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The Metal Thread

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Jew Gamer
Giant Robot said:
except Dragonforce plays sloppy live and are a "studio effects" band

They play sloppy live because they drink too much, if you see them play a sober show they are incredibly talented, and do a hell of a lot more live than 3-chord bands do yet they still play a hell of a lot more complex music.

If only their new album didn't suck so much


Giant Robot said:
except Dragonforce plays sloppy live and are a "studio effects" band

Nobody cares if Slash drops notes, or if some punk band mangles every single note in an entire set but poor Herman drop a few notes out of the 1000 or so that he just hit in the last 30 seconds and everyone jumps on him, it's stupid. And they aren't anymore of a "studio effects" band than any other over-produced power metal outfit, the boys are just truly fucking pychos on the guitar:



Who paid you to grab Dr. Pavel?
Ok, I need to know what At the Gates album I should get next, I only have Slaughter of the Soul and I want more! Also Dark Tranquility, what album should I start with?


NameGenerated said:
Ok, I need to know what At the Gates album I should get next, I only have Slaughter of the Soul and I want more! Also Dark Tranquility, what album should I start with?
terminal spirit disease is quite good. probably the closest album they have that sounds like SotS.
NameGenerated said:
Ok, I need to know what At the Gates album I should get next, I only have Slaughter of the Soul and I want more! Also Dark Tranquility, what album should I start with?

Definately "Terminal Spirit Disease". A more consistent and sadly beautiful album, yet shorter than Slaughter of the Soul. I can't stand Slaughter of the Soul. Also their first ablum The Red In The Sky Is Ours is also great. With Fear is so-so


NameGenerated said:
Ok, I need to know what At the Gates album I should get next, I only have Slaughter of the Soul and I want more! Also Dark Tranquility, what album should I start with?

Well, im gonna say get The Red in the Sky is Ours since its my favorite At the Gates record. Great atmosphere and some amazing riffs on that album.

As for Dark Tranquility, The Gallery is by far my favorite release from them.


lsslave said:
They play sloppy live because they drink too much, if you see them play a sober show they are incredibly talented, and do a hell of a lot more live than 3-chord bands do yet they still play a hell of a lot more complex music.

If only all their albums didn't suck so much

Fixed for great musical justice!


Jew Gamer
ElyrionX said:
Fixed for great musical justice!

No, because that would be taking away from the idea of all pop bands, Dragonforce is simply pop-metal, catchy fun to listen to music.

The idea that music should be elitist is what made the word "popular" a bad thing when it originated (the wealthy people could see classical music, if the general populace could consume it it was *raises nose* "popular")

Their new album just flat out sucks, nothing catchy about it, its kinda boring


A scientist and gentleman in the manner of Batman.
lsslave said:
Their new album just flat out sucks, nothing catchy about it, its kinda boring

There are only so many times you can release the same song at the three tempos of Mach 1, Mach 3, and Mach 6.
Just got the new Evergrey album "Torn". Not sure what I think so far. Nothing absolutely stands out aside from Fail, which they made available to download months ago. It may be like MMA, which grew on me over several months.
The new Evergrey album is compressed to hell. There is absolutely no dynamic range, everything is peaked out and the rhythm guitars have NO tone due to the excessive limiting and dropped tuning. Not only that but the keyboards are nowhere to be found. This is a joke.


Giant Robot said:
Definately "Terminal Spirit Disease". A more consistent and sadly beautiful album

ya thats what i would recommend, only 6 songs, 5 of which are pretty good, the swarm being the highlight

i think the earlier AtG albums are probably too different for someone who just got into SotS, you would be better off recommending them The Jester Race or the Gallery if they need some swedish melodeath

as for Dark Tranquility, i'd start with the best and just get the Gallery

switching gears a bit

if anybody likes thrash, i just heard "Pandemonium" from Torture Squad, a brazilian outfit, i guess this album was released in 2003, but this could easily be vintage 80s thrash, highlight of the album is probably "World of Misery"

