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The Metal Thread

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I like doom metal, but mostly that up-beat doom (Iron Man, Witchfinder General, etc), I get your point, is just, I have depression. I try it to listen to this album and I felt a bit depressed, and I was just like, hell, I'm not gonna listen to this anymore just to worse things, so I changed my music and my mood got better. I mean... I just don't like being depressed, and I don't want to raise that. Sorry if I sounded close minded.

I'm currently on medication for depression and I have no problem listening to doom metal, if anything it's more relatable. I do see your point about listening to happier music though, this song usually cheers me up:



I like doom metal, but mostly that up-beat doom (Iron Man, Witchfinder General, etc), I get your point, is just, I have depression. I try it to listen to this album and I felt a bit depressed, and I was just like, hell, I'm not gonna listen to this anymore just to worse things, so I changed my music and my mood got better. I mean... I just don't like being depressed, and I don't want to raise that. Sorry if I sounded close minded.

When I'm depressed, listening to depressing music doesn't make me more depressed. If anything, it makes me feel better because "hey, someone else is feeling what I feel." I enjoy picking music based on my current mood anyway (as I'm sure most do). Cloudy, depressing day leads me to darker stuff. Bright, summer day gets me to listen to "happier" sounding stuff.

That's just me though. Not everyone listens to music in the same way. I personally love the dark/evil/depressing stuff.


more money than God
When I'm depressed, listening to depressing music doesn't make me more depressed. If anything, it makes me feel better because "hey, someone else is feeling what I feel." I enjoy picking music based on my current mood anyway (as I'm sure most do). Cloudy, depressing day leads me to darker stuff. Bright, summer day gets me to listen to "happier" sounding stuff.

That's just me though. Not everyone listens to music in the same way. I personally love the dark/evil/depressing stuff.
Same here.


Reads Ace as Lace. May God have mercy on their soul
The metal pendulum of anger and depression.

I wish that pendulum swung to death metal once in a while. hearing clips of doom/sludge/mud/snore/sleeping/manny paquiao metal from this thread is driving me mustaine,
I've been listening to the new Grave album these past few weeks, and I've come to the conclusion that I love Swedish death metal better than other regions of death metal (except Immolation, no one tops them). Any recommendations outside the most notable bands (Entombed, Dismember, At the Gates, etc.)?

God Macabre
Darkthrone (first album - Soulside Journey) Technically from Norway, but was always lumped in with the Swedish/Finnish stuff at the time.
Edge of Sanity
Hypnosia way later and was thrash worship.
Repugnant New old-school Swedish death metal.
Death Breath Another new, but old-school Swedish death metal and thats because its an all star of death metal legends!
Comecon. Strange band, but Martin Van Drunen did vocals on one of their albums.


Oh Morbid Angel.

I managed to pretty much completely forget about Illud Divinum Insanus,

then I listened to Altars of Madness again and remembered it.

I waited so long for that album :(

I love Morbid Angel's first three albums so much. I'm not sure if I should check out the rest of their discography(with the exception of Illud), but man, the first three rule hard.

Bit of a weird request, but does anyone have any recommendations for metal similar to Hell March 2? I suppose it falls under industrial, which led me to check out Godflesh. Diggin' it.


I love Morbid Angel's first three albums so much. I'm not sure if I should check out the rest of their discography(with the exception of Illud), but man, the first three rule hard.
I like the first two Tucker albums. Formulas Fatal to the Flesh is really good. If you like Covenant I see no reason why you wouldn't like Gateways.

Heretic is just a mess.
I love Morbid Angel's first three albums so much. I'm not sure if I should check out the rest of their discography(with the exception of Illud), but man, the first three rule hard.

Bit of a weird request, but does anyone have any recommendations for metal similar to Hell March 2? I suppose it falls under industrial, which led me to check out Godflesh. Diggin' it.

my avatar is a Godflesh reference. Listen to Godflesh. That C&C Hell March probably sounds closer to Slavestate/Pure era Godflesh:

also regarding Morbid Angel, you need to get your hands on the live album "Entangled In Chaos". Pete's drums are ridiculous triggered, but everything else sounds amazing. Actually everything on that live album sounds almost better than their studio albums except for Altars of Madness.

