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The Mass Effect Community Thread

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Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
Alright thanks. I don't had high expectations for the next Bioware Austin game, but this sounds sorta interesting.

With the games in development at DICE and Bioware plus the recent developments at Visceral, EA has the potential of a really good lineup for the next couple of years. I only hope they don't screw it up and give the teams the time they need for their games. The delay for Dragon Age: Inquisition is good first sign, I guess.

Yeah, we'll just have to wait and see I guess. I hope it all rounds out well.

Edmonton - Dragon Age: Inquisition, Casey Hudson's new IP
Montreal - Mass Effect: (name)
Austin - Star Wars: The Old Republic support, unannounced new IP

Battlefield 4 expansion packs
Mirror's Edge 2
Star Wars: Battlefront 3

Battlefield: Police Somethingorother
Star Wars: Action Adventure with Amy Hennig

I'm hoping for richer customization like choosing the headplates (I guess "age") of the krogan, the tattoos and skin colors of the turians and asari (green can be a cool bonus). etc. And of course more weapons from each race rather than an extraordinary amount of human weapons. Mainly Salarians, I'm curious to see more of their contraptions.

While it might not extend across to multiplayer, the PAX leak indicated that Montreal was impressed with the flexibility Frostbite 3 allowed in forming and customising faces and armour. One of their (apparent) goals with the next game is significantly increase visual identity and diversity among the alien species. The engine allows them to easier customise krogan face plates, turian bone structure, facial bones in asari and salarian, colouring, and so on.


Battlefield: Police Somethingorother
Star Wars: Action Adventure with Amy Hennig

I'm under the impression they also have a new IP, but it will probably be a while given they have to staff up enough for three projects when they're currently handling one and sort of handling a second.


I'm thinking it might be James Ohlen's next game. He's still in Austin and he refers to his work on SWTOR in past tense.

Was not really familiar with the name.

He moved into a full-time role as designer for Baldur's Gate, and has since been a lead designer for games such as Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic, Neverwinter Nights and Baldur's Gate II.

Interest rising...


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
Michael Gamble ‏@GambleMike 4h
We gave the Mass Effect team a week, without restriction, to prototype new ideas. Watching 3 hours worth of WOWOMG now.
Manveer Heir ‏@manveerheir 4h
Three hour Mass Effect meeting where we show off a whole lot of cool stuff. Pretty excited



If they're not that far along then I think PS4/XB1 ME Trilogy is a certainty.

Low-cost (comparative to making a new game from scratch) and they can sell it for full-price.

Think of it as a 'kickstarter' for the new ME game.



Does this mean they're not as far along as speculated? Seems like they might still be in the extremely early phases if they're still doing prototyping...

Could be, but not necessarily. Sometimes you prototype ideas that can fit in the middle of the development. Mini-games, new missions, a new kind of weapon...


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
Late 2015, inevitably delayed into early 2016 is my bet.


Does this mean they're not as far along as speculated? Seems like they might still be in the extremely early phases if they're still doing prototyping...

Eh, maybe. It really is impossible to tell, because we don't know exactly how BioWare has planned this (or other) project, what they're prototyping, size of the game, and projected release date. They could be prototyping multiplayer content, side quest content, small systems, big systems, gameplay stuff, graphics wizzbang, etc. Who knows? I seriously doubt all content is planned beforehand and development runs smoothly. They'll probably "prototype" stuff to some extent throughout majority of the development.
If they're not that far along then I think PS4/XB1 ME Trilogy is a certainty.

Low-cost (comparative to making a new game from scratch) and they can sell it for full-price.

Think of it as a 'kickstarter' for the new ME game.

I hope we get a next gen trilogy remake with all the DLC (though I guess they wouldn't be able to include Pinnacle Station). Would EA have to re-license Unreal Engine 3 for it?

Ivory Samoan

Gold Member
Mass Effect is still my #1 series from last-gen.

