Meh. The new Shepherd looks great - but the model is a Trump supporter. Not a great front face to your game Bioware given your market.
Meh. The new Shepherd looks great - but the model is a Trump supporter. Not a great front face to your game Bioware given your market.
Aaryn confirms in the NVidia interview video that a full gameplay video is coming at some point.
"They want to see more gameplay. They want to see a full gameplay loop, so we're going to get that ready for a later show. That entire sequence I think, a rich, meaty 15 minute experience of starting in the Tempest, talking to some squadmates, landing on a planet, getting out, exploring in the Nomad, getting out, doing some fighting, maybe solving a mystery, getting down to a vault maybe, or going somewhere else. There's a lot to see and explore in the game, and I think players want to see that. And I respect that, and we're going to get that to them."
while unravelling what happened in the last 600 years that changed the galactic status from preliminary scans.[/spoiler]
Side bar.
Wasn't Mass Effect 3 advertised during the super bowl?
That's... a great ad tbhYep:
I think they're gonna use that opportunity again this year.
Which spoilers are we talking about? Nothing in Eatchildren's post is secret really, it's from public media that's been put out.Could we be extra careful with the spoiler tags? A mismarked tag has already given me a small piece of information that I didn't want to know.
I mean I knew that eventually I'd have to leave this thread in fear of them, but I'd like to stick around a bit longer.
I think they're gonna use that opportunity again this year.
I finally beat ME3 after marathoning through ME1 and ME2. I played and beat ME1 and ME2 when they came out but skipped ME3 at the time.
I enjoyed it for the most part. I had heard about the controversy regarding the ending as soon as it was released but the ending was OK, IMO.
What was absolutely terrible were the wave after wave of enemies on Earth to end the game. I seriously almost threw my controller and was just relieved it was over. I think they were trying to lengthen the game. It felt like I said Goodbye 100x before the game was actually over.
My favorite part of 3 was probablywhen Liara asks if she can say goodbye as your going to see Captain Anderson, and she does that Asari mind thing and you go off into space. A really cool part
Bring on Andromeda
Flynn confirmed no season pass but that was expected.
going to replay ME1, the best mass effect, on PC. kb/m controls good or is controller the way to go? do i need to download a mod for it? any other suggested downloads, i.e. texture packs, etc.?
Flynn confirmed no season pass but that was expected.
going to replay ME1, the best mass effect, on PC. kb/m controls good or is controller the way to go? do i need to download a mod for it? any other suggested downloads, i.e. texture packs, etc.?
Was actually hoping there would be one with all the story, weapon and appearance DLC Bioware have put out for the previous games it gets pretty expensive buying them piece meal. Still at least we won't have to use Bioware points this time around.
The description for that video says it's fan-made. There wasn't a superbowl ad for 3, but there was that long-running series of live-action and cinematic ads.
going to replay ME1, the best mass effect, on PC. kb/m controls good or is controller the way to go? do i need to download a mod for it? any other suggested downloads, i.e. texture packs, etc.?
Yep: nope, fanmade)
I think they might use that opportunity this year.
God the memories. I'm 10 hours into ME2 with a Vangaurd and I'm seriously considering just restarting the game again and using my main Soldier class, just so that can experience the glorious sensation again in ME3.
EDIT:Fuck it, I've restarted. 10 hours is nothing. No fucking regrets. Soldier for life.
I'm about to finish replaying ME1 and was wondering which class to pick in ME2. I always stuck with Soldier, but was considering picking up Vanguard as it's mentioned as 'THE BEST CLASS' all the time whenever combat is mentioned. So was it's like? Was it too boring for you, too risky?
Infiltrator for life. Will probably roll the same in Andromeda, but with the added mobility via the jetpack and dynamic cover system I'm tempted to play a more aggressive role given that's the kind of game I usually like to play. There's just something so satisfying about dealing insane damage as an infiltrator, methodically chewing threw waves of dudes.
It's pretty well known at this point, but the combined info along with re-reading the Game Informer article gives a decent picture of the premise:At the founding of the Andromeda Initiative several "golden worlds" are detected through scans of the Andromeda galaxy, spearheading the project. Human, Turian, Asari, and Salarian arcs are constructed and set off, tailing the multi-species forwarding station Nexus that is sent first to establish a command centre. Humanity is heading to a golden world designated in Habitat 7 via the Hyperion ark and, after a 600 year flight to Andromeda, arrive to find Habitat 7 enshrouded in a dangerous energy and volatile atmosphere. Contact is lost with not only other arks but the Nexus too. Thus the story begins; humanity reestablishing contact with others, trying to muscle out a foothold in Andromeda, while unravelling what happened in the last 600 years that changed the galactic status from preliminary scans.
That's dope.They set off thinking they'd find one thing but by the time they arrive it's A MESS
I forget that the cinematic trailer has some great shots in it. Lovely lighting.
Aaryn confirms in the NVidia interview video that actual marketing appropriate to this franchise is coming at some point.
"They want to see more gameplay. They want to see a full gameplay loop, so we're going to get that ready for a later show. That entire sequence I think, a rich, meaty 15 minute experience of starting in the Tempest, talking to some squadmates, landing on a planet, getting out, exploring in the Nomad, getting out, doing some fighting, maybe solving a mystery, getting down to a vault maybe, or going somewhere else. There's a lot to see and explore in the game, and I think players want to see that. And I respect that, and we're going to get that to them."
I think that might be the only tangible in-game footage of the interior of the Tempest at this point.
That's dope.They set off thinking they'd find one thing but by the time they arrive it's A MESS
*yum*I forget that the cinematic trailer has some great shots in it. Lovely lighting.
I love the reflections on the window and the bit of Tempest UI.
There's a small bit of footage in the december trailer that I'd love to see as a gif. When the Tempest flies above Ryder, right here :
That's a classy shot.