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The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power - Season 1


GAF's Pleasant Genius
We will see Galadriel GROW from this season onward... Especially as she gets the word to others that Sauron is back and so are the Orcs... There's 5 seasons in total... She won't be like this through all 5 seasons.

Sure… she is bound to go from angsty teen to hot head uni sorority warrior…
Schitts Creek Comedy GIF by CBC


Rendering eh… rendering is not just surface details and eye reflection, modelling was mmh and good lord, they were animated horribly.
I know I know, just a quick and easy way to say all that you said. It suffers from the same stuff tje Jurassic World movies suffer from. Over animation.
Hey i was getting warned? For what reason may i asked?

Wtf is wrong with the moderation here?!?!? Ffs some power abuse going on here

I couldn't agree with you less on many things, but you did not deserve a warning for anything I've seen you say.

Mods, it would serve this forums population better if you are upfront and clear about wtf you're doing.
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Gold Member
We will see Galadriel GROW from this season onward... Especially as she gets the word to others that Sauron is back and so are the Orcs... There's 5 seasons in total... She won't be like this through all 5 seasons.
I think we are gonna see Galadriel "grow" over the course of about 2 decades, since this whole show has to take place within Isildur lifespan.

Having Galadriel act this way is indefensible. They should have created another elven maid with less rank for this part. Maybe have, I dunno, Galadriel act like a mentor.

You know, good writing 'n stuff :p


I've noticed that with woke "strong women" writing they don't even particularly care to make the characters likable. All that matters is that they have qualities normally associated with male characters - even if they are negative, it doesn't matter - as long as the female character can show she can do anything a man can do. It's based on deep-seated jealousy and resentment - wanting what you think others have - and ironically - a seeming belief that male characters are better than female characters.

So in this case - it's the way some male characters are very headstrong, single-minded and focused on a goal or task to the exclusion of other things. That's what they want for Galadriel. But as others have pointed, male characters tend to have other qualities that balance it out or at least make the behavior more understandable and palatable. You can't just dump traditionally male attributes onto female characters, but of course in the world of the woke, there is no difference between the two, so they think you can and should do that.

It's just so sad that this is what writing and characterization has devolved into.

Agree here.


The gf and I watched the first episode yesterday, and we both hated it. The two biggest issues we had with it was the copious amounts of over-acting and the fact that the whole show is acted and directed like a stage play. None of the character interactions felt real, none of the conversations outside of the harfoots felt like actual people talking to each other. It's like you could picture the script saying "enter stage left, stare out in the distance while spouting a bunch of bullshit. First he says his lines, then he turns away and you say your lines etc" Just no natural rhythm to the lines, none of the characters had even a BIT of chemistry with each other. Most of the scenes could be replaced by animatronics.

Visually it was nice, but it's all CG so why not just look up fantasy vista .jpgs. Completely soulless show.

I hate plays, and I got exactly that same vibe watching this show. One and done for me.
Again agreed. It all just feels so hollow and this show will be forgotten quickly, as opposed to Jackson's original trilogy which is timeless.


GAF's Pleasant Genius
I've noticed that with woke "strong women" writing they don't even particularly care to make the characters likable. All that matters is that they have qualities normally associated with male characters - even if they are negative, it doesn't matter - as long as the female character can show she can do anything a man can do. It's based on deep-seated jealousy and resentment - wanting what you think others have - and ironically - a seeming belief that male characters are better than female characters.

So in this case - it's the way some male characters are very headstrong, single-minded and focused on a goal or task to the exclusion of other things. That's what they want for Galadriel. But as others have pointed, male characters tend to have other qualities that balance it out or at least make the behavior more understandable and palatable. You can't just dump traditionally male attributes onto female characters, but of course in the world of the woke, there is no difference between the two, so they think you can and should do that.

It's just so sad that this is what writing and characterization has devolved into.
I think its an okay show so far. I wont even compare it to Peter jacksons trilogy - there is no way it would be as good, or even close. Just impossible. Same thing with any Star Wars movie/series and trying to compare it with the original trilogy.

Not a fan of most of the characters and it all moves super slow, but the writing sometimes is average and the vistas are beautiful. Ima give it a few more episodes. I like to watch it when Im doing nothing and grab my dinner.


Can You Imagine What SureAI Is Going To Do With Garfield?
When do we finally get to see Sauron's daughter? Or did I miss that part? She looks fantastic.