Morbid Angel - Blood On My Hands (Entangled In Chaos)

and still on the topic of Morbid Angel, i just saw this video of Pete Sandoval performing Mozart's 25th on drums, wtf: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LQqNJwa5lig


Darkthrone - Leave No Cross Unturned (from The Underground Resistance)

o_O Sounds utterly horrible, like it was supposed to be some kind of lame joke. I guess I shouldn't be surprised, considering their recent endeavors.



Is that Nocturno Culto on vocals? That song is ok but those vocals really turn me off. Is this what "new" darkthrone sounds like? I haven't heard anything past Panzerfaust.
that new Darkthrone is hilarious, not surprising though. Fenriz has got to be the biggest troll in metal. It's hard to believe that they've gone through quite a few style changes and are unable to dispel their best efforts (the Unholy Trinity).


Reads Ace as Lace. May God have mercy on their soul
Darkthrone - Leave No Cross Unturned (from The Underground Resistance)

o_O Sounds utterly horrible, like it was supposed to be some kind of lame joke. I guess I shouldn't be surprised, considering their recent endeavors.

and this is coming from a guy that's telling everybody that its good to read/see/hear dark humor once in a while. laugh mofo....laugh...


and this is coming from a guy that's telling everybody that its good to read/see/hear dark humor once in a while. laugh mofo....laugh...

Lolwut?! There's a difference between good and bad humor, however dark it might be. In this case, I think the humor is as dark as in Spinal Tap.


I love black metal but crosses turned are so freaking annoying, is the symbol of Saint Peter and thus of every Pope, it just makes me shake my head in shame.


I love black metal but crosses turned are so freaking annoying, is the symbol of Saint Peter and thus of every Pope, it just makes me shake my head in shame.

A friend of mine answered this once quite nicely.
Cross as a symbol predates christianity both as a religious symbol or as an ornament so this point could be extended to question the validity of the use the cross even as a christian symbol - early christians did not use the symbol.

There is no historical or scientific evidence that Peter ever was in Rome or died crucified head to the ground in Rome. That is legend. Otto Zwierlein concluded in 2009, in a critical study that “there is not a single piece of reliable literary evidence (and no archaeological evidence either) that Peter ever was in Rome” (Zwierlein, Otto (2009). Petrus in Rom: die literarischen Zeugnisse. Mit einer kritischen Edition der Martyrien des Petrus und Paulus auf neuer handschriftlicher Grundlage.)

The legend is not even in the bible, but comes to catholicism from Codex Vercellensis (370 CE). The very same text also tells about Peter resurrecting a herring and making dogs talk. Equal to someone using Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter -movie as a legitimate historical source when talking about the former president.
is there any place i can upload my stuff so others can listen? outside of Youtube.

i have a one man, Doom Metal band called "Perennial Quest" and i would like to share it with others.


A friend of mine answered this once quite nicely.

well whether it happened or not is irrelevant, symbols are symbols, an inverted cross is symbol of humility and is right there in the Pope's throne.

Symbols do change a lot so I guess the discussion is also irrelevant :p but I'll rather see pentagrams than inverted crosses.


more money than God
A friend of mine answered this once quite nicely.
Whether it actually happened or not isn't really the point. A reverse cross is the symbol of St. Peter, and I believe his point is that most bands use it in an attempt to "shock" Christianity, but don't realize its meaning. I doubt most bands use it because the "cross was used before Christianity, and thus, etc."

I mean, if these bands don't believe that a cross is the symbol of Christianity, then why a reverse cross?

well whether it happened or not is irrelevant, symbols are symbols, an inverted cross is symbol of humility and is right there in the Pope's throne.


well whether it happened or not is irrelevant, symbols are symbols, an inverted cross is symbol of humility and is right there in the Pope's throne.

Symbols do change a lot so I guess the discussion is also irrelevant :p but I'll rather see pentagrams than inverted crosses.

