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The Metal Thread

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Oh man I was at the Iron Maiden show in Rosemont, IL back in June. It was an AMAZING experience they rock so hard. Tuesday I'm going to the Metal Masters Tour show in Tinley Park, IL. Testament, Heaven & Hell, Motorhead and Judas Priest. It's going to be metal!!!


Woffls said:
Really into my metal at the moment, but I'm always looking for new stuff to listen to, vaguely along the lines of the following. And I know I should listen to Tool :p

Power Metal
Blind Guardian
Savage Circus
Fairyland (first album featured Elisa C. Martin of Dark Moor)
Aquaria (if you happen to like any of Angra)

Prog Metal
Circus Maximus
Spheric Universe Experience

Some others:
Gamma Ray, Blind Stare, Wintersun, Amorphis, Communic (if you like Nevermore), Iron Savior (personally hate this band but you may enjoy it), Primal Fear.


Redmond's Baby
Ravager61 said:
By far my favorite doom metal album. The second half of the song Footprints is the best thing ever.

holy crap, awesome song! How is the rest of the album?


Too much flower metal and mallcore in this thread.



DrM said:
holy crap, awesome song! How is the rest of the album?

Mind Blowingly Awesome

OmegaDragon said:
I'm going to use this post to pimp my current 2008 favourite. It's called The Monolith Deathcult - Trivmvirate and I don't think a lot of you have heard it. I think this album/band deserves some more attention, because I think it's very good and a bit unique. A disclaimer: TMDC has death metal as it's basis, so if that style/extreme metal in general doesn't suit you, you can ignore the rest :p

The Monolith Deathcult - Trivmvirate

As I said, the basis of this album is death metal, mostly the more brutal, Nile-esque variant. What really caught my attention at first were the symphonic and electronic touches. They fit really well with the usual metal ingredients (where the emphasis is on), mostly giving it a more epic feeling. The combination sounds great and really clear. Brutal, epic and atmospheric, I recommend it greatly.

Some links:
http://www.myspace.com/themonolithdeathcult - First four tracks are from the new album
http://www.last.fm/music/The+Monolith+Deathcult - Has the full opening track

If you like The Monolith Deathcult you should check out the band Ted Maul. They have a similar electronica/techno/drum and base + death metal thing going on.


I enjoy shitty metal like Protest the Hero. Lambaste me all you want, but please provide some good recommendations along the lines of PtH. I want to get into metal, but slowly.

Witchfinder General

punched Wheelchair Mike
soultron said:
I enjoy shitty metal like Protest the Hero. Lambaste me all you want, but please provide some good recommendations along the lines of PtH. I want to get into metal, but slowly.

Protest The Hero are faux-Metalcore, right?

Check out these bands instead:

Cave In
HORSE the Band
The Dillinger Escape Plan
Ghengis Tron
The Fall of Troy

Anyhoo, picked these up the other day:

(on vinyl)


Sunn 0))) Presents... Pentemple

Wolves in the Throneroom - Two Hunters



Witchfinder General said:
Protest The Hero are faux-Metalcore, right?

Check out these bands instead:

Cave In
HORSE the Band
The Dillinger Escape Plan
Ghengis Tron
The Fall of Troy
I'd say they're the best "metalcore" stuff to come out of the Greater Toronto Area lately. I just got Ire Works too, and it's awesome. Black Bubblegum is probably my favourite track thus far.

Will check those out. Many thanks for the recs.

Eric WK

Anybody going to Mayhem Fest tomorrow? My friend has been working the Metalblade tent and he's getting us in to the show and after party. Should be a good time.

I don't listen to metal as much as I did in middle school or whatever, but I'm excited to see Mastodon and, for nostalgiac reasons, Slipknot.


D3RANG3D said:
Just picked these up today
This is a fantastic album and will probably be on my personal top ten albums of the year. One of the better comebacks that I've heard in awhile.

Also since I'm here, I'm going to recommend to the people who enjoy Unexpect (who are also way awesome if you haven't heard of them) to try out Gonin-Ish. It's a Japanese prog metal band that is absolutely bizarre and their vocalist goes from sounding kinda J-Popish to what it would sound like if you recorded a J-Pop star throwing up.



Checked out some of the bands that were recommended earlier.

Liked HORSE the Band, Mastodon, and Genghis Tron. Hated The Fall of Troy.

Can anyone who's actually listened to Protest the Hero (in particular, their best work, "Fortress") provide a recommendation or two?


soultron said:
Checked out some of the bands that were recommended earlier.

Liked HORSE the Band, Mastodon, and Genghis Tron. Hated The Fall of Troy.

Can anyone who's actually listened to Protest the Hero (in particular, their best work, "Fortress") provide a recommendation or two?

Except for Between the Buried and Me, none of these bands really sound like Protest the Hero. I think youll enjoy them though based on what you said you liked from previous recommendations.

Between the Buried and Me
Blind Guardian
Anyone check out the Masters of Metal tour? Testament, Motorhead, Heaven and Hell, Judas Priest...

Seeing it tomorrow. Friend saw it twice on the East coast, said it was spectacular.


soultron said:
Checked out some of the bands that were recommended earlier.

Liked HORSE the Band, Mastodon, and Genghis Tron. Hated The Fall of Troy.

Can anyone who's actually listened to Protest the Hero (in particular, their best work, "Fortress") provide a recommendation or two?

Try, The Human Abstract- Nocturne

I love PTH and think THA sounds somewhat alike. Definitely not in vocals since that dude is all in his own.


