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The Metal Thread

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ACE 1991

I've recently been digging Between the Buried and me, after seeing them live two weeks ago. I love how they change from metal to a softer, more melodious tone during songs. Anyone recommendations of bands similar to them? Any good metal in general, although I'm not interested in the ultra hardcore stuff.


A scientist and gentleman in the manner of Batman.
ACE 1991 said:
I've recently been digging Between the Buried and me, after seeing them live two weeks ago. I love how they change from metal to a softer, more melodious tone during songs. Anyone recommendations of bands similar to them? Any good metal in general, although I'm not interested in the ultra hardcore stuff.
Every metalcore band ever.

But if you want a metal to non-metal dynamic, uh, I guess Opeth.


Just got back from the Adult Swim presents concert... It was awesome. Mastodon killed it and Dethklok was amazing as well. High on Fire opened and they are one of my new favorite bands, but Converge was "meh" to say the least.. All in all a good concert. My ears are still ringing :D


Pyke Presco said:
Opeth(Ghost Reveries, Coil, Deliverance): This group has grown on me tremendously. I now find the harsh guttural vocals more than listenable, and they have become one of my preferred bands to cycle through on my music programs. Also picked up the Candlelight Years and listened to some tracks off one of the 3 discs, but it didnt strike the same chords with me and I don't like those albums as much.

The albums on Candlelight Years are probably the most difficult to get into if you aren't a big fan of the vocals. Blackwater Park is much more listenable, and you should be able to pick it up quite cheaply.


sbarbati said:
Just got back from the Adult Swim presents concert... It was awesome. Mastodon killed it and Dethklok was amazing as well. High on Fire opened and they are one of my new favorite bands, but Converge was "meh" to say the least.. All in all a good concert. My ears are still ringing :D

St. Louis show? I was there too. Kicked a lot of fucking ass. High on Fire was absolutely sick, I can't wait to start getting into them now. Converge was godawful... truly one of the worst bands I've ever seen live.

I had heard really negative things about Mastodon live, but they fucking delivered. They were masterful playing through Crack the Skye

And of course Dethklok was the shit. Brendon Small seems like an awesome dude too

The crowd was actually really rough. That was some of the most intense moshing I've ever done. This one dude nailed his forehead right on my chin, heh, it must have hurt like a motherfucker for him. And god, I got so jealous when the weed started coming out. Smelled wonderful :(

Anyway, yes, hell of a show. Except now I'm running on three hours of sleep and have to go to school plus both of my jobs today. Hooray for being a responsible adult!
Found this old Cathedral album in my CD collection.

I always liked the melodic yet powerful riffs and the often hilarious vocals (on midnight mountain for example).


Who paid you to grab Dr. Pavel?
sbarbati said:
Just got back from the Adult Swim presents concert... It was awesome. Mastodon killed it and Dethklok was amazing as well. High on Fire opened and they are one of my new favorite bands, but Converge was "meh" to say the least.. All in all a good concert. My ears are still ringing :D
Who played first, Mastodon or Dethklok?


Dr. Strangelove said:
As far as I know the setlists are playing out as: High on Fire, Converge, Mastodon and then Dethklok.
Yea this is how they played. It was a good show except for Converge who were just out of place at this show...


Dr. Strangelove said:
Fuck all of you people hating on Converge live.

It's not that they were bad "live", its just that they were bad in general. I just don't see how screaming "fuck!" as loud as you can for half of your lyrics (which that's what it sounded like he was saying, but who the fuck knows or cares) and prancing around like a spazzed out crack head can classify as metal

Plus, it was criminal that a band as good as High on Fire had less play time than Converge


ACE 1991 said:
I've recently been digging Between the Buried and me, after seeing them live two weeks ago. I love how they change from metal to a softer, more melodious tone during songs. Anyone recommendations of bands similar to them? Any good metal in general, although I'm not interested in the ultra hardcore stuff.
Insomnium, sort of. Their new album moreso because of the addition of clean vocals.


bytesized said:
Hlidskjalf is my favourite Burzum album after Filosofem, it's simply amazing.
The S/T is my favorite, War is such an awesome song and I listen to The Crying Orc quite often for some odd reason.