I 100% want the next trilogy (oh god, please someone from BW Montreal confirm it's a full trilogy) to be set post-Reaper War... but I'm definitely open to an additional game at some stage (perhaps a dreaded FPS?) set in the First Contact War, as I love aliens being discovered/research montages set on Mars etc.

A Halo-esque FPS as an infantryman in the First Contact War alongside a full Next-Gen ARPG trilogy makes me do my happy dance.
I neeeeddd info nowwwwwww

Honestly, I hope they keep and improve upon the multiplayer. As strange as it is to say, that multiplayer was amazing. I'd love to see it expanded to more classes and races.


I'm betting at a late 2015 release for the new Mass Effect and a mid-year 2016 release for Casey Hudson new ip.

And I still have the hunch that Dragon Age: Inquisition will be delayed till the first quarter of 2015.


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
I 100% want the next trilogy (oh god, please someone from BW Montreal confirm it's a full trilogy) to be set post-Reaper War... but I'm definitely open to an additional game at some stage (perhaps a dreaded FPS?) set in the First Contact War, as I love aliens being discovered/research montages set on Mars etc.

A Halo-esque FPS as an infantryman in the First Contact War alongside a full Next-Gen ARPG trilogy makes me do my happy dance.

I'm curious about the whole "trilogy" thing too. On one hand I've been given the impression the Shepard trilogy was a fairly large learning experience for BioWare, in terms of expectations and the risks/rewards of a continuing story arc. So I'm not sure Montreal would want to do that again. On the other hand, a continuing story with save file importing is a series trademark and major selling point to long time fans, so the idea that we get to start a new adventure that lasts multiple titles surely being considered.

Probably worth considering how long this console generation is going to last too. Hypothetically Mass Effect 4 lands Q3/Q4 2015. That'll put it two years into this cycle, exactly the same as when the original Mass Effect launched relative to the Xbox 360's release. So, in theory, another trilogy would fit. But most seem to think this console cycle wont last as long as the previous one. Then again, the Shepard arc finished in early 2012, just over a year and a half before that hardware cycle ended. So maybe they could fit another one in.

First Contact War FPS existed at some point after Mass Effect 3's development as an extension of the originally prototyped Battlefield-esque multiplayer, but was eventually scrapped. Mass Effect 4 is the only known game in development, though I'm sure there will be some iOS thing too.

Honestly, I hope they keep and improve upon the multiplayer. As strange as it is to say, that multiplayer was amazing. I'd love to see it expanded to more classes and races.

Multiplayer was confirmed to me, which isn't too surprising. It was really well received in Mass Effect 3, both critically and commercially.


I'm betting at a late 2015 release for the new Mass Effect and a mid-year 2016 release for Casey Hudson new ip.

And I still have the hunch that Dragon Age: Inquisition will be delayed till the first quarter of 2015.
Given that the PR machine has really begun to crank on DA:I, I'd practically be willing to put money that they'll make Q4 2014.


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
Grapevine suggests Inquisition is well on track to make this year.


I hope in the new ME we don't play as a space marine/captain on an epic quest to save the galaxy from some big bad. My favorite parts of the ME story have always been the more grounded ones where you're dealing with galactic politics, cross-species relations, and the galaxy's criminal/corrupt underbelly.

Sometime ago I read this suggestion on BSN; that ME basically ripoff Firefly and have you play as a roguish type (with the obligatory junk ship and seedy crew) trying to find their way during a civil war, which could develop during the course of a few games, and where you would have to choose one side or another. The factions would be the Alliance/Citadel and the colonials/people outside core Citadel space. Otherwise I would enjoy a story where you are a CSEC officer or SPECTRE dealing with crime, terrorism, espionage, etc. (ME James Bond).



Does this mean they're not as far along as speculated? Seems like they might still be in the extremely early phases if they're still doing prototyping...

