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The Metal Thread

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Saw Nightwish/Sonata Arctica last night in Toronto. Great show, aside from the retard moshers in the middle who went crazy during every song.

Annette's voice isn't holding up well. WTB Tarja :(
Ravager61 said:
Drudkh - Autumn Aurora

It took me a long time to appreciate black metal but I really love the genre now.

Same thing here. Black Metal was hard to get into (Burzum's Filosofem was my gateway drug), but now I've been really digging it. And thanks to you posting that pic, I'm now in love with Drudkh. For some reason that cover just made me check them out on last.fm and holy crap they're awesome. Apart from the "Let's go folk" album Songs of Grief and Solitude everything is pure awesomeness. I've been looking for that kind of hypnotic Black Metal groove ever since I started with Burzum, but never really found it until now.

That said, there are plenty of other Black Metal acts that are awesome without going for the atmosphere. I've been spinning Emperor's albums a lot lately, and they're very rewarding. At first I was kind of against them for all the synth-elements, which especially in Nightside Eclipse are quite over-powering, but once I got past that I couldn't stop listening.

Oh, and for whoever posted that Warning track. They too are something I really have to check. Awesome stuff. I think that a lot of doom can be quite generic. The only real doom I've come across and appreciated so far are Katatonia's early stuff, The Deep Blue and Disembowelment, and Saint Vitus if their proto-doom vibe counts. but Warning sounds awesome.

Now, as for a band that I want to recommend: You have to hear Lykathea Aflame's Evenefris.


Anyone who's got any interest in the death metal genre needs this record. It's out of this world. The skill, ambition and raw energy are really hard to top. I know it's been mentioned before, but you really need to check them out. Especially if you're into the more technically geared metal styles.



Magnus said:
Saw Nightwish/Sonata Arctica last night in Toronto. Great show, aside from the retard moshers in the middle who went crazy during every song.

Annette's voice isn't holding up well. WTB Tarja :(

Did they do White Pearls, Black Ocean in Toronto? I didn't go to the Mass show and found out Sonata played that song the next day. It's my favorite song of theirs so I was quite disappointed. The shorter set didn't bother me so much since it'd be the 4th time I'd of seen them.

Diseased Yak

Gold Member
For those looking for more black metal to check out, be sure and give this a spin:


Dark Space - Dark Space III

Very ambient, very dark, with killer riffs and just over all badassery. Highly recommended.


Shrike_Priest said:
Same thing here. Black Metal was hard to get into (Burzum's Filosofem was my gateway drug), but now I've been really digging it. And thanks to you posting that pic, I'm now in love with Drudkh. For some reason that cover just made me check them out on last.fm and holy crap they're awesome. Apart from the "Let's go folk" album Songs of Grief and Solitude everything is pure awesomeness. I've been looking for that kind of hypnotic Black Metal groove ever since I started with Burzum, but never really found it until now.

Glad to help out. Drudkh is one of my favorite bands. Great stuff.

Shrike_Priest said:
Now, as for a band that I want to recommend: You have to hear Lykathea Aflame's Evenefris.


Anyone who's got any interest in the death metal genre needs this record. It's out of this world. The skill, ambition and raw energy are really hard to top. I know it's been mentioned before, but you really need to check them out. Especially if you're into the more technically geared metal styles.


Yes. I love Lykathea Aflame. That album is incredible. If you havent heard them yet, you should check out Appalling Spawn. Its basically the same band with a different drummer. They just changed their name once they got a new member.
Diseased Yak said:
For those looking for more black metal to check out, be sure and give this a spin:


Dark Space - Dark Space III

Very ambient, very dark, with killer riffs and just over all badassery. Highly recommended.

I agree, really good album. One of my favourites of this year. It's rather noisy though (production is okay).


Jew Gamer
Magnus said:
Saw Nightwish/Sonata Arctica last night in Toronto. Great show, aside from the retard moshers in the middle who went crazy during every song.

Annette's voice isn't holding up well. WTB Tarja :(

Did they do any of the older material?

