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The Mass Effect Community Thread

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Let's not forget the appointments of Ian Frazier (Ultima Lazarus) as lead gameplay designer and Colin Campbell (Kingdoms of Amalur) as lead level designer.

With their RPG/open world backgrounds, these are not guys I imagine designing a proverbial "Call of Duty in space".

By the way, I appreciate the clear-headed analysis / summary of rumours in this thread. Thanks GAF.
I could get behind an FPS spin-off as long as it didn't affect the main series. I expect the Star Wars licence (i.e. Battlefront) has killed it though.


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
Yeah, there's probably no need for it.


I wonder how diverse the squad members will be.

I'm hoping there's around 10 party members with only 2-3 humans.(Kind of like Mass Effect 2). I love large ensemble casts.


I for one hope they kept the "rumour 3" build as part of the multiplayer, if it's just like Mass Effect: Team Assault.

I don't see that being possible. It would mean that the MP and SP teams would be working on practically different things, with totally different systems and likely little to no ability to share work. It would, in essence, mean that they would have to make two entirely separate games and push them together.

I don't see EA sinking the resources to do so. If there's going to be a ME FPS, it would be a game unto itself, and not just a MP mode.


I don't see that being possible. It would mean that the MP and SP teams would be working on practically different things, with totally different systems and likely little to no ability to share work. It would, in essence, mean that they would have to make two entirely separate games and push them together.

I don't see EA sinking the resources to do so. If there's going to be a ME FPS, it would be a game unto itself, and not just a MP mode.

Look at recent examples like ME3 (twice) or LoK: Dead Sun. It's possible. Maybe that's the new BW Edmonton IP? :)


Look at recent examples like ME3 (twice) or LoK: Dead Sun. It's possible. Maybe that's the new BW Edmonton IP? :)

Unlike ME3, what you were proposing was a third-person single-player and a first-person multiplayer mode, if I read you correctly (as that was what Rumor 3 was). That is wholly impractical.

If you were simply asking for MP in ME4, that's going to happen. There is no question about that, as ME3's MP was HUGELY profitable for EA to the point that there's no chance Dragon Age won't have MP as a result. It's just that ME4's MP will be a third-person affair that is extremely similar to the gameplay in the single-player campaign, similar to ME3-style.

It's extremely unlikely to the point of impossibility to basically have two totally different games (one, a third-person shooter and the other a first-person shooter) combined into a single product.

Of course, if you were asking for the MP campaign to simply be set in the First Contact War, I still think that's highly unlikely because it means no Krogan, Geth, Asari, Salarian, or new species. The First Contact War was just Turians and Humans, and I doubt they want to limit their characters to just those two races.


Regardless of how much it has changed from 1 to 3 this is possibly my favorite series of all time. I absolutely love Mass Effect. I can't wait to get myself wrapped up in that universe again. :)


Unlike ME3, what you were proposing was a third-person single-player and a first-person multiplayer mode, if I read you correctly (as that was what Rumor 3 was). That is wholly impractical.

If you were simply asking for MP in ME4, that's going to happen. There is no question about that, as ME3's MP was HUGELY profitable for EA to the point that there's no chance Dragon Age won't have MP as a result.

It's just extremely unlikely to the point of impossibility to basically have two totally different games (one, a third-person shooter and the other a first-person shooter) combined into a single product.

Two different games? It would be more of a camera change like in TES, Arma or Rainbow Six. There are even several games out there which are using two different engines. A bit unusual but far from impossible! Especially if you can market the multiplayer as a standalone game.


Really Really Exciting Member!
Two different games? It would be more of a camera change like in TES, Arma or Rainbow Six. There are even several games out there which are using two different engines. A bit unusual but far from impossible! Especially if you can market the multiplayer as a standalone game.

It's more of a camera change when you think about how ME3 works in general for example. Do you see yourself using a Vanguard's Charge/Nova combo in first person? Or rolling to dodge? Or hiding behind cover? When you look at how ME3 characters animate and where they look when in third person, it would make no sense in first person, or they would need to change how and where our character look when in first person.

See that nice Smash animation in ME3? Well, in a first person view, all you would see is 2 arms slashing the screen with lots of special effects blocking your view. Or how about the Krogan's Warlord hammer? He looks badass while smashing things in ME3, in a first person view, it wouldn't be the same. All you would see is a hammer smashing the ground, not the Krogan swinging it like a mad man.

Not to mention during this whole time, you wouldn't see your character with its customized armor and colors unless its a cutscene.

No... a ME game in a first person view would suck ass.


Two different games? It would be more of a camera change like in TES, Arma or Rainbow Six. There are even several games out there which are using two different engines. A bit unusual but far from impossible! Especially if you can market the multiplayer as a standalone game.

