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The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power - Season 1


My feeling after watching reviews breakdown week after week



ידע זה כוח
It's like they asked Galedriel not to blink, so her eyes always look like they are twitching.
I do think the Sauron reveal was nice.

The Gandalf storyline was such a waste. There was no reason for it, there were no stakes.


Can’t wait for the flood of Galadriel/Sauron fanfics that are sure to follow. All we need is a cute nickname that’s a portmanteau of their names, like how fanfic writers often call Jon/Daenerys Jonaerys, or Harry/Hermione is Harmony (I’m not kidding lol).

Maybe Galauron? Or Gauron? Saudriel? Sauladriel? Wait, I’ve got it: Sauriel!

Ulysses 31

So Galadriel's rejection pushes Halbrand over the edge and turns him into Sauron? :messenger_winking_tongue:
He’s not Sauron if people are trying to claim that. But he’s probably the Witch King.

Vhs Kiss GIF by vhspositive

Tons of people are saying that which makes no sense to me. I like the idea of him turning into the Witch King though, that could be a cool story arc.
Told you so! :messenger_winking_tongue:



So was Halbrand ( Voldemort) saving Galadriel the person who was hunting the shit outta him made any sense now. Or did he just wanna bang.
I took it as he saved her so she would go to Numenor and instigate a Numenorian invasion of Middle-earth, that in turn created Mordor. It's an attempt to do the Sauron "the deceiver" storyline.

But it means so little since everything else is so weak.


Can’t wait for the flood of Galadriel/Sauron fanfics that are sure to follow. All we need is a cute nickname that’s a portmanteau of their names, like how fanfic writers often call Jon/Daenerys Jonaerys, or Harry/Hermione is Harmony (I’m not kidding lol).

Maybe Galauron? Or Gauron? Saudriel? Sauladriel? Wait, I’ve got it: Sauriel!
Sounds like a horrible beast that is part lizard and part mermaid (the fish tail part).


Perpetually Offended
I enjoyed that episode. Best one yet. I enjoyed the memberberries... and folks theorizing that Galadriel wouldn't believe he's Sauron were wrong ... As soon as ... Lemme not spoil anything for anyone who hasn't seen it yet


- Galadriel not telling anyone about Sauron. Why? they could have captured him.
- The scene with the Numenor king, where he suddenly jumped out of bed and moved around, out of nowhere, and told that girl to look at the Palantir crystal ball, but nothing else was shown, why have this scene in this season at all, when it was clearly setting something up in the next season?
- The Gandalf "reveal" fight scene, you had moments where Gandalf would shoot down one of them, for them to pop up in the next shot in another place. A harfoot would be running on the ground to suddenly be in a tree in the next shot. Everyone was teleporting everywhere. A completely ridiculous fight scene that ended with Gandalf screaming "I AM GOOD" before sending the feminem-nazgul whatever to hell.
- Why didn't Sauron kill Galadriel?
- The end credits song featured some women with a terrible voice, ruining the whole moment.
- Kinda weird how little actually happened in the episode. A massive amount of time was committed to Galadriel wondering about Sauron, Elrond wondering about whatever and the Harfoot's and Nori leaving. What about the Balrog wrecking the dwarf kingdom?

Ulysses 31

- Galadriel not telling anyone about Sauron. Why? they could have captured him.
- The scene with the Numenor king, where he suddenly jumped out of bed and moved around, out of nowhere, and told that girl to look at the Palantir crystal ball, but nothing else was shown, why have this scene in this season at all, when it was clearly setting something up in the next season?
- The Gandalf "reveal" fight scene, you had moments where Gandalf would shoot down one of them, for them to pop up in the next shot in another place. A harfoot would be running on the ground to suddenly be in a tree in the next shot. Everyone was teleporting everywhere. A completely ridiculous fight scene that ended with Gandalf screaming "I AM GOOD" before sending the feminem-nazgul whatever to hell.
- Why didn't Sauron kill Galadriel?
- The end credits song featured some women with a terrible voice, ruining the whole moment.
- Kinda weird how little actually happened in the episode. A massive amount of time was committed to Galadriel wondering about Sauron, Elrond wondering about whatever and the Harfoot's and Nori leaving. What about the Balrog wrecking the dwarf kingdom?
And what about Isildur? Is he still alive? :messenger_open_mouth:

We'll find out in season 2!!


