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The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power - Season 1


Gold Member
After seeing how they massacred The Wheel of Time, I'm still in the fence wether I will watch this or not. I will probably wait until the last episode has aired end hear people's opinions on the entire season before I make my decision. When The Wheel of Time ended I was actually sorry I wasted my time watching it.

Ulysses 31

Jesus Christ. Have these fuckers not heard of ‘show, don’t tell’?

I don’t need a pointless conversation between proto-Frodo on her mother about the fact proto-Frodo isn’t special, and is just another Harfoot, and blah blah blah…

Show us.

Also, way too much pointless slo-mo. Did they get Zack Snyder to work on this?
Wait, you also don't like characters explaining what's on screen(This was no ground-shake, someone dug this passage) and describing their own traits? :messenger_winking_tongue:
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Ok,so after 3 episodes I just realized that they are doing a weird time compression thing of the whole second age ordeal. I mean, is it weird, or it`s just me?


Gold Member
Ok,so after 3 episodes I just realized that they are doing a weird time compression thing of the whole second age ordeal. I mean, is it weird, or it`s just me?
Oh, it ain't just you. If there ever was a show that could have done a Westworld-esque "multiple time lines" narrative.it's this one.


It's so they don't have to introduce new human characters every episode.
Does a human character need to die in every episode? Besides, I don`t really know a human character noteworthy in the second age. They could have made a few hundred years per season kind of thing, or stretch it a bit more than just a few hundred years total, I think Numenoreans could live as long as 300-400 years long, so 2 seasons with Isildur & co. would have sufficed.

I mean, I get why the change, it is still weird and a bit lazy to just cram up so many events and characters.
Fixed that for you.


Irony thy name is Sol_bad.

How am I being ironic.
You are believing conspiracies pulled from no where. You still haven't proved that Corey Olsen has any involvement or is being paid by Amazon to continually promote the show. He has barely any followers compared to any of the big trades or even Youtube channels like Nerd of the Rings.

Meanwhile, multiple sources were invited to the set of Rings of Power, standard, industry, procedure. If you are going to claim they are all being paid by Amazon you'll have to prove that too.
Keeping in mind, having a trip and accommodation paid for for said occasion is a totally different thing.
How am I being ironic.
You are believing conspiracies pulled from no where. You still haven't proved that Corey Olsen has any involvement or is being paid by Amazon to continually promote the show. He has barely any followers compared to any of the big trades or even Youtube channels like Nerd of the Rings.

Meanwhile, multiple sources were invited to the set of Rings of Power, standard, industry, procedure. If you are going to claim they are all being paid by Amazon you'll have to prove that too.
Keeping in mind, having a trip and accommodation paid for for said occasion is a totally different thing.


Many “Whelps”! Handle It!
I think this, 4, was the best episode.
  • The problems with the writing of Galadriel remains, but one can begin to see the excruciatingly slow wheels of character development turning for her now
  • Elrond was finally depicted as Elrond, and his scenes with Durin and his wife continue to be the absolute best character exchanges in the show
  • I appreciated that they discussed Earendil so candidly. It was brief, but it gives movie-only viewers a glimpse into just how fantastical this world is: a half-elven man still literally sails the evening sky carrying a figurative star at the behest of the gods
  • I have a feeling this "father" dude is one of the first elves to be twisted and bent by Morgoth. It would go hand in hand with that warg that clearly looks like an early prototype. I hope I am wrong though because this seems a little too underwhelming. Maybe he's a vampire or a werewolf? They were supposed to all be gone long before the second age if I remember, but hey, they obviously have some leeway with the lore here
  • That scene with the Numenorean husband to Miriel, or whatever he is - I forgot and don't even care enough to google it up - was atrocious. He chewed the scenery in a weird way and the wardrobes of the Numenoreans looked off. I think they're trying to show how decadent and careless they were, but it just looked bad
  • This is the only episode of the four so far that I would say had good pacing. The first episode was terrible in this respect, and episodes two and three scattershot, but it was solid here


Wait, you also don't like characters explaining what's on screen(This was no ground-shake, someone dug this passage) and describing their own traits? :messenger_winking_tongue:

It’s appalling! If you have to spend ages having your characters spouting pointless dialogue to explain what’s going on, you have major problems with your script.


Gold Member
Me to my dad's Hospice nurse: "are you watching and do you like Rings of Power?"

Hospice nurse: "I don't know what that is."

Me: "oh it's just showing Amazon Prime it's based off Lord of the Rings."

Hospice nurse: "oh we only watch Disney Plus."
Take your dad out of that place asap, the nurse could try changing his sex while he is asleep at any given moment.