Visceral is still adding new features to Battlefield according to tweets and it's out this Fall.


Mass Effect is still my #1 series from last-gen.

I 100% want the next trilogy (oh god, please someone from BW Montreal confirm it's a full trilogy) to be set post-Reaper War... but I'm definitely open to an additional game at some stage (perhaps a dreaded FPS?) set in the First Contact War, as I love aliens being discovered/research montages set on Mars etc.

A Halo-esque FPS as an infantryman in the First Contact War alongside a full Next-Gen ARPG trilogy makes me do my happy dance.

The first contact "war" wasn't even a war. It was a few battles at most before the council stepped in. That would be either incredibly boring to just have it be another shooter without interacting with all the cool ass aliens or incredibly short since the battles won't really last that long.

I'd rather it be set long after the reaper war. Hopefully we get to see the raloi and new species. Would be really interesting to have the raloi be the "fish out of water" species that would essentially be like humans when they first discovered the council all "ooooohhh aaaaahhh". Especially since they destroyed their space tech in fear of the reapers and probably where on a blackout for a while.


I hope in the new ME we don't play as a space marine/captain on an epic quest to save the galaxy from some big bad. My favorite parts of the ME story have always been the more grounded ones where you're dealing with galactic politics, cross-species relations, and the galaxy's criminal/corrupt underbelly.

Sometime ago I read this suggestion on BSN; that ME basically ripoff Firefly and have you play as a roguish type (with the obligatory junk ship and seedy crew) trying to find their way during a civil war, which could develop during the course of a few games, and where you would have to choose one side or another. The factions would be the Alliance/Citadel and the colonials/people outside core Citadel space. Otherwise I would enjoy a story where you are a CSEC officer or SPECTRE dealing with crime, terrorism, espionage, etc. (ME James Bond).

That's a side of ME that I thought was definitely undermined (CSEC/SPECTRE missions). I like the idea, however anything compared to "saving the galaxy" is going to seem tame. I'm not sure if it's worthy of being the main focus for the next game/trilogy. Maybe it can start out that way though.


The first contact "war" wasn't even a war. It was a few battles at most before the council stepped in. That would be either incredibly boring to just have it be another shooter without interacting with all the cool ass aliens or incredibly short since the battles won't really last that long.

Yes. I've said this several times, but according to lore the only species that considers it a war are humans. To everyone else it's merely an "incident".
I'm getting nervous about the new Mass Effect, I'm hoping there isn't something major that puts me off. I cannot be doing with first person for a start or major changes to the dialogue system.


I'm getting nervous about the new Mass Effect, I'm hoping there isn't something major that puts me off. I cannot be doing with first person for a start or major changes to the dialogue system.

Well, it won't be first-person.

I could see changes to the dialogue system, though. I wouldn't expect something majorly radical given the reassurances that it's going to be similar to the trilogy, but I doubt it'll be exactly the same as it was.
Well, it won't be first-person.

I could see changes to the dialogue system, though. I wouldn't expect something majorly radical given the reassurances that it's going to be similar to the trilogy, but I doubt it'll be exactly the same as it was.

One of the things that I liked about Mass Effect was the two way dialogue system, you actually hear and see your character engage with other characters and I hope they don't change that. It really put me off in the likes of Fallout and Elder Scrolls where it was select text and your character wouldn't speak and you couldn't see them.
Since the thread is about hopes and dreams, I'd like to say that I want the Citadel to be a huge and explorable hub this time around filled with a lot of sidequests and characters.


As long as the next ME game doesn't revolve its story around some kind of "all-out war" scenario again, I think I can get excited for it.

I really didn't like ME3, not even its premise of "retake Earth" which I thought was very out of character for most of the crew consdering the story was meant to be a follow-up to ME1 and ME2, in none of which we actually got to see Earth or get an attatchment to it.