Whether it actually happened or not isn't really the point. A reverse cross is the symbol of St. Peter, and I believe his point is that most bands use it in an attempt to "shock" Christianity, but don't realize its meaning. I doubt most bands use it because the "cross was used before Christianity, and thus, etc."

I mean, if these bands don't believe that a cross is the symbol of Christianity, then why a reverse cross?

Purely for blasphemy perhaps, or an act of renouncing the faith they're brought up with.

If some new major religion in the coming centuries adopts a cross as their symbol, would that change its meaning and ownership again?

As for pentagram...
The pentagram was used in ancient times as a Christian symbol for the five senses. Medieval Christians believed that the "pentalpha" symbolizes the five wounds of Christ. The pentagram was believed to protect against demons.
Symbols, like festive dates, were assimilated to christianity from a variety of sources, in order to turn their meaning to suit theirs. So, wouldn't it be appropriate in this context to turn them upside down, ie. the right way again?

Diseased Yak

Gold Member
Don't mean to offend, but what's the point on listening to this album. Is very depressing music and if a person has depression, will only raise that. I don't get it.

Sorry to hear you have depression, that really sucks. I've actually been depressed in the last 6 months for the first time in my life (due to a 17+ year marriage ending), so I at least know what it feels like to be depressed.

Doom metal, especially slow, down-tuned doom, just doesn't affect me in that way. I can see how it would, though. If Pallbearer depressed you further, stay very very far away from the doom band Warning, please.

I just love the riffs, those slow, powerful riffs, and Pallbearer delivers those like few others. Not only did the music not depress me further, but it actually gave me goosebumps in parts because of how awesome it sounded to me. Very few bands do that.

I can totally understand where it might make your depression worse. I would suggest trying not to think of it as depressive music, but more like contemplative music. There's a reason why bands like Pallbearer, Sleep, Electric Wizard, and such are all associated with marijuana usage: the music is just supposed to be chill, by and large, not depressing.

In Other News: I've been going back through some of my favorite doom/stoner/psychadelic bands lately, and found an album I haven't listened to in a while:

Mammatus - The Coast Explodes

These guys are out of Santa Cruz and have only made two albums, this one (in 2007) and their first one, a few years previous to that, that I never have heard. The Coast Explodes wavers between Black Sabbath/Pink Floyd-esque psychadelic vibes, then suddenly plunges into the abyss of deep riffage. The vocals are almost like a chant or drone, very interesting and very unique.

Give them a dance: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F2gs6VubifU


If that's their purpose, then they're just getting the symbolism wrong. That's all.

How should people in non-Catholic countries (ie. Scandinavia) be aware of St. Peter? Especially as the whole story is historically inaccurate. Meaning, it's not taught in schools.


more money than God
How should people in non-Catholic countries (ie. Scandinavia) be aware of St. Peter? Especially as the whole story is historically inaccurate. Meaning, it's not taught in schools.
You must be completely joking if you think you have to be a Catholic to know about St. Peter. When St. Peter started the Church (or became the first Pope, legend or not), it was a unified Church, not just the Roman Catholic Church. I'm from fucking Iraq, and I know his story. The point is if you're trying to disparage a religion, and trying to make a point about it through symbolism, you should probably know what that symbolism means. Otherwise, it just makes it look silly.

Then again, and this is just my personal opinion, the whole notion of Anti-Christianity in Metal, especially in Scandinavia, seems silly to me, lol.


You must be completely joking if you think you have to be a Catholic to know about St. Peter. When St. Peter started the Church (or became the first Pope, legend or not), it was a unified Church, not just the Roman Catholic Church. I'm from fucking Iraq, and I know his story. The point is if you're trying to disparage a religion, and trying to make a point about it through symbolism, you should probably know what that symbolism means. Otherwise, it just makes it look silly.

Then again, and this is just my personal opinion, the whole notion of Anti-Christianity in Metal, especially in Scandinavia, seems silly to me, lol.

What I meant was, that the crucifixion of St. Peter is not taught in schools, or at least wasn't in my time in the 80's and 90's. Of course the character himself is known, and included in school lessons.

