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The Mandalorian | Season 3 Official Trailer | Disney+


Hang on, Luke was gonna KILL Grogu if he chose the other path? 'Cause that is what Lone Wolf is offering :p

It still may well have been inspired by this.

For anyone who missed Boba Fett, Luke was presented with a dilemma that challenged everything he had learned in his life up until that point and even asked Ahsoka what to do about it. He didn't just take in Grogu and say "so, what do you want to do now, kid?"

The Armorer took offense to the beskar spear, saying that beskar is for armor and that its mere existence posed a risk to Mandalorians. So it was burned down. Mando wanted armor made for his "foundling", but the Armorer stated he is now a Jedi and that Jedi do not form attachments. Mando countered this is the opposite of their creed, unity and solidarity is the way. The Armorer took his side and reforged the spear into a set of chain mail for Grogu.

Mando went to Skywalker to deliver the gift, but was intercepted by Ahsoka. She insisted that Grogu missed Mando a GREAT deal and that seeing him would only make it worse. So she made him agree to leave the planet without seeing him at all, which killed him. Remember Ahsoka takes this very personally as she saw what happened to her master Darth Vader due to the attachments he formed. Zero tolerance. That's why she would not train him to begin with. She gave Luke the armor, leaving Luke in a tough position. The wrong choice could result in a Dark Side Yoda.

Now it's time to remember Luke's history. When Yoda told him to forget his friends and stay to train on Dagobah. Luke left anyway. He may have gotten spanked, but he also tied up Darth Vader while his friends escaped, friends who later helped take down the Empire. Luke made a decision based on his attachments and emotions. He did the same thing when he refused to fight his father Darth Vader at the climax of RotJ which is the only reason he survived (Yoda expected Vader killed, not this). In other words Luke has the benefit of not being fenced in by the Jedi Council like his dad. He has free agency. Yoda was unable to stop him, just to implore him not to go. So he has begun to untangle some of the dogma of the Order that made it weak enough to be taken down by the Sith to begin with, but he is still confused. Qui-gon Ginn had already begun to do this, this is why he was seen as batty to the Council and why he would have been the right Master for Anakin. The Order failed Anakin in a way Luke is trying not to repeat for Grogu.

So instead of telling the kid to bottle up his emotions and DO WHAT I SAY, EMOTION BAD FRIENDS BAD TRAINING GOOD, he gave Grogu a choice. Take the lightsaber that belonged to Yoda and continue training here with me. Or accept the armor and go back to your friend the Mandalorian. But before this happened, he spent a lot of time with Luke that greaty rekindled and augmented his Force abilities. I think there is more depth to what is happening there than might be apparent at first glance. And I think Luke knows he has enormous potential, but he can't force it. He knows the kid has been through a lot of trauma (in fact, he used the Force to see some of his past of Order 66) and wants to enable his talent as a friend without being a zero-tolerance slave driver. Really Grogu is still "training" by being out there getting experience with Mando and Luke knows it, and knew he would choose his friend (just like he did in the past). The ultimate result will probably be history repeating itself with a Mandalorian Jedi.


Gold Member
So is there any canon source about what Jedi do to force sensitives that DON'T toe the Jedi line? We have seen where the Sith have corrupted Jedi or beaten them to the punch with certain individuals, but on a large scale what do the Jedi do with "feral" force sensitives? Kill them as children/adolescents? Monitor them for a lifetime? "Gentle" them somehow to blunt their force powers? Every case I can think of offhand is a person that eventually comes to the Jedi way of thinking, existed in the gap between Jedi and Skywalker, or, like Ahsoka, kinda fled as a fugitive but I don't recall specifically what, if any, punishment/fate the Jedi had for her had she not run away.

I've a hard time thinking Luke would kill Grogu for anything short of running around with a red saber, killing random folks. Even if he was TERRIFIED of a new Vader, the VAST majority of Jedi seemed well below Vader level capability and in the grand scheme of things don't seem too out of the realm of what the normal authority system could handle should they go bad (i.e. Grogu as a force wielding warlord wannabe could be taken out by a strike team just like a non force using warlord wannabe).