I am wondering how much she butchers the vocals not written FOR her :/

Sonata just flat out kicks ass live XD


I enjoyed Sonata just fine, but I confess to not knowing them very well at all, so I don't really know what songs they played. I might listen to a few now and see which ones I recognized from that night. Lead singer's voice was damned impressive. He was dressed like a tard though, I swear he looked like a lumberjack; unshaven, scruffy, plaid red shirt and jeans. I really hope it wasn't a "gawsh we're in Canada" joke, lol.

As for Nightwish -- man, do I ever love them, but Annette's really a mixed bag when it comes to pre-Passion material. Some songs just don't work (Dark Chest of Wonders, where it feels like she's ten thousand octaves below whatever Tarja could do with the chanting), and some she really makes her own (Siren, Slaying the Dreamer) -- and her voice can't handle a whole night it seems; Marco hops in for backup during parts that are normally just for the female lead. It's all good though, any excuse for more Marco <3.

On Dark Passion Play stuff, Annette's just great; that material was definitely made much more for her; she's great on Poet & the Pendulum, Sahara, the Islander (which is easily still the best song they play live -- it's frigging heavenly).

They played Seven Days to the Wolves this time which was missed on their first stop in Toronto last year, so I was happy. :D I've completely given up on ever hearing my favourite songs live: Dead Boy's Poem, Kinslayer, Ghost Love Score or Deep Silent Complete. :( However, they did do Sleeping Sun, very surprisingly, on their first Toronto visit. So who knows, with time they may be able to resurrect some of the classics from the vault once they figure out how to redo them for Annette.

Still makes me a sad panda that they've sworn off ever doing Phantom on stage without Tarja, but I guess that makes sense given the note the female lead has to reach. :lol

afaik, this was the setlist:

Bye, Bye Beautiful (always the intro -- which sounds a lot better on the album without the drums in the intro as per live performances -- still love you Jukka)
Come Cover Me
The Siren
Dead to the World
Planet Hell (I'm pretty sure they did this; but it might have been only last year's show :lol)
Whoever Brings the Night (grats on worst track from DPP; where are Last of the Wilds and Master Passion Greed! :()
The Islander
The Poet & the Pendulum
Slaying the Dreamer
Seven Days to the Wolves
Wish I Had an Angel (always the outro :p)

Nemo/Walking in the Air were noticeably absent, they did well last time.

....am I horrible for hoping things don't go so well and Tarja comes back some day? I'm appreciative of the hell that she was to work with, but man, the art deserves the heartache, it was so beautiful. I start to think about what could've been if she'd been around for this album and my brain hurts at the possibilities, haha.


Magnus said:
I enjoyed Sonata just fine, but I confess to not knowing them very well at all, so I don't really know what songs they played. I might listen to a few now and see which ones I recognized from that night. Lead singer's voice was damned impressive. He was dressed like a tard though, I swear he looked like a lumberjack; unshaven, scruffy, plaid red shirt and jeans. I really hope it wasn't a "gawsh we're in Canada" joke, lol.

Those are his normal clothes he wears. I'm amazed he can wear two long sleeve shirts on stage in humid 90deg temps at these venues.
And here's the song I was asking about. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aHxuOGBIebY
It's almost 9 minutes in length.


My wife is actually way more metal than I am. Some of the stuff she likes such as Necrophagist and Illogicist sounds a bit too guitar-wanky for me. But she has introduced me to a few bands I end up liking a lot: Aborted, Akercocke, Dissection, Enslaved.

My favorite metal band though is Starkweather, they have been since I was in high school. They've released very little material and aren't that well-known, but their music is utterly amazing.


chaostrophy said:
My wife is actually way more metal than I am. Some of the stuff she likes such as Necrophagist and Illogicist sounds a bit too guitar-wanky for me. But she has introduced me to a few bands I end up liking a lot: Aborted, Akercocke, Dissection, Enslaved.

My favorite metal band though is Starkweather, they have been since I was in high school. They've released very little material and aren't that well-known, but their music is utterly amazing.

Your wife is awesome.


this thread is fucking brilliant people.

i searched for it a month or two ago and got some great reccomendations for stuff that ive never heard of. ive been in a serious metal phase lately and this topic helped contribute a lot.

i did a search and looks like no one reccomended one of my favorite old prog metal bands, so i figured id pimp them for those interested in the prog stuff.

