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The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power - Season 1


Perpetually Offended
That’s not true at all. The original orcs were originally elves twisted by Morgoth but that does not mean that (i) the original orcs were still as when they were elves (ii) the latter orcs were as strong as the original orcs. Orcs are described as shortish. I think a trained orc vs a trained human would result in a human’s victory.

Ah! I stand corrected


Many “Whelps”! Handle It!
Wow, the writing for Galadriel got even worse. It's as if they're trying to make her unlikeable and erase the fondness that fans have of her from the trilogy.

Oh shit, Elendil and Isildur! Let's hope the writers don't completely screw up their interpretation of these two as well.

And I know there isn't much to work with for Miriel but damn they made her unlikeable and one dimensional. More CW tier writing. Just a complete lack of nuance with her.

I'm starting to think maybe it was a very, very bad idea to have two newbies attempt to be show runners for such an ambitious project.

Anyway, I really enjoyed the Harfoot scene. So this people who were once so nomadic they'd leave behind those unable to keep up and even leave behind their dead will eventually settle, and now we get an idea as to why the Hobbits of later years so fiercely protect their solace and unmoving ways. Good stuff. And of course the one with the right name has the lust for adventure. Looking to be more evident who her descendents will be.
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I find this is a common issue with the "strong woman" archetype. It just DOESN'T WORK to write female characters just like male ones because of how they are cast. Throw any number of grizzled male actors into the EXACT SAME ROLE and it changes quite a bit. But imagine Tom Holland trying to pull it off....nope. The Galadriel actress is just too young looking for a role written like this and it's very hard for hollywood to cast women that can do this type of thing and still hit their other market targets for putting a pretty face on the show.

Give me early 90's Jodie Foster fresh from Silence of the Lambs though....now we are talking! :p
Tilda Swinton would slay as a Galadriel. But of course Hollywood will never cast an older actress in a lead role like that.


Not only that, but Galadriel, who by this time is 1000s of years old, acts with the kind of juvenile hostility you might expect from a teenager. She enters a foreign land, after being saved on the open sea I might add, and is nothing but hostile. She has no time for these lower vermin, and she doesn't even have grace and dignity to explain what she thinks is going on before getting bitchy with them. She's just an insufferable asshole.

Who the fuck in their right minds would pay any heed to her?

And we're supposed to root for this loon? If she holds hostility, if elves hold hostility towards the numenorians, the show would do well to communicate that before portraying their main character as a sociopath.

That's the main thing isn't it? It looks great!

Do people really watch things because the look good? I don't care how it looks if the story isn't there. And I care more about esthetics than most.

So why do I watch this? I'm a lifelong Tolkien fan. It means a lot to me. I just need to see where it goes and what they do with it. Can't help it.

Call me weal, I don't care.
A life long Tolkien fan so he watches Lotrrop... Wat.

Tolkien is rolling in his grave right about now.
Wow, the writing for Galadriel got even worse. It's as if they're trying to make her unlikeable and erase the fondness that fans have of her from the trilogy.

And I know there isn't much to work with for Miriel but damn they made her unlikeable and one dimensional. More CW tier writing. Just a complete lack of nuance with her.

I've noticed that with woke "strong women" writing they don't even particularly care to make the characters likable. All that matters is that they have qualities normally associated with male characters - even if they are negative, it doesn't matter - as long as the female character can show she can do anything a man can do. It's based on deep-seated jealousy and resentment - wanting what you think others have - and ironically - a seeming belief that male characters are better than female characters.

So in this case - it's the way some male characters are very headstrong, single-minded and focused on a goal or task to the exclusion of other things. That's what they want for Galadriel. But as others have pointed, male characters tend to have other qualities that balance it out or at least make the behavior more understandable and palatable. You can't just dump traditionally male attributes onto female characters, but of course in the world of the woke, there is no difference between the two, so they think you can and should do that.

It's just so sad that this is what writing and characterization has devolved into.
I honestly turned away when this came on. Freddy Kruger on a horse.