I'm a bit ambivalent one whether I think it should be a reboot, a prequel or a direct sequel or followup to the events of ME3, simply because I really didn't dig ME3 as a whole. It felt like a backstab to everything the other two games stood for and the ending ruined so much that it would be impossible to save it, even in a sequel IMO.



Does this mean they're not as far along as speculated? Seems like they might still be in the extremely early phases if they're still doing prototyping...

Nah they already showed off making art assets last year, or at least I hope not. Sidemissions I reckon? I guess it will be another collect people across the universe game.
Since the thread is about hopes and dreams, I'd like to say that I want the Citadel to be a huge and explorable hub this time around filled with a lot of sidequests and characters.

Yes, this please. And nothing like ME3 where I get quests just by overhearing people. I want to be able to interact with them, ask them questions, not just say, "here's your thing, bye". The only thing that made it worthwhile for me was Aria and Aethyta. More characters like them would also be nice.


Yes, this please. And nothing like ME3 where I get quests just by overhearing people. I want to be able to interact with them, ask them questions, not just say, "here's your thing, bye". The only thing that made it worthwhile for me was Aria and Aethyta. More characters like them would also be nice.

I actually didn't mind the eavesdropping system in ME3. To me it seemed to make more sense in view of the "in a hurry to save the galaxy; ain't got no time to talk to every NPC I encounter" pacing.

Not that it was "great" or anything; it just didn't bother me really at all.

I agree with your main point; I want the Citadel to be much more like ME1 (enhanced/expanded/etc) than ME2/ME3.


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
BioWare's PAX East schedule.



GerAlt-Right. Ciriously.

Since you seem to be well connected with Bioware what is your personal opinion about what went wrong with the ME3 ending? I am curious to hear your thoughts.


I'm now on ME3 in my trilogy replay on PS3, so I went on PSN to grab whatever DLC was stupidly not on the disk. I then notice that Javik, leviathon, etc... are listed there for full price. Welp, guess I won't be playing any of those. Suck it hard EA.


I'm now on ME3 in my trilogy replay on PS3, so I went on PSN to grab whatever DLC was stupidly not on the disk. I then notice that Javik, leviathon, etc... are listed there for full price. Welp, guess I won't be playing any of those. Suck it hard EA.

I wish they would drop those. If they went down to $5 I'd buy them all.


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.

Since you seem to be well connected with Bioware what is your personal opinion about what went wrong with the ME3 ending? I am curious to hear your thoughts.

Do you mean well connected as "I'm a fan" or "I know people"? Because the latter isn't necessarily true. Just got lucky in a few places, don't really know much more than I've already made public.

Based on what we've been told, what I've been told (very, very little), combined with my personal opinion, I think the Mass Effect 3 ending clusterfuck resulted from a combination of terrible management and bad writing. A one two punch. I think the former had BioWare pressured for time and resources that not enough emphasis was given to how important the trilogy's end is was given early on. EA probably pressured the idea that ME3 was to be an "entry point" into the series (which is fucking maddening for obvious reasons) which further skewered development towards the main story arc, missions, companions, etc. I believe Weekes stated the original intention was for ME3's final mission to play out kinda like ME2, designating objectives and whatnot, and none of that happened.

What I figure happened is that development was going along and the ending wasn't getting half the attention it required, but conceptually as a narrative and also as a functional scenario. Somewhere towards the tail end of development the team leads had an "oh fuck" moment where they realised it needed to get done and there just wasn't any time to do it the way they'd been building everything else about the project so far, that is communally with all team members contributing and critiquing in some capacity. Walters/Hudson felt it necessary to board themselves off from the rest of the team so the ending could be conceptualised and finished faster.