The Harfoots are way too twee for my liking, I just want to punch them in the face whenever they’re on screen.

The fucking accents are killing me. Bordering on some kind of Irish racial stereotyping at this point.

"Ahhh! Te tur te tur te tur... we speak like the Oirish, because we got the caravans, and the drink, and the feckin' dirty, rural shite. Would ya loike a bite o' me potato?"


Gold Member
The fucking accents are killing me. Bordering on some kind of Irish racial stereotyping at this point.

"Ahhh! Te tur te tur te tur... we speak like the Oirish, because we got the caravans, and the drink, and the feckin' dirty, rural shite. Would ya loike a bite o' me potato?"
How am I being ironic.
You are believing conspiracies pulled from no where. You still haven't proved that Corey Olsen has any involvement or is being paid by Amazon to continually promote the show. He has barely any followers compared to any of the big trades or even Youtube channels like Nerd of the Rings.

Meanwhile, multiple sources were invited to the set of Rings of Power, standard, industry, procedure. If you are going to claim they are all being paid by Amazon you'll have to prove that too.
Keeping in mind, having a trip and accommodation paid for for said occasion is a totally different thing.
What a take. That’s like saying that bribery only takes one form - money transaction.


Gold Member
Meanwhile, multiple sources were invited to the set of Rings of Power, standard, industry, procedure. If you are going to claim they are all being paid by Amazon you'll have to prove that too.
Keeping in mind, having a trip and accommodation paid for for said occasion is a totally different thing.
A true critic would NEVER accept a trip paid for by the company making the product they are critiquing. At a bare minimum that s a major disclosure, and a major critic, one working for an independent News agency, would never accept it. That kind of thing is a straight up bribe.
I’m now aware of the practice of fan baiting so I’m no longer allowing myself to be irritated by all the stupid shit in this show. I’ll continue to watch because it cost a billion dollars and I love the IP.


Perpetually Offended
My god... they really did "they took our jobs" in regards to Elves in Numenor...
South Park Jobs GIF

As a LOTR fan, I want to keep watching but there are SO many stupid things in this show that take me out of it and make me want to throw in the towel.

That part was pretty bad, I'll admit.

I still REALLY enjoyed everything else in the episode, though.


The fucking accents are killing me. Bordering on some kind of Irish racial stereotyping at this point.

"Ahhh! Te tur te tur te tur... we speak like the Oirish, because we got the caravans, and the drink, and the feckin' dirty, rural shite. Would ya loike a bite o' me potato?"
It is, the show runners did an interview with an Irish newspaper apologizing about the Irish accents!


Parody of actual AJUMP23
After 4 episodes I can safely say that this show is a totalt trainwreck

It is so bad that it is almost comical - In fact this makes it somewhat enjoyable to watch
The ending of episode 4.....Galadriel is leaving......NOPE SHE IS BACK! :messenger_tears_of_joy:

I saw her get on the boat....the whole town did, then now all the sudden she is hiding in a back room. It is like Gandalf is doing his magic tricks or something.
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The most interesting part of episode 4 was Adar, the elf leading the orcs. When his scene ended, I felt legitimately sad we had to return to other storylines - I wanted more with that character. The fact that it took 4 episodes to introduce this character is insane. Not having a physical antagonist for so long has really hurt the show. We should be knee deep in conflict with this character by now.

The Numenor storyline is insufferably boring to me, and Galadriel sucks the life out of every scene she is in. I don't care about anything happening on that island or any of the characters. I genuinely hope the wave comes soon and wrecks them all. The glacial pacing, the bad writing, Galadriel's character......I'm starting to hate this part of the show.

The Bronwyn scenes and the "sneaking mission"........jesus christ what a waste of time. I love how all the townsfolk are dirty as fuck but Bronwyn looks perfectly "made up". Another "trapped in a house with an orc" sequence - fuck off, show.

Durin and Elrond's storyline continues to be the best storyline. I wish they devoted more to fleshing out this storyline. Durin and Elrond's dynamic feels like genuine character interaction, not just "reading lines". Durin and his wife, and later his father - these scenes are extremely decent. The dwarf city is super cool, the finding of Mythril is cool, and the work on the forge is pushing the story forward. Unfortunately, this storyline suffers because it's surrounded by the other stuff dragging it down to mediocrity.

