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The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power - Season 1


Gold Member
I must say, for all the talk of cultural sensitivity, it does make me chuckle that they cast the hobbits as hairy footed cheerful simpletons with absurd Oiiirish accents.

How’s that for a stereotype fellas?


Gold Member
But the feminist stuff is really, really fucking boring. I'm just sick to the back teeth of uppity broads acting like pricks in every TV show, and you're supposed to warm to them.

Galadriel is an arse, utterly lacking grace, which is the one quality she should have in droves.
Yeah, the strong female archetype is so pervasive now. It's a completely obnoxious trend that needs to die ASAP.

Galadriel of all characters should be wise, graceful and compassionate while also being powerful. Instead she has the subtlety of any strong female character we see in entertainment these days. It ruins her. Big swing and miss by the writers.


I am Become Bilbo Baggins
There HAVE been non-white peoples in Europe in medieval times... When the Moors conquered most of Europe (Spain is a very obvious example with their myriad of mosques).

The Moors didn't conquer most of Europe. Not even close. They had a large portion of Iberia (Spain and Portugal today) and Sicily. That's it.

Airbus Jr

Yeah, the strong female archetype is so pervasive now. It's a completely obnoxious trend that needs to die ASAP.

Galadriel of all characters should be wise, graceful and compassionate while also being powerful. Instead she has the subtlety of any strong female character we see in entertainment these days. It ruins her. Big swing and miss by the writers.
This is a young teenager galadriel from second age with different power mentality and wisdom.
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Airbus Jr

A several thousand year old teenager? Wut lol
Different species elf and dwarf ages differently than human...

Dwarf can last for hundred years...thorin is older than the rest of his men but look younger ( cos of his durin blood) and not as wise as dwalin

Elf lifespan are even much longer...when you consider special breed like elrond and galadriel which can even witness the midle earth through centuries and ages....

Entities like gandalf saruman and sauron are maiar they are immortal ( wont die unless they got killed)
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Gold Member
Different species elf and dwarf ages differently than human...

Dwarf can last for hundred years...thorin is older than the rest of his men but look younger ( cos of his durin blood)

Elf lifespan are even much longer...when you consider special breed like elrond and galadriel which can even witness the midle earth through centuries and ages....

Entities like gandalf saruman and sauron are maiar they are immortal ( wont die unless they got killed)
Had this been a completely original character it wouldn't be as much of an issue. It's Galadriel though. She's established in both the books and Peter Jackson movies which has a significant impact on the way people view her. The RoP writers could have done a much better job with her character and unfortunately they did not.

Airbus Jr

Had this been a completely original character it wouldn't be as much of an issue. It's Galadriel though. She's established in both the books and Peter Jackson movies which has a significant impact on the way people view her. The RoP writers could have done a much better job with her character and unfortunately they did not.
People ages diferently at certain moment of their lifes and its different on various people. Person like mahatma gandhi, sokrates, plato dont become super wise dude overnight.
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I bought a sex doll, but I keep it inflated 100% of the time and use it like a regular wife
I still can't be bothered to finish the first episode. I love the Lord of The Rings dearly but I can't get behind the mostly fanfiction aspect of this.
Imo it picks up a bit on the next episodes when it comes to pacing and story.

Still kinda boring imo, but it's watchable.


Gold Member
My and my wife must be watching a different show..

It's just so painfully boring, everyone is either stupid or an asshole. Not buying the numenorian pettiness, these people lived for hundreds of years, to assume they'd be as narrow minded and assholish as us humans is a bit daft to me.

And the hobbits and their 'fall behind and we'll keep moving instead of helping, and remember you in a circle' bullshit...

This show is written by people who haven't lived. People who don't understand human psyche. It's written by people who yearn to create prose and powerful metaphors, but fail at both.

It's pretty, okay, sure, but what does it matter when the story and dialogue is so painfully abysmal? The actors are struggling to deliver with the drivel they're given.

Also, anyone else getting nightmarish aphex twin vibes from Galadriel's smile while riding the horse?
You sound like a dog barking to a serial, you can't bring it down no matter how much you try.


