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The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power - Season 1


Amazon losing hundreds of millions of dollars on a zombie project that was created by commitee brings joy and warmth to my black heart. It'll be like Wheel of Time but even funnier.
I couldn't finish Wheels of Time either, I know nothing about it. The story was a mess and boring too, it was forgettable and I don't even remember when I drop it.


Who is the audience for a video analysis that is over half an hour longer than the episode itself? Youtube is so weird.

I use a simple acid test to determine if a show or movie is worth watching: Can I view the media without even thinking to check my phone? Long and slow paced films are not an issue since I can finish something like Lawrence of Arabia with full attention. I thought about checking my phone in episode one and broke down in episode two. The imagery which looks great in isolation lacks verisimilitude. I never got away from the feeling that I was looking at sets instead of real lived-in places. I also felt the narrative structure lacking. I would prefer entire episodes following one character to the erratic back and forth between locations that the director went with.

Tolkien's work is odd because it became the baseline for generic fantasy. Stray too far from the source and your work becomes just another generic high fantasy setting. What I have watched so far felt like any other TV show rather than an epic event on the scale of the Peter Jackson films. At best RoP feels like a Middle-Earth fanfic. I don't think RoP is egregiously bad. The show is quite well positioned among its streaming peers. Its just not for me.
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Parody of actual AJUMP23
I couldn't finish Wheels of Time either, I know nothing about it. The story was a mess and boring too, it was forgettable and I don't even remember when I drop it.
My younger brother and I watched some together and he told me how it was nothing like the book. And what he didn’t like.


Not sure but it looks like that channel was created soley to promote the show. The production values seem quite high so I wouldn’t be surprised if Amazon is funding it. Kinda gross.

Even if (and that's a big if) Amazon were funding Corey's channel, who cares, he has dedicated his entire life to Tolkien and created an online university back in 2012. Not knowing about Middle Earth lore it's pretty fascinating to listen to him while working and learning about the lore and how the writers and designers of the show have worked around material they don't have or own. The whole discussion is intelligent and nuanced.
He's known as the Tolkien professor from what I know and based on what I've listened to from his other Signum University videos, he doesn't seem to be the type to screech and shout at things that aren't 100% faithful adaptation to the source material. He's a very positive person and comes across as very interested in adaptations of Tolkien's work.
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Gold Member
My younger brother and I watched some together and he told me how it was nothing like the book. And what he didn’t like.
Problem with WoT is rather than focus on the, you know, MAIN PROTAGONIST who has an actual story in the first book, they distributed time amongst a bunch of other characters who really only come into their own far down the line. It lacked the focus necessary. Tough because those other characters all have rabid fans. The casting wasn't great either, didn't support the story at all. Just a lot of little missteps really.
Even if (and that's a big if) Amazon were funding Corey's channel, who cares, he has dedicated his entire life to Tolkien and created an online university back in 2012. Not knowing about Middle Earth lore it's pretty fascinating to listen to him while working and learning about the lore and how the writers and designers of the show have worked around material they don't have or own. The whole discussion is intelligent and nuanced.
He's known as the Tolkien professor from what I know and based on what I've listened to from his other Signum University videos, he doesn't seem to be the type to screech and shout at things that aren't 100% faithful adaptation to the source material. He's a very positive person and comes across as very interested in adaptations of Tolkien's work.
He’s fine with the show and the disrespect to the Tolkien lore because he was bought by Amazon. I guess everyone has a price.


There's some decent stuff in here, but it's moving too fast, with too little happening, to be on the level of Game of Thrones, or even House of the Dragon.

In the same time, the production, the set design, the costuming, the music, and the labor of love on display make it hard to dismiss entirely. It's almost irritating, in a way, how much push-pull there is from a minute-to-minute basis per episode lol. Some low parts, only for us to see Khazad-dum, and then Numenor, and then back to some awkward writing and editing, and then back again to a truly majestic depiction of Middle-Earth and its intimate, beautiful hitches of breath, be it from The Stranger acclimating to Nori, or the orcs reeling from the sunlight during the appropriately intense action setpiece at the end of episode 3, to Elendil in the flesh.

I just hope they really rack things up after this -- because it's only got five episodes left to go. :p
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There's some decent stuff in here, but it's moving too fast, with too little happening, to be on the level of Game of Thrones, or even House of the Dragon.

In the same time, the production, the set design, the costuming, the music, and the labor of love on display make it hard to dismiss entirely. It's almost irritating, in a way, how much push-pull there is from a minute-to-minute basis per episode lol. Some low parts, only for us to see Khazad-dum, and then Numenor, and then back to some awkward writing and editing, and then back again to a truly majestic depiction of Middle-Earth and its intimate, beautiful hitches of breath, be it from The Stranger acclimating to Nori, or the orcs reeling from the sunlight during the appropriately intense action setpiece at the end of episode 3, to Elendil in the flesh.