Could someone swap the faces of the horse and Galadriel ? Would make for a great meme.


I think the hobbit is bad in comparison to the arguably perfect lord of the rings trilogy, this is as bad as game of thrones last few seasons.

I've always been a person that wants more of something, it's probably why I'm so fat but I am wising up to understand that more of things like this is bad, very very bad!

The matrix movie that came out recently is another perfect example of this!

I believe I will forget about this show in the future and just stick to the trilogy.


Gold Member
I need to go back and watch Elrond and Durin again. That was a MASTERCLASS in diplomacy as Elrond deftly exploits his knowledge of Dwarven culture and Durins personality to get through obstacles and KEEP DURIN Talking. I'm not sure Elrond thought he had a chance at Rock breaking, he just needed proximity time and exploited the ritual. Then he got access to the wife and it was game over.

I wish they gave some of this diplomatic skill to galadriel, imagine how nice it would have been for her to show ANY EQ or leadership ability when talking to the Queen Regent. For the "Commander of the Northern Armies" it was a damn joke. As a leader she is toxic AF.

Now I'm very curious to see her role on the War of the Alliance. Is she gonna be sidelined for the Elendil/Gil-Galad bromance or will she somehow be totally responsible for Isildur cutting off the ring in some fashion and then he mansplains how he can weild the ring to her as he walks over a bridge and catches an orc arrow in the back?


Gold Member
Some people are saying the music is good. I’ve yet to notice any of the themes yet so they’re probably not very good.
I think the problem is that the music in RoP isn’t attached to a huge scene yet. Maybe the show needs a big fight or more time to use the themes so it gets more recognized.

One thing I noticed about the examples I gave out is that I can immediately picture the scene the music was used for when I hear it. Like the scene itself enhances the music and vice versa making both the scene and the music memorable and iconic.

Lord Panda

The Sea is Always Right
Now I'm very curious to see her role on the War of the Alliance. Is she gonna be sidelined for the Elendil/Gil-Galad bromance or will she somehow be totally responsible for Isildur cutting off the ring in some fashion and then he mansplains how he can weild the ring to her as he walks over a bridge and catches an orc arrow in the back?

As far as I’m aware, there’s no mention of her involvement at the War of Last Alliance. It’s a pivotal war, with Sauron actively in the field, so it’s going to be interesting to see what contrivances the Rings of Power writers will come up with to explain Galadriel’s absence.


Gold Member
As far as I’m aware, there’s no mention of her involvement at the War of Last Alliance. It’s a pivotal war, with Sauron actively in the field, so it’s going to be interesting to see what contrivances the Rings of Power writers will come up with to explain Galadriel’s absence.
Call me a cynic, but I strongly suspect we will see the relationship EXPLICITLY mentioned in the lore, Elendil and Gil-Galad, get marginalized and pillaged for more Galadriel stuff. Probably take us a few seasons to get there though, I imagine the main war will be season 3ish and then we'll get some post-war stuff. Amazon contracted for at least 5 seasons I think.


The gf and I watched the first episode yesterday, and we both hated it. The two biggest issues we had with it was the copious amounts of over-acting and the fact that the whole show is acted and directed like a stage play. None of the character interactions felt real, none of the conversations outside of the harfoots felt like actual people talking to each other. It's like you could picture the script saying "enter stage left, stare out in the distance while spouting a bunch of bullshit. First he says his lines, then he turns away and you say your lines etc" Just no natural rhythm to the lines, none of the characters had even a BIT of chemistry with each other. Most of the scenes could be replaced by animatronics.

Visually it was nice, but it's all CG so why not just look up fantasy vista .jpgs. Completely soulless show.

I hate plays, and I got exactly that same vibe watching this show. One and done for me.


Bored of this TBH, hope they used writers for the Peripheral who can keep things more interesting. If it's season one quality westworld it should be okay.


Gold Member
Despite some of the subplots being boring, some writing and lore issues, I'm still enjoying this.

Not amazing, but definitely enjoyable.