This resulted in two big issues:
a) Ending scope, simply in content, was downsized. Hudson has said that much of the Extended Cut content was intended for the retail release. Simple things such as extra scenes showing your squadmates during the escape sequence, post war story boards, and the overall epilogue never made it into the game. Just a really simple, textbook example of "to make stuff we need time and people, and we don't have time and people".
b) The actual content sucked balls. Walters has writing strengths, and also a ton of weaknesses. People argue that BioWare's narrative fuck-ups still make it through regardless of team critique, but the issue here is that the team was never given that option. At no point were other experienced, talented writers at BioWare given the chance to say "Okay, this works, this doesn't, so lets change it maybe?". What Walters/Hudson conceptualised went through, stamped and finished, as is. And since they had a poor grasp of contextually relevant expectations from what the entire trilogy had established, this just resulted in disaster.

Extended Cut free DLC was Solution #1. I suspect the huge ending backlash had the team very, very quickly put to work on that content to pad out what is objectively an oddly sparse, empty ending sequence. Much of that content, regardless of personal opinion in writing, should have been in the game and I think BioWare very quickly realised this.
Citadel DLC was Solution #2. Forging relationships with your virtual pals was arguably the strongest trope of the entire trilogy, and the ending fucked it up. I disagree with the "it needs a happy ending!" motif some fans like to throw around, but Citadel aimed to give some catharsis to the lack of a proper send-off. Fans love it for this reason: it's a way to say "goodbye" to the Shepard trilogy, even with the ending as we know it.

So yeah, that's how I think the ending debacle all played out. What actually went on at BioWare, and how they responded internally, I don't know. My gut says that they knew the ending lacked substance in the form of content and Extended Cut ideas were probably thrown around quite early. I don't think they expected the backlash to the context to be as a great as was, and said backlash pushed them to get the Extended Cut out much faster than maybe planned and for free, as well as played an important role (along with the lingering aftermath) in getting Citadel DLC greenlit.

Based on what I was told about the scrapped First Contact War shooter, among other things, as well as BioWare's very public "THE SHEPARD TRILOGY IS OVER FOREVER OKAY?!" mantra backing the next game, I feel both BioWare and especially Montreal want to distance themselves from the ending catastrophe and do as much as they can to start with a clean slate. Like it doesn't even matter if some people at BioWare or EA fucking love the ending and think fans are big poo poo heads for disliking it. I'm under the impression that they're very well aware this negative stigma exists and is potent among a lot of fans, and no contending opinion will change that. This is also why I believe the next game is set post-trilogy: no need to dance around the Shepard arc and all the plot threads that tie into it, instead just pick or make a basis for a new series and move forward.


A game of the lenght and ambition of how ME3 should have been, just can't be done in a 2 years development cycle, it just can't.

That's why one of the things that makes me more optimistic about DA:I is the proper development time. If that game fails, well, it will be all on BioWare talent.


The first contact "war" wasn't even a war. It was a few battles at most before the council stepped in. That would be either incredibly boring to just have it be another shooter without interacting with all the cool ass aliens or incredibly short since the battles won't really last that long.
I don't agree. The discovery of the relay, first contact!, which is not beautiful but very quickly devolves into war (like a dystopian star trek), mobilization on earth, getting to grips with space war strategies (like in starship troopers), and then suddenly the council and omfg the citadel stepping in, and humankind finding their (subservient) place in a group of galactic civilizations. The notion that the other races perceive humans a little bit as a dangerous pest like the Krogans is only hinted at but never fleshed out in the Mass Effect trilogy, really undergoing that feeling could strengthen the rest of the trilogy. A more grounded cathartic end than space kid.

Those are some major themes that could lead to very profound games. The only problem, as always with prequels, is that you have to pretend that you don't know how it ends.

In any case I see the chances of playing a non human race for a whole series as pretty remote.


GerAlt-Right. Ciriously.
Do you mean well connected as "I'm a fan" or "I know people"? Because the latter isn't necessarily true. Just got lucky in a few places, don't really know much more than I've already made public.

