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The Metal Thread

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Someone recommend me some good instrumental metal? Doesn't have to be "progressive".

Serpent Throne - Brother Lucifer. Finally got this album, great metal/stoner sounding instrumental band. Sounds like if you mixed old Sabbath without Ozzy, UFO, old Scorpions, plenty of riffs and harmonies. Very appropriately recorded and produced.

Zombi - Spirit Warrior. Not metal, but heavily synth/prog/space rock influence. Imagine the band Goblin (from the Dario Argento horror films) + 70's era Rush.

Canvas Solaris - Horizontal Radiant. I was pretty big into their first 3 albums. Pretty progressive technical metal without getting too wankery. There's some sensibility in what they do.


I've spent all day long revisiting Lykathea Aflame's masterpiece Elvenefris. I swear, the damn thing is the most criminally underrated masterpiece of the genre (Tech Death, for the unaware... but it has some very weird but awesome prog influences). Well, not underrated, as it's highly acclaimed, but it's lack of popularity kills me. =/ It's so damn good...


Someone recommend me some good instrumental metal? Doesn't have to be "progressive".

I posted a little bit earlier regarding Exivious and their brand new album "Liminal" (released 11/08/2013), but it didn't really seem to grab anyone. Check out the full album stream.
Easily my favorite instrumental release of the year. Tymon Kruidenier (ex Cynic) is godlike, not to mention Robin Zielhorst (ex Cynic) on bass... Just check out One's Glow and Immanent.

not to mention their old CD was fantastic as well

then just some other suggestions
Blotted Science (I'm assuming you already know of Blotted Science because of Ron Jarzomek (Gordian Knot, Spastic Ink, Solo projects))
Behold... The Arctopus
Direwolf (mostly instrumental)
Christian Muenzner
Hella (more or less instrumental math rock)
The Flying Luttenbachers (weird avant garde free wave/jazz/metal)

not really sure if you're into "extreme" instrumental metal, but Mick Barr and all his projects are pretty great
Thanks for all the recommendations guys! There are some I have already checked out and liked (Earthless, Scale the Summit, Canvas Solaris, etc.)

I'll check the rest out.

EDIT: I actually really love Earthless, though they are more psychedelic/stoner rock, so that's another story.
Someone recommend me some good instrumental metal? Doesn't have to be "progressive".

I'm a big fan of Marty Friedman's instrumental work.

Here is a newer track

I also really like some of Steve Vai's heavier stuff. It's not technically metal but, as far as instrumental goes, it's good.

Bad motherfucking Horsie

Vinnie Moore is good stuff too...

Mind's Eye full album

I also recommend Racer X (the instrumentals), and if you really want your mind blown, some of Paul Gilbert's solo stuff that is heavier.

Saw Katatonia and Paradise Lost yesterday (and Lacuna Coil, but well... nothing to write home about). Katatonia played Viva Emptiness entirely and had the best concert of the night I'd say. Still, I seem to be only a fan of Brave Murder Day so aside from Ghost of the Sun and other tracks I really like from the album I didn't really feel it that much.

Paradise Lost were celebrating their 25th anniversary and they had a very good set list, with songs from every album, even one from Lost Paradise which was maybe the best thing of the whole night. The bad thing is that the sound was not that good and that they did not seem very much into it, to be honest, kind of a bummer as I really wanted to finally see them live and left expecting a bit more. But well, it was a good concert anyway.

Some pics:




Paradise Lost were celebrating their 25th anniversary and they had a very good set list, with songs from every album, even one from Lost Paradise which was maybe the best thing of the whole night. The bad thing is that the sound was not that good and that they did not seem very much into it, to be honest, kind of a bummer as I really wanted to finally see them live and left expecting a bit more. But well, it was a good concert anyway.

I always feel like I'm not big enough of a fan to go to a band's anniversary show.