Your take isn't unique amongst black or biracial folks as it isn't inherently racist. It's odd when one says it, though... I guess just because I usually see the opposite sentiment. I wouldn't have bat an eyelash if there were black/Asian/etc people in the original LOTR movies. It's fantasy... Not actual history. It's meant to be unrealistic.

And it's cringe to say "colored people" ... Makes me feel like I'm back in the 50s and 60s... Which wasn't that long ago.
As with adaptations of other stories, if this was made in Bollywood, for example, there would all sorts of replacement to casting. Casting reflects the culture the show made is in. As it does here.

It's been mused that his books are a history of the world. History is still being written.


Lol dude i was trolling you with one of the deep as shit metaphors they use in the serial:lollipop_grinning_sweat:

The dog barking at the moon one.
Lol, aight, you got me.

So did the mods, my post is gone. What?

Care to explain what was so offensive about that so I know for future reference? Mods?


Gold Member
Lol, aight, you got me.

So did the mods, my post is gone. What?

Care to explain what was so offensive about that so I know for future reference? Mods?
Dude i was on your part not against you, you spoke about the shitty writing and i was just chiming up with my usual dreadful humor that everyones love.

I think the mod thought that i was barking at you like the dog in the metaphor, hopefully he is still reading so he can scratch that minor offense from my record.
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Dude i was on your part not against you, you spoke about the shitty writing and i was just chiming up with my usual dreadful humor that everyones love.

I think the mod thought that i was barking at you like the dog in the metaphor, hopefully he is still reading so he can scratch that minor offense from my record.
My post was deleted too.

I get what that other poster was saying about mods now. This is a bit over the top.


Watched episode 2 last night… it felt like total filler to me. Not entirely, but lots of it.

I will say this, people in the show can really swim!

So far Arondir is my favourite character.
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Wow and i thought the show had pretentious writing :lollipop_grinning_sweat: :lollipop_blowing_kiss:
Float beyond the world of trees
Out into the whispering breeze,
Past the rushes, past the reeds,
Past the marsh's waving weeds,
Through the mist that riseth white
Up from mere and pool at night!
Follow, follow stars that leap

Airbus Jr

They put a TEENAGER in charge as "Commander of the Northern Armies"???


Come on guys, time to give up and admit she is just a poorly written character and the "she really young, yo!" excuse doesn't hold water.
Cmon is this your first time seeing young people in charge ffs

Never seen Jofrey from Game of Thrones

Elizabeth becomes queen of england at age 27

And not all selected person are guaranteed to be great

What were you expecting that every leader has to be like leonidas mufasa or optimus prime ? Wake up and welcome to reality my friend
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You think? I thought it was a low blow if anything.
You're on fire!
Cmon is this your first time seeing young people in charge ffs

Never seen Jofrey from Game of Thrones

Elizabeth becomes queen of england at age 27

And not all selected person are guaranteed to be great

What were you expecting that every leader has to be like leonidas mufasa or optimus prime ? Wake up and welcome to reality my friend

There is a tiny difference between 27 and 2700.

Airbus Jr

You're on fire!

There is a tiny difference between 27 and 2700.
Maybe 2700 still considered young/ teenager for elf?

Have you seen baby grogu from the mandalorian?

Excited The Child GIF by Disney+

Hes over 50 years old incredible when you realize different species ages differently
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Maybe 2700 still considered young/ teenager for elf?

Have you seen baby grogu from the mandalorian?

Excited The Child GIF by Disney+

Hes over 50 years old incredible when you realize different species ages differently
From Tolkien Gateway. With citations:

By their first year, Elf children can speak, walk, and dance, and their quicker onset of mental maturity makes young Elves seem older than they actually are.[1]:209-10 Elves' bodies developed slower than those of Men, but their minds developed more swiftly.[1]:209-10 In their twenties, they might still appear physically seven years old, though the Elf-child would have mature language and skill,[2]:228 whereas Men at the same age are already physically mature.[1]:210

Airbus Jr

From Tolkien Gateway. With citations:
That is you guys mistakes you were expecting every leader to act like leonidas, optimus prime, mufasa, dumbledure all wise and dandy and follow their examples

Let me tell you the reality not every leader will act that way some can be anoying and pathetic

My school headmaster used to throws temper tantrum and ocasionally yell, mimicking a children voice ocasionally to mock us, look very unwise and look unfit to be a leader but thats him
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That is your guys mistakes you were expecting every leader to act like leonidas, optimus prime, mufasa, dumbledure all wise and dandy and follow their examples

Let me tell you the reality not every leader will act that way some can be anoying and pathetic

My school headmaster used to throws temper tantrum and ocasionally yell, mimicking a children voice ocasionally to mock us, look very unwise and look unfit to be a leader but thats him
No I don't. I just expect them to not act like petulant children.