The vice versa could be said as well, should the christians and catholics themselves know the history and the meaning of the symbols they're using, and the festivals they're celebrating?


more money than God
What I meant was, that the crucifixion of St. Peter is not taught in schools, or at least wasn't in my time in the 80's and 90's. Of course the character himself is known, and included in school lessons.

The vice versa could be said as well, should the christians and catholics themselves know the history and the meaning of the symbols they're using, and the festivals they're celebrating?
It doesn't matter if it's taught in schools. If you're starting a band that's trying to disparage Christianity, then you should know about it. If a Christian (and it's not "Christians and Catholics", Catholics are Christians) wants to start a band that disparages paganism, then it's their responsibility to know about the symbolism that they're using.

Diseased Yak

Gold Member
here's the first 2 tracks of one of my one-man-band projects, "Perennial Quest".

it's done in FL Studio, with whatever comes by default. i also have no musical training whatsoever.

Perennial Quest - Singularity

Perennial Quest - Cosmic Inflation

i hope you guys enjoy, i'll upload the remaining 4 songs later.

Great job, especially for someone with no musical training. I like the layering of stuff you get going on in the 2nd track.


It doesn't matter if it's taught in schools. If you're starting a band that's trying to disparage Christianity, then you should know about it. If a Christian (and it's not "Christians and Catholics", Catholics are Christians) wants to start a band that disparages paganism, then it's their responsibility to know about the symbolism that they're using.

Why exactly? Catholicism is non-existent in Scandinavia, and the inverted St. Peter isn't relevant in Scandinavian christendom. The original meanings of the symbols, that predate christianity, should be far more important to those who don't hold the christian faith. After all, if you don't believe in their deities, why should you believe in what their symbols are supposed to meant? And like I said before, don't the christians/catholics have the same responsibility, as they're using the symbols of their adversary? The road goes both ways.


more money than God
Why exactly? Catholicism is non-existent in Scandinavia, and the inverted St. Peter isn't relevant in Scandinavian christendom. The original meanings of the symbols, that predate christianity, should be far more important to those who don't hold the christian faith. After all, if you don't believe in their deities, why should you believe in what their symbols are supposed to meant? And like I said before, don't the christians/catholics have the same responsibility, as they're using the symbols of their adversary? The road goes both ways.
Once again, Catholicism is a part of Christianity. St. Peter is an important part of all Christianity, anywhere. And as you said, the reverse cross is used by these bands to disparage Christianity, not to uphold some symbol that predates Christianity. Like I said, if a Christian band comes out disparaging paganism, then they should understand the symbols, as well. All I'm saying is that using a reverse cross in an attempt to disparage Christianity shows a lack of understanding, that's all.

And why do you keep separating Catholics and Christians? Catholics are Christians. Using "christians/catholics" is redundant.


Once again, Catholicism is a part of Christianity. St. Peter is an important part of all Christianity, anywhere. And as you said, the reverse cross is used by these bands to disparage Christianity, not to uphold some symbol that predates Christianity. Like I said, if a Christian band comes out disparaging paganism, then they should understand the symbols, as well. All I'm saying is that using a reverse cross in an attempt to disparage Christianity shows a lack of understanding, that's all.

And why do you keep separating Catholics and Christians? Catholics are Christians. Using "christians/catholics" is redundant.

And once again, it's not a part of christianity in Scandinavia. Aren't christians in general disparaging paganism?

Catholics are christians, but not all christians are catholic.


more money than God
And once again, it's not a part of christianity in Scandinavia. Aren't christians in general disparaging paganism?

Catholics are christians, but not all christians are catholic.
But once again, St. Peter is apart of all of Christianity, not just Catholicism. St. Peter being crucified upside down on a cross is not a part of Catholic history, it's a part of all of Christianity's history. Maybe you could argue that Christians indirectly disparages paganism, but even then, one ignorance doesn't justify another. If you create a band with an intent to disparage Christianity, then it's your responsibility to know Christianity (which includes St. Peter).
Great job, especially for someone with no musical training. I like the layering of stuff you get going on in the 2nd track.


here's the first 2 tracks of one of my one-man-band projects, "Perennial Quest".

it's done in FL Studio, with whatever comes by default. i also have no musical training whatsoever.

