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The Mario tennis intro is great

So if a consumer that didn't play videogames much saw this intro running at Best Buy in the GameCube section, do you think they would make the assumption that the Gamecube is a game system primarily for children?


DJ Demon J said:
So if a consumer that didn't play videogames much saw this intro running at Best Buy in the GameCube section, do you think they would make the assumption that the Gamecube is a game system primarily for children?

Nintendo Trolls Until Permaban: 1


DJ Demon J said:
So if a consumer that didn't play videogames much saw this intro running at Best Buy in the GameCube section, do you think they would make the assumption that the Gamecube is a game system primarily for children?
Bristow said:
Nintendo Trolls Until Permaban: 1
"Do you know what rhetorical means?"
"Do I know what rhetorical means?!?!?"


Wow that was surprisingly hilarious (in a childish sort of way), if a show like this was made for TV i would watch it.....crazy eyeball man. :D
What? It was a serious question. I'm curious. Given an average consumers' knowledge of video games, I wonder what image Mario Tennis and Paper Mario 2 and Pikmin creates.

Nintendo has shown obvious strengths in creating and developing the Mario brand (I was curious to see them finally go full force with voice acting in SMS). And with this intro, I can see a bright future for leveraging more content with Mario & Co. aimed at a younger audience.


DJ Demon J said:
So if a consumer that didn't play videogames much saw this intro running at Best Buy in the GameCube section, do you think they would make the assumption that the Gamecube is a game system primarily for children?



Wait, why would Wario and Waluigi go through all that training and torture just to pull off a Team Rocket-esque plan with the Bob-ombs?
Whoa, that was just great! I was smiling like a 5 year old all the way. As for your question... well, I think people already know what to expect from a Nintendo game. Great likable characters, fun addictive gameplay and superb quality. To me the "cute" aspects of a game make it all the more attractive and I realize that's not the general perception. But I think most people have learned to expect good things from Mario games.


Console Market Analyst
DJ Demon J said:
So if a consumer that didn't play videogames much saw this intro running at Best Buy in the GameCube section, do you think they would make the assumption that the Gamecube is a game system primarily for children?

No. I think they would make the assumption that the Gamecube is a system that doesn't EXCLUDE children.


So if a consumer that didn't play videogames much saw the GTA:SA trailer running at Best Buy in the PS2 section, do you think they would make the assumption that the PS2 is a game system primarily for wanna-be thugs?


President/Creative Director of Grumpyface Studios
I love how Wario and Waluigi are constantly mumbling about whatever. :lol

Spike said:
So if a consumer that didn't play videogames much saw the GTA:SA trailer running at Best Buy in the PS2 section, do you think they would make the assumption that the PS2 is a game system primarily for wanna-be thugs?

Why bring this up in regards to this intro? If anything, this is "family-friendly" done right. This doesn't seem overly-cutesy to me. It's cartoony, but not kiddie, IMO.
Spike said:
So if a consumer that didn't play videogames much saw the GTA:SA trailer running at Best Buy in the PS2 section, do you think they would make the assumption that the PS2 is a game system primarily for wanna-be thugs?

I wouldn't say wanna be thugs, but I would agree that they may think it's for young males 18-25.


DJ Demon J said:
I wouldn't say wanna be thugs, but I would agree that they may think it's for young males 18-25.

Nah, the problem with this is that the people who are going through the aisles that aren't sure about the games are people who don't play games at all. They'd look at it more like "that's sick" or some shit like that. They don't think age groups first, they think concept.

MrCheez, I just used it to illustrate a point. As I said above, people would think concept first, not age group.


President/Creative Director of Grumpyface Studios
Consumers buying a video game console based on it's image ARE a problem. I've always been frustrated by it. But it's always going to be like that, and a console's image is usually not something that is going to change with any one game.

When I worked at EB and people would ask me which system was the best (which ocurred 20 times a day, easily) my immediate answer (before a more in-depth explanation) was ALWAYS "The one that has the games you want to play on it."
DJ Demon J said:
I wouldn't say wanna be thugs, but I would agree that they may think it's for young males 18-25.
I wouldn't say derogative term, but I would agree that they may think it's for popularly applicable demographic.


I'm refusing to watch this; I already ordered the game, and have seen parts of it already, but want to see the entire thing when I, you know, actually play it for the first time.

I watched MG:TT's ahead of time, so I kind of lost out on the really cool moment of turning on the Cube and seeing it.