How many people actively use the non-native original viewpoint in those games? Like how many people use the third-person mode in TES or Arma beyond simply looking at their character? Seriously, trying to play TES in third-person is a nightmare.

Animations would have to be changed. Balancing things such that the two modes feel "right" would be a crazy amount of work when they can simply take the work the SP team is doing and alter it a little bit. Especially given the success the existing MP has had. Why change things up if what they have is working?

Seriously, if they ever do a FPS ME game, it'll be a separate product.


Welp, having read those rumours I've already decided to start saving up 180 euros for this new trilogy. The twin facts that the core theme of the first two (which are the only plausible rumours, imo) is exploration, and that Shepard and Co are gone is all I need to know.

If it does turn out to be post-original-trilogy then I hope it's a long, long time afterwards. As in, thousands of years if necessary. Glad the Turians and Asari are returning.

To chime in on the Asari debate: I'm torn because while I recognise the Asari as blatant nerd pandering, I really like Liara and I really like the idea of a monogendered sentient race. The problem is where Bioware went with it. As mentioned, they have a lot of the 'wise old space elves' trope to them, they are far too human compared to the other races, there isn't enough diversity in the way they look (explained by genetics/story, but still), the 'maiden-mother-matriarch' thing is a kind of a gross simplification of a woman's life journey to me, and their sexual reproduction / mind melding shit is ridiculously stupid.

At the same time, they are pretty damn sexy, and I'm not the kind of person who's completely averse to being pandered to. I'm weak like that. On that note (appealing to my male gaze) Bioware certainly hit the mark, and it didn't hurt my enjoyment of the game one bit.

As for Liara, she was exactly the sort of hero I typically like: Somewhat reluctant, clever and circumspect, with the courage to overcome her fears rather than being fearless. I could have done without the romance, but since it was there I found it harmless and sweet enough. And the Shadow Broker DLC was great. So Liara alone colours my take on the Asari. She'll be gone, but I suppose I'm glad that the rest of them are back.


Animations would have to be changed. Balancing things such that the two modes feel "right" would be a crazy amount of work when they can simply take the work the SP team is doing and alter it a little bit.

Splinter Cell did that when Mass Effect wasn't even called SFX. It's possible! :(


Really Really Exciting Member!
Splinter Cell did that when Mass Effect wasn't even called SFX. It's possible! :(

Why do you want a FPS Mass Effect this much? If you love the series, part of it is probably because its been in third person since the beginning. Why change something that works? You don't like seeing your customized character? You don't like being able to see what's going on around you? You don't like seeing your Biotic/Tech/melee animations?


It's possible, yes. Is there a realistic chance at all? No.

The benefits don't come close to matching the cost.

That's just your opinion, Patryn! Damn! This isn't over yet!

Why do you want a FPS Mass Effect this much? If you love the series, part of it is probably because its been in third person since the beginning.

I don't want a ME FPS at all, I'm talking about the possibilities of the franchise. Personally I'd like to see a Mass Effect MMO at some point, but that's another story.


I don't want a ME FPS at all, I'm talking about the possibilities of the franchise. Personally I'd like to see a Mass Effect MMO at some point, but that's another story.

I'm just talking ME4 MP.

If we're talking a future game somewhere in the ether that's a FPS? Sure, that's a possibility. I think current fan sentiment is against you, but clearly at some point EA thought about it. That I'd say has a chance of actually happening.

The MMO? That dream died at about the same time as The Old Republic came out. The MMO gold rush is long over, and I doubt EA wants to get caught in that boondoggle again.

I can see a ME FPS some day. I really can't see a ME MMO.


I'm just talking ME4 MP.

If we're talking a future game somewhere in the ether that's a FPS? Sure, that's a possibility. I think current fan sentiment is against you, but clearly at some point EA thought about it. That I'd say has a chance of actually happening.

The MMO? That dream died at about the same time as The Old Republic came out. The MMO gold rush is long over, and I doubt EA wants to get caught in that boondoggle again.

I can see a ME FPS some day. I really can't see a ME MMO.

I think the new MMO goldrush might just be about to begin. The problem always was that WoW did it so well that everyone thought MMO meant MMORPG, or 'WoW-like'. But it didn't have to be an RPG. It didn't have to be based on Everquest or what have you.

Games like Destiny and The Division look like they will be MMOs, but MMOs where you only play with or encounter a few people at a time, rather than the massive sprawling RPG servers we're used to. I think games like this will be the future for a lot of companies, and I think Mass Effect would be an amazing candidate for such a genre.


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
Can confirm: at some point in time Mass Effect: First Contact War, a first person shooter, was in development. It's been long since scrapped.


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
Thanks for the info! Was it also developed by Montreal, if I may ask?