Many “Whelps”! Handle It!
That is you guys mistakes you were expecting every leader to act like leonidas, optimus prime, mufasa, dumbledure all wise and dandy and follow their examples

Let me tell you the reality not every leader will act that way some can be anoying and pathetic

My school headmaster used to throws temper tantrum and ocasionally yell, mimicking a children voice ocasionally to mock us, look very unwise and look unfit to be a leader but thats him

That feels reductive.

Anyway, Galadriel even at this point was a wizened leader among leaders, a portrait of power and grace. One of the few to remember the light of the Two Trees. Bla bla bla: I could continue to wax on poetically and all dorkishly like this, but really it's not needed at this point. It's just poor handling of her character. We can all agree, or agree to disagree and keep watching, etc, but history will not view this rendition of Galadriel kindly.

Airbus Jr

That feels reductive.

Anyway, Galadriel even at this point was a wizened leader among leaders, a portrait of power and grace. One of the few to remember the light of the Two Trees. Bla bla bla: I could continue to wax on poetically and all dorkishly like this, but really it's not needed at this point. It's just poor handling of her character. We can all agree, or agree to disagree and keep watching, etc, but history will not view this rendition of Galadriel kindly.
Remember when people complain and saying the same thing about Smaug

He look wise in some scene and look stupid on other parts

Or when people complains Thorin doesnt act like a dwarf king

Young galadriel isnt immune to that mistakes either
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Gold Member
Remember when people complain and saying the same thing about Smaug

He look wise in some scene and look stupid on other parts

Young galadriel isnt immune to that mistakes either
Isn’t Smaug acting stupid due to the gold curse though?

Thorin was acting stupid as well as soon as he got the same curse.


Many “Whelps”! Handle It!
Remember when people complain and saying the same thing about Smaug

He look wise in some scene and look stupid on other parts

Or forum complains Thorin doesnt act like a dwarf king

Young galadriel isnt immune to that mistakes either

No, I don't remember that manner of criticism for Smaug. He actually acted exactly as a dragon should have IMO, even down to the prideful want to destroy the men of Lake Town just because.

I don't remember reading The Silmarillion or Unfinished Tales or anything else and seeing one of the most powerful beings in this lore being portrayed like a high school mean girl.

Airbus Jr

Isn’t Smaug acting stupid due to the gold curse though?

Thorin was acting stupid as well as soon as he got the same curse.
Nah smug are immune to that

Also people here seems to demand perfection for the young galadriel

At the end of the days shes just an elf, a powerfull one yes in the future but not at the present state in the show
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GAF's Pleasant Genius
As for the Warg, the CGI, lighting and eye reflections all looked incredible and the design is far better than the one from the LOTR trilogy. If it looked crap to you, maybe don't watch shitty quality downloads on your phone.
You are full of yourself, more like a 55’’ LG C9 and 500 Mbps connection. You are full of it mate come on… it was really awful CG.

About Galadriel, even if she had resentment (many humans sided against Morgoth, btw so your point goes out of the window, especially the… mmh I wonder how Numeron was born… 🤔 🤔) angsty teen tantrums are not the way to express it. How old are you?


GAF's Pleasant Genius
Eh, no. That warg, although well rendered and all that, looks like what you get if you take a cartoon character and render it to be lifelike.
Rendering eh… rendering is not just surface details and eye reflection, modelling was mmh and good lord, they were animated horribly.

Airbus Jr

Hey i was getting warned? For what reason may i asked?

Wtf is wrong with the moderation here?!?!? Ffs some power abuse going on here
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