Fates Warning a local CT band that i grew up listening to. they put out some classic albums.

Night On Brocken (1984)

old school stuff right here.

Awaken The Guardian (1986)

a real classic. if you only check out 1 of Fates Warning's albums i reccomend this one.

Perfect Symmetry (1989)

new lead singer. loses a lot of the early metal Iron Maiden type influences and becomes more proggy. great shit here.

great quote about the band i just found here on Wikipedia for prog/Dream Theater fans:

In the liner notes to the 2005 expanded edition of the Awaken the Guardian album, Dream Theater drummer Mike Portnoy noted that, "[v]ery often fans and critics credit Dream Theater for creating a whole new genre of progressive metal music in the late '80s/early '90s, . . . ut the truth is Fates Warning were doing it years before us.

have fun.

Diseased Yak

Gold Member
D3RANG3D said:

I finally got around to buying this last night from Amazon's MP3 Downloads, and WOW it's fucking awesome! Not only does the album kick all manner of ass, but the cover art is some of the best I've seen.


Can't go wrong with Six Feet Under. Works well as a custom soundtrack for any 360 game involving killing btw :D



I really wish I could get into Six Feet Under but I have the same problem with early Cannibal Corpse stuff. His vocals are really oft-putting for some reason and I like stuff like Prostitute Disfigurement so that's a little weird. It's a little too uh, "groovy" to me as well.

Also with the above mentioned Aborted: Stay far far away from their latest release. It's really terrible. D:

Witchfinder General

punched Wheelchair Mike
The first two Six Feet Under albums and their first EP are the only ones worth listening to. They turned to shit once Allen West left the band.


Witchfinder General said:
The first two Six Feet Under albums and their first EP are the only ones worth listening to. They turned to shit once Allen West left the band.

Yeah I've listened to em all, just posted the most recent one.
duffey said:
I really wish I could get into Six Feet Under....

you could have just stopped right there....

pick up the first 2 Obituary albums "Slowly We Rot" and especially "Cause of Death", James Murphy's best!

Diseased Yak

Gold Member
I haven't heard any new Falconer in a while, thanks for reminding me of them. I have one of their albums from a year or so ago and really liked it.

How come every time I go to listen to some metal, I keep listening to Warning's Watching From A Distance? I just can't stop, it's like the perfect metal album.
A bit mainstream for some of you people, but I just recently bought:

Cavalera Conspiracy, Inflikted

I know a lot of strict Sepultura fans are pretty down on it, but I think it's the best work to come from Max since the release of Roots.


Opus Angelorum said:
A bit mainstream for some of you people, but I just recently bought:

Cavalera Conspiracy, Inflikted

I know a lot of strict Sepultura fans are pretty down on it, but I think it's the best work to come from Max since the release of Roots.
I'll definitely agree with that. That album surprised me. I wasn't expecting much from it since Soulfly hasn't impressed me in forever but it definitely went beyond my expectations.

Also, I just searched the thread and found nothing so I think I'll recommend something else:


Dead Congregation - Graves of the Archangels

Probably one of the most evil sounding albums that's come out in awhile. While it's basically early Incantation worship, these guys do it in such a way that sounds pretty old-school and fresh. Definitely worth checking out!
Ummm...I think this is the right place to ask:
Who's gonna see GWAR Halloween this year @ the Rave (WI)?!
I'm so hyped, I didn't go last time and my friends have rubbed in the glory of it since, their live show sounds so awesome though honestly, I'm not a fan of their music.
saw CARCASS last night in San Francisco. Fucking EPIC. Sound was kind of muddy, but the setlist was fucking killer. Was 3 feet in front of Bill Steer. Slideshow in the background was a homage to their Symphonies of Sickness tour set. Daniel Erlandsson filling in for Ken Owen on the drums did a great job. Crowd was great, lots of old school metalheads were there as were some prominent Bay Area band members like Exodus and Death Angel were around. Also got one of Bill Steer's guitar pic, with the Tools of the Trade emblem and old Carcass logo on it.

