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The Metal Thread

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Combovers don't work when there is no hair
Square Triangle said:
Please excuse my ignorance in thsi genre but I had a buddy introduce me to 'August Burns Red' and I'm not sure if they would be considered metal or not by some of you, but I did enjoy it. What other bands out there are similiar to that sound?

Offering breakdowns and lyrics and I can actually understand too.

According to Wikipedia they're metalcore, a genre I have little to no knowledge of. But maybe this would be to your liking?



Unconfirmed Member
Square Triangle said:
Please excuse my ignorance in thsi genre but I had a buddy introduce me to 'August Burns Red' and I'm not sure if they would be considered metal or not by some of you, but I did enjoy it. What other bands out there are similiar to that sound?

Offering breakdowns and lyrics and I can actually understand too.

You would probably enjoy bands like

I Killed The Prom Queen
Parkway Drive
Protest the Hero

I'm still listening To Kalisia and the song Confrontation/Communication came on. It gives off a Rammstein vibe.


A scientist and gentleman in the manner of Batman.
Zerokku said:
Haha Alright, which CD would you recommend picking up first then?

And yah, sounds like they'll fit me well. I'm very eclectic when it comes to my tastes in metal, though I tend to prefer melodeath or progressive. I'll listen to the occasional black, metalcore, old school stuff, hell even some nu-metal
Fragments of D-Generation is a good place to start then pick up Mind Tricks. They should be releasing a new album pretty soon.


Ceres said:
I can't think of any new bands. Most seem to go with a more melodic power metal than traditional power metal and doom bands seem to have some sort of cross genre aspect to them.
You've heard of Primal Fear, right? How about The Sword?
Neither, that will change soon.

Thanks guys for the suggestions, I'll check em out. And more would be appreciated.


Wrath2X said:
Neither, that will change soon.

Thanks guys for the suggestions, I'll check em out. And more would be appreciated.

I'm not really a fan of either but The Sword definitely have a Black Sabbath thing going on while Primal Fear is one of the more traditional power metal bands heavily influenced by Judas Priest/Halford. Hell, three of the original members were in a Judas Priest cover band before forming PF and Ralf was in the running for replacing Halford before Ripper got the spot.


Ceres said:
I'm not really a fan of either but The Sword definitely have a Black Sabbath thing going on while Primal Fear is one of the more traditional power metal bands heavily influenced by Judas Priest/Halford. Hell, three of the original members were in a Judas Priest cover band before forming PF and Ralf was in the running for replacing Halford before Ripper got the spot.
Nice, hopefully they gain my interest.


Zerokku said:
Edit: Also, to whoever suggested Insomnium to someone way back, thank you. They're quickly becoming one of my favorite bands.
That was me, and no problem. Since The Day It All Came Down is one of my favorite melodeath albums ever. So damn good.

and definitely check out Disarmonia Mundi too. Nebularium or Fragments Of D-Generation are good places to start.


corkscrewblow said:
That was me, and no problem. Since The Day It All Came Down is one of my favorite melodeath albums ever. So damn good.

and definitely check out Disarmonia Mundi too. Nebularium or Fragments Of D-Generation are good places to start.

Again, Thank you so much.

And wow. Nebularium has the worst album art I've ever seen.
Zerokku said:
Might as well ask for some recs seeing as how looking at recommendations for other people found me a lot of new bands. Some of my current favorites are -

Demon Hunter (The early stuff before they got too blatantly christian)
In Flames

If you can't tell, like I said previously, I love melodeath and progressive stuff, (especially melodeath with clean vocals thrown in) What would you recommend for me based on what I like? And no need to recommend the obvious stuff like Dark Tranquillity, already have them.

Anathema - Try out Judgement & Alternative 4


Zerokku said:
Might as well ask for some recs seeing as how looking at recommendations for other people found me a lot of new bands. Some of my current favorites are -

Demon Hunter (The early stuff before they got too blatantly christian)
In Flames

If you can't tell, like I said previously, I love melodeath and progressive stuff, (especially melodeath with clean vocals thrown in) What would you recommend for me based on what I like? And no need to recommend the obvious stuff like Dark Tranquillity, already have them.