best way to describe it would be like Dark "fucking" Angel Darkness Descends + Pleasure to Kill + Beneath the Remains era Sepultura, its absolutely brutal, highly recommended

here's a youtube clip of the song i found: http://mx.youtube.com/watch?v=SoMk30xCHDQ
I would say that Gojira's new album "The Way of All Flesh" is a hit. Maybe not as much of a hit as "From Mars to Sirius", but a hit nonetheless.
GAF really should have a "search thread" function. I'm always worried I'm going to post duplicates, and searchin all of GAF is kinda weak.

Anyway. I've got a few records I don't think have been mentioned so far.

First up Cynic - Focus

I got into these after I heard they were opening for an Opeth gig I'm seeing in December. Turns out that their one album is pretty much in the same league (if not superior) to anything Opeth's ever done. Considering it was released in 93, it's pretty amazing how fresh it sounds. It's basically crazy technical prog metal. Really jazzy stuff. And not in the sense of many other prog bands that go "heavy section, jazzy section", but in a way more integrated manner. Sein Reinert (you'll recognise him if you're a Death fan, he played drums on Human) is one hell of a drummer. The vocals are pretty amazing too. Paul Masvidal (guitar on Human), sings with a vocoder, making himself sound robotic, while they have a second vocalist doing growls.

They were a bit of an acquired taste, but now I can't stay away. They've got a new release coming up in a few weeks called Traced in Air, which judging by the single/live-performances from the album it's going to be every bit as awesome.

Here are some concert samplers:

Textures (instrumental)

Celestial Voyage

Evolutionary Sleeper (off of the new album) - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l7B1OKdpTJo

I should add that the vocoder is slightly less intrusive on the albums, the wailing is scaled back a bit.

Next up: Bloodbath - The Fathomless Mastery


What can I say. These guys know death metal. No prog, no jazz, no ambience (save from church bells, but that's okay), just crushing death metal. Anyone who enjoyed Unblessing the Purity should definitely get this. It's an awesome album.



I have to add a note of praise for The Monolith Deathcult's 'Triumvirate'. Their previous albums were so-so, but the new one is sheer brilliance from beginning to end. Words alone cannot express the joy I felt when I first heard the 300-inspired track 'Demigod'. Best song on a beautifully crafted album of original and musically diverse Death Metal:


This album has nurtured my desire for Brutal DM. I always want more music from the genre, but the vast majority of it leaves me cold. I appreciate Nile consistently, old Deicide (though they don't really exemplify Brutal DM); The Monolith Deathcult, and a handful of Cannibal Corpse tracks.

I find most Death Metal too soft (too watered down by Heavy Metal/Melodic influences or toothless production), too Punk/Hardcore, or too chaotically technical to really enjoy. I appreciate complexity, but not at the expense of catchy riffs. I should love Vader and Morbid Angel for example, but I dislike the stop-start song structure they tend to employ. This is my problem with most of the better DM bands. And on the catchier end of the spectrum, I hate the Children of Bodem style vocals and comparative lack of aggression that epitomizes the more mainstream stuff.

With all that in mind, I'd appreciate recommendations. I could list a clutch of bands I don't care for, but that would probably alienate people with useful opinions. Just be aware that I've YouTubed 90% of the DM bands/albums recommended in this thread, and only 'Triumvirate' scratched my itch.


Aske said:
I have to add a note of praise for The Monolith Deathcult's 'Triumvirate'. Their previous albums were so-so, but the new one is sheer brilliance from beginning to end. Words alone cannot express the joy I felt when I first heard the 300-inspired track 'Demigod'. Best song on a beautifully crafted album of original and musically diverse Death Metal:


This album has nurtured my desire for Brutal DM. I always want more music from the genre, but the vast majority of it leaves me cold. I appreciate Nile consistently, old Deicide (though they don't really exemplify Brutal DM); The Monolith Deathcult, and a handful of Cannibal Corpse tracks.

