Should be identical.
Could be surprised with some better image tweaking, hopefully.
One thing is for certain: 5pb is going the distance. Don't really understand the hate. they've been far more proactive in the shooter scene this gen than most others. The stealing code thing just seems silly for foks to get all twisted over. I doubt the whole story is out there...and the fact that both their Cave games are readily available, to this day, and that it was patched with help speaks larger than fan speculation, in my mind. Ultimately, it is the product on the shelf that is the final word.
Looks like up to a four disk set on the LE, with a Superplay I'm actually interested in checking out.
I went cold on shmups for the last month, shelved the 360 title a couple months ago, so I'm sufficiently amped. Looks cool, seeing Cave game on PS3.
One more week!
(Speaking of has been almost a year since the last iOS release. Looks like they are done with that platform, sadly)