I have an odd request for anyone who has the ability to help me. I want the cover from Megadeth's "Peace sells...but who's buying" album as a desktop for my laptop. But I want the band title and album title taken out of the picture and at a resolution of 1280x800. I have no idea how to do that without ruining the picture so if anyone would be willing to do that for me and send me a PM or just post the source for it, it would be much appreciated.

oh and...

I've been listening to this again alot lately...

Good stuff!


New Trivium album is out, 'Shogun'. They've really refined and honed their own sound now so if you didn't like their earlier stuff you probably won't like this but I'm lovin it so far.


Witchfinder General

punched Wheelchair Mike
Ravager61 said:
I love Far Away from the Sun. Great album.

My current black metal album of choice it this one.

A great Blck Metal album for sure, I just wish Ulver didn't go out of their way to make it one of the worst sounding albums ever made. I remember hearing a rumour that they recorded the album on a boombox in the middle of the forest for maximum 'low-fi' sound.

Cosmic Bus

pristine morning snow
PrinceAdam said:
Toxic Holocaust-an overdose of death
great album I got it in green Vinyl.

I thought I loved this at first, but it all starts to sound the same pretty quickly and I sort of lost interest. Still, a couple of tracks from this or Evil Never Dies end up on my MP3 player once in a while.


about the same metal capacity as a cucumber
Witchfinder General said:
A great Blck Metal album for sure, I just wish Ulver didn't go out of their way to make it one of the worst sounding albums ever made. I remember hearing a rumour that they recorded the album on a boombox in the middle of the forest for maximum 'low-fi' sound.

On a windy night.

Through 2 pairs of sheets.

And a thick blanket for the drums.

In the winter.

Likely some discontent somewhere in there, too.

Witchfinder General

punched Wheelchair Mike
Siyou said:
this thread is dead to me......

Cradle of Filth are fine - Cruelty and the Beast is a decent album - it's just I find that every album they release if filled with a few good songs and a whole bunch of repetitive filler.

I really hope you're not abandoning this fine thread simply because some people don't love COF.

Surely you listen to Metal bands outside of COF?



I certainly hope so...

If you don't I - and I'm sure many others could happily recommend you similar bands to open up your repertoire.


Witchfinder General said:
A great Blck Metal album for sure, I just wish Ulver didn't go out of their way to make it one of the worst sounding albums ever made. I remember hearing a rumour that they recorded the album on a boombox in the middle of the forest for maximum 'low-fi' sound.

Yeah, the production is pretty terrible. The riffs are insanely awesome though.

I read an even more ridiculous rumor that said the record company gave them a pile of cash to record this album and instead of spending it on production, they recorded it on an 8-track tape recorder in the woods and spent the money on a corvette.

This is them with the car.

Im not making this up.
Ravager61 said:
Yeah, the production is pretty terrible. The riffs are insanely awesome though.

I read an even more ridiculous rumor that said the record company gave them a pile of cash to record this album and instead of spending it on production, they recorded it on an 8-track tape recorder in the woods and spent the money on a corvette.

This is them with the car.

Im not making this up.

ahhaha, thats as great as Autopsy getting a lot of funding from Peaceville to record their second album "Mental Funeral" and blowing most of the money on weed. But it turned out for the better because it was simply one of the BEST death metal albums ever conceived. Without it's shitty production, it wouldn't have sound perfect like the way it is.


Alucard said:
With Oden on Our Side is probably my favourite.

Agreed. Most Amon Amarth fans prefer the older material, but nothing tops 'With Oden on Our Side'. Although 'The Crusher' is a close second.

'Twilight of the Thundergod' was a major let down for me. It feels like they've taken the music in a very typical Melodic Death direction. None of the songs really stand out against their previous work, and the guest artists make it feel very gimmicky. It's not extreme enough to recapture the best moments of their older sound, and it's not progressive enough to stack up beside their last two discs. It also lacks that sense of passion for serious Heathenism they seemed to be cultivating since 'Fate of Norns' in favour of a much more shallow use of the mythological imagery. Such a shame.
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