I find most Death Metal too soft (too watered down by Heavy Metal/Melodic influences or toothless production), too Punk/Hardcore, or too chaotically technical to really enjoy. I appreciate complexity, but not at the expense of catchy riffs. I should love Vader and Morbid Angel for example, but I dislike the stop-start song structure they tend to employ. This is my problem with most of the better DM bands. And on the catchier end of the spectrum, I hate the Children of Bodem style vocals and comparative lack of aggression that epitomizes the more mainstream stuff.

With all that in mind, I'd appreciate recommendations. I could list a clutch of bands I don't care for, but that would probably alienate people with useful opinions. Just be aware that I've YouTubed 90% of the DM bands/albums recommended in this thread, and only 'Triumvirate' scratched my itch.

Im not sure what you mean by Morbid Angel and Vader having a start-stop song structure. Thats really a characteristic of brutal/slam death bands.

Anyway, im just gonna recommend some of my fav brutal death albums to you:

Skinless - Trample the Weak, Hurdle the Dead
Benighted - Icon
Devourment - Butcher the Weak
Suffocation - Pierced from Within
Wormed - Planisphærium
Lykathea Aflame - Elvenefris
Man, do we REALLY have to talk about Dragonforce when this thread needs so much more black metal discussion?

I just picked up Two Hunters by Wolves In The Throne Room on vinyl -- way better than the first one. Slightly shoegaze-infused USBM from Olympia, with enough of a second wave influence to keep any black metal asshole's attention.

Right now, I'm catching up on Xasthur I've missed out on, and I'm waiting for a couple Nachtmystium albums to show up at the local record shop. In the meantime, it's Thorns, Mayhem (I never heard Dawn of the Black Hearts until a few weeks ago), Leviathan, and on the non-BM side, lots of Burning Witch.

Anybody know some good USBM bands? Like most anybody I love the second wave bands, but the US scene has really been pushing things much further out into experimental/noise/ambient territory. I'm way into Vegas Martyrs, from Prurient, who normally does power electronics, if that helps any.
I've just started venturing outside the fjords, so I'm not that familiar with the US scene. But someone recommended Krallice - Krallice a few pages back, and I was very impressed with that. So if you haven't already, check it out.

While on the subject of Black Metal, I had a more philosophical angle I was wondering about. I recently (last week actually) got Nyktalgia recommended to me via last.fm, checked them out and really loved their stuff. So I check out their latest album, and I really enjoy the vibe. Burzum-esque, repetative, melodic without being pop-ish, just generally quite pleasant stuff.

So naturally I think "woa, need to check out the rest, these guys are good". So I take a look at their debut. And was kinda stumped by the cover:


A bit blurry, but yeah, it's a guy with a gun in his mouth.

I knew Nyktalgia was DSBM, but dayumn, I figured it was more of a musical mood thing, not quite that literal. So in essence, am I just being a pussy for being freaked by this? I guess my CD collection will never be "attractive" what with what's already in there, but I'd honestly be kind of awkward with that sitting on my shelf.

Still enjoy the music, but I'm kinda put off by it. I've never had any problem with gore lyrics, and honestly I don't bother reading the lyrics to all the black metal I listen to, because I really don't need them to enjoy it. But this is weirding me out :p

So, any cents?
Even with BM's Lords of Chaos reputation, like every shocking subgenre, very few of the people involved really mean what they write about. It's just a mood, a setting, and for some, it's a place to let out some truly negative feelings, but there's a huge difference -- MASSIVE -- between being fixated on gore, suicide, and so on in musical or artistic terms, and actually doing it.

That said, that bridge does get crossed from time to time. I don't need to retell the exploits of the handful second wave kids who killed themselves, others, and committed other assorted crimes against people and property (notably stave churches, which were ironically heathen symbols before being taken by Christians -- why burn them down for heathen ideology?). The man behind the one-man act Endless Dismal Moan, probably my favorite Japanese BM artist, killed himself in June.