Show is alright so far, but I cringed so fucking hard at those slow mo scenes

Galadriel with the horse in slow mo was just so pointless. So was the slow mo from the elf hitting the orcs.

So many scenes from this series seems like they only filmed them to show off the budget. There's no purpose to them.

And the mage is 100% Gandalf
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Some random thoughts on the new ep:
WTF you gonna cut down that tree? Gonna be much harder to get those roots out
WTF numenor horse riding porn
WTF numenor 90210 a few scenes later

other than that I liked it. Some pretty gruesome violence, great CGI on Numenor City, Harfoots and their migrations, it's got something for everybody!

Lord Panda

The Sea is Always Right
Call me a cynic, but I strongly suspect we will see the relationship EXPLICITLY mentioned in the lore, Elendil and Gil-Galad, get marginalized and pillaged for more Galadriel stuff. Probably take us a few seasons to get there though, I imagine the main war will be season 3ish and then we'll get some post-war stuff. Amazon contracted for at least 5 seasons I think.

I’m wondering how they will transition across to Jackson’s Fellowship prologue.

Look, I don’t mind Galadriel (and Celeborn) written in to be there at the War of the Last Alliance. It makes absolute sense for them to be there at such a pivotal battle for the very fate of Middle-earth, and totally in character for Galadriel. Because Tolkien never mentioned it, doesn’t necessarily mean she couldn’t be there. However if the writers goddamn mess around with the Elendil/Gil-galad/Isildur vs Sauron face off then I will be pissed to say the least.

I would make it so that Galadriel unwillingly has her hands full fighting the Witch King (Halbrand) and the Nazgûl (a super important task), buying some space for the other lords to take down Sauron.
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Tilda Swinton would slay as a Galadriel. But of course Hollywood will never cast an older actress in a lead role like that.
What? this is offensive, what a hell has Tilda Swinton ever done that was good? she looks like a crooked 20lb skeleton with a wet mohawk.

And why are you using 2010 teenage terms like "slay" in 2022? we are past that corny bullshit.


Gold Member
They could have spent a little more money on a proper painting, look at the faces of the background people, its how kids draw

I think we found out exactly there 540 million dollars ran out :p

Given the usual time constraints for TV, I'm still ASTOUNDED at how detailed those city shots are. You can clearly see the time crunch areas, like the poor face swap/CGI wind effect or whatever the hell is going on with Galadriel riding but over all this show displays a level of pre-production dedication that is quite impressive. I'm curious if this is some WETA stuff they had already in the works or if they really just had so many teams they could do so many shots in such detail. I really hope we get a good "making of" wrap-up after the end of the season.


Many “Whelps”! Handle It!
Sorry if this is a repost - I scanned the recent pages and didn't notice it. It reads like a fair assessment of what is occurring with the big two fantasy franchises streaming right now:

I was finally able to leave a review on Amazon for The Rings of Power. I gave it 3/5 - I think that's fair.


Gold Member
Sorry if this is a repost - I scanned the recent pages and didn't notice it. It reads like a fair assessment of what is occurring with the big two fantasy franchises streaming right now:

I think this statement:
"It will be impossible for Amazon to please the millions of Tolkien fans, despite the enormous budget for the series," Tom Forte, an analyst for investment firm D.A. Davidson wrote"

is pretty inaccurate. I think they COULD have pleased virtually EVERY Tolkien fan, they just chose to please the twitter mob instead. No actual human would have complained had they stuck to the books, or introduced "diversity" from whence it was in the books. The show does this in places. I also don't think an experienced script writer pre-2017 would have had Galadriel as abrasive as she is, that could have EASILY been avoided. There are some really basic pitfalls this show is stumbling on, almost all of which could have been avoided. Maybe this was the best we could get from an even larger mess?

Anyway, 3 eps is far too early to tell. The real value of this show to Amazon is, in my opinion, it's ability to sell merch, tie-ins, and the like. Amazon will never re-coup a billion in subscribers alone, they need fans buying art books, comic adaptations, soundtracks, licensed games, replica props, DVDs, etc.