Absolutely no idea. Just chased up the basics and yeah, a Mass Effect: First Contact War FPS was in development sometime after Mass Effect 3's dev cylce. I don't know how far into development it got or who was doing it, but it was ultimately cancelled. I'm standing by my suspicion that it was Montreal, and the decision was made for them to move onto Mass Effect 4 instead.


Absolutely no idea. Just chased up the basics and yeah, a Mass Effect: First Contact War FPS was in development sometime after Mass Effect 3's dev cylce. I don't know how far into development it got or who was doing it, but it was ultimately cancelled. I'm standing by my suspicion that it was Montreal, and the decision was made for them to move onto Mass Effect 4 instead.

Makes sense to me. I seem to recall Bioware was saying a bunch of stuff like "How about that FIRST CONTACT WAR? Isn't it super interesting? Wouldn't it be fun to see it?" at the time. They stopped when, as you've said, the overwhelming fan feedback is that we had little interest in seeing a prequel.

The irony, of course, was that if they had bothered to be consistent with their established lore they would have realized really early on that it would not make for an interesting game at all.


Absolutely no idea. Just chased up the basics and yeah, a Mass Effect: First Contact War FPS was in development sometime after Mass Effect 3's dev cylce. I don't know how far into development it got or who was doing it, but it was ultimately cancelled. I'm standing by my suspicion that it was Montreal, and the decision was made for them to move onto Mass Effect 4 instead.

Cool, as far as I remember most Montreal devs started working on ME4 in 2013. So it was probably cancelled pretty early on.


Really Really Exciting Member!
Makes sense to me. I seem to recall Bioware was saying a bunch of stuff like "How about that FIRST CONTACT WAR? Isn't it super interesting? Wouldn't it be fun to see it?" at the time. They stopped when, as you've said, the overwhelming fan feedback is that we had little interest in seeing a prequel.

The irony, of course, was that if they had bothered to be consistent with their established lore they would have realized really early on that it would not make for an interesting game at all.

I dunno, they could have retconned a bunch of shit, like adding more races to that "war" other than just Turians to make it more interesting, who knows.


I dunno, they could have retconned a bunch of shit, like adding more races to that "war" other than just Turians to make it more interesting, who knows.

Oh god. That would have been the worst. If they wanted more races, they should have done the Krogan Rebellions.


Can confirm: at some point in time Mass Effect: First Contact War, a first person shooter, was in development. It's been long since scrapped.

Damn, what a shame. It would have completed the metamorphosis of the franchise. Oh well, guess slow burn is the way to go unless of course the new game is a return to form for the makers of BG, KoTOR & ME1 (and 2).

Btw, apologies if already answered but is there any news on whether the new game is also designed to be a trilogy and whether special marketing/dlc partnership exists between the publisher and a console maker?


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
Btw, apologies if already answered but is there any news on whether the new game is also designed to be a trilogy and whether special marketing/dlc partnership exists between the publisher and a console maker?

Unknown on both accounts.


At the least, these (copied from DAI thread) give me hope with regards to character model; IQ notwithstanding:




Their physical based rendering looks to have done a good job so far.

Unknown on both accounts.

At the least, these (copied from DAI thread) give me hope with regards to character model; IQ notwithstanding:

Their physical based rendering looks to have done a good job so far.


Should be at least as good given it's current gen only as rumored.

Anyone know if Frostbite does discrete builds or continual updates? I'm wondering how different the engine versions could be for DA:I and ME4 if they release within a year of one another.
Why do you want a FPS Mass Effect this much? If you love the series, part of it is probably because its been in third person since the beginning. Why change something that works? You don't like seeing your customized character? You don't like being able to see what's going on around you? You don't like seeing your Biotic/Tech/melee animations?
Couldn't they just take a Destiny approach where the camera goes into third person when you use powers?


Should be at least as good given it's current gen only as rumored.

Anyone know if Frostbite does discrete builds or continual updates? I'm wondering how different the engine versions could be for DA:I and ME4 if they release within a year of one another.
They update all teams every 6 weeks and sometimes put out builds before that.

Here's the newest build:



Meh, they clarified that all the teasing last week was for internal stuff. Back to hoping they will show something at E3.


Meh, they clarified that all the teasing last week was for internal stuff. Back to hoping they will show something at E3.

I'm starting to think they'll skip showing Mass Effect at E3 and push Dragon Age a bit more. They'll probably end up unveiling it at the VGAs like they did with the third game.


I'm starting to think they'll skip showing Mass Effect at E3 and push Dragon Age a bit more. They'll probably end up unveiling it at the VGAs like they did with the third game.
Unless the VGAs find themselves back on TV, they've become irrelevant. Doubt EA would consider them high-profile enough anymore to debut a major game like ME4.

Really hope they reveal this soon, I'm sick of feeding off of every little scrap. I'm like a beggar.