I was at ANTiSEEN's 30th anniversary show recently and there were so many long time fans there....and I've only been a fan of the band for a few years.
Some bands I've been listening to recently

Khors - Returned to Abandon (Or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Synths)
I definitely expected something different. I had some previous experience with Khors via the The Flame of Eternity's Decline/Cold compilation. Not a good experience, cause both of them are rather dull pieces of 'atmospheric' black metal. But I read somewhere that RtA was a lot better, it featured the keyboard player from Nokturnal Mortum and I recall something about comparisons to NMs masterpiece The Voice of Steel. So I was pretty pleased when I got it for a low price. Ukranian atmospheric BM here I come!
And then I started listening. Starts out with a nice atmospheric intro, that flawlessly transitions into a pagan black style track with potential. And then, after 1 minute I'm like wtf. Why would you mix cheesy synths sounds with this! Luckily it lasts only 20 seconds and the subsequent use of keyboards paints a nice picture some kind of wintery environment (followed by a nice folky segement). The rest of the track is pretty awesome, maybe that synthy sound was some kind of weird experiment.
Next track, starts out very nicely, a mix of powerful pagan black I can dig and maintains it throughout the entire track. But the last minute marks the return of cheesy synths. Why? Is this really the same guy who handled Voice of Steels excellent keyboards? Fourth track same thing. The fifth one introduced organ keyboard play, unusual sure but fitting, but sadly the synths were there as well.
Despite this, I've been listening to it a couple of times and I quite like it. In the end,this is a very nice brand of, at times atmospheric, pagan/black. The overall composition is very impressive and a massive leap over the compilation. I especially like the more black metal third track and the final track. I guess I expected a more folk/nature inspired record (and much more atmospheric), that's why the keyboards use annoyed me so much in the beginning. Recommended.

The Project Hate
An old band I return to from time to time. Not a band that really excited, but they have created a very enjoyable brand of death metal with Hate, Dominate, Congregate, Eliminate and Armageddon March Eternal (I don't listen to the rest). Death metal with industrial/symphonic elements and a very nice combination of harsh male and clean female vocals. The lyrical content fits the music so well: hilariously over the top anti-christian.

All Christians must burn for Satan
All Christians must burn for Me
All Christians must burn for Satan
All the Christians must burn...

Your leper Messiah - A disgrace to our kind
Your leper Messiah - Seek and you shall find
Your leper Messiah - His home is the crucifix
I see nothing but flesh - We are 666


And something different, black metal with amazing atmosphere


The Monolith Deathcult teasing their new release on their FB profile, looks like late 2014 release date.

I'll believe it when the album has a release date. They were teasing Tetragrammaton in 2011 I think...

I've spent all day long revisiting Lykathea Aflame's masterpiece Elvenefris. I swear, the damn thing is the most criminally underrated masterpiece of the genre (Tech Death, for the unaware... but it has some very weird but awesome prog influences). Well, not underrated, as it's highly acclaimed, but it's lack of popularity kills me. =/ It's so damn good...

Yes it's great, great tech death with a twist (not talking about the out of left field last track). Shame they haven't released more, are they even active anymore? Are you familiar with the Appalling Spawn releases, if so, how are they?

What a hideous site.
Hahaha Painkiller is absolutely horrible. I kinda dig the Hammer Smashed Face one though... >_> And the Trooper one is pretty good.

I barely listened to the Painkiler one, heh. No vocals melodies, pfft. Those solos were pretty funny in a bad way. I have to wonder how these sort of 8bit remixes would fit into our favorite games from the early days (although my first console was the SNES). I have a friend who digs them considering he grew up with Sonic on the Genesis.

This one is great. lol

The little pinch harmonic bit is awesome. They did a halfway decent job with the famed guitar riff, at least.


Old School Video game Style Heavy Metal! I don't know why, but these are just awesome, at least some of them anyway.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MqhkzjLIFLw (Painkiller)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9BgNGfYuCWQ (Hammer Smashed Face)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ro6jXIZiEfY (Freezing Moon)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kLRsu-P0vfk (The Trooper)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tgHN1RQB3DM (Moonchild)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wkSanMNHPI8 (Bless the Child)

I wrote an article about this phenomenon if that is interesting to you.

If anything be sure to check out 8-Bit Mayhem, which is a genuinely sequenced electronic record vs these midi/tab-generated tracks.


Yes it's great, great tech death with a twist (not talking about the out of left field last track). Shame they haven't released more, are they even active anymore? Are you familiar with the Appalling Spawn releases, if so, how are they?