I just hope they really rack things up after this -- because it's only got five episodes left to go. :p

You have to keep in mind, they are locked in for 5 seasons as well, so they can play the long game regarding the narrative. They can plot and plan accordingly, every TV show wished they had that freedom.


You have to keep in mind, they are locked in for 5 seasons as well, so they can play the long game regarding the narrative. They can plot and plan accordingly, every TV show wished they had that freedom.

Yeah, I can only hope the showrunners and writers are able to deliver in the long-term, bigger picture. As you say, it's a luxury most shows can only dream for!



Sort the comments by most recent and it’s people reacting to the video after watching the first two episodes. Gave me a chuckle.

Yep, all those knee jerk comments are really important. I'm sure the majority of them have spent the last 13+ years of their lives teaching about Tolkien and writing/publishing books about Tolkien.

How he became the Tolkien professor.

His first youtube video in 2015.

His first podcast in 2009.


Gold Member
Yep, all those knee jerk comments are really important. I'm sure the majority of them have spent the last 13+ years of their lives teaching about Tolkien and writing/publishing books about Tolkien.

How he became the Tolkien professor.

His first youtube video in 2015.

His first podcast in 2009.

Why should I care about any of this? I’ve been reading Tolkien since high school and I’ve never heard about this guy until tonight. His opinion and analysis on The Rings of Power means absolutely nothing to me.

You know there are plenty of Tolkien focused YouTubers who have been at it for years right? There is a wealth of bite-sized content out there covering various topics over the many ages of Middle-earth. Stuff like that is much more interesting to me, not ~2 hour epics about The Rings of Power TV show.


Why should I care about any of this? I’ve been reading Tolkien since high school and I’ve never heard about this guy until tonight. His opinion and analysis on The Rings of Power means absolutely nothing to me.

You know there are plenty of Tolkien focused YouTubers who have been at it for years right? There is a wealth of bite-sized content out there covering various topics over the many ages of Middle-earth. Stuff like that is much more interesting to me, not ~2 hour epics about The Rings of Power TV show.

I mean, you're the one that is trying to discredit him and make him look like an idiot. I'm just showing you that he has dedicated a massive chunk of his life to Tolkien and Middle Earth.

Melon Husk

Stop arguing about other nerds, you nerds.

I saw 2 episodes. I like this show. Elves suck, they're the worst part. Their lines, their outfits, their everything lack a love for details.

This show suffers from poor focus as do many other big budget shows. Excessive unconnected plotlines: I know why they're doing it, they want to appeal to every kind of viewer so they serve a full buffet table:
  • 1x Female lead plot (Galadriel)
  • 2x Male lead plot in case people don't like the female lead (Elrond and elf watchman guy)
  • 2x Secondary female lead (hobbit girl and healer lady)
Elrond and Galadriel's introduction could have been kicked into season 2, there's enough mystery and intrigue without high elves.


Many “Whelps”! Handle It!
Maybe Amazon will cut its losses and cancel the other seasons?

Speaking of WoT, what happened to it? Cancelled after the first season?

I'm very interested in seeing how they proceed with WoT going forward - who remains of the cast, which executive producers stick around, which writers are let go, etc. Among my various friends and social media circles, only the recent Resident Evil show was more disliked than WoT. I don't know a single person aside from myself who stuck it out until the end of the season, and I only did it out of macabre fascination. I had to know if they were ever going to supply Rand with a shirt that looks like it didn't come out of a TJ Maxx's seasonal Halloween section from 1992.


“Aww, it’s so...average,” she said to him in a cold brick of passion
Why should I care about any of this? I’ve been reading Tolkien since high school and I’ve never heard about this guy until tonight. His opinion and analysis on The Rings of Power means absolutely nothing to me.

You know there are plenty of Tolkien focused YouTubers who have been at it for years right? There is a wealth of bite-sized content out there covering various topics over the many ages of Middle-earth. Stuff like that is much more interesting to me, not ~2 hour epics about The Rings of Power TV show.
You should care because he has studied the books of the lore far more than you have in your normal readings of the books. He has also poured over interviews with Tolkien and his writings outside of the books that refer to the lore itself. The man has spent his entire life pouring over the writings of Tolkien and his feelings about the world that he created. There have been videos of him addressing various questions regarding the lore over 2 years before the rings of power was even announced. If you still don't care despite those facts then that is fine, but that is more of a you thing at that point.

It would be like disagreeing with a history professor in your senior year of college due to the fact that you got an A+ in history while you were in 8th grade.

You may be technically informed, but your knowledge and context is dwarfed by the person sitting across the aisle from you.
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I'm feeling nothing for this. The silly slow motion stuff is, well, silly and gratuitous. The use of music is so ham-fisted. And you can really tell that they had too much money as quite a few shots are showing off, but aren't built upon.