Oh yeah, and in addition to Oceans of Sadness, check out anything Devin Townsend if you haven't.
Strapping Young Lad - City: SYL is basically his aggressive extreme metal band that has elements of progressive, doom, death, thrash, etc.
Devin Townsend Band/Solo - Terria: This is his more melodic stuff that sometimes tends towards rock more than metal and other times ambient.
Ziltoid the Omniscient: His rock opera. Just an all out weird album from him but a great listen if you can get past the Drumkit from Hell.
Devin Townsend Project: Something he's releasing 4 albums under with Ki being the only one available at this time and Addicted hitting shelves in Nov. Ki is a very mellow album with Addicted being a more commercial album and the third being "what he was trying to achieve with SYL." The 4th will be ambient.


Freak Kitchen has a new song up on their myspace. If you're not familiar with them, they're kind of an oddball band that's a bit progressive and extremely tongue-in-cheek.


Zerokku said:
Might as well ask for some recs seeing as how looking at recommendations for other people found me a lot of new bands. Some of my current favorites are -

Demon Hunter (The early stuff before they got too blatantly christian)
In Flames

If you can't tell, like I said previously, I love melodeath and progressive stuff, (especially melodeath with clean vocals thrown in) What would you recommend for me based on what I like? And no need to recommend the obvious stuff like Dark Tranquillity, already have them.
Mors Principium Est (all three albums are worth listening to, start wherever)
Kalisia - Cybion (I've recommended it in this thread before, easily album of the year for me. It's EXACTLY what you're looking for based on what you posted)
Kalmah - Swampsong and/or For The Revolution


Little late to the party here, but I just bought Dirt by Alice in Chains. Very heavy and surreal to listen to, knowing the fate of the lead singer.

Anyway, obviously everyone knows this already, but somehow I just started getting into them


corkscrewblow said:
Mors Principium Est (all three albums are worth listening to, start wherever)
Kalisia - Cybion (I've recommended it in this thread before, easily album of the year for me. It's EXACTLY what you're looking for based on what you posted)
Kalmah - Swampsong and/or For The Revolution

Perfect. Especially Kalisia just like you said :lol Sounds amazing, though not sure it'll beat out Amorphis - Skyforger or Insomnium - Across the Dark for me.
EzLink said:
Little late to the party here, but I just bought Dirt by Alice in Chains. Very heavy and surreal to listen to, knowing the fate of the lead singer.

Anyway, obviously everyone knows this already, but somehow I just started getting into them
Haha, I got into that album a little while ago, too. :) I think it's their strongest and heaviest. I really like that "Down in hole" ballad. :)
Anyway, obviously everyone knows this already
Edit: Based on most of the recommendations here I wouldn't count on that. ;)


I was sure it was this thread that someone posted about Animals as Leaders, or maybe it was one of the "What are you listening to?" threads. Anyways, pretty awesome technical instrumental band that a friend had recommended to me a while back, but I never really checked them out until recently when I found out that Navene from Animosity was the drummer.

Check out the vids on their myspace, Tosin Abasi has some pretty amazing guitar skills.
Ugh I tried listening to Parkway Drive when they were on tour with A Day to Remember. Could not take another song of theirs, I guess I'm just really picky or moody in my band selections? lol.


Square Triangle said:
Ugh I tried listening to Parkway Drive when they were on tour with A Day to Remember. Could not take another song of theirs, I guess I'm just really picky or moody in my band selections? lol.
This is The Metal Thread brotato.


sazabirules said:
Yet a guy can talk about Alice in Chains and you don't yell at him for that?

This tour will be awesome if true. I haven't heard Scale though.
Aren't AiC considered grunge metal?
EzLink said:
Aren't AiC considered grunge metal?
Grunge rock/metal whatever, yeah. I think it's totally legitimate to talk about them in a metal thread, most of the classic elements are there, at least on their first albums. :)


Ceres said:
I can't get the site to load for more details but....

Touring January 2010.
Between the Buried and Me, Cynic, Devin Townsend, Scale the Summit

Ffff... that is one NSFW forum. Sorry about that.

It was originally posted here: http://forum.atlantametal.net/viewtopic.php?p=41340&sid=1bc19be4770f2edebb1f8f6fa0159ed5 by the Masquarade

Devin posted in his twitter:
about 15 hours ago from web

Which I imagine is regarding the tour talk.
Just a quick recommendation, because it´s a band that most people don´t know about, specially for Entombed and Dismember fans (has members of both of them). It started as an Autopsy cover band, but then they started making their own songs and basically kicking ass. It´s basically Entombed with a more sludgy sound, i just fucking love it.

Some nice guy uploaded the whole album to youtube, and I made a playlist with it. Is it ok if i post it?