"what's this dump" when they fell into bowsers lair


How come when the shit hit the fan, only Diddy Kong and Koopa Troopa helped to defend the crowds? You'd think Koopa Troopa of all people wouldn't go against Bowser.


President/Creative Director of Grumpyface Studios
ohamsie said:
How come when the shit hit the fan, only Diddy Kong and Koopa Troopa helped to defend the crowds? You'd think Koopa Troopa of all people wouldn't go against Bowser.

Rebel koopa? ;) Even if Bowser is the King Koopa, games like the Mario RPGs tend to have koopas/goombas/etc who are unaffiliated with him.


DJ Demon J said:
So if a consumer that didn't play videogames much saw this intro running at Best Buy in the GameCube section, do you think they would make the assumption that the Gamecube is a game system primarily for children?


Well Nintendo games are definitely kid friendly, but they can be enjoyed by adults as well. Personally, from what limited experience I have , the really kids want a gameboy, not a cube. Then once they hit about 8-9 they suddenly want to have a Xbox(or PS2 for GTA) all of a sudden. It is strage that Xbox is so far behind PS2 in sales, the people I am around seem to be all about it. I think Gamecube's main market is teens to the older crowd who remember when Nintendo was still a dominant force in consoles and want to play Nintendo games.

And DJ did Nintendo kill your parents or something? :lol Your hate is amusing.
bionic77 said:
And DJ did Nintendo kill your parents or something? :lol Your hate is amusing.

No, I just think the industry would be better off with Nintendo flexing their real muscles--branding and IP development--in a software-only capacity. I'm of the mindset that their software quality has suffered due to their struggles trying to maintain hardware relevance. If they didn't have to worry about hardware and could focus solely on software, I think the industry would benefit immensely.


DJ Demon J said:
No, I just think the industry would be better off with Nintendo flexing their real muscles--branding and IP development--in a software-only capacity. I'm of the mindset that their software quality has suffered due to their struggles trying to maintain hardware relevance. If they didn't have to worry about hardware and could focus solely on software, I think the industry would benefit immensely.

Don't you think they would just turn into SEGA if they went software only? I used to think the same thing and that I wouldn't care if Nintendo went software only because you could still play their games, but seeing how shitty SEGA has become since the DC died I think I would rather have Nintendo making hardware and staying niche.


Wow, that was awesome, and definitely funny. Some of you people need to lighten up, it was surprisingly not childish compared to SMS, reminded me of alot of the old Mario Super Show cartoon. Do you people really expect a mature and gripping cutscene in a game featuring Mario, which is soley about Tennis???? Some of you will troll anything.

The cinematics were excellent, particularly when Wario and his friend were training. The graphics looked especially good, while retaining a cartoony look.

The only problem I have is King Koopa's voice, it's TERRIBLE. they need to make him sound like the guy who did the Koopa voice in the cartoon show. That voice sounded vile and sinister, yet still powerful enough to fit Bowser. This new voice just makes Bowser into the traditional "I'm big and stupid" bad guy. Leave the stupid grunts to Donkey Kong
bionic77 said:
Don't you think they would just turn into SEGA if they went software only? I used to think the same thing and that I wouldn't care if Nintendo went software only because you could still play their games, but seeing how shitty SEGA has become since the DC died I think I would rather have Nintendo making hardware and staying niche.

Sega tried to do too much too fast...splitting up all their dev groups and trying to brand them too quickly. Nintendo doesn't bother branding their dev groups for the most part, and instead focuses on quality.


DJ Demon J said:
Sega tried to do too much too fast...splitting up all their dev groups and trying to brand them too quickly. Nintendo doesn't bother branding their dev groups for the most part, and instead focuses on quality.

Well, looking at how cheap the PSP is going to be, looks like you might get your wish pretty soon. :(
It's just sad thinking about Sega now. They're basically reduced to being a sidekick for a slots/pinball company.

They should have used Mr. Belvedere for Bowser and Alyssa Milano for the Princess' voice :D


Hehe, that was funny, mostly (or probably only) because of Waluigi and Wario. But the funny kind of died off after they had trained with Bowser...why, after all that training, did they decide to shoot bombs instead of using their mad tennis skills? The intro felt like it just dragged on from there on. A 5 minute intro for a tennis game?! :p
So this is already out in Japan?

Are there any hands-on?

The production value and course designs look great, I think I might end up picking this one up.
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