So in order to work through the massive amounts of bands that I want to check out but can't afford to buy albums of/wouldn't even know where to start, I decided to set up a lastfm account. Unfortunately, its confusing the hell out of me. After the initial page when you register that asks you to type in some of your favorite artists, is the only way to add more artists by manually clicking "add to library" on their page? I know you can also add them if you are listening to the radio and a song comes on and you want them in your library (though I don't know why someone would listen to a radio station on the site that isn't the one they made for themselves). Anyway, I haven't been able to figure out how to get back to that first page where you can just type in the names of the bands you want. It takes so much less time doing it that way. The one thing I have really liked so far is the recommendations they have provided, but I'm going to say fuck it if I have to manually go to hundreds of different pages for artists to add them to my library. But maybe I'm just dumb and there IS a way to get back adding shit to your library by typing the artist

Are there any good alternatives to lastfm? Slacker radio or pandora or anything? Thanks guyz
If you install the plugin for winamp the songs you listen to will be added to the list. ;)
Edit: Oh, sorry, that wasn't your point, I see. Well, I don't know, I only listen through my player.


DieNgamers said:
If you install the plugin for winamp the songs you listen to will be added to the list. ;)

Are you talking about the scrobble feature? The thing is, I'm planning on using this to discover/check out bands I've never got around to listening to. The main reason for using this is to be exposed to new bands. I already have a huge list of bands I want to check out, but I just want a way to manually enter them in my library


Who paid you to grab Dr. Pavel?
Just type in a genre you like such as "thrash metal" or "black metal" and then listen to the radio, that will add artists you like and you can skip tracks to filter through the crap, unless I am misunderstanding.

Dr. Strangelove

EzLink said:
It's not that they were bad "live", its just that they were bad in general. I just don't see how screaming "fuck!" as loud as you can for half of your lyrics (which that's what it sounded like he was saying, but who the fuck knows or cares) and prancing around like a spazzed out crack head can classify as metal

Plus, it was criminal that a band as good as High on Fire had less play time than Converge
First, he certainly isn't screaming fuck. Jake's lyrics are pretty introspective and don't really contain any cursing to my knowledge. Second, Converge certainly incorporate a lot of metal elements in their music, but they're still largely a hardcore punk band. Although they have toured with Mastodon and High on Fire before, they ARE a bit out of place with the majority of the audiences the other two bands attract.

As far as the playtime goes-- Converge is fucking legendary in the hardcore scene at this point. They've been around for about two decades now and are beloved all over the globe. They're more deserving of extended playtime than any of the bands they're currently touring with.


corpserot said:
Got to meet Hatebreed and get some shit signed, awesome guys and I got compliments all around for that Morbid Angel shirt.

Show was awesome too, though I ate shit crowd surfing when I hit the front, security sort of failed to catch me.

Also, any Fallout 3 fans with 360s? Have an extra code for the premium theme to the first Metal-GAFer that PMs me.

Haha, I met Jamey Jasta back in 98 or so. I was wearing a Morbid Angel shirt then, and he was stoked. Very cool dudes.
So im listening to the new Pelican album "What We All Come To Need" and don't know what to think of it so far. Was expecting a heavier/doomier throwback sound of their ealier stuff ever since their announcement being signed to Southern Lord.

I'll give it a few more spins before i make a final judgement on it.


A scientist and gentleman in the manner of Batman.
Giant Robot said:
So im listening to the new Pelican album "What We All Come To Need" and don't know what to think of it so far. Was expecting a heavier/doomier throwback sound of their ealier stuff ever since their announcement being signed to Southern Lord.

I'll give it a few more spins before i make a final judgement on it.
It's no Australasia but at least it's more metal than their more recent post-rock-only snorefests.

And that last track with singing? Yeah none of that, please.

Dr. Strangelove

Phobophile said:
It's no Australasia but at least it's more metal than their more recent post-rock-only snorefests.