Ulysses 31

Babylon 5 was a set 5 seasons and I loved it. SO I think having a show with a definitive end can help the writers plan a good arc.
When they were making season 4 it wasn't clear if there was going to be a season 5 so they crammed a lot events in season 4 leaving the cup bare for season 5. :lollipop_confounded:
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"Nobody walks alone, nobody walks alone...if you cant keep up then fuck off."
Very Funny Reaction GIF

"The sea is always right..........you bitch-made little fuck."

I'm loving some of the lame quotes in this show. You can tell they were really trying to capture the "It is known", "For the watch" or "You know nothing" quips from GoT lol.
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Can You Imagine What SureAI Is Going To Do With Garfield?
Me to my dad's Hospice nurse: "are you watching and do you like Rings of Power?"

Hospice nurse: "I don't know what that is."

Me: "oh it's just showing Amazon Prime it's based off Lord of the Rings."

Hospice nurse: "oh we only watch Disney Plus."
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Because they committed to 5 seasons. They can’t afford having this show failing from the first season itself.
Imagine it makes no financial sense to continue at this budget and so by season 5 it's a one man play with a background drawn in crayon and a box of props and wigs.
Why are you still watching this?
Because we actually want it to be good but its not. I mean shittt, the forging of the great rings and Sauron rise to power is a homerun IF Amazon actually cared about tolkien.
Also, better to experience something and pick it apart than spew ignorant hate without watching it.

Melon Husk

Episode 3! It was okay. Aside from the unsettling slo-mo horseback riding (women fkin love horses, let's make Galadriel ride a horse?!) and the offputting CGI pug warg. RoP orcs are better than The Hobbit orcs. Eat your heart out, PJ.
I use a simple acid test to determine if a show or movie is worth watching: Can I view the media without even thinking to check my phone? Long and slow paced films are not an issue since I can finish something like Lawrence of Arabia with full attention. I thought about checking my phone in episode one and broke down in episode two. The imagery which looks great in isolation lacks verisimilitude. I never got away from the feeling that I was looking at sets instead of real lived-in places. I also felt the narrative structure lacking. I would prefer entire episodes following one character to the erratic back and forth between locations that the director went with.
Oh ya, I had to pause the episodes several times to reflect on what I just saw. Check my phone, laptop, look out the window to recollect and create the slow-in-between scenes that were missing from the show. The things that happen in this show.... too many narratives, not enough room to breathe. Watchman elf (the elfiest elf) is at the center of action but his background story is built from cardboard because he doesn't get enough screentime.

Almost every big budget show suffers from harebrained narrative structure, it was a major problem in The Foundation for example. Thankfully RoP hasn't layered the narrative with flashbacks like The Hobbit.


Because we actually want it to be good but its not. I mean shittt, the forging of the great rings and Sauron rise to power is a homerun IF Amazon actually cared about tolkien.
Yeah, :messenger_grinning_sweat: that`s what I thought after watching several videos about the second age, I said oh my so many interesting events, characters and battles, I mean it`s packed with good stuff, no way I`m gonna get bored. Then the Harfoots happened.

Don`t know why, every time they`re on screen, it just takes me out of the show.


Because we actually want it to be good but its not. I mean shittt, the forging of the great rings and Sauron rise to power is a homerun IF Amazon actually cared about tolkien.
Also, better to experience something and pick it apart than spew ignorant hate without watching it.
So you're just guilt watching it then. That's fair.

I am amazed that you people give a show the time of day where the show runners have no intention of honoring Tolkien's work. It's actually fascinating.
So you're just guilt watching it then. That's fair.

I am amazed that you people give a show the time of day where the show runners have no intention of honoring Tolkien's work. It's actually fascinating.
We've only had 3 episodes. There's still hope!

the lord of the rings pippin GIF


So you're just guilt watching it then. That's fair.

I am amazed that you people give a show the time of day where the show runners have no intention of honoring Tolkien's work. It's actually fascinating.
I watched it at first out of curiosity and to see if I'd need to get the crow ready.

Looks like the crow and is safe and I'm just watching it for the trainwreck. I already was paying for Prime, so the only negative is giving one more viewer count to the statistics (and Amazon'll definitely hide negative reviews).
So you're just guilt watching it then. That's fair.

I am amazed that you people give a show the time of day where the show runners have no intention of honoring Tolkien's work. It's actually fascinating.
I think it’s even more fascinating that some people think this show is good.


Gold Member
I have yet to watch episode 3 but I’m in the hate watch boat. At least for season one. Telling a story about the forging of the rings and the eventual war is awesome. So much potential there. If only the acting, writing and sub plots weren’t so aggressively bleh.