But look at other genres, filled with references to drugs, alcohol, and so forth. How many famous rock 'n roll types have died of overdoses, or alcohol-related situations? Do you have to support that if you listen to their music? Nah. Do you have to be a douchebag to listen to songs by Motley Crue, which have lyrics about the escapades of douchebags? You're more likely to be, but it isn't necessary.

The morality of black metal, or any music, is what you make of it. Some people watch Saw movies, which I can't stand. I enjoy some morbid music (although I rarely pay attention to most depressive black metal lyrics -- some of the eco slants are interesting to me, though, and I really latch on to bands that promote that sort of lyrical setting). I'm not going to kill anybody, nor do I have any desire to kill or harm myself.

I'm really sad that there aren't going to be any more Endless Dismal Moan records, though.


A scientist and gentleman in the manner of Batman.
Ravager61 said:
Im not sure what you mean by Morbid Angel and Vader having a start-stop song structure. Thats really a characteristic of brutal/slam death bands.

Anyway, im just gonna recommend some of my fav brutal death albums to you:

Skinless - Trample the Weak, Hurdle the Dead
Benighted - Icon
Devourment - Butcher the Weak
Suffocation - Pierced from Within
Wormed - Planisphærium
Lykathea Aflame - Elvenefris

To expound on this awesome brutal/slam list:

Abominable Putridity - In the End of Human Existence
Cephalotripsy - Uterovaginal Insertion of Extirpated Anomalies
Fleshless - Sensual Death Immitation (yeah they spelled it wrong)
Kronos - Colossal Titan Strife
Saprogenic - Ichneumonid
Vomit Remnants - Supreme Entity

And here's a track off of that Devourment album in case you missed it:


Phobophile said:

i never really got into DM or BM besides checking out some of the more mainstream stuff like Emperor, Immortal, Death, or Morbid Angel etc, so take what i say with a grain of salt, but i dont see what is so brutal about these songs, unless its the undecipherable cookie monster vox, none of this stuff sounds any heavier/brutal than Darkness Descends or Pleasure to Kill from 1986

i did like the Kronos song until the vox kicked in, and usually vocals dont bother me all that much, but the cookie monster vox are not my cup of tea, idk maybe im getting old
yacobod said:
i never really got into DM or BM besides checking out some of the more mainstream stuff like Emperor, Immortal, Death, or Morbid Angel etc, so take what i say with a grain of salt, but i dont see what is so brutal about these songs, unless its the undecipherable cookie monster vox, none of this stuff sounds any heavier/brutal than Darkness Descends or Pleasure to Kill from 1986

i did like the Kronos song until the vox kicked in, and usually vocals dont bother me all that much, but the cookie monster vox are not my cup of tea, idk maybe im getting old

I don't think it's about getting old. These sounds have been around forever. You either like them, or you don't. I don't, you don't, and a couple million people do. I'm not actively bothered by any of those songs. They just don't give me that abstract "feeling" that the music I DO like does. It's not inaccessibility, it's just not the kinds of sounds I like. I think a lot of the harsh noise I listen to is technically harder to stand for most people than most DM bands, in that it doesn't even have rhythm, but it works for me. I just don't connect with most DM sounds.

I'm not so daft that I'll hate a band just because they're in that genre, though. And I've been to several DM shows that I had an amazing time at.


Aske said:
I have to add a note of praise for The Monolith Deathcult's 'Triumvirate'. Their previous albums were so-so, but the new one is sheer brilliance from beginning to end.

Totally agree man, Triumvirate is an EPIC album, lovin their sound atm.

StorablePrawn said:
Man, do we REALLY have to talk about Dragonforce when this thread needs so much more black metal discussion?

Yeah, coz there's hardly any black metal mentioned in this thread and good job not bringing up Dragonforce again dude.