I really think they're going to wait until Dragon Age is out. My guess is the first official hint will be some teaser card in the DA:I box, the same way they originally teased Dragon Age 2.


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
BioWare has quite a bit on their plate. They've got to market Dragon Age: Inquisition first and foremost. Edmonton's new IP is likely a very long way away (further than any other project at BioWare), but before that they've got to reveal Mass Effect 4 and Austin's new game. The latter should be ready for a reveal soon, maybe even before Mass Effect I think.

That being said, Mass Effect has been in development for awhile, and I'll be very surprised if the year goes by without a teaser trailer at the least.


I thinking either a small teaser at E3, similar to Battlefront or Mirror's Edge last year, or a Game Informer cover in the latter half of the year. Even if it is only to get the official title out there. They really don't seem to like that people refer to it as Mass Effect 4 for some reason. I guess they don't want people to think of it as a continuation of the first trilogy.

BioWare has quite a bit on their plate. They've got to market Dragon Age: Inquisition first and foremost. Edmonton's new IP is likely a very long way away (further than any other project at BioWare), but before that they've got to reveal Mass Effect 4 and Austin's new game. The latter should be ready for a reveal soon, maybe even before Mass Effect I think.

Any idea what that could be? I am guessing another F2P game?


I thinking either a small teaser at E3, similar to Battlefront or Mirror's Edge last year, or a Game Informer cover in the latter half of the year. Even if it is only to get the official title out there. They really don't seem to like that people refer it as Mass Effect 4 for some reason. I guess they don't want people to think of it as a continuation of the first trilogy.

Any idea what that could be? I am guessing another F2P game?
Well they're hiring testers for it with experience with games like Bayonetta, DMC, and Infamous.

It's also listed as an RPG. That's all we currently know.


Sexy crazy touching asari action?
they don't have magic hair though

Honestly I'm more excited for a more beefed up multiplayer. ME3MP was literally the only thing of worth in that game, it's the reason why I haven't sold it and still play from time to time. So good.

I'm hoping for richer customization like choosing the headplates (I guess "age") of the krogan, the tattoos and skin colors of the turians and asari (green can be a cool bonus). etc. And of course more weapons from each race rather than an extraordinary amount of human weapons. Mainly Salarians, I'm curious to see more of their contraptions.

Also is it me or is kolyat blue-green? He's certainly not green red like his father. You think drell (like most lizards) have varying colors?


I can't find a good image of him in the light.


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
Any idea what that could be? I am guessing another F2P game?

Not much more than what Nirolak said: job ads indicate preference for experience with character action games, citing Bayonetta and Devil May Cry. Also expected to have some kind of online component and BioWare RPG qualities. But Austin is also working on multiple things, so I don't know which jigsaw pieces go where.

Grapevine suggests it's well into development so I'm thinking it'll be at E3, which does make me wonder if it and Inquisition will be BioWare's focus while Mass Effect stays on the back burner until the end of the year.


Well they're hiring testers for it with experience with games like Bayonetta, DMC, and Infamous.

It's also listed as an RPG. That's all we currently know.

Not much more than what Nirolak said: job ads indicate preference for experience with character action games, citing Bayonetta and Devil May Cry. Also expected to have some kind of online component and BioWare RPG qualities. But Austin is also working on multiple things, so I don't know which jigsaw pieces go where.

Grapevine suggests it's well into development so I'm thinking it'll be at E3, which does make me wonder if it and Inquisition will be BioWare's focus while Mass Effect stays on the back burner until the end of the year.

Alright thanks. I don't had high expectations for the next Bioware Austin game, but this sounds sorta interesting.

With the games in development at DICE and Bioware plus the recent developments at Visceral, EA has the potential of a really good lineup for the next couple of years. I only hope they don't screw it up and give the teams the time they need for their games. The delay for Dragon Age: Inquisition is good first sign, I guess.


Alright thanks. I don't had high expectations for the next Bioware Austin game, but this sounds sorta interesting.

With the games in development at DICE and Bioware plus the recent developments at Visceral, EA has the potential of a really good lineup for the next couple of years. I only hope they don't screw it up and give the teams the time they need for their games. The delay for Dragon Age: Inquisition is good first sign, I guess.

I'm thinking it might be James Ohlen's next game. He's still in Austin and he refers to his work on SWTOR in past tense.

Jon Carr: Can you introduce yourself to our readers and explain the role you had in creating Knights Of The Old Republic?

James Ohlen: My name is James Ohlen. Currently I’m a VP/Studio Creative Director at EA/Bioware. I’ve worked as Game Director on Star Wars: The Old Republic as well as lead designer on Baldur’s Gate 1 and 2, Neverwinter Nights and Dragon Age: Origins. I was the lead designer on Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic. In that role I handled story, level design and game systems.

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