And that last track with singing? Yeah none of that, please.

First part: Yay.
Second part. Boo.
I really don´t get how Pelican are still around, I really don´t, they are trying to play a style they just don´t seem to get. They should get some lessons from Cult of Luna.


A scientist and gentleman in the manner of Batman.
bytesized said:
I really don´t get how Pelican are still around, I really don´t, they are trying to play a style they just don´t seem to get. They should get some lessons from Cult of Luna.
They DO get it. They got it on their first LP. Then they spent the past half decade trying to out-hipster themselves instead of doing what they know.



Anyone else heard of them? Just discovered them last week and absolutely love their sound.

The reason I ask like that is because I seem to be the only one of my friends who has heard of them.


Zerokku said:

Anyone else heard of them? Just discovered them last week and absolutely love their sound.

The reason I ask like that is because I seem to be the only one of my friends who has heard of them.

Yeah, they toured here last year and I saw part of their set. Was exhausted to left halfway through as I had never really been able to get into any of their albums in the time leading up to the show.
I actually really wanted to see the regular tour since they had Virgin Black opening which I love but the nearby shows were all weekdays.
Phobophile said:
They DO get it. They got it on their first LP. Then they spent the past half decade trying to out-hipster themselves instead of doing what they know.

This is pretty much true. Oh well, i'll still support them. City of Echoes wasn't half as bad as it was made out to be. The new one just doesn't grab me as much :\


...and that, kids, was the first time I sucked a dick for crack
Giant Robot said:
I can't believe I let this one slip by me, but I've just got into Kylesa. All because im going to see them tonight.


so fucking amazing.
Gotta go through their entire catalogue now.

This is very Queens of the Stone Age/KYUSS-like from what I'm hearing now. Damn solid recommendation.


Just read through the entire thread today and want to thank everyone whos posted in it. Thanks to this thread I've been introduced to


Just to name the ones I've enjoyed the most so far. I'm going to go broke because of this thread :lol

Amazing thread, keep it up.


Mecklemore Is My Favorite Wrapper
So. I've never listened to metal outside of Brutal Legend, but I now want to give the music a chance.

A GAFer in Gaming directed me to this thread for recommendations on where to start.

I don't know much about the genre, but this is what I like so far. Epic feel, vocals that aren't just screeching and anything that mentions fantasy elements. There is one song on there that uses to be what sounds like a symphony...

Any suggestions on a starting place?

ACE 1991

Just started listening to Mastodon... Wow, they're really good. I'm listening to albums in reverse order, it's interesting to hear them start from the less "metal" Crack the Skye to their older more raw stuff.


WanderingWind said:
So. I've never listened to metal outside of Brutal Legend, but I now want to give the music a chance.

A GAFer in Gaming directed me to this thread for recommendations on where to start.

I don't know much about the genre, but this is what I like so far. Epic feel, vocals that aren't just screeching and anything that mentions fantasy elements. There is one song on there that uses to be what sounds like a symphony...

Any suggestions on a starting place?

Power Metal is for you my friend.

Start with Blind Guardian.


Ravager61 said:
Power Metal is for you my friend.

Start with Blind Guardian.

This this this. Blind Guardian is not only the band that got me into metal, but they are still my favorite band of all time. Absolutely amazing vocalist, who is incredibly talented in the lyrics department, plus big epic sounds and really skillful guitarists/drummer.

Here is the song that made me fall in love with music... before this, I was listening to relient k and shitty mainstream pop

Blind Guardian-Battlefield

Such a fucking epic song (it deals with medeival warfare)
WanderingWind said:
So. I've never listened to metal outside of Brutal Legend, but I now want to give the music a chance.

A GAFer in Gaming directed me to this thread for recommendations on where to start.

I don't know much about the genre, but this is what I like so far. Epic feel, vocals that aren't just screeching and anything that mentions fantasy elements. There is one song on there that uses to be what sounds like a symphony...