Aske said:
I find most Death Metal too soft (too watered down by Heavy Metal/Melodic influences or toothless production), too Punk/Hardcore, or too chaotically technical to really enjoy. I appreciate complexity, but not at the expense of catchy riffs. I should love Vader and Morbid Angel for example, but I dislike the stop-start song structure they tend to employ. This is my problem with most of the better DM bands. And on the catchier end of the spectrum, I hate the Children of Bodem style vocals and comparative lack of aggression that epitomizes the more mainstream stuff.
I have a feeling you'd like Krisiun and I'd highly recommend their latest album Southern Storm but most of their other albums are pretty awesome too. That said, I totally agree with your assessment of Triumvirate as that album fucking slays.

First up Cynic - Focus
I hadn't actually heard this album until last year but it's pretty amazing I agree. Traced in Air should be absolutely fantastic.

Witchfinder General

punched Wheelchair Mike
Picked up the following from Utopia Records (now that's a shop that's gone to hell):

Motorhead - 1916

Anathema - Hindsight

Listening to the Motorhead right now. Fuuuuck, I can't believe it took me so long to grab this classic.

Lemmy am God.

I'm looking forward to listening to Anathema. It's good to see that they finally found a label after Music For Nations went under.
Shrike_Priest said:
I got into these after I heard they were opening for an Opeth gig I'm seeing in December. Turns out that their one album is pretty much in the same league (if not superior) to anything Opeth's ever done. Considering it was released in 93, it's pretty amazing how fresh it sounds. It's basically crazy technical prog metal. Really jazzy stuff. And not in the sense of many other prog bands that go "heavy section, jazzy section", but in a way more integrated manner. Sein Reinert (you'll recognise him if you're a Death fan, he played drums on Human) is one hell of a drummer. The vocals are pretty amazing too. Paul Masvidal (guitar on Human), sings with a vocoder, making himself sound robotic, while they have a second vocalist doing growls.

You should really track down the Cynic demo's and be blown away how they've transitioned, its pretty mindblowing. After all these years, Focus is still pretty foreign sounding and not for the weak IMO. Absolutely love the album and it still sounds fresh. Pretty much set the blueprint for that technical-jazzy stuff since Watchtower, Atheist..... If you like Focus, check out the follow up band Portal

Yacobod- thanks for that Torture Squad recommendation. Love everything else except for the blast beats on the album, but still pretty killer


Ravager61 said:
Im not sure what you mean by Morbid Angel and Vader having a start-stop song structure. Thats really a characteristic of brutal/slam death bands.

Some bands do it more than others. I'm not talking about frequent tempo changes; it's just songs which are broken up by sporadic, arbitrary pauses in the music that I find irritating.

Thanks for all the recommendations Ravager 61, Phobophile and duffey. Nothing quite hit the mark, though Krisiun, Benighted and Skinless came close. Krisiun are fantastic live, but I never got into them on CD - for no obvious reason. I checked out some tracks from 'Southern Storm' and it has that perfect DM sound I'm always looking for, but like older Krisiun albums the songs I heard just didn't grab me. But I'll probably pick up the album so I can listen to the whole thing.

I appreciate your efforts to broaden my DM horizons guys; feel free to lambast me for my lack of taste.

yacobod said:
i never really got into DM or BM besides checking out some of the more mainstream stuff like Emperor, Immortal, Death, or Morbid Angel etc, so take what i say with a grain of salt, but i dont see what is so brutal about these songs, unless its the undecipherable cookie monster vox, none of this stuff sounds any heavier/brutal than Darkness Descends or Pleasure to Kill from 1986

i did like the Kronos song until the vox kicked in, and usually vocals dont bother me all that much, but the cookie monster vox are not my cup of tea, idk maybe im getting old

Vocals aside, it's the relentlessness of so much of the music that makes BM and DM more extreme than other Metal genres. At the same time, whether you're talking about DM or BM on disc, much of the brutality for which the genres are recognised comes from the production. The best DM song can be neutered by a soft sound, but when the song writing combines with a great recording, the music is objectively heavier and more brutal than other metal genres. Same applies to BM - at its most extreme the sound is viciously grating and rough, and it has a unique type of brutality that's absent from other music.

