Hang on, Luke was gonna KILL Grogu if he chose the other path? 'Cause that is what Lone Wolf is offering![]()
It still may well have been inspired by this.
For anyone who missed Boba Fett, Luke was presented with a dilemma that challenged everything he had learned in his life up until that point and even asked Ahsoka what to do about it. He didn't just take in Grogu and say "so, what do you want to do now, kid?"
The Armorer took offense to the beskar spear, saying that beskar is for armor and that its mere existence posed a risk to Mandalorians. So it was burned down. Mando wanted armor made for his "foundling", but the Armorer stated he is now a Jedi and that Jedi do not form attachments. Mando countered this is the opposite of their creed, unity and solidarity is the way. The Armorer took his side and reforged the spear into a set of chain mail for Grogu.
Mando went to Skywalker to deliver the gift, but was intercepted by Ahsoka. She insisted that Grogu missed Mando a GREAT deal and that seeing him would only make it worse. So she made him agree to leave the planet without seeing him at all, which killed him. Remember Ahsoka takes this very personally as she saw what happened to her master Darth Vader due to the attachments he formed. Zero tolerance. That's why she would not train him to begin with. She gave Luke the armor, leaving Luke in a tough position. The wrong choice could result in a Dark Side Yoda.
Now it's time to remember Luke's history. When Yoda told him to forget his friends and stay to train on Dagobah. Luke left anyway. He may have gotten spanked, but he also tied up Darth Vader while his friends escaped, friends who later helped take down the Empire. Luke made a decision based on his attachments and emotions. He did the same thing when he refused to fight his father Darth Vader at the climax of RotJ which is the only reason he survived (Yoda expected Vader killed, not this). In other words Luke has the benefit of not being fenced in by the Jedi Council like his dad. He has free agency. Yoda was unable to stop him, just to implore him not to go. So he has begun to untangle some of the dogma of the Order that made it weak enough to be taken down by the Sith to begin with, but he is still confused. Qui-gon Ginn had already begun to do this, this is why he was seen as batty to the Council and why he would have been the right Master for Anakin. The Order failed Anakin in a way Luke is trying not to repeat for Grogu.
So instead of telling the kid to bottle up his emotions and DO WHAT I SAY, EMOTION BAD FRIENDS BAD TRAINING GOOD, he gave Grogu a choice. Take the lightsaber that belonged to Yoda and continue training here with me. Or accept the armor and go back to your friend the Mandalorian. But before this happened, he spent a lot of time with Luke that greaty rekindled and augmented his Force abilities. I think there is more depth to what is happening there than might be apparent at first glance. And I think Luke knows he has enormous potential, but he can't force it. He knows the kid has been through a lot of trauma (in fact, he used the Force to see some of his past of Order 66) and wants to enable his talent as a friend without being a zero-tolerance slave driver. Really Grogu is still "training" by being out there getting experience with Mando and Luke knows it, and knew he would choose his friend (just like he did in the past). The ultimate result will probably be history repeating itself with a Mandalorian Jedi.