Many “Whelps”! Handle It!
Anyway, 3 eps is far too early to tell. The real value of this show to Amazon is, in my opinion, it's ability to sell merch, tie-ins, and the like. Amazon will never re-coup a billion in subscribers alone, they need fans buying art books, comic adaptations, soundtracks, licensed games, replica props, DVDs, etc.

For me, my Amazon homepage is essentially a launching point for the show and LotR / Tolkien merch and books, yes. And if I browse any section looking for goods right now there's LotR-related suggestions here-and-there. So yea, Amazon is trying to milk it - as they should.

Weta Workshop and other licensed vendors have also restocked a bunch of items that have been unavailable for years now, as well as making some new stuff.


I think this statement:
"It will be impossible for Amazon to please the millions of Tolkien fans, despite the enormous budget for the series," Tom Forte, an analyst for investment firm D.A. Davidson wrote"

is pretty inaccurate. I think they COULD have pleased virtually EVERY Tolkien fan, they just chose to please the twitter mob instead. No actual human would have complained had they stuck to the books, or introduced "diversity" from whence it was in the books. The show does this in places. I also don't think an experienced script writer pre-2017 would have had Galadriel as abrasive as she is, that could have EASILY been avoided. There are some really basic pitfalls this show is stumbling on, almost all of which could have been avoided. Maybe this was the best we could get from an even larger mess?

Anyway, 3 eps is far too early to tell. The real value of this show to Amazon is, in my opinion, it's ability to sell merch, tie-ins, and the like. Amazon will never re-coup a billion in subscribers alone, they need fans buying art books, comic adaptations, soundtracks, licensed games, replica props, DVDs, etc.

If that's the plan then I guess they're screwed. There's a reason Star Wars movie shit rot in stores now, the twitter idiots these corpos are targeting are usually not the same people that used to buy this crap. And I suspect these people have become cynical and wary of buying anything from them years ago so they'll have to change a lot before they get these consumers back.


Sorry if this is a repost - I scanned the recent pages and didn't notice it. It reads like a fair assessment of what is occurring with the big two fantasy franchises streaming right now:

I was finally able to leave a review on Amazon for The Rings of Power. I gave it 3/5 - I think that's fair.
"The story is NOT TOLKIEN - If you are a Tolkien Fan - you will not like this," another half-star reviewer wrote.

It's fun when these remarks are included in articles as context, satire and a test of intelligence.
No True Tolkien Fan was immediately followed by an appeal to Musk who provides the brilliant insight "Tolkien is turning in his grave".

Galadriel. Noldor be Noldor.


They wanted an authentic European medieval look. When you look at the tapestries of the time, it's the same.



It doesn't bother me personally.
I know it's based on European tapestries, but if you look at the faces, they use modern hairstyles and modern faces alongside older medieval styles. I thought it looked funny.

But why did they want a medieval look in Numenor? did they say that?
Watched the first two episodes of this show. It's trashy but entertaining. People getting outraged by this need to go watch more fiction, the Peter Jackson films aren't going anywhere.


Gold Member
The problem with using medieval art as a reverence is that at the person who made it would have been BETTER than any human living in nunenor currently. The whole point of numenor is that it is a "fall from grace" story of decline. So really, they should have used a rennnaissance painter as a base IMHO. No elf would be so crude a painter either.

Hari Seldon

Finally watched episode 3. Fantastic. Everything in numenour was great, the nice touches with Elros’s Hall of Lore and the guild politics and shit. Starting to fill out a bit of the backstory as to why things fall out the way they will.

The harfoot migration stuff was fantastic as well. It shows off how un-evolved these creatures are compared to the massively stuffy Hobbits later on.

The elf captured in the south lands was the weakest part. The purpose seemingly being to have some action in an otherwise lore dump episode.

Can’t wait till next week. This is already better than peak GoT for me and certainly better than Dr Who storms Normandy by himself comic that is on now.
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