In terms of songwriting, Thrash like Kreator's 'Pleasure to Kill' isn't much less extreme than a lot of Death Metal, but it still sounds a good deal softer than something like Nile's 'Annihilation of the Wicked'. Part of that is due to production, but most of it boils down to stylistic differences between the genres:

Pleasure to Kill

Annihilation of the Wicked

StorablePrawn said:
That said, that bridge does get crossed from time to time. I don't need to retell the exploits of the handful second wave kids who killed themselves, others, and committed other assorted crimes against people and property (notably stave churches, which were ironically heathen symbols before being taken by Christians -- why burn them down for heathen ideology?). The man behind the one-man act Endless Dismal Moan, probably my favorite Japanese BM artist, killed himself in June.

That's not correct. The stave churches were always Christian churches; often built on ground held sacred by followers of the indigenous religion. They were constructed by converted Christians, but also by Heathen craftsmen under the yolk of enforced Christianity. Many of them display iconography from pre-Christian Germanic Pagan tradition, but this is more subversive than holy. The more Heathen the design of the stave church, the more delighted the builders would likely be by the idea of its destruction at the hands of enemies of the church.
^^^Burzum fan, maybe? :p

Giant Robot said:
You should really track down the Cynic demo's and be blown away how they've transitioned, its pretty mindblowing. After all these years, Focus is still pretty foreign sounding and not for the weak IMO. Absolutely love the album and it still sounds fresh. Pretty much set the blueprint for that technical-jazzy stuff since Watchtower, Atheist..... If you like Focus, check out the follow up band Portal

I have actually already got the demos, and I'd say they represent the biggest change in demo-to-album I've heard (Uroboric forms in particular). I mean, most of the demo-tracks I've heard are usually just the same song but with crappy production (except for Dickinson's Tears of the Dragon demo, which was pretty insane). Cynic made a major shift, and for the better. The really early stuff never really did anything for me.

Portal was interesting, but to me they were a bit too "hippie" and not enough metal :p Same goes for Aeon Spoke. It's competent stuff, and some songs (Endless Endeavours for instance) are great, but it kind of pales in comparison.

And StorablePrawn, you make excellent points, and I agree in principle. I just think that cover caught me off guard :p I already "made my peace" with Burzum, which is a bit of a moral grey-area, so I guess this shouldn't be a problem either.

I think one aspect was that I came across a thread on last.fm where some guy advocated "keeping the DSBM scene clean of posers. Only actually depressed and suicidal people!". While he himself sounded... like a poser, the idea of depressed and suicidal people listening to Nyktalgia kinda weirded me out. Either way though, shouldn't stop me from enjoying it, I guess.

Lastly I'll throw my two cents into this whole brutal death metal debate. While I'm not quite sure they fit the bill, Appalling Spawn are pretty damn brutal. If cookie monster vocals are a problem they might not work, but I have a hard time how someone could see their music as anything but brutal. Sure there's melodic episodes, but the heavy segments are... heavy.

And seriously, no one likes Bloodbath, what gives?
Holy fucking shit I had no idea Cynic had got back together. Praise gaf for enlightening me! Woooohoooo! New album, can't wait. It'll be like 1994 all over again!

Oh yea. I just got tickets to see Boris.
Shrike_Priest said:
And seriously, no one likes Bloodbath, what gives?

first Bloodbath EP was a godsend and finally a return to old school Stockholm Sweden death metal. Then their first full length came out and was a little dissapointed. :(
I can agree about that. Ressurection Through Carnage is quite uneven, while Breeding Death is golden through and through. RTC doesn't get much playtime from me. However, Nightmares Made Flesh is a clear improvement (though I prefer Åkerfeldt's vocals). The Unblessing The Purity EP is definitely another notch above. At this point I'd say: Unblessing the Purity > Breeding Death > The Fathomless Mastery > Nightmares Made Flesh > Ressurection Through Carnage.