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Elrond visiting the Dwarves, his scene with Durin on the elevator and the family dinner was the closest this show has gotten to feeling like Tolkien. Princess Disa absolutely won me over, too bad the actress seems to only care about being the 'first' in interviews. Everything else has been utter shite though.

The Harfoots are absolute psychopaths willingly leaving Largo and his family behind due to his injured foot. I know they are a nomadic folk, but are you seriously suggesting that a whole migrating village has no room for an injured Harfoot on a cart or something? Dude literally made the wheels for his kinsmen! This is just dumb on so many levels and totally goes against the theme of friendship and companionship in Tolkien's works. Unless it was their intention to make me absolutely despise this cheap Hobbit knockoff, I don't think it's a compelling way to make audiences gel with the protagonists.

Nùmenor f*cking sucked, everything looks just so fake and plasticky. I think it's the way how the actors are integrating with the CGI, but it doesn't look good. Miriel was horrible, absolutely no screen presence and she certainly doesn't behave like a Nùmenorian queen. The pacing is glacial, but since we've got 4 parallel storylines happening all at once it feels way too rushed and you don't get time to care about anybody.

We're almost halfway into this season and there's basically no substance. It will take Amazon 2 frikkin' years to release the second season, by season 5 we're more than a decade into this show... what an absolute joke.

I'm not even going into the whole mess about Galadriel...


« Young » Galadriel being a prick makes her more interesting than if she were wise and soft like in LOTR (imo). I haven’t read the Silmarilion so I don’t know if it’s canon, but elves being arrogant in general is more the norm than the exception.
I've watched this stoned and it's pretty bad. It's ROUGH, in my opinion. I take umbrage with the fact that shows get a pass because they "are shot beautifully" but I don't feel this one is particularly interesting, and some of the CGI looks off. Story wise, it's all over the place, and the Harfoots are extremely grating.


Gold Member
« Young » Galadriel being a prick makes her more interesting than if she were wise and soft like in LOTR (imo). I haven’t read the Silmarilion so I don’t know if it’s canon, but elves being arrogant in general is more the norm than the exception.
This would work if Galadriel wasn't FAMOUS for being the most graceful and wise elf imaginable. Read up on her here: https://tolkiengateway.net/wiki/Galadriel

Now apparently RoP can't use like 99% of this stuff because that 250 mill only got them about 6 pages of stuff on the time they chose to adapt, but still, read up on Galadriel, where she is at the end of the Second Age (the time period of this show) and tell me the impetuous, headstrong, and frankly brash and arrogant elf you see on screen is ANYTHING like the description.

The Galadriel character should have been some invented elf instead. Unfortunately we are now gonna see her make quantum leaps in diplomacy and cunning in order for her to accomplish the tasks she MUST do, and it will ring hollow. If she is suspicious of EVERYONE then her wisdom regarding Saurons true nature isn't diminished. If she is abrasive to EVERYONE, then how does she forge the alliances she needs? Why does any elf follow her? Threat of force?

Granted, at the writing table it probably sounded like a good idea to compress her growth (over MILLENIA) into a human lifespan and they can't really dig into her very complex past. But reducing her to "angry driven warrior woman" SHOULD be driving EVERYONE insane, lore purists and feminists alike! This is not any sort of role model portrayal. Far better, IMHO, to have a graceful but determined (to rule) Galadriel doing leader stuff and reserve the action crap for a new elf character like they are doing with Arinor or whatever his name is.
« Young » Galadriel being a prick makes her more interesting than if she were wise and soft like in LOTR (imo). I haven’t read the Silmarilion so I don’t know if it’s canon, but elves being arrogant in general is more the norm than the exception.
Except she’s arrogant with other elves as well. So fail.
This would work if Galadriel wasn't FAMOUS for being the most graceful and wise elf imaginable. Read up on her here: https://tolkiengateway.net/wiki/Galadriel

Now apparently RoP can't use like 99% of this stuff because that 250 mill only got them about 6 pages of stuff on the time they chose to adapt, but still, read up on Galadriel, where she is at the end of the Second Age (the time period of this show) and tell me the impetuous, headstrong, and frankly brash and arrogant elf you see on screen is ANYTHING like the description.