Based on what we've been told, what I've been told (very, very little), combined with my personal opinion, I think the Mass Effect 3 ending clusterfuck resulted from a combination of terrible management and bad writing. A one two punch. I think the former had BioWare pressured for time and resources that not enough emphasis was given to how important the trilogy's end is was given early on. EA probably pressured the idea that ME3 was to be an "entry point" into the series (which is fucking maddening for obvious reasons) which further skewered development towards the main story arc, missions, companions, etc. I believe Weekes stated the original intention was for ME3's final mission to play out kinda like ME2, designating objectives and whatnot, and none of that happened.

What I figure happened is that development was going along and the ending wasn't getting half the attention it required, but conceptually as a narrative and also as a functional scenario. Somewhere towards the tail end of development the team leads had an "oh fuck" moment where they realised it needed to get done and there just wasn't any time to do it the way they'd been building everything else about the project so far, that is communally with all team members contributing and critiquing in some capacity. Walters/Hudson felt it necessary to board themselves off from the rest of the team so the ending could be conceptualised and finished faster.

This resulted in two big issues:
a) Ending scope, simply in content, was downsized. Hudson has said that much of the Extended Cut content was intended for the retail release. Simple things such as extra scenes showing your squadmates during the escape sequence, post war story boards, and the overall epilogue never made it into the game. Just a really simple, textbook example of "to make stuff we need time and people, and we don't have time and people".
b) The actual content sucked balls. Walters has writing strengths, and also a ton of weaknesses. People argue that BioWare's narrative fuck-ups still make it through regardless of team critique, but the issue here is that the team was never given that option. At no point were other experienced, talented writers at BioWare given the chance to say "Okay, this works, this doesn't, so lets change it maybe?". What Walters/Hudson conceptualised went through, stamped and finished, as is. And since they had a poor grasp of contextually relevant expectations from what the entire trilogy had established, this just resulted in disaster.

Extended Cut free DLC was Solution #1. I suspect the huge ending backlash had the team very, very quickly put to work on that content to pad out what is objectively an oddly sparse, empty ending sequence. Much of that content, regardless of personal opinion in writing, should have been in the game and I think BioWare very quickly realised this.
Citadel DLC was Solution #2. Forging relationships with your virtual pals was arguably the strongest trope of the entire trilogy, and the ending fucked it up. I disagree with the "it needs a happy ending!" motif some fans like to throw around, but Citadel aimed to give some catharsis to the lack of a proper send-off. Fans love it for this reason: it's a way to say "goodbye" to the Shepard trilogy, even with the ending as we know it.

So yeah, that's how I think the ending debacle all played out. What actually went on at BioWare, and how they responded internally, I don't know. My gut says that they knew the ending lacked substance in the form of content and Extended Cut ideas were probably thrown around quite early. I don't think they expected the backlash to the context to be as a great as was, and said backlash pushed them to get the Extended Cut out much faster than maybe planned and for free, as well as played an important role (along with the lingering aftermath) in getting Citadel DLC greenlit.

Based on what I was told about the scrapped First Contact War shooter, among other things, as well as BioWare's very public "THE SHEPARD TRILOGY IS OVER FOREVER OKAY?!" mantra backing the next game, I feel both BioWare and especially Montreal want to distance themselves from the ending catastrophe and do as much as they can to start with a clean slate. Like it doesn't even matter if some people at BioWare or EA fucking love the ending and think fans are big poo poo heads for disliking it. I'm under the impression that they're very well aware this negative stigma exists and is potent among a lot of fans, and no contending opinion will change that. This is also why I believe the next game is set post-trilogy: no need to dance around the Shepard arc and all the plot threads that tie into it, instead just pick or make a basis for a new series and move forward.

Mac's strengths as a writer can be debated, but I do feel that ME3 had a considerably weaker story than the first two and I do blame that on the lack of Drew K. ME3 had many other flaws aside from the ending. Auto dialogue, abandoned Rachni and the entire third act of the game basically devolved into a series of linear shooter sections. I particularly haters how linear the game was.