Perennial Quest - Singularity

Perennial Quest - Cosmic Inflation

i hope you guys enjoy, i'll upload the remaining 4 songs later.

and here's the other 4 tracks. "Supernova", "We Are Here" and "Event Horizon" were the first ones i made and i feel they're the less "evolved" ones.

my favourite riff starts at 01:27 in "We Are Here" and my overall favourite song is "Entropy".

Perennial Quest - Supernova

Perennial Quest - We Are Here

Perennial Quest - Event Horizon

Perennial Quest - Entropy

tomorrow i'll try to upload my other album, from my other band called JCSN. it's... different that this.


But once again, St. Peter is apart of all of Christianity, not just Catholicism. St. Peter being crucified upside down on a cross is not a part of Catholic history, it's a part of all of Christianity's history. Maybe you could argue that Christians indirectly disparages paganism, but even then, one ignorance doesn't justify another. If you create a band with an intent to disparage Christianity, then it's your responsibility to know Christianity (which includes St. Peter).

I thought we went through that already. It seems you're stuck on repeat mode, and ignore some of the things I've said.

One might argue, that the church was created with an intent to disparage the beliefs and customs that predated christendom, but do all those working in the church know the origins of the symbols and festive dates? You can't blame the other, and pardon another.

As the argument seems to be, that some bands don't know about the tale of St. Peter's crucifixion, I'd like to know where does the idea of this supposed ignorance stem from? Are there any particular cases, where a band has been oblivious about it? I'd suspect it's more likely born of indifference to doctrines that they hold no faith in. After all, many bands seem to be more against christianity as an institute than a religion, an institute that affects their lives whether they want it or not.


more money than God
I thought we went through that already. It seems you're stuck on repeat mode, and ignore some of the things I've said.

One might argue, that the church was created with an intent to disparage the beliefs and customs that predated christendom, but do all those working in the church know the origins of the symbols and festive dates? You can't blame the other, and pardon another.

As the argument seems to be, that some bands don't know about the tale of St. Peter's crucifixion, I'd like to know where does the idea of this supposed ignorance stem from? Are there any particular cases, where a band has been oblivious about it? I'd suspect it's more likely born of indifference to doctrines that they hold no faith in. After all, many bands seem to be more against christianity as an institute than a religion, an institute that affects their lives whether they want it or not.
Once again, I have already said this. One ignorance doesn't pardon another. I don't really know how Scandinavian bands are having their lives affected by Christianity, but alright. However, and I'm sticking with this, if a band is using the reverse cross to disparage Christianity, then that's silly.


Once again, I have already said this. One ignorance doesn't pardon another. I don't really know how Scandinavian bands are having their lives affected by Christianity, but alright. However, and I'm sticking with this, if a band is using the reverse cross to disparage Christianity, then that's silly.

Well, many of the things you posted gave me the impression you're not familiar with Scandinavian ways. There's really no escape from the grasp of christendom over here whether you belong to the church or not, which might explain why some people go to extremes. Although there's more freedom now than there was 20 years ago, when I was a teenager.

Anyways, I guess that's enough of derailing the thread. Onwards to metal...

Behexen: By the Blessing of Satan


more money than God
Well, many of the things you posted gave me the impression you're not familiar with Scandinavian ways. There's really no escape from the grasp of christendom over here whether you belong to the church or not, which might explain why some people go to extremes. Although there's more freedom now than there was 20 years ago, when I was a teenager.

Anyways, I guess that's enough of derailing the thread. Onwards to metal...

Behexen: By the Blessing of Satan
I have multiple close relatives in Scandinavia, and I've been to Sweden and Norway multiple times. From what I've been able to see (and I admit that I'm not an expert), but Christianity's influence stems from a cultural perspective that seems to be intertwined in general Western society. Trying to escape that just seems silly to me.
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