Oh, and The Wacken Carnage would probably top that list. Sure some of the albums are uneven, but that set-list contains pretty much all the golden tracks.

If you liked the first, you should really give the later stuff a chance. It doesn't really share the same old-school sound, but it's killer none the less.
hmmm, shit, didn't know that Bloodbath put that many albums out. I will definately check out their later stuff.

Martin Van Drunen's new bands (Death By Dawn and Hail of Bullets) are fucking killer if you like that old school european death metal sound. Both sound like Asphyx/Pestilence/Grave

Yacobod- This Torture Squad band is fucking awesome. Been listening to it nonstop
Anyone else attend progpower USA this year? I had a blast.

Riverside, Iron Savior, Andromeda, Spheric Universe Experience, and Iced Earth were the performances that stood out for me.

Also picked up a few new cds. Anyone else heard of Darkwater? They are pretty awesome.


I'm planning on going to ProgPower next year mostly due to the fact that Diablo Swing Orchestra will be there. Such a good band.
Aske said:
That's not correct. The stave churches were always Christian churches; often built on ground held sacred by followers of the indigenous religion. They were constructed by converted Christians, but also by Heathen craftsmen under the yolk of enforced Christianity. Many of them display iconography from pre-Christian Germanic Pagan tradition, but this is more subversive than holy. The more Heathen the design of the stave church, the more delighted the builders would likely be by the idea of its destruction at the hands of enemies of the church.

Thanks for straightening me out on that. I was going by some comments by Necrobutcher of Mayhem on the church burning thing (from the separate Black Metal documentary on the second disc of Metal: A Headbanger's Journey). I actually don't know much about the history of stave churches.
I saw Apocalyptica last night at Center Stage in Atlanta. All I can say is if you have the opportunity to see this band live, take it. They played some of the most unbelievable Metallica covers I have ever heard. Plus, how many people can say they've seen 4 metal heads running around a stage playing the cello and headbanging?


pancakesandsex said:
Anyone else attend progpower USA this year? I had a blast.

Riverside, Iron Savior, Andromeda, Spheric Universe Experience, and Iced Earth were the performances that stood out for me.

Also picked up a few new cds. Anyone else heard of Darkwater? They are pretty awesome.

Yep. It was my third year (VI & VIII being my other ones). I really enjoyed Riverside, Elvenking, & Spheric Universe Experience. Sound was kind of shitty for Iced Earth and I was so tired by then that I didn't really enjoy their set that much.
I've heard a few others mention Darkwater but I've yet to give them a listen.
I'm really looking forward to next year.
Ceres said:
Yep. It was my third year (VI & VIII being my other ones). I really enjoyed Riverside, Elvenking, & Spheric Universe Experience. Sound was kind of shitty for Iced Earth and I was so tired by then that I didn't really enjoy their set that much.
I've heard a few others mention Darkwater but I've yet to give them a listen.
I'm really looking forward to next year.

Second year for me.

Lol did you see midnight on Wednesday? Awful! My friends and I had a running joke all weekend about upper decking his toilet.

Next year: Fates Warning, Pagan's Mind, AND Circus Maximus on the same bill? Hell yes!


pancakesandsex said:
Second year for me.

Lol did you see midnight on Wednesday? Awful! My friends and I had a running joke all weekend about upper decking his toilet.

I didn't go to Wednesday's show this year due to limited vacation days (going on my honeymoon in 6 weeks). I post on the PP forums though so I've seen a video and photos and can't say I'm disappointed I missed that particular set.

And I forgot to mention I really enjoyed Mustasch even though I hadn't liked what I'd heard beforehand.
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