I felt that putting Grogu, young as he was, right to the decision point of Mando versus the Jedi was a HUGE tactical mistake, just like it is in any show where a marginally committed person is put to some extreme loyalty test that just red pills them when a slower, more gradual indoctrination probably would have worked. How many scenes reminiscent of the "Spartan youth must kill their puppy" myth must we see before we all agree that it fails like 95% of the time in movies? :)


I felt that putting Grogu, young as he was, right to the decision point of Mando versus the Jedi was a HUGE tactical mistake, just like it is in any show where a marginally committed person is put to some extreme loyalty test that just red pills them when a slower, more gradual indoctrination probably would have worked. How many scenes reminiscent of the "Spartan youth must kill their puppy" myth must we see before we all agree that it fails like 95% of the time in movies? :)
I think the problem was, Mando came with the armor and Luke knew he had to confront the problem right then. Because he was nervous about the attachment between the two, maybe he felt it was better to allow Grogu to be with his "dad" if that's what he wanted. By allowing him to realize and live through the relationship, might result in a compassionate Jedi, while Anakin had to hide his relationship with Padme and fight his mentors to be with and protect those he loved. Resulting in Darth Vader. On the other hand, he would be nervous training him on Yoda's lightsaber while something bad could happen to Mando at any time, making the kid go berserk.

I think Luke is using all the wisdom he can conjure with this, learning from the mistakes of all fallen before him.
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Kev Kev

Really great episode, I love where they are going with the show and the franchise in general. I keep hearing whispers of a Thrawn reveal and I am all about it. Either way, I’m loving how much Coruscant screen time we’re getting, along with flashbacks and cameos/references to other shows. Can’t wait to see where they ultimately take all this build up.

A Jedi Academy series would be dope.


Gold Member
A Jedi Academy series would be dope.
I dunno, probably a bunch of YA crap. The problem, as I see it, is that "learning to use the force" is largely an imaginary experience that doesn't lend itself well to the screen, much like learning magic in Harry Potter or The Magicians. So any show ostensibly focused on the students learning the force will quickly move to interpersonal high school drama because the core theme can't sustain a show.

Now a show centered on the TEACHERS in a Jedi Academy might be interesting, as they can deal with higher level issues regarding student performance, their role in a larger jedi world, and how to craft minds into a framework of behavior that, for me, is more interesting coming from the instructor side than students just being constantly told to "free yourself from attachments" with little context and INEVITABLY doing just the opposite, every episode, rinse and repeat.

Maybe we really do need the Whills to manifest themselves and start to dictate things to the Jedi :p


Enjoying this season but it’s lacking a bit of spark. Needs a real banger episode. Season 1 was was just good but had some great moments. I loved most of season 2. This season is somewhere in between for me.
Really enjoyed those last two episodes, especially EP5. It was just put together so well in terms of the wrap around writing of past events/characters combined with future payoffs for story progression. The action was bloody solid too. It's easy to forget this is a streaming show, the production is off the charts good but I suppose by S3 they're really hitting their sweet spot now.


Many “Whelps”! Handle It!

That episode was off the chain. The visuals, the direction and cinematography (especially during action sequences), the score, the story, Jack Black and Christopher Lloyd, those Lugnut and droid scenes. Man, Bryce Dallas Howard and John Favreau hit it out of the park. Top three episode easy, maybe the best.

The final fight had great cinematography. I like how in the end Din gives the saber over, because he was never supposed to be a leader - he's the Ronin of this story. Though in a way maybe he's becoming a samurai and he was standing to the side of his future warlord.

Edit: just remembered many might not have seen it yet - so full spoilers
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Enjoying this season but it’s lacking a bit of spark. Needs a real banger episode. Season 1 was was just good but had some great moments. I loved most of season 2. This season is somewhere in between for me.

I somewhat felt this way up until episode 5 which I thought was a pretty nice complete package. It doesn't really make up for this season being much more uneven than past seasons of Mando though, which is a given at this point no matter what. But "unevenness" was already made part of the deal when they fused Mando with Boba Fett. I do think there will be more great episodes and considerable payoff, but I do miss older Mando where EVERY episode was a high point.

As soon as the X-Wing pilot captain found the shuttle in space I said "it's connected to Moff Gideon". Why? Because that's the character who suspects a connection so of course he is going to stumble upon the wreckage of Moff Gideon's transport while doing something completely random, LOL. I wouldn't have found myself eye-rolling away the story like this in earlier Mando. We could have had this stuff in a Rangers of the Republic show instead, but it got crammed into Mandalorian because someone got fired over a political opinion.


ידע זה כוח
I dunno, I think I'm done.

I really enjoyed S1/2, they had a nice story arch, interesting small episodes. This feels phoned in. The writing is boring, the characters are boring. The previous two seasons dealt with small towns and people and Mandos quest. I'm tired of seeing the top of the food chain needing help. It doesn't make sense, not to mention the way they solved the mystery of this episode that didn't require any guns or being mandalor.