Sorry, ain't familiar with them, never bottered to go and give them a listen, but perhaps I should...
Has everyone here always been into metal music? Personally I grew up listening to country. It wasn't until about 1985 that a friend of mine loaned me Bostons first album. Not metal, but my first listen to hard rock. Grew to Bands like Van Halen, Bon Jovi, Motley Crue, etc. Eventually Iron Maiden, Metallica, Anthrax, Megadeth, Tourniquet, etc. Still love what I grew up on. Everything from classical to pop, country to metal. Pretty much everything but rap (though I won't deny the talent of some of those artists)..


Has everyone here always been into metal music? Personally I grew up listening to country. It wasn't until about 1985 that a friend of mine loaned me Bostons first album. Not metal, but my first listen to hard rock. Grew to Bands like Van Halen, Bon Jovi, Motley Crue, etc. Eventually Iron Maiden, Metallica, Anthrax, Megadeth, Tourniquet, etc. Still love what I grew up on. Everything from classical to pop, country to metal. Pretty much everything but rap (though I won't deny the talent of some of those artists)..

The first music I really got into was rap actually. The early - mid 90's was the best time to be a fan of that genre though, IMO. Then I came into metal around '93 or so.

Now I've come around to country, bluegrass and roots music in general in the last decade.
My progress went like this (with all mentioned bands from each era still being my favourites to this day. It's not like one musical style or band overwrites another!!!) The following bands are the milestones leading into metal music:

David Bowie (obsession since I was 8) > The Who (starting the classic hard rock phase) > Led Zeppelin --> Black Sabbath (big time!) --> Metallica --> Pantera --> Cathedral/Sleep/High on Fire (kinda going full circle here in terms of metal style.)

Between all that there has been an ongoing obsession of "weird" music like Bowie, Zappa, King Crimson, Mahavishnu Orchestra and much more.
Has everyone here always been into metal music? Personally I grew up listening to country. It wasn't until about 1985 that a friend of mine loaned me Bostons first album. Not metal, but my first listen to hard rock. Grew to Bands like Van Halen, Bon Jovi, Motley Crue, etc. Eventually Iron Maiden, Metallica, Anthrax, Megadeth, Tourniquet, etc. Still love what I grew up on. Everything from classical to pop, country to metal. Pretty much everything but rap (though I won't deny the talent of some of those artists)..

I guess from me it went from rap -> techno and jpop -> power metal -> all metal.

I still listen to some rap, and I don't listen to techno or jpop at all any more.
Has everyone here always been into metal music? Personally I grew up listening to country. It wasn't until about 1985 that a friend of mine loaned me Bostons first album. Not metal, but my first listen to hard rock. Grew to Bands like Van Halen, Bon Jovi, Motley Crue, etc. Eventually Iron Maiden, Metallica, Anthrax, Megadeth, Tourniquet, etc. Still love what I grew up on. Everything from classical to pop, country to metal. Pretty much everything but rap (though I won't deny the talent of some of those artists)..

I grew up listening to a variety of music, although most of the stuff pre-Middle School was shit (with some exceptions). Youngest was the Beach Boys, who are most definitely not shit. I was only around 6 when I listened to some garbage like Aaron Carter, but I was around six and most kids around my age liked stuff on the same level of shit. Honestly, I don't remember much else in Elementary School, although I discovered an affinity for The Beatles. I became a part of band, so I spent most of my time listening to band music and practicing like crazy.

Long story short, I was listening to mostly crap, including a time where I listened to only crappy rap music (not good rap, like, say, Immortal Technique). I think somebody burned me a Punk Rock album, and that band was the first band I truly loved. I finally bought my first Metallica album when I was 13, and I've been hooked ever since. I since then developed in interest in music of all kinds, not just Metal, though. But Death Metal, ever since I listened first at 14 and became a full blown fan at 15, has always been my favorite genre to this day. I started branching into other genres when I was around 16, and never looked back.

Granted, I'm probably one of the youngest people here (22), so I still have tons of listening to do. I'm still new to Power Metal, for one, and there was a time where I sort of gave up on it earlier this year. It's coming to me, however. I've been so used to Death Metal all these years it's sometimes hard to adjust to the more melodic genres. I'm also working my way through Doom, although the genre is growing on me far easier than Power because I've always (theoretically, anyway) loved the style; I just needed to find the bands and I was previously too lazy to look for them. New developers for me this year would be Power, Doom, and old school Metal like Maiden and Priest. I've been listening to the latter since the early days, of course, but I don't truly have a thing for them until recently.
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