The Galadriel character should have been some invented elf instead. Unfortunately we are now gonna see her make quantum leaps in diplomacy and cunning in order for her to accomplish the tasks she MUST do, and it will ring hollow. If she is suspicious of EVERYONE then her wisdom regarding Saurons true nature isn't diminished. If she is abrasive to EVERYONE, then how does she forge the alliances she needs? Why does any elf follow her? Threat of force?

Granted, at the writing table it probably sounded like a good idea to compress her growth (over MILLENIA) into a human lifespan and they can't really dig into her very complex past. But reducing her to "angry driven warrior woman" SHOULD be driving EVERYONE insane, lore purists and feminists alike! This is not any sort of role model portrayal. Far better, IMHO, to have a graceful but determined (to rule) Galadriel doing leader stuff and reserve the action crap for a new elf character like they are doing with Arinor or whatever his name is.
Ignore the lore and think about this from a marketing perspective.

This is Amazon's flagship billion-dollar franchise and Galadriel is their main character front and center. Do people really believe Amazon intended her to be unlikable at first and have an arc towards Tolkien's Galadriel over 5 seasons? Was that really the writer's pitch to Amazon? Hell no. They wanted this character to be immediately embraced and carry the show. They simply aren't doing a great job with her right now.

The Episode 4 promo hints at some pretty crazy events/sequences. I'm hoping this is the spark the show needs all around.


Gold Member
I’m seeing more and more criticism of Galadriel after episode 3. It’s definitely one of the more common complaints.

I wonder how this series will be viewed after the dust settles because it’s not looking good. We’re almost halfway through the season and it’s still incredibly slow moving. Will normies with no investment in Tolkien stick with it?


Cool Smoke Luke
I'm genuinely perplexed how utterly defensive and unwilling to consider changes this production teams seems to have.
its like theres a movie vibe that its to late to change.. like IF you didn't like fellowship it was to fucking bad since they had already filmed all three.. so only minor reshoots.. but its not true..this is a tv show they can change the story, they should be recasting abunch of actors for season 2 starting with Galadriel.(assuming rest of season continues along this path of the most expensive average show of all time)


That is you guys mistakes you were expecting every leader to act like leonidas, optimus prime, mufasa, dumbledure all wise and dandy and follow their examples

Let me tell you the reality not every leader will act that way some can be anoying and pathetic

My school headmaster used to throws temper tantrum and ocasionally yell, mimicking a children voice ocasionally to mock us, look very unwise and look unfit to be a leader but thats him
A fair consideration.

The praise and temperament given Galadriel at this point of the story is comparable to Henry V.
Maybe drawing on a few older sources.


My primary concern about this show was the writers have nothing but one shitty movie on their resume..
I don't care if they race swap, but it feels like doing so is a shield against legitimate criticism...
don't like it? why are you racist?


Why are you still watching this?
Eärendil was a mariner
that tarried in Arvernien;
he built a boat of timber felled
in Nimbrethil to journey in;
her sails he wove of silver fair,
of silver were her lanterns made,
her prow was fashioned like a swan,
and light upon her banners laid.

Beneath the Moon and under star
he wandered far from northern strands,
bewildered on enchanted ways
beyond the days of mortal lands.

He tarried there from errantry,
and melodies they taught to him,
and sages old him marvels told,
and harps of gold they brought to him.

A ship then new they built for him
of mithril and of elven-glass
with shining prow; no shaven oar
nor sail she bore on silver mast:
the Silmaril as lantern light
and banner bright with living flame
to gleam thereon by Elbereth
herself was set, who thither came
and wings immortal made for him,
and laid on him undying doom,
to sail the shoreless skies and come
behind the Sun and light of Moon.

From World's End there he turned away,
and yearned again to find afar
his home through shadows journeying,
and burning as an island star
on high above the mists he came,
a distant flame before the Sun,
a wonder ere the waking dawn
where grey the Norland waters run.

And over Middle-earth he passed
and heard at last the weeping sore
of women and of elven-maids
in Elder Days, in years of yore.
But on him mighty doom was laid,
till Moon should fade, an orbéd star
to pass, and tarry never more
on Hither Shores where Mortals are;
for ever still a herald on
an errand that should never rest
to bear his shining lamp afar,
the Flammifer of Westernesse.

Hari Seldon

Lol so many people still in this thread that hate this show. Why not stop watching? I gave up on the new GoT and I'm not in that thread shitting on it.