Oh well, It was nice while it lasted.

EDIT: I wanna expend. The show fell into the trap of set-pieces, like GoT, Ring of Power. It's all made up of set-pieces and there's no build up, no setup, no sinew between them. They go here they go there, bam things just happen. I think why most liked Andor so much, and why some thought it was slow, was because there was a build up, there was a setup.
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Many “Whelps”! Handle It!
EDIT: I wanna expend. The show fell into the trap of set-pieces, like GoT, Ring of Power. It's all made up of set-pieces and there's no build up, no setup, no sinew between them. They go here they go there, bam things just happen. I think why most liked Andor so much, and why some thought it was slow, was because there was a build up, there was a setup.

It looks to be the opposite to me. I made this observation back after ep3 on Mar 18:

So far:

Bo-Katan appears to be having a change of heart towards The Children of the Watch and her place among her remaining people

Agents of the Empire are still operating, some cleaning up loose ends

Din is bringing his sect back into the light, slowly but surely

Slow burn stuff. Not as episode-to-episode as seasons one and two were. Perhaps it's Filoni and crew thinking this audience is now more open to longer form storytelling ala Andor.

And those storylines have all been advancing with each episode. It fact Din and Bo's beats have now merged, placing the story at the point where the Ultimate Problem can be introduced next episode, before the heroes confront it in the finale.


I am Become Bilbo Baggins

Kev Kev

Might have been my favorite episode this season. I love how each episode is a self contained story that fits under the umbrella of the main story arc. All these different worlds and cultures they visit really help make the SW world they are creating feel alive. I hope they keep up this trend of visiting different planets with unique living and political situations. It's a lot of fun.
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not tag worthy
Just saw this clip on Twitter. I wasn't sure if it was real. It was so bad I thought it was a parody or some spoof TV advertising.

Shockingly bad. Can't believe somebody signed off that scene.
Lizzie can’t really act, But she tried. Jack black was doing his best British noble voice for some reason. When all I wanted him to do was sing “that’s fucking team work”

Also Katee Sackoff. Just kept pulling faces
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Gold Member
If they're really pushing Bo-Katan to be the mandalorian this series is dead.

Makes zero sense to make Din Djarin a passive mandalorian considering the first two seasons were always about him and Grogu.

This last episode was a joke in itself. The way Din amazingly takes care of all the situations while Bo-Katan clearly gets somewhat jealous of his actions, just so that in the end Din "submits out of nowhere" and gives her the dark saber because why not.

I honestly hope there's a hidden plot here around Bo-Katan and Moff Gideon, otherwise talk about a derail for this.
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jabba the hutt GIF by Star Wars


I wonder if the second half of Book of Boba Feet becoming Season 2.5 of Mando affected this season in some way, this time around some things feel awkwardly paced. Still people have hate boners for Lizzo, she wasn't that bad in this episode, I've seen worse in the Star Wars universe by a long shot.

It’s a continuation of the storyline from Clone Wars.
Sssshhh, people who don't actually watch the show need a reason to get angry, like those being angry at the last episode because they saw a 30 second clip on Twitter. For example, two people in this thread complaining about Lizzo ruining the show have never posted in this thread before this episode.


ידע זה כוח
It looks to be the opposite to me. I made this observation back after ep3 on Mar 18:

And those storylines have all been advancing with each episode. It fact Din and Bo's beats have now merged, placing the story at the point where the Ultimate Problem can be introduced next episode, before the heroes confront it in the finale.
I'm talking about setup for things happening in this episode. The over arch is obvious of what's gonna happen, it doesn't even feel like a setup because they already told us bo katan will lead.

But moment to moment in each ep is like a music clip.


Lol I didn't even know who Lizzo was before this episode and the ensuring hate parade. I mean sure she sucked and Jack Black phoned it in, but considering this show is suppose to be a homage of sorts to the old serials like Flash Gordon a little campiness is OK. Personally I was excited to see battle Droids again and I liked that they showed that the Droids in Star Wars do possess some form of community and self awareness


In what sense? I'm genuinely asking, not trying to troll.
One of the major story arcs in Clone Wars, especially in the latter part of the series, was about Bo-Katan, the Darksaber, and Mandalore. Filoni has been setting up a live action continuation of it for a long time.

The instant the Darksaber showed up in the series it was building up to the final shot in this episode. That’s why they brought back Sackhoff to play Bo-Katan as she voiced her in Clone Wars.