Awesome recommendations, thanks guys. I think I'll start to open up to more and more subgenres of metal once I tire of this stuff. Thanks again.


will learn eventually
Ravager61 said:
Bumping this thread to mention this amazing album

Warning - Watching From A Distance

By far my favorite doom metal album. The second half of the song Footprints is the best thing ever.
Amazing piece of music, and that's probably the first time I listen to doom. Need more :D

Ok, after having finished this song, I think I'm about to cry. Amazing


this thread is full of win - found some cool new prog bands... keep them comming!

i listen to ephel duath (experimental jazz hardcore ) and necrophagist (techdeath) a lot the last weeks and my all time favorite opeth (prog-metal)

gonin ish is cool...like it a lot!


This poster pulses with an appeal so broad the typical restraints of our societies fall by the wayside.
I'm a month or two late on this news, but apparently maudlin of the Well is going to be recording a new record, culled from old outtakes and unreleased songs. It's entirely fan-funded (they've been taking PayPal donations) and will probably be self-released.

It'll be interesting to see how this goes, considering that most "reunions" end up being terrible and embarrassing. I'm hoping for the best; redeem yourself, Toby Driver!
Does anyone here know Kekal? If you like avant-garde metal (or want to try something different), you should really give them a try. And the good thing is, they've but two of their (new) albums online to download for free. I really recommend 1000 Thoughts of Violence

1000 Thoughts of Violence: http://opengraverecords.forummotion...-1000-thoughts-of-violence-for-free-t1728.htm
Acidity: http://opengraverecords.forummotion.com/kekal-f6/download-acidity-album-for-free-t2233.htm

Just listened that Warning track, very nice. I need to listen to some more traditional doom.


Supposed said:
Too much flower metal and mallcore in this thread.


Yes. This thread needs more black metal.
Some of my favorites:

Deathspell Omega - Si Monumentum Requires, Circumspice

Dissection - The Somberlain

Drudkh - Autumn Aurora

It took me a long time to appreciate black metal but I really love the genre now.


metalmania4evr said:
I agree. Therefore:

Behemoth: The Apostasy

Behemoth: Zos Kia Cultus

These are solid death metal albums but definately not black metal. You cant even call Behemoth blackened death metal anymore really.


Ravager61 said:
Yes. This thread needs more black metal.
Some of my favorites:

Deathspell Omega - Si Monumentum Requires, Circumspice

It took me a long time to appreciate black metal but I really love the genre now.
I'm not sure that I get the love for Si Monumentum but it's pretty solid. That said, I feel Fas - Ite, Maledicti, in Ignem Aeternum might be a better album but that might be personal opinion speaking.

Also, I'm the same way with black metal. I still don't really like early black metal at all mostly due to production but I like the way a lot of black metal bands have evolved and transformed their sound into something completely different and awesome. Mayhem might get a lot of shit for Grand Declaration of War but I find it totally fantastic.


duffey said:
I'm not sure that I get the love for Si Monumentum but it's pretty solid. That said, I feel Fas - Ite, Maledicti, in Ignem Aeternum might be a better album but that might be personal opinion speaking.

Really? Im the exact opposite. I find Fas really hard to get into, but Si Monumentum clicked right away for me.
Ceres said:
Prog Metal
Circus Maximus
Spheric Universe Experience

Some others:
Gamma Ray, Blind Stare, Wintersun, Amorphis, Communic (if you like Nevermore), Iron Savior (personally hate this band but you may enjoy it), Primal Fear.

These guys are fucking amazing. I like to equate them to what Dream Theater would sound like if they stuck with the Images and Words style. They are starting a new album this september supposedly, with a new drummer. Only discovered them last January, and they are now one of my favorite bands. Threshold is pretty awesome, too.


Lionheart1827 said:
These guys are fucking amazing. I like to equate them to what Dream Theater would sound like if they stuck with the Images and Words style. They are starting a new album this september supposedly, with a new drummer. Only discovered them last January, and they are now one of my favorite bands. Threshold is pretty awesome, too.

I'm seeing them live in less than a month :)

I got to see Threshold last year, too. It was pretty awesome having Damian Wilson back at the helm for it.
Ceres said:
I'm seeing them live in less than a month :)

I got to see Threshold last year, too. It was pretty awesome having Damian Wilson back at the helm for it.

Haha you son of a bitch. I heard SUE are coming to the US for like one show. Im so pissed, I want them to come to NY, too. Threshold I literally got into last week and I'm hooked on their latest 3 albums. I'm seeing Symphony X for the 4th time in November yay.


Lionheart1827 said:
Haha you son of a bitch. I heard SUE are coming to the US for like one show. Im so pissed, I want them to come to NY, too. Threshold I literally got into last week and I'm hooked on their latest 3 albums. I'm seeing Symphony X for the 4th time in November yay.

You should start attending Progpower like I do then. It's always a great show. Expensive yes, but some of these bands the only other way to see them is traveling to Europe.


soultron said:
Can anyone who's actually listened to Protest the Hero (in particular, their best work, "Fortress") provide a recommendation or two?

Unexpect - in the flesh aquarium

Some crazy canadians, female vocals and many growl. A mix of violence and madness, try the myspace because it's really special.

Sikth - Death of a dead day

English band, two singers and some really technical shit but catchy at the same time.


Chibrou said:
Unexpect - in the flesh aquarium

Some crazy canadians, female vocals and many growl. A mix of violence and madness, try the myspace because it's really special.
Plus they are one of the best bands to see live ever. So good.

You should really try "between the buried and me" I find there is a lot of similarity with opeth.
Similarity? Do tell.


CaptainCamerica said:
Oh man I was at the Iron Maiden show in Rosemont, IL back in June. It was an AMAZING experience they rock so hard.

I was at that show, there were definitely on that night. It was the third time I've seen them, and it was by far the best.
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