Any suggestions on a starting place?
Perhabs you'll enjoy those classics:
sabbath - heaven and hell album
..and the following album, mob rules
Almost every song with Dio on vocals has demons, wizards and swords in it. :lol I prefer the Ozzy era but the two Dio Sabbath albums have their fans as well.

And yeah, I'm not a fan personally but this Blind Guardian song seems to be a fan favourite in every metal party and I guess you coulld call it epic.
mirror mirror ...oh, and this one:
bard's song


I never really listened to much pre-Demigod Behemoth, but i've been listening to Thelema.6 lately and I'd have to say it's my favorite album of theirs by far.

Anyone listening to the new Belphegor? The single sort of worried me, but the album as a whole is awesome.



Zerokku said:

Anyone else heard of them? Just discovered them last week and absolutely love their sound.

The reason I ask like that is because I seem to be the only one of my friends who has heard of them.

I have five of their albums and was a big fan in the beginning of the millennium. If you like doomish metal then get their Tales From The Thousand Lakes -album. It's considered their best and I agree with that. Elegy is also a good pick.


A scientist and gentleman in the manner of Batman.
DieNgamers said:
Perhabs you'll enjoy those classics:
sabbath - heaven and hell album
..and the following album, mob rules
Almost every song with Dio on vocals has demons, wizards and swords in it. :lol I prefer the Ozzy era but the two Dio Sabbath albums have their fans as well.

And yeah, I'm not a fan personally but this Blind Guardian song seems to be a fan favourite in every metal party and I guess you coulld call it epic.
mirror mirror ...oh, and this one:
bard's song
THREE Dio-era albums. Dehumanizer was released non-sequentially in 1992.


WanderingWind said:
So. I've never listened to metal outside of Brutal Legend, but I now want to give the music a chance.

A GAFer in Gaming directed me to this thread for recommendations on where to start.

I don't know much about the genre, but this is what I like so far. Epic feel, vocals that aren't just screeching and anything that mentions fantasy elements. There is one song on there that uses to be what sounds like a symphony...

Any suggestions on a starting place?

Bow to your new God then, Mr. Kai Hansen
WanderingWind said:
So. I've never listened to metal outside of Brutal Legend, but I now want to give the music a chance.

A GAFer in Gaming directed me to this thread for recommendations on where to start.

I don't know much about the genre, but this is what I like so far. Epic feel, vocals that aren't just screeching and anything that mentions fantasy elements. There is one song on there that uses to be what sounds like a symphony...

Any suggestions on a starting place?

Symphony X's The Odyssey:
Part 1
Part 2
[URL="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mAo8BBrU9Ps&feature=related"]Part 3

I recommended the album in the Brutal Legend thread, but here's the song in all it's epic glory. (metal interpretation of Homer's Odyssey)
Phobophile said:
THREE Dio-era albums. Dehumanizer was released non-sequentially in 1992.
Yep, I concentrated on their older work. I like After All the Dead but I don't listen to Dehumanizer very often for some reason. If we count the H&H album we have 4. ;)


I'm kind of bored so i'll recommend some really good bands from my country. Behold the mighty mexican metal!


The Chasm: For some people, the best latin Death Metal band ever. Great melodic solos and terrific production values, which is quite rare in the mexican scene. My favorite album is Procession to the Infraworld, great way to love them.


EK: Cool fusion of aztec instruments and sounds with Death influences (and Children of Bodom-like guitars). They're from my hometown, Guadalajara and only have this self-titled album.


EzLink said:
Wow, so far this is amazing. I've been meaning to get into Symphony X for a while, I've just never gotten around to it

Would this album be the best place to start? Or maybe Paradise Lost?

I think Paradise Lost is the best album overall that theyve put out, but Odyssey is a close second. I'd recommend both, I think theyre like 9 bucks a piece on itunes.


A scientist and gentleman in the manner of Batman.
Pyke Presco said:
I think Paradise Lost is the best album overall that theyve put out, but Odyssey is a close second. I'd recommend both, I think theyre like 9 bucks a piece on itunes.
I have to agree. They've finally honed their songwriting to include more riffs and have less Euro flower metal wanking drivel and keyboards.
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