Anyone who watched Clone Wars knew the day they announced a show called “The Mandalorian” that the show would eventually lead to Bo-Katan leading the Mandalorians back to Mandalore to resolve what was started in Clone Wars.

Whining about that is just YouTube rage-bait from people who haven’t been following the storyline over the years.


Gold Member
One of the major story arcs in Clone Wars, especially in the latter part of the series, was about Bo-Katan, the Darksaber, and Mandalore. Filoni has been setting up a live action continuation of it for a long time.

The instant the Darksaber showed up in the series it was building up to the final shot in this episode. That’s why they brought back Sackhoff to play Bo-Katan as she voiced her in Clone Wars.

Anyone who watched Clone Wars knew the day they announced a show called “The Mandalorian” that the show would eventually lead to Bo-Katan leading the Mandalorians back to Mandalore to resolve what was started in Clone Wars.

Whining about that is just YouTube rage-bait from people who haven’t been following the storyline over the years.

Need to go back and watch the Clone Wars.

But are they setting up a new series based on Bo-Katan, or she will simply replace Din as the main lead of the show now?


Gold Member
Fucking Lizzo though


It's too good. The tiny bit of credibility Disney had left with Star Wars just hung itself in a dark basement :messenger_tears_of_joy:


Need to go back and watch the Clone Wars.

But are they setting up a new series based on Bo-Katan, or she will simply replace Din as the main lead of the show now?
The show will always be the Grogu show. The problem is rage-baiters see Bo-Katan and get scared that Din will take the backseat like they do when their wife’s boyfriend comes over. Din is the outsider surrogate for the audience who didn’t watch Clone Wars to be introduced to that storyline.

It’s not a new series but a big Avengers-style event about the retaking of Mandalore to mirror the Siege of Mandalore. The original plan was probably to link Mando, Rangers of the New Republic, and Ahsoka. But the mental patients getting Gina Carano fired ruined that. Ahsoka will probably still be tied-in as Sabine should be involved.


Now that I've had more time to think about it. Jack Black wasn't THAT bad. Star Wars can get away with a bit of campiness by its nature. Also, it helps that his character is an ex-Imperial with a lot of money -a buffoon basically. He's no selling point but not franchise-ending either. I can handwave it away.

But man Lizzo's acting was really, REALLY horrific. Like so bad they needed to try more takes. Or just CGI in a droid instead. How were they okay letting that happen.

Edit: On the other hand, Christopher Lloyd talking about how the people voted against shutting down droids because they are too lazy, despite how dangerous they are, was a high point for me. It was Star Wars being what it was since day one, mocking the real world with analogies.
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Gold Member
See, you guys are TOTALLY misreading that "democratic utopia". Its actually an incredibly harsh condemnation of signal virtualling, woke politics, and modern sensibilities. Think about it. The place is run by an incompetent buffoon with no obvious qualifications as to why she was "elected" OTHER than the fact she was some sort of pre-existing royaly and probably had an "election" right from the Cuban or North Korean playbook. Her beau is a FORMER NAZI...errr, Imperial Officer, also with no obvious qualifications other than the ability to make the buffoon laugh. The ENTIRE society is a bunch of government dole playboys living off SLAVE LABOR, droids whose only other pathway is New Republic scrapyards. They gotta pay mercenaries for protection because they can't even manage one of the most basic duties of government and they gotta rely on outsiders for even the most simplistic internal investigations because their default thinking is "I don't understand it, so just destroy it". The ONE GUY who sees this complete decadence and descent into total collapse is the old white guy with a respect for history and culture.

Bravo Disney, or should I say Filoni and Favreau, to have the BALLS to call out the left in such a brazen manner.


Many “Whelps”! Handle It!
See, you guys are TOTALLY misreading that "democratic utopia". Its actually an incredibly harsh condemnation of signal virtualling, woke politics, and modern sensibilities. Think about it. The place is run by an incompetent buffoon with no obvious qualifications as to why she was "elected" OTHER than the fact she was some sort of pre-existing royaly and probably had an "election" right from the Cuban or North Korean playbook. Her beau is a FORMER NAZI...errr, Imperial Officer, also with no obvious qualifications other than the ability to make the buffoon laugh. The ENTIRE society is a bunch of government dole playboys living off SLAVE LABOR, droids whose only other pathway is New Republic scrapyards. They gotta pay mercenaries for protection because they can't even manage one of the most basic duties of government and they gotta rely on outsiders for even the most simplistic internal investigations because their default thinking is "I don't understand it, so just destroy it". The ONE GUY who sees this complete decadence and descent into total collapse is the old white guy with a respect for history and culture.

