HitokiriNate85 - I've gotten most of my parts lately from http://www.paradisearcadeshop.com/en/, great store to deal with! 
Does this mean you're going to give me my stick back? =PLooking to finally get around to modding an arcade stick with some better parts. I remember hearing about Lizard Lick Amusements in this thread, but it looks like they've shut down.
Where is the best/cheapest place to order a new stick/buttons from? Also, I know Seimetsu sticks are generally preferred for shooters. Just to hear from you guys, why the preference? I want to swap out because I feel like my sticks are pretty unresponsive, especially after playing some Cave stuff on cabinets when I was at Magfest. Thanks for the input.
Does this mean you're going to give me my stick back? =P
Does anyone know if the Futari 1.01 DLC code requires a Japanese gamer tag? I got back from a trip out of town and the Post Office left a note that they tried to deliver the game on Sat so will be picking it up tomorrow. Now I just need to get a new 360. :/
Thanks for the link, STG. Which stick do most of you guys use?
no one knows since cave hasn't said anything, but my guess would be that it's region-locked since cave hasn't said anythingedit: quick questions: Mushi HD only playable on J360? And do I need a PAL/JP account to get DDPR Black Label DLC?
I'm looking to get into more Cave STG's even though I suck at themwhich ones can I get on 360 at decent prices?
Edit: I should mention I have Deathsmiles
no one knows since cave hasn't said anything, but my guess would be that it's region-locked since cave hasn't said anything
I've been hovering over Dondonpachi for a while. I see it pop up on sale alot over on CAG. Espgaldua I have been wanting for a while.TheHut.com has Dodonpachi Resurrection for about 18$ shipped to US. Futari and Espgaluda II JP Platinum Hits versions are pretty affordable too.
edit: quick questions: Mushi HD only playable on J360? And do I need a PAL/JP account to get DDPR Black Label DLC?
RiderKairuu said:I'm looking to get into more Cave STG's even though I suck at themwhich ones can I get on 360 at decent prices?
Edit: I should mention I have Deathsmiles
You're really not missing out on a whole lot. You're only really missing out on Ketsui, DoDonPachi DaiOuJou BLEX (you can play this on JP PS2), Ketsupachi mode in DDPDFKBL, and Mushi HD.I'm running out of things to get for my US 360. Really wish I could get a Japanese 360 cheaper :/ Hopefully sometime this year.
Finally 1CCed Futari Black Label last night! I feel like it took way longer than it should have. Game is burnt into my mind. It was the first console shmup I've ever played, and first time with an arcade stick, so I guess it's not too bad.
You're really not missing out on a whole lot. You're only really missing out on Ketsui, DoDonPachi DaiOuJou BLEX (you can play this on JP PS2), Ketsupachi mode in DDPDFKBL, and Mushi HD.
Of course there's other shmups developed by companies other than cave, but this is a cave thread so I won't mention 'em.
Thanks for the suggestions Tain. I got Deathsmiles for so cheap ($15) that it was hard to justify spending $30 for sequel without knowing of the quality of the game. Which leads me to my next question, how is Deathsmiles II compared to the first? I thoroughly enjoyed playing Deathsmiles.
I've been hovering over Dondonpachi for a while. I see it pop up on sale alot over on CAG. Espgaldua I have been wanting for a while.
Personally I like DSIIX more than DSI simply because it's so much shorter than the first game, which has really long levels in the canyon/ice palace/hades castle.
Trying to choose something to work on next. 1.5 Original would probably be doable. I really like both Maniacs but they might be too much for me. Maybe DDPR?
RiderKairuu said:Thanks for the suggestions Tain. I got Deathsmiles for so cheap ($15) that it was hard to justify spending $30 for sequel without knowing of the quality of the game. Which leads me to my next question, how is Deathsmiles II compared to the first? I thoroughly enjoyed playing Deathsmiles.
of course they are, but many people have a hard time justifying the purchase for 3 games and 1 mode.But all those things are awesome.
of course they are, but many people have a hard time justifying the purchase for 3 games and 1 mode.
Nah, you'll be fine with your regular gamer tag.
The only region free game that needs a Japanese gamer tag to register the DLC card is Muchi Muchi Pork.
So does the PAL DDP Resurrection not have arrange mode? Only available in import revs?
There are -three- modes labelled "Arrange" in DFK. The PAL version, being identical to the JP 1.5 disc, has two of them.
Arrange A: The main game with some aspects made to more closely resemble DOJ.
Arrange B: A weird score-attack-ish thing I still haven't figured out.
Black Label Arrange: The so-called "Ketsupachi", only available on the Black Label retail disc in Japan.
Ok thanks for clearing that up.
edit: Also is Futari 1.5 considered the black label of that game?
1.5 is 1.5. Black Label is Black Label.
So is Futari Black Label available to purchase as separate DLC then?
Yes and it's even available on marketplaces outside Japan.
The On Demand version is still in Japanese. The disc version will not play on your US 360, but the On Demand version will.
If you have a US 360, GamesOnDemand (not translated, btw) is the only way to play DS2, IIRC. Don't get a retail copy.
I prefer it to DS1, highly recommended.
Thanks for this. What Cave games will play on the US 360 then? Will Akai Katana and Deathsmiles be the only ones or are some region free?
Mushi Futari, Espgaluda II, Muchi Muchi Pork/ Pink Sweets double pack, and the Euro release of Dodonpachi Resurrection are all region free.
Mushi Futari, Espgaluda II, Muchi Muchi Pork/ Pink Sweets double pack, and the Euro release of Dodonpachi Resurrection are all region free.
For Espgaluda 2, only the normal version will do, not limited.
Also, don't forget Guwange XBLA
To be more precise, the Euro DFK is unlocked for NTSC U/C and PAL. It won't work on NTSC J consoles (nor will Deathsmiles NA and Akai Katana NA/PAL).
ESP Galuda II is only free in the standard and I guess platinum version. Limited is locked ( Just in case you'll find it somewhere). And Resurrection is not "region-free" it's just playable on us consoles, too.
Edith: To late.
Surprised local Gamestops seem to have Deathsmiles in stock. Called to be sure. Definitely picking up tomorrow. I played a lot of it on iOS but now that I'm playing 360 shmups with a stick, I need to have it.
Oh yeah, absolutely. I love having them on the go, and touch controls actually work pretty well (though ship speed has been changed to fit around that, so it's not the original design). Stick controls, though, hehehehehehe <3 <3 <3Surprised local Gamestops seem to have Deathsmiles in stock. Called to be sure. Definitely picking up tomorrow. I played a lot of it on iOS but now that I'm playing 360 shmups with a stick, I need to have it.
I guess, haha. That Sanwa stick really isn't that great, at least not for shooters.
Thanks for the link, STG. Which stick do most of you guys use?