Yes Galadrial is not written to match the source material. It is 100% a marketing thing. Picking some random no-name elf like they did for that brother elf in the southlands is not good for marketing. There were 4 elves in the original trilogy that normies would know: Elrond, Arwen, Galadrial, and Legolas. 2 of those are main characters in this show, and I don't recall if Arwen is even born yet in this timeline. So it is what it is, it doesn't bother me because television shows always have to consolidate characters in an epic this large.

But I'm definitely biased, if this show had zero dialogue I would watch it as a national geographic documentary of middle earth it is so damn beautiful.
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Eärendil was a mariner
that tarried in Arvernien;
he built a boat of timber felled
in Nimbrethil to journey in;
her sails he wove of silver fair,
of silver were her lanterns made,
her prow was fashioned like a swan,
and light upon her banners laid.

Beneath the Moon and under star
he wandered far from northern strands,
bewildered on enchanted ways
beyond the days of mortal lands.

He tarried there from errantry,
and melodies they taught to him,
and sages old him marvels told,
and harps of gold they brought to him.

A ship then new they built for him
of mithril and of elven-glass
with shining prow; no shaven oar
nor sail she bore on silver mast:
the Silmaril as lantern light
and banner bright with living flame
to gleam thereon by Elbereth
herself was set, who thither came
and wings immortal made for him,
and laid on him undying doom,
to sail the shoreless skies and come
behind the Sun and light of Moon.

From World's End there he turned away,
and yearned again to find afar
his home through shadows journeying,
and burning as an island star
on high above the mists he came,
a distant flame before the Sun,
a wonder ere the waking dawn
where grey the Norland waters run.

And over Middle-earth he passed
and heard at last the weeping sore
of women and of elven-maids
in Elder Days, in years of yore.
But on him mighty doom was laid,
till Moon should fade, an orbéd star
to pass, and tarry never more
on Hither Shores where Mortals are;
for ever still a herald on
an errand that should never rest
to bear his shining lamp afar,
the Flammifer of Westernesse.
Stop It Michael Jordan GIF


Gold Member
Ignore the lore and think about this from a marketing perspective.

This is Amazon's flagship billion-dollar franchise and Galadriel is their main character front and center. Do people really believe Amazon intended her to be unlikable at first and have an arc towards Tolkien's Galadriel over 5 seasons? Was that really the writer's pitch to Amazon? Hell no. They wanted this character to be immediately embraced and carry the show. They simply aren't doing a great job with her right now.

The Episode 4 promo hints at some pretty crazy events/sequences. I'm hoping this is the spark the show needs all around.
I get the writers intent, they want her to grow. The problem is they write the character as if it were George Washington at the Constitutional Convention (right before he becomes president) ACTING like the George Washington still fighting on the French Indian War 20 odd years earlier.

It's sloppy and unnecessary IMHO.
Lol so many people still in this thread that hate this show. Why not stop watching? I gave up on the new GoT and I'm not in that thread shitting on it.
First, there’s not much else to watch. Secondly, the show is still a good looking show (well some part of it).

On a side note, the armour in this show has terrible design and looks cheap and plastic-like.


Gold Member
On a side note, the armour in this show has terrible design and looks cheap and plastic-like.
But can it be quickly shed(and replaced) by a teenaged girl who has never done it before?

I've always imagined that elf armor just kinda shrugs off and on kinda like iron man armor :p
Amazon losing hundreds of millions of dollars on a zombie project that was created by commitee brings joy and warmth to my black heart. It'll be like Wheel of Time but even funnier.
Maybe Amazon will cut its losses and cancel the other seasons?

Speaking of WoT, what happened to it? Cancelled after the first season?


Maybe Amazon will cut its losses and cancel the other seasons?

Speaking of WoT, what happened to it? Cancelled after the first season?

WoT was too big to fail, they ordered another season after that disaster almost immediately and I wouldn't be surprised in they order a third cheaper one too even with faltering interest from audiences. With Rings of Power on the other hand they might have to film all 5 seasons to keep using the license which sounds fucking hilarious to me.


Gold Member
With Rings of Power on the other hand they might have to film all 5 seasons to keep using the license which sounds fucking hilarious to me.

It was the Estate's condition on making the show (I guess they wanted to follow the Babylon 5 model that was a novel for television with a set beginning, middle, and end). HBO, Netflix, and Amazon all bid for it, and Amazon won.
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