Gold Member
According to rumors
the rings won't even be forged in season 1. :messenger_winking_tongue:
The show is slow moving so not a surprise there. That’s why I’m not going out of my way to watch each episode as they drop. Gonna save up some episodes and see if impressions improve.


Parody of actual AJUMP23
I mean we haven’t seen celebembor for more than a minute and he has no reason or motivation to do any of it. He doesn’t even have a forge.
You should care because he has studied the books of the lore far more than you have in your normal readings of the books. He has also poured over interviews with Tolkien and his writings outside of the books that refer to the lore itself. The man has spent his entire life pouring over the writings of Tolkien and his feelings about the world that he created. There have been videos of him addressing various questions regarding the lore over 2 years before the rings of power was even announced. If you still don't care despite those facts then that is fine, but that is more of a you thing at that point.

It would be like disagreeing with a history professor in your senior year of college due to the fact that you got an A+ in history while you were in 8th grade.

You may be technically informed, but your knowledge and context is dwarfed by the person sitting across the aisle from you.

Man you will just cling to anything to defend this trash.

Dude, the guy was bought out. Why do you think he is being promoted and paid, by Amazon to create these videos? Why is it that we aren’t seeing the millions of other Tolkien scholars coming out of hte wood works to defend this show? Because its fucking poorly written and has barely anything to do with Tolkien’s work!


Man you will just cling to anything to defend this trash.

Dude, the guy was bought out. Why do you think he is being promoted and paid, by Amazon to create these videos? Why is it that we aren’t seeing the millions of other Tolkien scholars coming out of hte wood works to defend this show? Because its fucking poorly written and has barely anything to do with Tolkien’s work!

Show us where Amazon are promoting this channel.


It was already stated before hand, Sol. I get that you like to eat up whatever corporate nonsense they tell you to watch - but good lord. Have some self respect and an opinion of your own for once.

He was invited to the set of the show along with a whoooooooole bunch of other people. It's a pretty standard practice when it comes to movies and TV shows when it comes to promotion. People from Vanity Fair, Forbes, Hollywood Reporter, Collider, Deadline, Empire, Entertainment Weekly and people from the fan community are invited.

"Last week, staffers greendragon (writing here) and Justin from TORn were delighted to join a merry band, invited by Amazon to a The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power sneak peek event. The group, made up of YouTubers, TikTokkers, podcasters and more from across the Tolkien fandom, enjoyed a day in Oxford, walking in the footsteps of the Professor. They were then treated to a viewing of footage from Season One of the show, complete with music and visual effects. This was all topped off with a chance to meet the showrunners, and hear some of their insight into the show they are bringing to life."

"When asked how he keeps this new work separate from the award winning (and trademark protected) work with Peter Jackson, John Howe responded with incredible awareness and insight. “We are all professionals here in the room. You all understand running your business. Whether I’m designing for movies, or book covers, or a streaming show, there are creative briefs to respond to. But the people in charge also know what they are getting from all my previous work.” Howe went on to explain that the true creative separation from Jackson’s films is actually INSPIRATION in the new locations this show visits. “We’ve never seen the oceanic areas of Middle-earth, and it is incredibly exciting for me to discover the great seas and areas that haven’t been explored. That is the true departure from what has come before.”

While John Howe had a plane to catch, showrunners Payne and McKay hung around with fans for some social conversations in the lobby, where three actual costumes were on display. The two guys held their own in deep lore conversations with several Ph.D.s, such as ‘The Tolkien Professor’ Corey Olsen and Dr. Una McCormack. At any fan event full of world-leading-expert-podcasters, there is a tendency to weed out inauthentic creators with deep lore questions. Again, Payne and McKay held their own. There is a reason the reaction a few weeks ago was unanimously supportive of the showrunners: they know their Tolkien, and they know the lore."

Corey Olsen did a video with IGN as well. There is nothing that proves that he is being paid by Amazon to promote Rings of Power. Why would anyone build their life and career around their passion and then throw it away for a TV show?

This is his video about adaptations from back in February.


I honestly don't want to waste time watching the 3rd episode of this. The first 2 episodes didn't make me laugh in a good way.
Don't worry, no one is left behind in this thread!*

Unless you are too weak, too slow, get caught in a landslide, eaten by wolves, etc., etc. We'll remember you though and consooooooome in your memory.
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Video is time stamped but if it doesn't work, it's at 1:18:07. Corey was blasted about female dwarf beards when he did the IGN video, this is him discussing that element more.

You don’t need to be paid with money to be bought. All expense paid trips around the world could be enough.


Jesus Christ. Have these fuckers not heard of ‘show, don’t tell’?

I don’t need a pointless conversation between proto-Frodo and her mother about the fact proto-Frodo isn’t special, and is just another Harfoot, and blah blah blah…

Show us.

Also, way too much pointless slo-mo. Did they get Zack Snyder to work on this?
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