Depends on how you think Count Dooku portrayed himself to his troops and how close Jack Black was, versus what he WANTS folks to think. I'm guessing the Mando writers have a jaded cynicism towards ANY government system in Star Wars, be it Republic, Empire, OR New Republic, so it's pretty understandable they would cast the Separatists in a pseudo-favorable light when it is plot convenient. So Dooku was probably the face of the Separatist movement, anyone who couldn't get ahead in the Republic due to class, lack of contacts, or just being born on the wrong planet probably saw a lot of "good" in that movement that did carry over to the Empire. The Galaxy's Edge guys (not the Disney experience, but the alt-Star Wars book series) did a great job of showing why the Republic, away from the POV of it's favored children, the Jedi, had a lot of flaws that allowed the Empire to flourish in the first place, no Sith treachery needed. Andor does this as well.What were your thoughts on them making him a Count Dooku fanboy?