Anyway, here´s a couple of my favourite songs, although all their songs are equally amazing (at least from this album)

Murder Squad - Sent Home in a Box

Murder Squad - Impaled
bytesized said:
Just a quick recommendation, because it´s a band that most people don´t know about, specially for Entomeb and Dismember fans (has members of both of them). It started as an Autopsy cover band, but then they started making their own songs and basically kicking ass. It´s basically Entombed with a more sludgy sound, i just fucking love it.

I've never saw them as an Autopsy cover band, but a pure Autopsy worship band. Fucking excellent stuff.
Ceres said:
Touring January 2010.
Between the Buried and Me, Cynic, Devin Townsend, Scale the Summit

Holy shit. I'd love to see BtBaM and Cynic. This had better come near me, and not during the couple weeks in January when I'm out of the country.


Hey can anyone explain whether or not Amon Amarth is supposed to be funny? I find Dragonforce funny also, but a lot of people seem to genuinely like them, so I'm bit confused.

ACE 1991

bumbillbee said:
Holy shit. I'd love to see BtBaM and Cynic. This had better come near me, and not during the couple weeks in January when I'm out of the country.

BtBaM is amazing live, I saw them three weeks ago.


see5harp said:
Hey can anyone explain whether or not Amon Amarth is supposed to be funny? I find Dragonforce funny also, but a lot of people seem to genuinely like them, so I'm bit confused.
In what way do you find Amon Amarth funny?


A scientist and gentleman in the manner of Batman.
see5harp said:
Hey can anyone explain whether or not Amon Amarth is supposed to be funny? I find Dragonforce funny also, but a lot of people seem to genuinely like them, so I'm bit confused.
The only people who genuinely like Dragonforce are hardcore scenesters since they like shit that's wanky and plays at Mach 4.


corpserot said:
Most of their lyrics deal with Norse mythology, vikings,etc. so I don't really see whats funny. :/

Yeah, I really wouldn't lump them in with Manowar, but there is a touch of humor in the lyrics.

Witchfinder General

punched Wheelchair Mike
Woffls said:
Just got hold of some Meshuggah, any recommendations as to which album to start on?

Destroy Erase Improve is their best album.

EDIT: My wife finds Amon Amarth hilarious but I know deep down she loves the music. They're cheesy, but in an adorable way. Plus, Norse mythology is awesome.


Giving this baby a listen great album Lemmy is a fuckin God, if you haven't picked it up do it now


I'd say so there are some really good songs on it Heroes, English Rose, and One Short Life are my favorite tracks on this album. Rock Out is pretty good plus you can beat Lemmy yelling "Rock out with your cock out, impress your lady friends" :lol
Edit: you can find some of the tracks on youtube if you wanna give it a listen before you buy it.
saw Mastodon last night. they played Crack the Skye in it's entirety, which was decent...i guess i wanted more Leviathan since it's always been a fave of mine.

Dethklok was great, as expected. showed up late and missed High on Fire.


This poster pulses with an appeal so broad the typical restraints of our societies fall by the wayside.
scissorfight said:
saw Mastodon last night. they played Crack the Skye in it's entirety, which was decent...
They already did this on their tour earlier this year. I don't know why, but it seems strange that they'd do it again.

I'm pretty psyched for the new Krallice record... I don't think it's leaked yet, but Profound Lore is likely gonna start shipping copies in a few days. Probably my last big anticipated release for the year.


scissorfight said:
saw Mastodon last night. they played Crack the Skye in it's entirety, which was decent...i guess i wanted more Leviathan since it's always been a fave of mine.

Dethklok was great, as expected. showed up late and missed High on Fire.

Aw fuck man. They were so fucking awesome that I ended up enjoying them as much as mastodon/dethklok. And then I got back and bought their most recent album, which is fucking intense. I love it


A scientist and gentleman in the manner of Batman.
vatstep said:
They already did this on their tour earlier this year. I don't know why, but it seems strange that they'd do it again.

I'm pretty psyched for the new Krallice record... I don't think it's leaked yet, but Profound Lore is likely gonna start shipping copies in a few days. Probably my last big anticipated release for the year.
The new Krallice is guaranteed to be awesome after hearing them play a few songs off of the new album when they were touring with WitTR.

Unlike that disappointing Baroness


This poster pulses with an appeal so broad the typical restraints of our societies fall by the wayside.
Phobophile said:
The new Krallice is guaranteed to be awesome after hearing them play a few songs off of the new album when they were touring with WitTR.
Yeah, those new songs were so good that I didn't even care that they didn't play anything off the first LP.
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