The retarded mood swinging that goes on here to drive characters is something else. Galadriel instagibs her already exceptionally retarded good will toward Halbrand just because she overhears plot convenient dialog to give her reason to become suspicious. She is still the fucking worst person by the end of it. Don't warn anybody that Sauron just fucked around under your noses or anything.

In her dreams she put the knife to Halbrand's throat before making a defiant point. When she snapped out of it, she went and put the knife to Elrond.

One of the greatest enemies this whole melodramatic season was that fucking blade, and it was finally defeated by the forge near the end of it. Thank fuck it's over.


So what's the rule here, does Galadriel not know any sort of magic, or is Halbrand/Sauron too powerful for her?

And what sort of power does he have, apparently he can bend her mind/reality whatever thing, but other than that is he mortal right now, but at the same time stronger, maybe faking is mortality, and if so, why wasn't he at the end in his armor?

I have no idea what this show wants or what it wants me to think of it. or any of these characters.


Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
So what's the rule here, does Galadriel not know any sort of magic, or is Halbrand/Sauron too powerful for her?

And what sort of power does he have, apparently he can bend her mind/reality whatever thing, but other than that is he mortal right now, but at the same time stronger, maybe faking is mortality, and if so, why wasn't he at the end in his armor?

I have no idea what this show wants or what it wants me to think of it. or any of these characters.
Sauron bad. Gandalf good.


Sauron bad. Gandalf good.
Yeah sure, and the "epic" conversation of "you saved me, no, you saved me" and Halbrand/S changing emotions like a fucking lunatic, I mean I knew he was evil and all that, but after this I'm convinced he belongs in a mental institution.

Oh well, guess it could have been worse, Galadriel falling in love with Sauron and moving into Mordor, so there's that, we still have hope.
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i quite enjoyed the season but it feels like it dragged on too much and that's an 8 episode season... could probably cut it down to 5/6 episodes.

hopefully now S1 is out the way they have learned some lessons and will get to work on S2. already i am excited for S2 for the simple fact that there will be less harfoots. i hope we never see any of them again or at least not until S3 or 4! The only interesting one was Nori and she's off with Gandalf or whoever the fuck it's meant to be.

Now the Sauron cat is out the bag i want to see him put some awesome bad ass armor on and do some evil shit. I love Morfydd Clark but hope they make her seem more powerful and not just some angry little girl. also can't wait for more Durin/Elrond scenes and of course when the Balrog breaks out.
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I do wonder if this could be salvaged to some extent with a fan edit.

Salvaged in what way? Get TeamFourStar on it.

Galadriel absolutely needs a Zorro mask and moustache deepfaked onto her face every time she sword fights or rides a horse. The hairless ewoks need blatant autotuning to their singing. All the slow-mo action scenes should be sped up to normal. Gandalf hobo should be saying hissing words like "retarded" while healing the trees, saying "Hodor" the rest of the time, up until the last episode, where he can cut off the villians by saying "I am Hodor"


That Galadriel girl is just not a good actress, I am sure she is a good person and all but she has one facial expression and can't carry her scenes.

The rest of the casting of the big characters is not bad, Gandalf, Elrond, and Durin, they are fine, but they need completely different writers for the second season. Something we won't get because the producers have such a weak standard.


Gold Member
It's interesting, RoP wins "the day" only on the day it is released, HotD wins pretty much all the rest. https://televisionstats.com/timeline

Not sure what this means since I don't see numbers associated (like, does EVERYONE watch RoP at drop so makes sense it isn't winning every day [unlikely]) or how they are counting views, so I'm curious about scale. Needless to say, HotD looks to be a JUGGERNAUT while RoP definitely has folks watching. Wonder about the legs though, I personally am probably gonna forget everything that happened over 2 years. I don't feel like they laid down a stable foundation. If HotD stopped TODAY, at ep8, it has roots down to bedrock thanks to Viserys. It can only grow.


I did think Sauron tempting Galadriel to rule with him as king and queen was decent. And the part about her being the light that could balance his dark. Probably would have worked with better direction and storytelling.
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