Bravo Disney, or should I say Filoni and Favreau, to have the BALLS to call out the left in such a brazen manner.

Or it could just be a Star Wars fantasy city in which technology has reached such a peak that they are now a utopia, and who rules or who doesn't doesn't matter because everyone lives without worry (again, utopia). And yet, there was trouble in paradise due to one unhappy person. It's closer to Metropolis, and that nanomachine virus or whatever it was is Maria, the mad scientist Christopher Lloyd.


Gold Member
See, you guys are TOTALLY misreading that "democratic utopia". Its actually an incredibly harsh condemnation of signal virtualling, woke politics, and modern sensibilities. Think about it. The place is run by an incompetent buffoon with no obvious qualifications as to why she was "elected" OTHER than the fact she was some sort of pre-existing royaly and probably had an "election" right from the Cuban or North Korean playbook. Her beau is a FORMER NAZI...errr, Imperial Officer, also with no obvious qualifications other than the ability to make the buffoon laugh. The ENTIRE society is a bunch of government dole playboys living off SLAVE LABOR, droids whose only other pathway is New Republic scrapyards. They gotta pay mercenaries for protection because they can't even manage one of the most basic duties of government and they gotta rely on outsiders for even the most simplistic internal investigations because their default thinking is "I don't understand it, so just destroy it". The ONE GUY who sees this complete decadence and descent into total collapse is the old white guy with a respect for history and culture.

Bravo Disney, or should I say Filoni and Favreau, to have the BALLS to call out the left in such a brazen manner.
You are expect surface level emotionally led nihilists to dive that deep? They will just see it as a "win for the cause," regardless.

If that is the case, it reaches mainly those who are already cognitively aware.
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Gold Member
Or it could just be a Star Wars fantasy city in which technology has reached such a peak that they are now a utopia, and who rules or who doesn't doesn't matter because everyone lives without worry (again, utopia). And yet, there was trouble in paradise due to one unhappy person. It's closer to Metropolis, and that nanomachine virus or whatever it was is Maria, the mad scientist Christopher Lloyd.
Nah, Doc Brown said the populace wanted robot slaves even at the risk of injury. He was forcing the inevitable since none of those welfare queens had any skill set, they had to outsource for ANY competence and prohibited those same technical folks from even coming into the city. The droids were basically hostages with a stay of execution so long as they do all the work.


See, you guys are TOTALLY misreading that "democratic utopia". Its actually an incredibly harsh condemnation of signal virtualling, woke politics, and modern sensibilities. Think about it. The place is run by an incompetent buffoon with no obvious qualifications as to why she was "elected" OTHER than the fact she was some sort of pre-existing royaly and probably had an "election" right from the Cuban or North Korean playbook. Her beau is a FORMER NAZI...errr, Imperial Officer, also with no obvious qualifications other than the ability to make the buffoon laugh. The ENTIRE society is a bunch of government dole playboys living off SLAVE LABOR, droids whose only other pathway is New Republic scrapyards. They gotta pay mercenaries for protection because they can't even manage one of the most basic duties of government and they gotta rely on outsiders for even the most simplistic internal investigations because their default thinking is "I don't understand it, so just destroy it". The ONE GUY who sees this complete decadence and descent into total collapse is the old white guy with a respect for history and culture.

Bravo Disney, or should I say Filoni and Favreau, to have the BALLS to call out the left in such a brazen manner.

After the Dr. Pershing mind flayer episode I said to my sister "wow Star Wars went from roasting the far right to the far left". But this episode blew the lid off.

I mentioned this in my earlier post about Doc's explanation about the people voting against deactivating droids because they're too dependent, and how ex-Imp Jack Black is supposed to represent a buffoon. This is great stuff. It's almost like Lizzo is there to act as a foil for all it -a character that neither deserves her station in the context of the story but is there anyway (because of New Republic Left Politics) nor to be in the show acting but is there anyway (because of United States Left Politics). While it drives home a point, we, as an audience, should not have to suffer through bad acting to make that point and I don't think it was the intent. But in a way, it is kind of poetic.

When they were trying to get Bo and Mando to help them and breaking down their situation. I was like wow no wonder the First Order happened. Star Wars went from being a cautionary tale for the U.S. about the dangers of going too far right and wanting too much war, too the dangers of moving too far left and becoming pampered pansies. You could get the First Order. Worse, you could get Lizzo's bad acting forced in your TV show. See kids, Star Wars is PACKED with lessons
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