Nope, that's it for that generation of CAVE games. Now you can look forward to the new one.
TheTrin, strictly in terms of gameplay, the arcade mode of DOJBLEX will be just like the arcade game (unless they fuck it up), but there is also a new mode called EX where the character portraits have been redrawn, there is a new character named Piper and hypers allow you to do bullet canceling. Should be a fun mode for people new to shmups. Good for girlfriends and whatnot.
Ok, megaton time.
DOJBLEX and probably other CAVE ports for the 360 will be getting localized!
That's according to the 5PB rep at the DDPDOJBLEX and Thunderforce VI event today in Osaka. He says they haven't signed on the dotted line with the company yet but it will be officially announced 'at some point'. He said they will be trying to do the same for Ketsui and Deathsmiles.
Also, DDPDOJBLEX has slowdown reproduced within it (noticeable after destroying the rotating tower thing on the first part of stage 1) and they are working hard to maintain slowdown and not get rid of it.
Finally Piper is super easy to chain with given that she's always hypered. Full chained the stage with little effort.