this?
Frustrated George Costanza GIF




Btw RT has also removed all its critic reviews except two, I wonder how certain people here are going to defend that. It seems there some serious damage control going on behind the scenes with a shitload of reviews being censored. In the morning the imdb score was 6.0 and falling, now it's at 6.2. Fucking shameless.




Btw RT has also removed all its critic reviews except two, I wonder how certain people here are going to defend that. It seems there some serious damage control going on behind the scenes with a shitload of reviews being censored. In the morning the imdb score was 6.0 and falling, now it's at 6.2. Fucking shameless.

Defend it?
We simply don't care about it. We are watching the show and judging it's quality as we watch it. We don't need numbers to tell us if it's good or not. The only people that care are the ones with a weird agenda against the show.


Can You Imagine What SureAI Is Going To Do With Garfield?
Guy says to the black elf in the tavern....

"you people are always dwelling on the past" or something very similar to that.

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First episode was average at best, horrible acting and braindead dialogues. The 'boat and stone' allegory made absolutely no sense at all and people talk way too stilted. Cinematography is too reminiscent of Michael Bay Transformer movies and the first episode was plagued with too much exposition. Events happen way too fast without properly introducing the characters, leaving you no choice but to not care about anything or anybody.

F*cking boat and stone allegory was the dumbest crap I've heard all year so far. Awkward acting, braindead dialogues, too many parallel storylines and atrocious pacing are an absolute letdown.
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Can You Imagine What SureAI Is Going To Do With Garfield?
First episode was average at best, horrible acting and braindead dialogues. The 'boat and stone' allegory made absolutely no sense at all and people talk way too stilted. Cinematography is way too reminiscent of Michael Bay transformer movies and the first episode was plagued with way too much exposition. Events happen way too fast without properly introducing the characters, leaving you no choice but to not core about anything or anybody.

F*cking boat and stone allegory was the dumbest crap I've heard all year so far. Awkward acting, braindead dialogues, too many parallel storylines and atrocious pacing are an absolute letdown.
Did you see my post about the black elf and what the guy said to him? If not see my post above lol.
Defend it?
We simply don't care about it. We are watching the show and judging it's quality as we watch it. We don't need numbers to tell us if it's good or not. The only people that care are the ones with a weird agenda against the show.

Ironic considering there are people In here using the reviews as an excuse to dismiss criticism/”haters”. If anything, it is the defenders of this show that care most about these numbers Given how often they bitch/moan about the “review bombing”.


That first episode was an enjoyable spectacle with many introductions and a lot of foreshadowing.

Very close to the spirit of the material and the way it was written.

The romance was unexpected and left a good impression.

The show itself does give that sense of different types of beings having alien qualities to each other.

The elven metaphors were well constructed and surprisingly beyond the comprehension of some viewers to the point of venting their frustration and lashing out about it and that's hilarious and adds an extra .25 to my rating.

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Parody of actual AJUMP23
The Stranger is an Istari.

Sauron is the pale hooded guy (Annatar at this time period).
Ya in Ep 2 when he starts talking to the fireflies I know this is a wizard. Could be Saruman just not realizing it yet. I don’t think it will be radacast the brown. And I think the blue 2 where always together. It will probably be mithrandeer as he is the most well known.

Galadriel hanging out on the raft should have been 2 scenes at most.

I loved the dwarves. I thought the preview made the dwarf wife look bad, but she was fun in the episode.

Overall good show so far. I do think that was a goblin and not an orc.


Watched the 2 episodes, the show is not very good. Dialog is bad and the storylines are a mess. Watching this feels like it was created by an A.I. the show feels very soulless. Like how an A.I. would try to ape LOTR without actually understanding the atmosphere and artistry. The big budget is mostly just distracting where they shove in needless scenes so they can show how expensive this show is, it's like the VFX equivalent to watching someone show off their expensive cars.

However the Dwarves were pretty good.
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The only complaints I have is the prologue scene with Galadrial and her brother. Also as mentioned above by NecrosaroIII NecrosaroIII the scene with Galadrial and Elrond is a bit prolonged.

I really like all the characters and relationships introduced so far. The scene with Elrond and Durin was both comedic and had emotional weight, perfectly balanced.

Again, I don't understand the complaints with dialogue until someone does a comparison and teaches me. I mean, we haven't had anything as ridiculous as "toss me" yet.
Defend it?
We simply don't care about it. We are watching the show and judging it's quality as we watch it. We don't need numbers to tell us if it's good or not. The only people that care are the ones with a weird agenda against the show.
Hey sol_bad, is there any MCU or Star Wars movies that you don’t like? Just curious.