If you are on the fence about jumping in, you should absolutely hold off. Waiting a week for each drip of story progression sucks, and it only amplifies the show's weaknesses. I probably wouldn't dislike Numenor or Bronwyn's story so much if the pacing was better. Obviously, those who love Numenor or Bronwyn's story are probably loving the show so far - but these stories are not working at all for me (Numenor seems particularly mishandled, but I don't know the lore). I just want to stay in Elrond's storyline and now this Adar character.
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In that scene where Galadriel fought the prison guards, she waved her hands in a circle, and in the next shot, all of the guards were in the cell lol.

And that scene where the orcs were running after the kid and the black elf guy in the forest, they never closed the distance, the elf was standing still shooting and they just got further behind lol.

It was a strange episode, with a lot of minor issues, 4 hours into the show and they are still just foreshadowing. They really really need to develop some lead storylines, they are gonna lose a lot of viewers like this.


Cool Smoke Luke
Dwarves are great! Elrond is pretty good
Galadriel is a disaster, sooo bad..like I'm more excited for the fan edits to deepfake cate blanchett over this abomination.
what was that shit in the cell.. that was Obiwan smack a storm troopers helmet bad
Orcs are great..weta lov ya..
Elendil is the best part about Numenor. the Numenoreans writing seems very cartoonish but I really love Visuals..i don't mind the clean costumes as much but designs aren't even close to GOT or Lotro
the Southlings are all pathetic except Arondir's mistress..she's literally the only competent human in the south apparently.
Just kill that kid and retrieve the blade..his terrible video game style stealth scenes were bad.. needs some game of thrones risk to these secondary characters..none of them warrant plot armor
now its the Borimir death scene memberberries..orcs should have slaughtered them. shoot more then 2 arrows at a time, its not complicated.
I'm starting to dislike just how many hobbit/lotro scenes they try to recreate, feels like studio mandated requirements vs genuine creative expression.
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In that scene where Galadriel fought the prison guards, she waved her hands in a circle, and in the next shot, all of the guards were in the cell lol.

And that scene where the orcs were running after the kid and the black elf guy in the forest, they never closed the distance, the elf was standing still shooting and they just got further behind lol.

It was a strange episode, with a lot of minor issues, 4 hours into the show and they are still just foreshadowing. They really really need to develop some lead storylines, they are gonna lose a lot of viewers like this.
Lol, that Galadriel scene had me like, what was that and then whatever, let it go.

Yeah, 4 hours of foreshadowing because they cramed all the events and important characters of the whole second age into a few years so it seems. They even take turns with either the Hobbits or Elrond, in the original trilogy you didn`t have this problem, because all the characters were folowing the same main storyline.


The ending of episode 4.....Galadriel is leaving......NOPE SHE IS BACK! :messenger_tears_of_joy:

I saw her get on the boat....the whole town did, then now all the sudden she is hiding in a back room. It is like Gandalf is doing his magic tricks or something.
Yeah that's a bit confusing. Do they have cellphones in Numenor? Magic radio signals? How did the Queen signal to the ship that she wants her sent back?
Or it was all for show? A scam? Which makes even less sense.


Lol, that Galadriel scene had me like, what was that and then whatever, let it go.

Yeah, 4 hours of foreshadowing because they cramed all the events and important characters of the whole second age into a few years so it seems. They even take turns with either the Hobbits or Elrond, in the original trilogy you didn`t have this problem, because all the characters were folowing the same main storyline.
In the first LOTR movie, you had the ring and Frodo as the main story, and then you had tons of subplots, like the relationship that formed between them all and things happening elsewhere in the world.

In this show, it's like it's all just subplots.
Yeah that's a bit confusing. Do they have cellphones in Numenor? Magic radio signals? How did the Queen signal to the ship that she wants her sent back?
Or it was all for show? A scam? Which makes even less sense.
the last shot we saw of the boat it wasn't that far away. could easily signal for it to return. someone could probably shout. if not then blow a trumpet or some shit.

it's a bit silly but not too crazy to think it was called back. it didn't really go far lmao.


Ok,so after 3 episodes I just realized that they are doing a weird time compression thing of the whole second age ordeal. I mean, is it weird, or it`s just me?
Yeah, especially the end of this episode where the Numemoreans are assembling a fleet to sail to Middle Earth. It's not going to be THE fleet is it? (the massive one that captures Sauron)


the last shot we saw of the boat it wasn't that far away. could easily signal for it to return. someone could probably shout. if not then blow a trumpet or some shit.

it's a bit silly but not too crazy to think it was called back. it didn't really go far lmao.
It's not that, it's that everyone would have seen that. There would be no surprise that she came back.

She must have sailed out of sight and snuck back in somehow because she was already out in the water when the leaves fell and the Queen changed her mind.
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