EA probably pressured the idea that ME3 was to be an "entry point" into the series (which is fucking maddening for obvious reasons) which further skewered development towards the main story arc, missions, companions, etc.
To be fair I can't really blame them.

Mass Effect 2 only sold through 1.6 million copies in the first quarter (January-March) despite being EA's highest rated game ever, so there was probably an understandable amount of worry that people were afraid to start at later entries in the trilogy.

A game of the lenght and ambition of how ME3 should have been, just can't be done in a 2 years development cycle, it just can't.

That's why one of the things that makes me more optimistic about DA:I is the proper development time. If that game fails, well, it will be all on BioWare talent.

Ubisoft and Bethesda Game Studios (Oblivion -> Fallout 3) have had a fair amount of luck doing this, but you need a lot of people and a well established framework for how you're going to go about it along with pre-production on the next game much, much earlier than they started Mass Effect 3.

If you try to shove the whole cycle in 18 months and then bump that to 22 months at the last moment, you're not really having the amount of time you need to explore ideas and test them out before shoving them into production, at which point it's much harder to change things.

Ivory Samoan

Gold Member
I don't agree. The discovery of the relay, first contact!, which is not beautiful but very quickly devolves into war (like a dystopian star trek), mobilization on earth, getting to grips with space war strategies (like in starship troopers), and then suddenly the council and omfg the citadel stepping in, and humankind finding their (subservient) place in a group of galactic civilizations. The notion that the other races perceive humans a little bit as a dangerous pest like the Krogans is only hinted at but never fleshed out in the Mass Effect trilogy, really undergoing that feeling could strengthen the rest of the trilogy. A more grounded cathartic end than space kid.

Those are some major themes that could lead to very profound games. The only problem, as always with prequels, is that you have to pretend that you don't know how it ends.

In any case I see the chances of playing a non human race for a whole series as pretty remote.
You know what all that First Contact lore would suit? A big-budget motion picture.

Legendary Pictures current film project would be perfect...pity they are using the exact plot from ME1, a First Contact movie would have made perfect sense in terms of expanding on what led to the discovery of the Sol Relay, and the space development/contact with the Turians afterwards.

Picture this....after the credits roll (after we've been admitted to the Citadel), a 'human advancement in galactic society' montage rolls out: right up to the point in ME1 where Udina and Anderson are considering Shepard for spectre grooming....



Yep that would also be great. It may be more talking than shooting and thus more suited for a movie. On the other hand, much of what I described is a back and forth in feeling competence/self-confirmation and incompetence/remorse, and games are arguably better at this than movies.


Yep that would also be great. It may be more talking than shooting and thus more suited for a movie. On the other hand, much of what I described is a back and forth in feeling competence/self-confirmation and incompetence/remorse, and games are arguably better at this than movies.

Unfortunately, what you described also doesn't really fit a traditional game. What would the climax be?


The standoff with the council (though I don't know how the lore describes this, I would think that humans would start fighting them only to find out they're too powerful). I think game developers should move away from this climax as the end of the game structure though, precisely because it bereaves us from catharsis, so I'm probably quite biased.

I think Bioware agrees with me though, as the climax of Mass Effect is in the missile fight against a nameless reaper, and the fortyish minutes of gameplay afterwards is essentially a denouement with a twist resolution. That is why I can never be really upset about their ending, because I think them upsetting traditional games was completely right haha.


GerAlt-Right. Ciriously.
I think Bioware agrees with me though, as the climax of Mass Effect is in the missile fight against a nameless reaper, and the fortyish minutes of gameplay afterwards is essentially a denouement with a twist resolution. That is why I can never be really upset about their ending, because I think them upsetting traditional games was completely right haha.



Apologies if this has been answered before but after seeing that Korean mmo character creation/customisation screen, I want to know if bioware has plans to upgrade their system. It'll be on the new generation of hardware after all.
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