First episode down. Not quite sure how I feel about it? Visually it’s pretty good. The music is nice. I like the old hobbit man with the book. Elrond has a big ass chin. I think I need to watch episode two to try and solidify my thoughts on it. But is it just me or do most of these actors just lack charisma?
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Gold Member
Watched both episodes.

It was fine. Episode 1 was okay aside from the boat and stone scene. Episode 2 dragged on a bit and lacked a hook as good as episode 1. Blood sucking sword is ominous though especially in the hands of that bitch ass kid.

One thing that is an absolute negative for me though is the score. It’s bland. It’s not bad but it ain’t good either. I consider that worse than being bad. It’s not memorable at all.


Just finished the second episode. What I really like is that the new Galadriels eyes absolutely look like Cate Blanchets. In close ups, it could be her.

Seeing Khazad Dum in its pre-Lotr glory also had a nice touch. Felt a little bit like homecoming.

But boy do I hate annoying kids in TV shows …


Is it as good as Hot D and did it grab me like that show did already? No.

But did I still enjoy it as a beautiful high fantasy show so far. Yes I did.

First episode was definitely a little too slow and I am glad second one picked up. Some dialogue is clunky, but overall it didn't bother me that much. I am definitely more positive on it so far.

Unfortunaty the big Sauron mystery has been spoiled for me on yt, so I hope they don't drag out the reveal until the very last episode.


A Morgul blade?

The tone of curses in the Sil seems carried over in this show and is a wondrous developing darkness to behold.

Diaphanous Galadriel like a raindrop with slants of light.

A cunning look from the starry Istari.


I just want to say that I really love the beauty by which they present this world. That was one of the biggest things I disliked about the hobbit. It looked way too faked and the CGI was often a noisy mess, such a shame. Here that doesn't seem to be the case at all.
They did the dwarves great so far. Elrond and Durin are great, the scene exploring their friendship walked a fine line and didn't make the dwarves just as a joke. I hope they explore this theme of the elves longevity and how it impacts how they see the world and interact with other races much more.
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Hey sol_bad, is there any MCU or Star Wars movies that you don’t like? Just curious.
I have a friend who is like that. Always positive to everything media related, even bottom of the barrel stuff like Youtuber movies, despite being nearly 40 now. One day i asked him "is there any movie you don't like". Took him a few good seconds to come up with some weird, artsy movie from the 40's or something that he was forced to watch in school back in the day. That's it.

I'm actually envy of his positivity sometimes. It's like his brain works in a completely different way than normal, it's very odd.


I have a friend who is like that. Always positive to everything media related, even bottom of the barrel stuff like Youtuber movies, despite being nearly 40 now. One day i asked him "is there any movie you don't like". Took him a few good seconds to come up with some weird, artsy movie from the 40's or something that he was forced to watch in school back in the day. That's it.

I'm actually envy of his positivity sometimes. It's like his brain works in a completely different way than normal, it's very odd.
But people often don't realize this is also in part a choice and a practice, it can be a mindset.

I often remind myself of this "quote"
has amazon confirmed they will make 5 seasons no matter what or is it going to be based on reviews whether or not they do Season 2, 3, etc? i'm worried because it seems some people just can't be happy. if you don't like the show fine but no need for the hate. it would be such a shame if it was cancelled.

i know we're only two episodes in but i really liked it. it was always going to be tough to match the Jackson movies but i'm going in with an open mind. i went and rewatched the episodes again this morning. i've started reading more LOTR stuff. i'm going through the appendices and will start silmarillion after that. i've always meant to read them but the show has motivated me to finally do it.

the wait for episode 3 is going to be difficult :( at least there is HOTD on monday. for fantasy lovers we're really being treated well right now with both of these shows :messenger_smiling_hearts:
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I mean the series gets points for showing Elves as warriors clad in armour and fighting as a regular soldiers instead of ethereal, artsy, light creatures we got in LotR (yes, I know Helm’s Deep, but that was 10 minutes versus 3 movies).


This show is a fucking disaster…

…for both the anti-woke brigade, and the woke warriors.

Because it’s ok.

Not terrible, not amazing. Satisfies neither of them. Must be awful for them sat at their keyboards, not able to point at anything concrete and scream how their point of view is justified.

Commiserations to all of you.


This show is a fucking disaster…

…for both the anti-woke brigade, and the woke warriors.

Because it’s ok.

Not terrible, not amazing. Satisfies neither of them. Must be awful for them sat at their keyboards, not able to point at anything concrete and scream how their point of view is justified.

Commiserations to all of you.

Oh.. You clearly haven't been to youtube in the last day or so.


Oh.. You clearly haven't been to youtube in the last day or so.

Oh, the whining is still happening, of course it is. But it's even angrier than it would be otherwise, because the show is just not bad enough to justify their bleating. And that means less people will click on their videos in the long run, which means they earn less money from their confected rage.

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